ASTM C71-2012 Standard Terminology Relating to Refractories 《与耐火材料相关的标准术语》.pdf

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1、Designation: C71 12Standard Terminology Relating toRefractories1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C71; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates t

2、he year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers terms particularly related torefractories and encompasses raw materials, manufacture,finished products, applications, and testing procedures.1.2

3、 When any of the definitions in this terminology arequoted or published out of context, editorially insert thelimiting phrase “in refractories” after the dash following theterm to properly limit the field of application of the term anddefinition.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C24 Test Me

4、thod for Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) ofFireclay and High Alumina Refractory MaterialsC181 Test Method for Workability Index of Fireclay andHigh-Alumina Refractory PlasticsC401 Classification of Alumina and Alumina-SilicateCastable RefractoriesC416 Classification of Silica Refractory BrickC456 T

5、est Method for Hydration Resistance of Basic Bricksand ShapesC492 Test Method for Hydration of Granular Dead-BurnedRefractory DolomiteC860 Test Method for Determining the Consistency ofRefractory Castable Using the Ball-In-Hand TestC909 Practice for Dimensions of a Modular Series ofRefractory Brick

6、and Shapes3. Significance and Use3.1 This terminology ensures that terms peculiar to refrac-tories are adequately defined so that other standards in whichsuch terms are used can be understood and interpreted prop-erly.3.2 This terminology is useful to those who are not conver-sant with the terms rel

7、ated to refractories. However, it is also aready reference for those directly associated with refractoriesto resolve differences and ensure commonality of usage,particularly in the preparation of ASTM standards.3.3 Although this terminology is intended to promote uni-formity in the usage of terms re

8、lated to refractories, it cannever be complete because new terms are constantly arising.The existence of this terminology does not preclude the use ormisuse of any term in another context.4. Terminology4.1 Definitions:abrasion of refractories, nwearing away of refractorysurfaces by the scouring acti

9、on of moving solids.acid refractories, n see refractories, acid.alumina-chromia brick, na refractory brick, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of a mix-ture of a high-alumina raw material and chromic oxide(Cr2O3), with the alumina (Al2O3) content being 50 % orgreater by weigh

10、t and with chromic oxide (Cr2O3) predomi-nating by weight among the other constituent oxides.angle of repose, nthe acute angle measured from thehorizontal to the slope of a cone-shaped pile of free-flowingmaterial.anthracite-coal-base carbon refractory, nsee carbon refrac-tory, anthracite-coal-base.

11、basic refractories, n see refractories, basic.bat, vto reject or discard a brick or shape.binder, na substance added to a granular material to give itworkability and green or dry strength.bloating of refractories, vsubstantial swelling produced bya heat treatment that causes the formation of a vesic

12、 fireclay, nsee fireclay, plastic or bond.burn, vthe heat treatment to which refractory materials aresubjected in the firing process.burning (firing) of refractories, vthe final heat treatment ina kiln to which refractory brick and shapes are subjected inthe process of manufacture

13、for the purpose of developingbond and other necessary physical and chemical properties.calcine, calcines, nrefractory material, often fireclay, thathas been heated to eliminate volatile constituents and toproduce desired physical changes.calcined refractory dolomite, nsee dolomite, calcined re-fract

14、ory.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C08 onRefractories and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C08.92 The Joseph E.Kopanda Subcommittee for Editorial, Terminology and ClassificationCurrent edition approved April 1, 2012. Published May 2012. Originallyapproved i

15、n 1927. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as C71 08. DOI:10.1520/C0071-12.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page o

16、nthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.calcining of refractory materials, vthe heat treatment towhich raw refractory materials are subjected, preparatory tofurther processing or use, for the purpose of elim

17、inatingvolatile chemically combined constituents and producingvolume changes.carbon-ceramic refractory, na manufactured refractorycomprised of carbon (including graphite) and one or moreceramic materials such as fireclay and silicon carbide.carbon refractory, na manufactured refractory comprisedsubs

18、tantially or entirely of carbon (including graphite).carbon refractory, anthracite-coal base, n a manufacturedrefractory comprised substantially of calcined anthracitecoal.carbon refractory, graphite-base, na manufactured refrac-tory comprised substantially of graphite.carbon refractory, metallurgic

