ASTM D8-2011 Standard Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements《与道路和路面材料相关的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM D8-2011 Standard Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and Pavements《与道路和路面材料相关的标准术语》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: D8 11Standard Terminology Relating toMaterials for Roads and Pavements1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D8; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in pare

2、ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.BITUMINOUS MATERIALSRelating in General to Bituminous Materialsanionic emulsion, na type of emulsion such that a particularemulsifying agent establishes a predom

3、inance of negativecharges on the discontinuous phase.bitumen, na class of black or dark-colored (solid, semisolid,or viscous) cementitious substances, natural or manufac-tured, composed principally of high molecular weight hy-drocarbons, of which asphalts, tars, pitches, and asphaltitesare typical.b

4、ituminous, adjcontaining or treated with bitumen (alsobituminized). Examples: bituminous concrete, bituminizedfelts and fabrics, bituminous pavement.bituminous emulsion, n(1) a suspension of minute globulesof bituminous material in water or in an aqueous solution,(2) a suspension of minute globules

5、of water or of anaqueous solution in a liquid bituminous material.cationic emulsion, na type of emulsion such that a particularemulsifying agent establishes a predominance of positivecharges on the discontinuous phase.cut-back asphalt, npetroleum residuum (asphalt) which hasbeen blended with petrole

6、um distillates.DISCUSSIONSlow-curing materials may be made directly by distil-lation and are often referred to as road oils.cut-back products, npetroleum or tar residuums which havebeen blended with distillates.flux, na bituminous material, generally liquid, used forsoftening other bituminous materi

7、als.Relating Specifically to Petroleum or Asphaltsasphalt, na dark brown to black cementitious material inwhich the predominating constituents are bitumens whichoccur in nature or are obtained in petroleum processing.asphalt cement, na fluxed or unfluxed asphalt speciallyprepared as to quality and c

8、onsistency for direct use in themanufacture of bituminous pavements, and having a pen-etration at 25C (77F) of between 5 and 300, under a loadof 100 g applied for 5 s.asphaltenes, nthe high molecular weight hydrocarbon frac-tion precipitated from asphalt by a designated paraffinicnaphtha solvent at

9、a specified solvent-asphalt ratio.DISCUSSIONThe asphaltene fraction should be identified by thesolvent and solvent-asphalt ratio used.asphalt rock (rock asphalt), na naturally occurring rockformation, usually limestone or sandstone, impregnatedthroughout its mass with a minor amount of bitumen.aspha

10、lt-rubber, na blend of asphalt cement, reclaimed tirerubber, and certain additives in which the rubber componentis at least 15 % by weight of the total blend and has reactedin the hot asphalt cement sufficiently to cause swelling of therubber particles.naphthene-aromatics, na mixture of naphthenic a

11、nd aro-matic hydrocarbons which are adsorbed from a paraffinicsolvent on an adsorbent during percolation and then des-orbed with an aromatic solvent such as toluene.DISCUSSIONThe naphthene-aromatics fraction should be identifiedby the solvent, the solvent-asphalt ratio and the absorbing medium.nativ

12、e asphalt, nasphalt occurring as such in nature.polar-aromatics, na polar aromatic hydrocarbon fractionthat is adsorbed on an adsorbing medium from a paraffinicsolvent during percolation and then desorbed with a chlori-nated hydrocarbon solvent such as trichloroethylene.DISCUSSIONThe polar-aromatics

13、 fraction should be identified by thesolvent, the solvent-asphalt ratio and the absorbing medium.reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), nasphalt pavement orpaving mixture removed from its original location for use inrecycled asphalt paving mixture.recycled asphalt paving mixture, na mixture of reclaimeda

14、sphalt pavement with the inclusion, if required, of asphaltcement, emulsified asphalt, cut-back asphalt, recyclingagent, mineral aggregate, and mineral filler.recycling agent (RA), na blend of hydrocarbons with orwithout minor amounts of other materials that is used to alteror improve the properties

15、 of the aged asphalt in a recycledasphalt paving mixture.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D04 on Roadand Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.91 onTerminology.Current edition approved June 15, 2011. Published July 2011. Originallypublishe

16、d as D 8 12. Last previous edition D 8 94, which was withdrawn in 2007and reinstated in June, 2011. DOI: 10.1520/D000811.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.rock asphaltsee asphalt rock.saturates, na mixture of paraffinic

17、 and naphthenic hydro-carbons that on percolation in a paraffinic solvent are notadsorbed on the adsorbing medium. Other compounds suchas naphthenic and polar aromatics are adsorbed thus permit-ting the separation of the saturate fraction.DISCUSSIONThe saturates fraction should be identified by thes

