ASTM D5094 D5094M-2009(2014) Standard Test Methods for Gross Leakage of Liquids from Containers with Threaded or Lug-Style Closures《加螺纹或有耳型密封罩容器中液体泄漏总量的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D5094 D5094M-2009(2014) Standard Test Methods for Gross Leakage of Liquids from Containers with Threaded or Lug-Style Closures《加螺纹或有耳型密封罩容器中液体泄漏总量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D5094 D5094M-2009(2014) Standard Test Methods for Gross Leakage of Liquids from Containers with Threaded or Lug-Style Closures《加螺纹或有耳型密封罩容器中液体泄漏总量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D5094 D5094M-2009(2014) Standard Test Methods for Gross Leakage of Liquids from Containers with Threaded or Lug-Style Closures《加螺纹或有耳型密封罩容器中液体泄漏总量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: D5094/D5094M 09 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Methods forGross Leakage of Liquids from Containers with Threaded orLug-Style Closures1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5094/D5094M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption

2、 or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods may demonstrate container/closureintegrity with threaded

3、or lug-style closures by the determina-tion of gross leaks in rigid and semi-rigid containers (up to 4 L1.06 g. Such tests may be used to indicate the ability of aliquid container to survive the distribution environment with-out leaking. These test methods may not be suitable todetermine the leak re

4、sistance of containers intended for trans-port of hazardous materials.1.2 Test Methods:1.2.1 Test Method A, Shipping Container Vibration andStorage Test, covers the ability of a shipping container and itsinterior packaging to protect the contents from leakage aftertransportation induced vibration an

5、d high-temperature storage.1.2.2 Test Method B, Shipping Container Vibration andVacuum Chamber Test, is suitable for individual containers andis usually less severe than Test Method A. The advantage ofTest Method B is the shortness of the test.1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound u

6、nitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to addre

7、ss the safetyconserns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of theuser of this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D996 Terminology of Packaging and

8、 Distribution Environ-mentsD999 Test Methods for Vibration Testing of Shipping Con-tainersD3198 Test Method for Application and Removal Torque ofThreaded or Lug-Style ClosuresD3474 Practice for Calibration and Use of Torque MetersUsed in Packaging ApplicationsD4169 Practice for Performance Testing o

9、f Shipping Con-tainers and SystemsD4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, orPackaging Components for TestingD7386 Practice for Performance Testing of Packages forSingle Parcel Delivery Systems3. Terminology3.1 General definitions for packaging are found in Termi-nology D996.3.2 Definit

10、ions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 gross leakany opening in the container or closureseal that produces visible leakage such that the container wouldnot be suitable for transport or subsequent distribution.3.2.2 leakany opening in a container which, contrary tointention, either lets conten

11、ts escape or permits substances toenter.3.2.3 leakagethat which passes through a leak.4. Summary of Test Methods4.1 Method A, Shipping Container Vibration and StorageTestTest specimens are filled to their expected fill capacitywith product or liquid simulating product and the closure isapplied to th

12、e container. Closures should be applied with thesame torque as would be encountered in production. Thespecimens are packed into shipping containers and vibrated.The specimens, stored on their sides, are subjected to 40C104F (or other conditions as appropriate) for four weeks.Each specimen is examine

13、d for leakage.4.2 Method B, Container Vibration and Vacuum ChamberTestTest specimens are partially filled with product or liquidsimulating product and the closure is applied to the container.Closures should be applied with the same torque as would be1This test method is under the jurisdiction of AST

14、M Committee D10 onPackaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.32 on Consumer,Pharmaceutical, Medical, and Child Resistant Packaging.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Published November 2014. Originallyapproved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D5094/D5094M 09

15、.DOI: 10.1520/D5094_D5094M-09R14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International

16、, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1encountered in production. The specimens are packed intoshipping containers and vibrated. Following vibration, theindividual specimens are removed from the shipping containerand subjected to 34 kPa 10 in. Hg vacuum

