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1、2008年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 _is a pagan poem which portraits a panoramic picture if the tribal society in British Island. ( A) The Legends of King Arthur ( B) Beowulf ( C) The Tall Tales ( D) The Canterbury Tales 2 In English poetry, a quatrain is_. ( A) a four-line stanze ( B) coup

2、let ( C) a fourteen-line stanze ( D) a terza rima 3 The Age of William Shakespeare is also called the second period of_. ( A) Elizabethan Period ( B) Victorian Period ( C) English Renaissance ( D) James Period 4 The well-known verse of “Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright/ In the forest to night/ What immo

3、rtal hand or eyes/ Could frame they fearful symmetry?“ is written by_. ( A) William Shakespeare ( B) William Blake ( C) William James ( D) William Bradford 5 Which of the following work is NOT written by John Milton? ( A) Paradise Lost ( B) Paradise Regained ( C) Julius Caesar ( D) Samson Agonistes

4、6 John Bunyan uses the everyday world of common experience as a metaphor for the spiritual journey of the soul toward God in his_. ( A) The Pilgrims Progress ( B) Lycidas ( C) The Fairy Queen ( D) Don Juan 7 In the 18th century,_found its expression chiefly in poetry, especially that of William Blak

5、e and Robert Burns. ( A) neo-classicism ( B) realism ( C) sentimentalism ( D) pre-romanticism 8 All the following novels are written by the Bronte sisters except_. ( A) Jane Eyre ( B) Wuthering Heights ( C) Emma ( D) Professor 9 The first settlers who became the founding fathers of the American nati

6、on were quite a few of the_. ( A) Quakers ( B) Anglicans ( C) Catholics ( D) Puritans 10 It is a critical commonplace now that American literature is based on a myth, that is,_. ( A) the ancient Greek myth of Zeus ( B) the British myth of the Saint Grail ( C) the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden

7、( D) the legend of the Sleepy Hollow 11 In “the Great Awakening“_was the last great voice to reannounce the Calvinist stance. ( A) Benjamin Franklin ( B) Fennimore Cooper ( C) Jonathan Edward ( D) Anne Bradstreet 12 Romanticism in American literature stretches from_to the break forth of American Civ

8、il War. ( A) early 17th C ( B) early 19th C ( C) early 18th C ( D) Spanish-American War 13 Ralph Waldo Emersons_is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence“. ( A) Nature ( B) The Conduct of Life ( C) Representative Men ( D) The American Scholar 14 Imagist poems are mainly composed i

9、n the form on_. ( A) blank verse ( B) free verse ( C) sonnet ( D) quatrain 15 William Faulkner is NOT the writer of_. ( A) Herzog ( B) A Rose for Emily ( C) As I Lay Dying ( D) Go Down, Moses 二、名词解释 16 The Theatre of the Absurd (3 points) 17 The literary form of autobiography (3 points) 18 Local Col

10、orism (3 points) 三、分析题 18 This passage is an excerpt from Ernest Hemingways short story “The Killer“. Read it and answer the following questions: “Talk to me, bright boy,“ Max said. “What do you think is going to happen?“ George did not say anything. “Ill tell you,“ Max said, “Were going to kill a S

11、wede. Do you know a big Swede named Ole Andreson?“ “Yes.“ “He comes here to eat every night. Doesnt he?“ “Sometimes he comes here,“ “He comes here at six oclock, doesnt he?“ “If he comes.“ “We know all that bright boy,“ Max said. “Talk about something else. Ever go to the movies?“ “Once in a while.“

12、 “You ought to go to the movies more. The movies are fine for a bright boy like you.“ “What are you going to kill Ole Andreson for? What did he ever do to you?“ “He never had a chance to do anything to U. S. He never even seen U. S.“ “And hes only going to see U. S. once,“ Al said from the kitchen.