19、al-coke-base, n a manufac-tured refractory comprised substantially of metallurgicalcoke.carbon refractory, petroleum-coke-base, na manufacturedrefractory comprised substantially of calcined petroleumcoke.castable, na combination of refractory grain and a suitableamount of bonding agent that, after t

20、he addition of a properliquid, is generally poured into place to form a refractoryshape or structure which becomes rigid because of chemicalaction (see Classification C401).2castable, adjcapable of being formed into a shape orstructure (typically by pouring after the addition of a suitableliquid) an

21、d then becoming rigid because of chemical reac-tion.chemically bonded brick, nsee unburned brick, na refractory brick, which may be burned orunburned, manufactured predominantly or entirely ofrefractory-grade chrome ore, and having a Cr2O3content of30 % or greater (see also chromic oxid

22、e brick).chrome-magnesia brick, na refractory brick, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of a mix-ture of refractory-grade chrome ore and refractory-grademagnesia in which the refractory-grade chrome ore predomi-nates by weight; the refractory-grade magnesia may be eitherseawa

23、ter magnesia, dead-burned magnesite, fused magnesia,or a combination of these ore, refractory-grade, na refractory ore consistingessentially of chrome-bearing spinel with only minoramounts of accessory minerals and having physical andchemical properties suitable for making refractor

24、y products.chromia-alumina brick, na refractory brick, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of a mix-ture of chromic oxide (Cr2O3) and a high-alumina rawmaterial, with the chromic oxide content being 50 % orgreater by weight and with alumina (Al2O3) predominatingby weight among

25、 the other constituent oxides.chromic oxide brick, na refractory brick, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of chro-mic oxide (Cr2O3) and having a Cr2O3content of 90 % orgreater by weight (may also be called chromia brick).concrete, refractory, na hardened castable.consistency

26、, nthe degree of mobility of a refractory castableas determined by Practices C860.corrosion of refractories, ndestruction of refractory sur-faces by the chemical action of external agencies.dead-burned, adjthe state of a basic refractory materialresulting from a heat treatment that yields a product

27、resistantto atmospheric hydration or recombination with carbondioxide.dead-burned magnesite, n see magnesite, dead-burned.dead-burned refractory dolomite, nsee dolomite, dead-burned refractory.diaspore clay, na rock consisting essentially of diasporebonded by bonded basic brick, na f

28、ired refractory in which thegrains are joined predominantly by a solid state diffusionmechanism.DISCUSSIONThe term “direct bond” was initially applied to firedmagnesia-chrome refractories.doloma-carbon refractory, na refractory brick manufac-tured predominantly from a mixture of refractory-gradedolo

29、ma and 2 to 20 % by weight carbonaceous materials,with resin, tar, pitch or a combination of these materials asthe bonding agent; the refractory-grade doloma may beeither dead-burned dolomite, synthetic doloma, fused do-loma or combinations of these materials, and the carbona-ceous material may be e

30、ither graphite, carbon black, or acombination of these materials.doloma, fused, nrefractory-grade material consisting pre-dominantly of lime and magnesia which has solidified froma fused or molten state.doloma-magnesia refractory, na refractory, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predomina

31、ntly of a mix-ture of refractory-grade doloma and refractory-grade mag-nesia in which the refractory-grade doloma predominates byweight.doloma refractory, na refractory manufactured predomi-nantly of dead-burned dolomite, synthetic doloma, fuseddoloma or combinations of these materials.doloma, refra

32、ctory-grade, na dead-burned or fused refrac-tory material consisting predominately of lime and magne-sia; the three principal types are dolomite, dead-burned;doloma, synthetic; and doloma, fused.doloma, synthetic, na refractory-grade doloma which hasbeen derived from blending magnesia and lime or do

33、lomiteand dead-burning to form a dense, hydration-resistant mate-rial; and having a MgO content of 30 % to 80 % by weightand maximum CaO content of 70 % by weight.dolomite, na carbonate rock consisting predominantly ofmagnesium carbonate (MgCO3) and calcium carbonate(CaCO3) in approximately an equal

34、 molecular ratio.dolomite, dead-burned, na refractory grade doloma whichis obtained by burning dolomite above 1450C long enoughto form a dense hydration-resistant material composedprimarily of lime and magnesia.C71122erosion of refractories, nwearing away of refractory sur-faces by the washing actio