17、 for 10 min andexamined for leakage.NOTE 1Other levels of vacuum, or time, or both may be appropriate.5. Significance and Use5.1 These test methods are used to indicate the integrity ofthe container and closure system in the distribution environ-ment.5.2 These test methods measure the ability of the

18、 containerand closure system to prevent leakage when stored or trans-ported upright, inverted, or on the side.5.3 These test methods allow for comparison of container/closure designs of threaded and lug-style closures of similar ordifferent materials, or different manufacturers. These tests aresuita

19、ble for packaging development, engineering and toolingevaluations.6. Apparatus6.1 Method A, Shipping Container Vibration and StorageTest:6.1.1 Drying Oven, constant-temperature, equipped withmeans for ensuring adequate temperature control, 40 6 1C104 6 1.8F and air circulation, ambient humidity, or

20、otherconditions as appropriate.6.1.2 Torque Meter, with an appropriate scale which accu-rately measures within the expected torque range.6.1.3 Vibration Test Machine, the apparatus described in theApparatus section of Test Methods D999 may be used.6.2 Method B, Shipping Container Vibration and Vacuu

21、mTest:6.2.1 Vacuum Chamber, any suitable chamber capable ofwithstanding approximately one atmosphere pressuredifferential, fitted with a vacuum-tight seal. A vacuum gauge,an inlet tube from a source of vacuum, and an outlet tube to theatmosphere shall be sealed to the chamber. The inlet and outlettu

22、bes shall be equipped with shut-off valves. The vacuumgauge shall be laboratory quality with a full scale range of 0 to100 kPa 0 to 30 in. Hg.6.2.2 Torque Meter, with an appropriate scale which accu-rately measures within the expected torque range.6.2.3 Vibration Test Machine, the apparatus describe

23、d in theApparatus section of Test Methods D999 may be used.7. Sampling7.1 The complete test unit shall consist of the shippingcontainer, with interior packaging and the actual test specimens(container(s) and closure(s).7.2 A minimum of three specimens representing eachvariable, such as cap or bottle

24、 mold from each cavity but notless than ten specimens are to be selected. The total number ofspecimens may need to be increased to completely fill theshipping container. More than one shipping container may berequired.7.3 Select unused closures and unused containers that arewithin specifications.8.

25、Test Specimens8.1 Test Method AAspecimen shall be one container filledto expected fill capacity with product or liquid simulatingproduct. The closure is secured in accordance with Test Method BA specimen shall be one containerone-third filled with product or liquid simulating product. Thecl

26、osure is secured in accordance with Colorant should be added to the contents when neces-sary to give permanent indication where there is leakage.9. Calibration9.1 Calibrate the torque meter in accordance with PracticeD3474.10. Conditioning10.1 Store the shipping container components at ambi

27、entlaboratory conditions for at least 4 h before testing, or otherconditions in accordance with Practice D4332.10.2 Store the torqued container/closure test specimensupright at least 24 h at ambient conditions before commencingthe test.11. Procedure11.1 Apply closures to the containers according to

28、theApplication Torque Measurement section of the procedure inTest Method D3198.11.2 Test Method A, Shipping Container Vibration andStorage Test:11.2.1 Place the filled specimens in their shipping containeror in an appropriate carton so that they will remain firmly inplace during vibration.11.2.2 Pro

29、ceed as directed according to Test Methods D999(Method A1 or A2) 20 min each on bottom, top, and one side,or run an entire shipping cycle in accordance with PracticeD4169 (for multiple parcel shipments) or with Practice D7386(for single parcel shipments).11.2.3 Remove the specimens from the shipping

30、 containeror carton. Examine all specimens for visible leakage withoutremoving or disturbing the closure. Note the location(s) ofleakage.11.2.4 Place the test specimens on their sides (liquid incontact with finish/closure) in a container capable of holdingthe liquid should a leak develop. It is reco