13、“What are you going to kill him for, then?“ George asked. “Were killing him for a friend. Just to oblige a friend, bright boy.“ “Shut up,“ said Al from the kitchen. “You talk too goddamn much.“ 19 Could you summarize the plot in this section? (3 points) 20 What is the writing style shown in this sec

14、tion? (4 points) 21 Comment on the construction of the killers image. (4 points) 2008年北京第二外国语学院英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、单项选择题 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 贝奥武夫是完 成于西元八世纪,约 750年左右的英雄叙事长诗,长达 3000行。故事的舞台位于北欧的斯堪的纳维亚半岛。是以古英语记载的传说中最古老的一篇,在语言学方面也是相当珍贵的文献。 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查诗歌的基本概念。 quatrain意为 “四行诗 ”, “couplet”意为 “对句

15、 ”, “terza rima”意为 “三行诗 ”。 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 莎士比亚生于 1564年,卒于 1616年,主要生活在英国文艺复兴时期的第二个阶段。伊丽莎白时代 (Elizabethan Period)指的是伊丽莎白一世于 1558年 11月 17日至 1603年 3月 24日任英格兰和爱尔兰女王的时期,她即位时英格兰处于内部因宗教分裂的混乱状态,但她不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大,富有的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如莎士比亚,培根这样的著名人物。英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。她的

16、统治期在英国历史上被称为“伊丽莎白时代 ”,亦称为 “黄金时代 ”。维多利亚女王在位的 63年期间 (1837年 6月 20日 1901年 1月 22日 ), 是英国最强盛的所谓 “日不落帝国 ”时期,她在位期间直到她去世后,到第一次世界大战开始的 1914年,英国都称为维多利亚时代(Victorian Period), 1914年以后,英国开始走向衰落。 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 老虎 (“Tyger! Tyger!”)选自经验之歌 (Songs of Experience),作者为英国著名诗人威廉 布莱克。 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 弥尔顿的代表作为失乐园、 复乐园以及

17、力士参孙。尤利乌斯 凯撒 (Julius Caesars)是莎士比亚以罗马故事为题材的三出戏之一,这部作品写品格高贵但不切实际的勃鲁托斯 (Antony Brutus),因执着于共和主义理想,受人利用,参与了杀害凯撒的阴谋,造成国家与个人的悲剧。勃鲁托斯是莎士比亚笔下那种符合人文主义理想的人。有人称勃鲁托斯为 “胚胎状态中的哈姆莱特 ”:他们都经常动摇在思想与行动之间。勃鲁托斯是一个具有承担重担素质的人。他意志坚定,头脑冷静。构成他行动的最大障碍的是他性格中有过多的善良成分。他想斗争,而又不希望流血,这就构成了一个无法解决的矛盾。这也是他内心不安与骚动的 主要原因。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试

18、题解析】 天路历程 (The Pilgrims Progress)被誉为 “英国文学中最著名的寓言 ”,作者是约翰 班扬 (John Bunyan)。利西达斯 (Lycidas)是英国诗人弥尔顿早年 (1638年 )写的一首悼亡诗。诗的题目源自维吉尔的田园诗 (Georgics)中一个牧羊人的名字。 利西达斯是一首田园挽歌,纪念在剑桥读书后来因海难而遇难的一位同学,同时这首诗还抨击了腐败的僧侣阶层。仙后 (The Faerie Queen)是英国诗人艾德 蒙 斯宾塞 (Edmund Spencer)于 1590年出版的史诗,全篇描写仙后格罗丽娅娜派出 12名骑士周游天下,每一名骑士具有一种美德

19、,首席骑士亚瑟王身兼 12种美德,所以得到仙后的爱。诗中的形象具有象征意义,仙后格罗丽娅娜 (Gloriana)意为 “荣耀 ”,象征伊丽莎白女王。仙后表达人文主义道德理想,歌颂冒险精神和征服的快乐、对现实生活的热爱。诗人在仙后中创造的诗体被称为 “斯宾塞诗节 ”。唐璜 (Don Juan)是拜伦的代表长诗,也是欧洲浪漫主义文学的代表作品。这部以社会讽刺为基调的诗体小说约 16000行,共 16章,虽未最后完成,但因其深刻的思想内容、广阔的生活容量和独特的艺术风格,被歌德称为 “绝项天才之作 ”。诗中描绘了 18世纪末至 19世纪初欧洲社会的现实生活,对英国贵族和资产阶级的拜金主义作了淋漓尽致

