1、Designation: C859 13Standard Terminology Relating toNuclear Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C859; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indi
2、cates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology standard contains terms, definitions,descriptions of terms, nomenclature, and explanations of acro-nyms and symbols specifically associated with
3、 standards underthe jurisdiction of Committee C26 on Nuclear Fuel Cycle. Thisterminology may also be applicable to documents not under thejurisdiction of Committee C26, in which case this terminologymay be referenced in those documents.2. Terminologyabsorbed dose, D, L2T-2, nabsorbed dose is the mea
4、nenergy imparted by ionizing radiation to a unit mass ofspecified material.DISCUSSIONThe SI unit for absorbed dose is the gray (Gy), definedas 1 J/kg.abundance sensitivity, nin methods of chemical analysis,the ratio of the ion beam intensity of the major isotope, M,to the background current at the a
5、djacent mass positions.Abundance sensitivity 5ion current at mass Mion current at M61(1)activity, A, T1, nthe measure of the rate of spontaneousnuclear transformations of a radioactive material. The SI unitfor activity is the becquerel (Bq), defined as one transfor-mation per second. The original un
6、it for activity was thecurie (Ci), defined as 3.7 1010transformations per second.alpha radiation, nis the spontaneous emission of an alphaparticle, composed of two protons and two neutrons with apositive charge of plus two, during the nuclear transforma-tion process.DISCUSSIONAn alpha particle is th
7、e same as a helium atom with noelectrons.alteration, nany change in the form, state, or properties ofmaterials.alteration mechanism, nthe series of fundamental chemicalor physical processes by which alteration occurs.alteration mode, nfor the prediction of long-term behaviorof materials, a particula
8、r form of alteration, for example:general corrosion, localized corrosion.alteration phase, nin materials interactions with theirenvironment, a solid phase formed as a result of materialinteractions, that replaces some amount of the originalphase; may form by precipitation from solution of in-situtra
9、nsformation of a chemically altered solid.alteration product, nsee alteration phase.analysis (physical or chemical), nthe determination ofphysical or chemical properties or composition of a material.analyte, nin method of chemical analysis, a sample compo-nent whose presence and concentration is of
10、interest.analytical sample, na portion of a material (solid, liquid, orgas) used in chemical, physical, or radiological analysis.back-reaction, nreaction between dissolved componentsand a material to re-form bonds that are broken duringdissolution of this material.becquerel (Bq), T1, nthe SI unit of
11、 measure for activity,defined as one transformation per second.beta radiation, nan electron that was generated in theatomic nucleus during decay and has a negative charge ofone.bias of a measurement process, na consistent or systematicdifference between a set of test results obtained from theprocess
12、 when measuring a property, and the accepted refer-ence value of the property being measured.canyon, nin the nuclear industry, a long, narrow, remotelyoperated, radiological facility.DISCUSSIONA large, heavily-shielded facility where nuclear mate-rial is processed or stored.chemical durability, nin
13、leach tests, the resistance of amaterial to alteration, dissolution, and release of itsconstituents, under the specific conditions of the test.continuing calibration blank check solution (CCB)inmethods of chemical analysis, a standard solution that has noanalyte and is used to verify blank response
14、and freedomfrom carryover.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C26 on NuclearFuel Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.01 on Editorial andTerminology.Current edition approved May 1, 2013. Published July 2013. Originally approvedin 1977. Last previous edi
15、tion approved in 2010 as C859 10B. DOI: 10.1520/C0859-13.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1continuing calibration verification check solution(CCV)in methods of chemical analysis, a standard solu-tion (or set of solutions
16、) used to verify freedom fromexcessive instrument drift; the concentration is to be near themidrange of a linear curve.continuous flow, nfor leach tests, the continual replacementof solution in the reaction cell with fresh test solution.control test, nfor leach tests, test conducted without aspecime
17、n to measure background concentrations in theleachant and contamination from interactions between testsolution and apparatus.crushed glass, nin a glass leach test, small particles of glassproduced by mechanically fracturing larger pieces of glass.cumulative fraction leached, nin leach tests, the sum