31、mmended thatabsorbent blotting paper be placed beneath the samples to moreeasily detect leakage. Store the test specimens at 40 6 1C104 6 1.8F, or other appropriate temperature, ambienthumidity (see the Preferred Atmospheres listing in PracticeD4332) and inspect for liquid leakage at 24 h and at one

32、-weekintervals for four weeks. Note location(s) of leakage.11.2.5 At the conclusion of the test, remove the closure andinspect the threads for signs of leakage or crusting from partialleakage.11.3 Test Method B, Shipping Container Vibration andVacuum Chamber Test:D5094/D5094M 09 (2014)211.3.1 Place

33、the partially filled specimens in their shippingcontainer or in an appropriate carton so that they will remainfirmly in place during vibration.11.3.2 Proceed as directed according to Test Methods D999(Method A1 or A2) 20 min each on bottom, top, and one side,or run an entire shipping cycle in accord

34、ance with PracticeD4169 (for multiple parcel shipments) or with Practice D7386(for single parcel shipments) as desired.11.3.3 Remove the specimens from the shipping containersor carton. Examine all specimens for visible leakage withoutremoving or disturbing the closure. Note location(s) of leakage.1

35、1.3.4 Place the partially filled specimens inverted in abeaker or other receptable to contain leakage.NOTE 2Other orientations of the specimens may be appropriate.Orientation of the container should be such that suspected leak areas arecovered with the liquid inside the container.11.3.5 Place specim

36、ens in the vacuum chamber and closethe vacuum chamber.11.3.6 Close the chamber inlet valve.11.3.7 Open the chamber outlet valve and turn on vacuumsource so that the gauge rises slowly (from 30 s to 1 min) to34 kPa 10 in. Hg and close the outlet valve.11.3.8 Maintain the vacuum for 10 min.11.3.9 Part

37、ially open the chamber inlet valve and release thevacuum slowly (30 s to 1 min).11.3.10 Open the chamber.11.3.11 Remove the specimens and examine for leakage,cracks, or other visible damage. Record the results of thisexamination. Note location(s) of leakage.12. Interpretation of Results12.1 If there

38、 is leakage to the outside of the specimen, thepackage fails the test.12.2 If there is no leakage to the outside of the specimen thepackage passes the test.12.3 If there is leakage to the threads but not to the outside,the specimen may or may not be acceptable. This effect may beused as a comparativ

39、e evaluation between closures and moldcavities.13. Report13.1 Report the following information:13.1.1 Statement that testing was done in accordance withASTM Test Method D5094, Test Method A or Test Method B,or that the testing was done with indicated changes.13.1.2 Description of shipping cycle(s) u

40、sed: per PracticeD4169 or Practice D7386, or both.13.1.3 Materials of construction of the closure, liner andcontainer including finish and manufacturers designation.13.1.4 Description of the shipping container and interiorpackaging, the test frequencies, intensities, and durations used.13.1.5 Produc

41、t or substitute used and fill level.13.1.6 Statement whether or not leakage occurred and, ifpossible, a report of the location of each leak.13.1.7 Statement of the number of specimens included inthe test and the number of failures, if any.13.1.8 Conditioning time, temperature, and relative humid-ity

42、.13.1.9 Temperature and relative humidity of the test area.13.1.10 Time between application and removal of closures.13.1.11 Compilation of measured torques.13.1.12 If Test Method B is used, a statement of vacuum andduration.13.1.13 Statement of observations that may lead to im-provements.14. Precisi

43、on and Bias14.1 No statement is made about either the precision or biasof this test method since the result merely states whether thereis conformance to the criteria for success specified in theprocedure.15. Keywords15.1 closure leakage; container leakage; leak; leakage; liq-uid leakage; vacuumASTM

44、International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such rights, are enti

45、rely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standardsand

46、 should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on

47、 Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http:/ 09 (2014)3


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