20、的揭露和讽刺。 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 彭斯 (Wiuiam Burns)与布莱克 (William Blake)的诗歌象征了 18世纪前浪漫主义的文学。英国浪漫主义时期常常分为三个时期:一、前浪漫主义时期,代表作家有布莱克、彭斯;二、早期浪漫主义,主要作家有华兹华斯、柯勒律治等人;三、 后期浪漫主义,代表作家为雪莱 (Percy Bysshe Shelly)、拜伦(George Gordon Byron)和济慈 (John Keats)。 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 勃朗特姐妹是指夏洛蒂 勃朗特 (Charlotte Bronte)、艾米莉 勃朗特(EmilyBronte

21、)和安妮 勃朗特 (Anne Bronte)她们是英国家喻户晓的作家:夏洛蒂 勃朗特的作品包括简 爱和教授;艾米莉 勃朗特的代表作为呼啸山庄 (Wuthering Height),小说描写了极端的爱情和 人格;而安妮 勃朗特的代表作则为艾格尼丝 格雷 (Agnes Grey)。 艾玛的作者是奥斯汀。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 美国的一批移民为受到政治迫害的清教徒,这些人后来成为了美国建国的支柱。贵格会 (Quaker),又称公谊会或者教友派 (Religious Society of Friends),是基督教新教的一个派别。该派成立于 17世纪的英国,创始人为乔治福克斯。圣公会 (

22、Anglicanism)为英国国教。 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 评论界一般认为,美国文学基于圣经中伊甸园的神话,在众多的美国经典文学作品中,美国西部都会被描绘成为充满机会的国度和伊甸园。 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 大觉醒运动 (The Great Aweakening)是在美国宗教史出现的数次基督教复兴运动。大觉醒运动亦被视为美国的宗教复兴,延续基督新教的宗教改革精神。该运动普遍认为对美国的思想、观念以至社会生活曾产生重大影响,亦确定了美国的宗教文化。乔纳森 爱德华 (Jonathan Edward)是发起大觉醒运动的领导者,奠定 该运动的发展。安妮 布拉兹特里特 (A

23、nne Bradstreet)是美国文学史上首位女诗人,也是清教主义思想的权威代言人,有着 “第十缪斯 ”的美誉。其代表作有写在我家失火之际 (On the Burningof Our House), 肉与灵 (The Flesh and the Spirit), 冥思 (Meditations), 致我亲爱的丈夫 (To My Dear And Loving Husband)以及她的孩子出生之前 (Before the Birth ofOne of Her Children) 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,是美国文学史上最重要的时期。华盛

24、顿 欧文出版的见闻札记 (The Sketch book)标志着美国浪漫主义文学的开端,惠特曼的草叶集 (Leaves of Grass)是浪漫主义时期文学的压卷之作。 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 爱默生的著名演讲美国学者 (The American Scholar)被认为是美国知识分子的独立宣言。 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析 】 本题考查诗歌的类型。无韵诗 (blank verse)又称白体诗,英语格律诗的一种。每行用五个长短格音步,由十个音节组成,每首行数不拘束,不押韵。音步类型都采取抑扬格五音步。这种文体多用在戏剧和叙事诗中。莎士比亚的戏剧和弥尔顿的失乐园都是用无韵诗写

25、成的。押韵的诗叫 rhymedverse。无韵诗不同于自由诗。无韵诗虽不押韵,但是有固定节奏,以抑扬格五音步最常见。自由诗 (free verse)是诗体的一种。 19世纪末 20世纪初源于欧洲。其体结构自由,段数、行数、字数没有一定规格;语言有自然节奏而不用韵。在 西方以美国诗人惠特曼为创始人。十四行诗 (Sonnet),又译 “商籁体 ”,为意大利文 sonetto,英文 Sonnet、法文 sonnet的音译。欧洲一种格律严谨的抒情诗体。最初流行于意大利,彼特拉克的创作使其臻于完美,又称 “彼特拉克体 ”,后传到欧洲各国。由两节四行诗和两节三行诗组成,每行 11个音节,韵式为 ABBA,