18、olvent, the solvent-asphalt ratio and the absorbing medium.Relating Specifically to Tars and Pitchescoal tar, na dark brown to black cementitious materialproduced by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal.coke-oven tar, ncoal tar produced in by-product coke ovensin the manufacture of coke f

19、rom bituminous coal.“free-carbon” in tars, nthe hydrocarbon fraction that isprecipitated from a tar by dilution with carbon disulfide orbenzene.gas-house coal tar, ncoal tar produced in gas-house retortsin the manufacture of illuminating gas from bituminous coal.oil-gas tars, ntars produced by crack

20、ing oil vapors at hightemperatures in the manufacture of oil gas.pitches, nblack or dark-brown solid cementitious materialswhich gradually liquefy when heated and which are obtainedas residua in the partial evaporation or fractional distillationof tar.refined tar, ntar freed from water by evaporatio

21、n or distil-lation which is continued until the residue is of desiredconsistency; or a product produced by fluxing tar residuumwith tar distillate.straight-run pitch, na pitch run to the consistency desiredin the initial process of distillation and without subsequentfluxing.tar, nbrown or black bitu

22、minous material, liquid or semi-solid in consistency, in which the predominating constituentsare bitumens obtained as condensates in the destructivedistillation of coal, petroleum, oil-shale, wood, or otherorganic materials, and which yields substantial quantities ofpitch when distilled.Relating Spe

23、cifically to Testsnormal temperature, nas applied to laboratory observa-tions of the physical characteristics of bituminous materials,25C (77F).penetration, nthe consistency of a bituminous materialexpressed as the distance in tenths of a millimetre (0.1 mm)that a standard needle penetrates vertical

24、ly a sample of thematerial under specified conditions of loading, time, andtemperature.BITUMEN-AGGREGATE MIXTURESRelating in General to Combinations of BituminousMaterial and Aggregate that are Mixed, Spread onthe Job-site, and Compactedmaintenance mix, na mixture of bituminous material andmineral a

25、ggregate applied at ambient temperature for use inpatching holes, depressions, and distress areas in existingpavements using appropriate hand or mechanical methods inplacing and compacting the mix. These mixes may bedesigned for immediate use or for use out of a stockpile at alater time without furt

26、her processing.mixed-in-place (road mix), na bituminous surface or basecourse produced by mixing mineral aggregate and cut-backasphalt, bituminous emulsion, or tar at the job-site by meansof travel plants, motor graders, drags, or special road-mixingequipment. Open or dense-graded aggregates, sand,

27、andsandy soil may be used.plant mix, cold-laid, na mixture of cut-back asphalt, bitu-minous emulsion, or tar and mineral aggregate prepared in acentral bituminous mixing plant and spread and compactedat the job-site when the mixture is at or near ambienttemperature.plant mix, hot-laid bituminous emu

28、lsion mixtures, namixture of emulsion and heated mineral aggregate usuallyprepared in a conventional asphalt plant or drum mixer andspread and compacted at the job site at a temperature aboveambient.slurry seal, nan application of a fluid mixture of bituminousemulsion, fine aggregate, mineral filler

29、, and water to anexisting pavement. Single or multiple applications may beused.tar concrete, cold-laid, na plant mix containing a medium-viscosity grade of tar and a graded mineral aggregate,designed to be laid either shortly after mixing or when themixture is at or near ambient temperature.tar conc

30、rete, hot laid, na plant mix containing a high-viscosity grade of tar and a densely graded mineral aggregatedesigned to be laid at or near the elevated temperature ofmixing.BITUMENAGGREGATE APPLICATIONSRelating in General to the Application of BituminousMaterial on Prepared Aggregate or Pavement Sur

31、faceswhich are Covered with Mineral Aggregatepenetration macadam, na pavement layer containing es-sentially one-size coarse aggregate, penetrated in place by aheavy application of bituminous material, followed by anapplication of a smaller size coarse aggregate, and com-pacted. Multiple layers conta

32、ining still smaller coarse aggre-gate may be used.surface treatment, nan application of bituminous materialfollowed by a layer of mineral aggregate. Multiple applica-tions of bituminous material and mineral aggregate may beused.BITUMEN APPLICATIONSRelating in General to the Uses of Sprayed Bituminou

33、sMaterials not Involving the Use of Aggregatescrack filler, nbituminous material used to fill and seal cracksin existing pavements.dust binder, na light application of bituminous material forthe express purpose of laying and bonding loose dust.D8112fog seal, na light application of bituminous materi