18、 of theamounts of a species leached during all leaching intervalsdivided by the amount of that species originally present inthe sample.curie (Ci), T1the original unit of measure for activity,defined as 3.7 1010transformations per second.devitrified glass, nan initially homogenous or phase sepa-rated
19、 glass, or both, that has partially crystallized duringcooling, heat treatment, or both.determination, nthe process of carrying out a series ofoperations specified in the test method whereby a singlevalue is obtained.diffusion coefficient, D, L2T1, nin diffusion modeling,anintrinsic property of a sp
20、ecies in a host matrix that relates (1)its concentration gradient to its flux (Ficks first law), (2) itsspatial rate of change in the direction of the concentrationgradient to the time rate of change in its concentration(Ficks second law), or (3) its mean square displacement totime (The Einsteins eq
21、uation).dose equivalent, L2T-2, na measure of the biologicaleffects of radiation dose from all types of radiation expressedon a common scale.DISCUSSIONThe SI unit for dose equivalent is the sievert (Sv),which is equal to 100 rem (specialized unit for human dose equivalent).Radiation dose equivalent
22、is often expressed in terms of microsieverts(Sv) or millirem (mrem).dose rate, L2T3, na quantity of absorbed dose received ina given unit of time.effective diffusion coefficient (effective diffusivity), De,L2T1, nin diffusion modelling, the value of the diffusioncoefficient of a species in a host ma
23、trix that includes theeffects of other processes (for example, adsorption) orphysical constraints (for example, tortuosity and constrictiv-ity) and which may not be known independently.DISCUSSIONThe value of Deis a function of temperature.electro-mechanical manipulator (E/M), na remotely oper-ated h
24、andling and lifting device, in which the variousmotions and functions are driven by electric motors oractuators.DISCUSSIONAn E/M is generally used in a hot cell or similar facilityon objects that are too heavy to handle with master-slave manipulators.It can be mounted on a crane bridge, wall, pedest
25、al, or ceiling.finite cylinder (finite medium), nin diffusion modelling,abounded body for which Ficks diffusion equation can besolved.forward glass dissolution rate, MT1, nin glassdissolution, the rate at which the glass dissolves into solutionat specific values of temperature and pH in the absence
26、ofback reactions.gamma radiation, nhigh energy, short wavelength electro-magnetic radiation which originates from the atomicnucleus.DISCUSSIONGamma radiation often accompanies particle emissionsassociated with radioactive decay. Gamma radiation has no electricalcharge.glass-ceramic, na solid materia
27、l composed of both crystal-line and glassy phases.gray (Gy), L2T-2, na gray is the SI unit of absorbed dose(1 J/kg).high density concrete, na concrete having a density greaterthan 2400 kg per cubic meter (150 lb per cubic foot).homogeneous glass, na glass that is a single amorphousphase; a glass tha
28、t is not separated into multiple amorphousphases.incremental fraction leached, nin leach tests, the amount ofa species leached during a single leaching interval divided bythe amount of that species in the test specimen before thetest.initial calibration verification check solution (ICV)inmethods of
29、chemical analysis, a standard solution (or a set ofstandard solutions) used to verify calibration standard levels;the concentration of analyte is to be near mid-range of thelinear curve that is made from a stock solution having adifferent manufacturer or manufacturer lot identification thanthe calib
30、ration standards.intrinsic dissolution rate, MT1, nin glass dissolution, thecomponent of the forward dissolution rate that depends onlyon the glass composition.leach test, nfor waste forms, a generic term for a test inwhich a solid material is contacted by a liquid, and therelease of constituents fr
31、om the material into the liquid ismeasured.leachant, nin leach tests, general term for the initial solutionwith which a solid is contacted and into which the soliddissolves or is leached.leached layer, nin leach tests, residual material at thespecimen surface from which some or all soluble compo-nen
32、ts have leached.leaching interval, nin leach tests, the length of time duringwhich a given volume of leachant is in contact with thespecimen before being removed for analysis and replaced byfresh leachant.C859 132leaching mechanism, nthe set of processes that controls thetransport of a species out o
33、f a specimen during leaching.linear range check solution (LRS)in methods of chemicalanalysis, a solution containing known concentrations of theanalytes that is used to determine the upper limit of the linearrange.mass bias or fractionation, nin methods of chemicalanalysis, the deviation of the obser