26、 ABBA,CDE, CDE或 ABBA, ABBA, CDC, CDC。另一种类型称为 “莎士比亚体 ”(Shakespearean)或 “伊丽莎白体 ”,由三节四行诗和两行对句组成,每行 10个音节,韵式为 ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG。意象派诗歌形式自由,无严格的韵律,应属于自由诗。 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 赫索格 (Herzog)是索尔 贝娄 (Saul Bellow)的代表作。小说描写了中产阶级知识分子在现代社会中的苦闷与迷惘,追寻和探索。这部小说也是贝娄涉及社会问题最多的一部小说,内容丰富,寓意深刻,分析精妙,手法多样,是贝娄小说叙述艺术的典范之作。它深深

27、地打动了广大的读者,引起了极大的轰动,得到了普遍的好评,为此获得了 1965年美国全国图书奖。 二、名词解释 16 【正确答案 】 Theater of the Absurd came about as a reaction to World War II. It took the basis of existential philosophy and combined it with dramatic elements to create a style of theatre which presented a world which can not be logically explain

28、ed, life is in one word, absurd. Needless to say, this genre of theatre took quite some time to catch on because it used techniques that seemed to be illogical to the theatre world. The plots often deviated from the more traditional episodic structure, and seem to move in a circle, ending the same w

29、ay it began. The scenery was often unrecognizable, and to make matters worse, the dialogue never seemed to make any sense. Samuel Beckett is probably the most well known of the absurdist playwrights because of his work Waiting for Godot. 17 【正确答案】 As a literary genre, autobiography, narrating the st

30、ory of ones own life, is a variation of biography, a form of writing that describes the life of a particular individual. The literary technique is distinguished from an autobiography or memoir by the stipulation of being fiction. Because an autobiographical novel is partially fiction, the author doe

31、s not ask the reader to expect the text to fulfill the “autobiographical pact“. One of the most interesting and equally controversial modern novels in the form of autobiography is Woman Warrior by Maxine Kingston Hong. 18 【正确答案】 Local colorism is a kind of fiction that came to prominence in the USA

32、in the late 19th century, and was devoted to capturing the unique customs, manners, speech, folklore and other qualities of a particular regional community, usually in humorous short stories. The most famous of the local colorists was Mark Twain. 三、分析题 19 【正确答案】 This section gives a conversion betwe

33、en Max the killer and George the waiter. Max wants to kill Ole Anderson the Swede and asks George for Oles regular time of visiting the restaurant. George asks for the reason, only to get the answer that the killing is to “oblige a friend“. 【试题解析】 本题考查作者对海明威小说杀手的理解,节选的故事内容比较简单,概括起来不是很复杂。 20 【正确答 案】

34、This section is typical of Hemingways “Iceberg Principle , one that gives given top priority to simplicity and economy of word use. In Hemingways own words, “If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing tru

35、ly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. The writer who omits things because he does not know them only makes hollow places in his writing.“ The language

36、used in the section is concise but clear, more telegraph-like than conventional greetings. 【试题解析】 本题考查小说的写作风格,其实也即海明威的写作风格。节选故事中简练的语言风格反映了海明威的 “冰山原则 ”。 21 【正确答案 】 The characterization of the section is reflected from the dialogues. The tone of the protagonists and the employment of slangs depict the

37、 vulgar and rough images of gangsters. Killer Max is talkative but silly, for he is about to give away the plan. The writer intentionally calls him “clever boy“ to intend the effect. Killer Al, on the contrary, is calm and cautious, seeming to be the leader. He speaks only twice in the excerpt but h

38、is words are important clues to understand the plot. His first sentence explains the reason for the killing and his second sentence stops Max from revealing the plan. 【试题解析】 本题考查杀手形象的塑造。由于节选的主题是对话,因此考生需要对人物对话要仔细揣摩。首先,从杀手说话的语气以及俚语的使用可以看出杀手们态度比较蛮横粗鲁。其次,对迈克斯 (Max)而言,他天性笨拙,在乔治的询问下,几欲把杀人计划和盘托出,却毫不知觉地称乔治 “聪明的家伙 ”(bright boy),从中看出作者使用 了反讽 (irony),对于艾尔 (Al),他却比较谨慎地制止了麦克斯的行为。


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