34、al to anexisting pavement as a seal to inhibit raveling, or to seal thesurface, or both. Medium and slow-setting bituminous emul-sions are usually used and may be diluted with water.mulch treatment, na spray application of bituminous ma-terial used to temporarily stabilize a recently seeded area.The

35、 bituminous material can be applied to the soil or to strawor hay mulch as a tie-down, coat, nan application of a low-viscosity bituminousmaterial to an absorptive surface, designed to penetrate,bond, and stabilize this existing surface and to promoteadhesion between it and the constructi

36、on course that follows.tack coat (bond coat), nan application of bituminousmaterial to an existing relatively nonabsorptive surface toprovide a thorough bond between old and new surfacing.NONBITUMINOUS MATERIALSRelating in General to Nonbituminous Materialsaggregate, na granular material of mineral

37、composition suchas sand, gravel, shell, slag, or crushed stone, used with acementing medium to form mortars or concrete, or alone asin base courses, railroad ballasts, etc.coarse aggregate, n(1) aggregate predominantly retained onthe 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve: or (2) that portion of anaggregate retained

38、 on the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve.DISCUSSIONThe definitions are alternatives to be applied underdiffering circumstances. Definition (1) is applied to an entire aggregateeither in a natural condition or after processing. Definition (2) is appliedto a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for properties a

39、nd gradingshould be stated in the specification.crusher-run, nthe total unscreened product of a stonecrusher.dense-graded aggregate, nan aggregate that has a particlesize distribution such that when it is compacted, the resultingvoids between the aggregate particles, expressed as a per-centage of th

40、e total space occupied by the material, arerelatively small.fine aggregate, n(1) aggregate passing the38-in. (9.5-mm)sieve and almost entirely passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieveand predominantly retained on the 75-m (No. 200) sieve: or(2) that portion of an aggregate passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4)sieve

41、and retained on the 75-m (No. 200) sieve.DISCUSSIONThe definitions are alternatives to be applied underdiffering circumstances. Definition (1) is applied to an entire aggregateeither in a natural condition or after processing. Definition (2) is appliedto a portion of an aggregate. Requirements for p

42、roperties and gradingshould be stated in the specifications.fractured face, nan angular, rough, or broken surface of anaggregate particle created by crushing, by other artificialmeans, or by nature.macadam, dry-bound and water bound, na pavementlayer containing essentially one-size coarse aggregatec

43、hoked in place with an application of screenings or sand;water is applied to the choke material for water-boundmacadam. Multiple layers must be used.maximum size (of aggregate), nin specifications for, ordescriptions of aggregate, the smallest sieve openingthrough which the entire amount of aggregat

44、e is required topass.nominal maximum size (of aggregate), nin specificationsfor, or descriptions of aggregate, the smallest sieve openingthrough which the entire amount of the aggregate is permit-ted to pass.DISCUSSIONSpecifications on aggregates usually stipulate a sieveopening through which all of

45、 the aggregate may, but need not, pass sothat a stated maximum proportion of the aggregate may be retained onthat sieve. A sieve opening so designated is the nominal maximum aggregate, nan aggregate that has a particlesize distribution such that when it is compacted, the voidsbetwee

46、n the aggregate particles, expressed as a percentage ofthe total space occupied by the material, remain relativelylarge.rubble, nrough stones of irregular shapes and sizes, brokenfrom larger masses either naturally or artificially, as bygeological action, in quarrying, or in stone cutting orblasting

47、.screenings, na residual product resulting from the artificialcrushing of rock, boulders, cobble, gravel, blast-furnace slagor hydraulic cement concrete, all of which passed thesmallest screen used with the crushing operation and most ofwhich passed the 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve.soil aggregate, nnatural

48、 or prepared mixtures consistingpredominantly of stone, gravel, or sand which contain asignificant amount of minus 75-m (No. 200) silt-claymaterial.stone chips, nsmall angular fragments of stone containingno dust.Relating Specifically to Materialsbank gravel, ngravel found in natural deposits, usual

49、ly moreor less intermixed with fine material, such as sand or clay, orcombinations thereof; gravelly clay, gravelly sand, clayeygravel, and sandy gravel indicate the varying proportions ofthe materials in the mixture.blast-furnace slag, nthe nonmetallic product, consistingessentially of silicates and alumino-silicates of lime and ofother bases, that is developed simultaneously with iron in ablast furnace.clinker, ngenerally a fused or partly fused by-product of thecombustion of coal, but also including


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