35、n of moving liquids.firebrick, nany type of refractory brick specifically fireclaybrick.firebrick, insulating, na refractory brick characterized bylow thermal conductivity and low heat capacity.fireclay, nan earthy or stony mineral aggregate that has asthe essential constituent hydrous silicates of

36、aluminum withor without free silica, plastic when sufficiently pulverizedand wetted, rigid when subsequently dried, and of suitablerefractoriness for use in commercial refractory products.fireclay, nodular, na rock containing aluminous or ferrugi-nous nodules, or both, bonded by fireclay.DISCUSSIONI

37、n some districts such clays are called “burley” or“burley flint” clay.fireclay, plastic or bond, na fireclay of sufficient naturalplasticity to bond nonplastic materials.fireclay plastic refractory, na fireclay material temperedwith water and suitable for ramming into place to form amonolithic furna

38、ce lining that will attain satisfactory physi-cal properties when subjected to the heat of furnace opera-tion.flint fireclay, na hard or flint-like fireclay occurring as anunstratified massive rock, practically devoid of naturalplasticity and showing a conchoidal fracture.fused grain refractory, na

39、refractory made predominantlyfrom grain that has solidified from a fused or moltencondition.fused or fusion cast refractory, na solidified material madeby melting refractory ingredients and pouring it into molds(see also molten cast refractory).fused silica refractory, na product composed predomi-na

40、ntly of fused, noncrystalline silica.grain magnesite, nsee magnesite, grain.graphite-base carbon refractory, nsee carbon refractory,graphite-base.grog, na granular material produced from calcined or burnedrefractories, usually alumina-silica.grog fireclay mortar, nraw fireclay mixed with calcinedfir

41、eclay, or with broken fireclay brick, or both, all ground tosuitable fineness.ground fireclay, nfireclay or a mixture of fireclays that havebeen subjected to no treatment other than grinding orweathering, or both.ground fireclay mortar, na refractory mortar consisting offinely ground raw

42、ound refractory material, double-screened, na refrac-tory material that contains its original gradation of particlesizes resulting from crushing, grinding, or both, and fromwhich particles coarser and finer than two specified sizeshave been removed by screening.ground refractory material, single-scr

43、eened, na refractorymaterial that contains its original gradation of particle sizesresulting from crushing, grinding, or both, and from whichparticles coarser than a specified size have been removed byscreening.gunning, van application technique that uses a pneumaticmeans to transport a refractory m

44、aterial and place it onto acold or hot surface.gunning materials, refractory, nmixtures of refractoryaggregate and bond(s) specially prepared for gunning.hydration resistance, nthe degree to which a refractorymaterial resists chemical combination with water. Thisresistance is measured by either Test

45、 Method C456 or TestMethod C492, whichever is applicable.2insulating firebrick, n see firebrick, insulating.ladle brick, nbrick suitable for lining ladles used to containmolten metal.magnesia brick, na refractory brick, which may be burnedor unburned, manufactured predominantly or entirely ofeither

46、seawater magnesia, dead-burned magnesite, fusedmagnesia, or combinations of these materials.magnesia-carbon brick, na refractory brick manufacturedpredominantly of a mixture of refractory-grade magnesiaand 5 to 30 % by weight carbonaceous material, with resin,tar, pitch, or a combination of these ma

47、terials as the bondingagent; the refractory-grade magnesia may be either sea-watermagnesia, dead-burned magnesite, fused magnesia, or acombination of these materials; and the carbonaceous mate-rial may be either flake or vein graphite, carbon black, orpetroleum or metallurgical coke, or a combinatio

48、n of thesematerials.magnesia-chrome brick, na refractory brick, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of a mix-ture of refractory-grade magnesia and refractory-gradechrome ore in which the refractory-grade magnesia predomi-nates by weight; the refractory-grade magnesia may be ei

49、therseawater magnesia, dead-burned magnesite, fused magnesia,or a combination of these materials.magnesia-doloma refractory, na refractory, which may beburned or unburned, manufactured predominantly of a mix-ture of refractory-grade magnesia and refractory-grade do-loma in which the refractory-grade magnesia predominatesby weight.magnesia, fused, na refractory material consisting predomi-nantly of crystalline magnesium oxide which has solidifiedfrom a fused or molten state.magnesia, refractory, na dead-burn

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