34、ved or measured isotoperatio from the true ratio as a function of the difference inmass between the two isotopes.master-slave manipulator (MSM), na device to remotelyhandle items, tools, or radioactive material in a hot cell.DISCUSSIONThe operator controls the master and the follower orslave replica
35、tes its movements to handle the material in the hot cell. Themechanical connection between the master and the follower is madewith metal tapes or cables. MSMs typically have lifting capacities of 9to 23 kg (20 to 50 lb).mockup, nin nuclear applications, a structure, utilities,components, and systems
36、 used to represent the physicalenvironment of a radiological facility in a non-radiologicalsetting.DISCUSSIONMockups are typically full scale representations used toassure proper clearances, accessibility, visibility, maintainability,performance, or operability of items to be subsequently installed
37、in aradiological environment.moderator, nin the nuclear industry, a material whichefficiently slows neutrons without absorbing them.DISCUSSIONIn general, materials containing large amounts of lowatomic weight materials, such as hydrogen, are highly moderating.Examples of moderators include water, gr
38、aphite, oil, paraffin wax,organic solvents, and polyethylene or other polymers.neutron radiation, nthe emission of neutrons from theatomic nucleus.DISCUSSIONNeutrons have an atomic mass slightly heavier than aproton, but have no electrical charge.on-peak spectral interference correction, nadjustment
39、smade in observed net intensity of peak interest to compen-sate for error introduced by spectral interferences.phase-separated glass, na glass composed of more than oneamorphous phase.pulsed flow, nin flow-through leach tests, the replacement ofsolution in a reaction cell with fresh test solution du
40、e to theregular periodic action of a mechanical pump.DISCUSSIONExcludes manual replacement of the test solution.quench standard curve, nin methods of radiochemicalanalysis, a relationship between sample quench and detec-tion efficiency. A quench curve for an isotope in a givencocktail and vial combi
41、nation is developed by counting aseries of standards containing the same activity of thatisotope, but each with different quench. Sample quench istypically quantified by variety of parameters.rad, L2T2, na unit of measure of radiation absorbed dose.See absorbed dose.radiation, nin the nuclear indust
42、ry, the emission that occurswhen a nucleus undergoes radioactive decay.DISCUSSIONThe emitted radiation types may include alphaparticles, beta particles, gamma rays, and neutrons.radiation shielding window, nan optically transparent as-sembly that provides a means for viewing into a hot cell orother
43、shielded facility and shields the operator from radia-tion.radiation streaming, na term used to describe the phenom-enon in which beams of radiation escape from an inad-equately shielded area.roentgen (R), M-1TI, na unit of measure for radiationexposure. It is equivalent to 2.58 10-4coulomb perkilog
44、ram of air.roentgen equivalent man (rem), M-1TI, na measure ofthe damaging effects of ionizing radiation to man. See doseequivalent.semi-dynamic leach test, nin leach tests, a leach test methodin which a specimen is exposed to fresh leachant on aperiodic schedule.semi-infinite medium, nin diffusion
45、theory, a body having asingle planar surface and extending indefinitely in thedirections parallel to the surface and in one direction normalto the surface.sequential flow injection, nin methods of chemical analysis,an automated non-chromatographic flow analysis techniquefor concentrating the analyte
46、s and separating them fromsample components by reproducibly and sequentially ma-nipulating flow of sample and reagents through a column ofsorbent material.sievert (Sv), L2T-2, nthe SI unit of measure for doseequivalent to humans.DISCUSSIONOne sievert equals 100 rem.single-pass flow-through test (SPF
47、T), na leach test inwhich solution is flushed from the system after contactingthe test specimen and is not re-circulated through thereaction cell.source, nin the nuclear industry, radioactive material thatemits ionizing radiation.DISCUSSIONTesting or calibration typically uses a closed or sealedsour
48、ce which has well-known properties.stoichiometric dissolution, nin leach tests, release of ele-ments into solution in the same proportion that they are inthe material subjected to the test.test result, nin methods of chemical analysis, the valueobtained for a given property from one test unit, which
49、 maybe a single observation or the combination of multipleobservations, as required by a specific test method.C859 133This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comment