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1、2009年武汉大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、分析题 1 Give a summary of the main idea of the poem by William Wordsworth and give a brief comment on it in the context of English Romanticism. (10 points) TO THE CUCKOO NOT the whole warbling grove in concert heard When sunshine follows shower, the breast can thrill Li

2、ke the first summons, Cuckoo! of thy bill, With its twin notes inseparably paired. The captive mid damp vaults unsunned, unaired, Measuring the periods of his lonely doom, That cry can reach; and to the sick mans room Sends gladness, by no languid smile declared. The lordly eagle-race through hostil

3、e search May perish; time may come when never more The wilderness shall hear the lion roar; But, long as cock shall crow from household perch To rouse the dawn, soft gales shall speed thy wing, And thy erratic voice be faithful to the Spring! 2 Based on the Moll Flanders, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejud

4、ice, and Tess of the DUrbervilles, discuss the development of womens awareness of their status in love and marriage.(10 points) 3 The relationship between man and nature is a recurrent theme, and perhaps one of the most important themes, in American literature. Write a short essay on it by contrasti

5、ng two or three American literary works, or two or three American literary movements, to tell what you know about their different views of nature. (20 points) 2009年武汉大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、分析题 1 【正确答案】 This poem shows wordsworths view that nature can bring back memories. He uses the Cuckoo that he

6、hears as a man and it reminds him of when he was a schoolboy trying to search for it. “Thou bringest unto me a tale of visionary hours“ means that the cuckoo brought back so many memories to the speaker that he could envision them for hours. The poem is about childhood memories making an older man r

7、emember a Golden Age when something as simple as a cuckoo bird was amazing. The poem reveals Wordsworths aesthetic opinion in poetry creation: to express the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings over beauties of nature in the simple words and lyrics. 【试题解析】 本题考查华兹华斯的致布谷鸟,并以此分析英国浪漫主义诗歌的特点。浪漫主义诗歌

8、的本质特征是主观性与抒情性。浪漫主义者崇尚大自然,歌颂自然之美。浪漫主义者重视民间文学,艺术上喜用夸张手法,追求强烈的美丑对比和出奇制胜的艺术效果。考生可以此为出发点对诗歌进行分析。 2 【正确答案】 The 18th century is a very significant period in order to analyze how the society at that time dealt with love and marriages. Moll Flanders is a very good example of how women took advantage of marri

9、age. Here we find a woman that sees marriage as a business, where she can secure a social status, economic stability and companionship. Although love is secondary for her, she sometimes fined it. In the 19th century, property possession seemed to be the measure of womens position in the family. In P

10、ride and Prejudice, the main subject in the novel is stated in the first sentence of the novel, “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.“ However, Jane Austin also allows personal feelings of the characters to be expressed

11、 in her work. In the figure of Elizabeth, Austen shows passion attempting to find a valid mode of existence in society passion and reasons also comes together in the novel to show that they are complementary of marriage. The appeal for womens independence is even intense in Jane Eyre. The main quest

12、 in Jane Eyre is Janes search for family, for a sense of belonging and love. However, this search is constantly tempered by Janes need for independence. She is unable to accept Mr. Rochesters first marriage proposal because she realizes that their marriage one based on unequal social standing would

13、compromise her autonomy. Jane similarly denies St. Johns marriage proposal, as it would be one of duty, not of passion. Only when she gains financial and emotional autonomy, after having received her inheritance and the familial love of her cousins, can Jane accept Rochesters offer. In addition, Har

14、dys Tess presents a wretched picture of womens situation in the family. For characters in the novel, marriage is not about love, but rather social, financial, and religious prosperity. So the rebellious image of Tess is self-evident to the awakened womens awareness. 【试题解析】 本题考查女性主义意识在 18、 19世纪文学中的体现

15、。考生可以通过分析题中给出小说中女性角色的意识与行为对此进行作答。 3 【正确答案】 Throughout American Literature, many authors use the symbol of nature to correspond with the tone of their main characters. Good and attractive nature seems to reflect the good events happening in a characters life. Bad and repulsive nature imitates the bad

16、 events happening in a characters life. Going back to the times of transcendentalists and up to the more modern age views, it is common to see the author use nature as a major symbol of their story. Although nature is used frequently as a key symbol, the authors of the 18th and 19th centuries use th

17、is imagery differently than that of contemporary authors. Transcendentalism, to name a few, is the idea of man relating himself with nature. These people believe that God expresses himself through nature and if these people relate themselves to nature then they are relating themselves to God. As the

18、 representative, Emerson uses nature to help find his God. He does not use it to get away from the world. He believes that if he uses the world he can find his God and he can find his faults. Like Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne shared some of the beliefs of the transcendentalist. In The Scarlet Letter

19、 he continually relates nature to the main characters. When bad events occur he describes the repulsive nature and good events with appealing nature. He uses light vs. dark, village vs. forest, moon vs. sun, and constantly refers to roses or weeds. These symbols obviously separate good from bad. Tra

20、nscendentalism is thought of as goodness where as the puritans are usually referred to with bad nature. Towards the end of the 19th Century, religious views had changed quite a bit. At that time many laws changed and America was beginning it quest for equality. Kate Chopin was one of the most influe

21、ntial authors of the time, not only because she was a woman but also because she blended the new rights of the time into her stories. Like Self-Reliance and The Scarlet Letter, The Awakening uses nature as a symbol of freedom. The ocean was the major symbol in this story. It represents freedom, esca

22、pe and self-awareness. The ocean is a place where Edna can relax and come in touch with her inner-self. The ocean comforts her in a way hat nothing else can. The ocean does for Edna what nature in general did for Emerson. 【试题解析】 本题考查美国文学中人与自然的关系。在 18和 19世纪的美国文学中,自然常常与自由联系在一起。本题主要以爱默生、霍桑以及肖邦的作品,从自由的角度解读了自然的概念。


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