ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf

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ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D6459-2015 4442 Standard Test Method for Determination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP) Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-Induced Erosion《测定防止山坡降雨侵蚀的冲.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D6459 15Standard Test Method forDetermination of Rolled Erosion Control Product (RECP)Performance in Protecting Hillslopes from Rainfall-InducedErosion1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6459; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforigin

2、al adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This test method covers the guidelines, requirementsand procedur

3、es for evaluating the ability of Rolled ErosionControl Products (RECPs) to protect hillslopes from rainfall-induced erosion. Critical elements of this protection are theability of the RECP to:1.1.1 Absorb the impact force of raindrops, thereby reduc-ing soil particle loosening through “splash” mecha

4、nisms;1.1.2 Slow runoff and encourage infiltration, thereby reduc-ing soil particle displacement and transport through “overlandflow” mechanisms;1.1.3 Absorb shear forces of overland flow; and,1.1.4 Trap soil particles beneath.1.2 This test method utilizes full-scale testing procedures,rather than r

5、educed-scale (bench-scale) simulation, and ispatterned after conditions typically found on construction sitesat the conclusion of earthwork operations, but prior to the startof revegetation work. Therefore this considers only unveg-etated conditions.1.3 This test method provides a comparative evalua

6、tion ofan RECP-to baseline bare soil conditions under controlled anddocumented conditions.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to inch-pound units, which are provided forinformation only and are not considered st

7、andard.1.5 All observed and calculated values shall conform to theguidelines for significant digits and rounding established inPractice D6026, unless superseded by this standard.1.5.1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/recorded or calculated, in this standard are regarded as thein

8、dustry standard. In addition, they are representative of thesignificant digits that generally should be retained. The proce-dures used do not consider material variation, purpose forobtaining the data, special purpose studies, or any consider-ations for the users objectives; and it is common practic

9、e toincrease or reduce significant digits of reported data to becommensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scopeof this standard to consider significant digits used in analyticalmethods for engineering design.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if a

10、ny, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Also, the user mustcomply with prevalent regulatory codes, such as OSHA (Oc-cupational Heal

11、th and SafetyAdministration) guidelines, whileusing the test method.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3(600kN-m/m3)D3740 Pr

12、actice for Minimum Requirements for AgenciesEngaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock asUsed in Engineering Design and ConstructionD6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in GeotechnicalDataD6475 Test Method for Measuring Mass Per Unit Area ofErosion Control Blankets (Withdrawn 2015)

13、3D6525 Test Method for Measuring Nominal Thickness ofRolled Erosion Control ProductsD6566 Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area ofTurf Reinforcement Mats1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D18 on Soil andRock; Subcommittee D18.25 on Erosion and Sediment Control Techno

14、logy; and isthe direct responsibility of Section .02 on Erosion Control Blankets (ECBs).Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2015. Published November 2015. Originallyapproved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D645911. DOI:10.1520/D6459-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM w

15、ebsite,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced*A Summary of Changes sec

16、tion appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1D6567 Test Method for Measuring the Light Penetration ofa Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM)D6818 Test Method for Ultimate Tensile Properties ofRolled E

17、rosion Control Products3. Terminology3.1 For common definitions of terms in this standard, referto Terminology D653.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 erosion control blanket (ECB) in erosion control, nadegradable material, composed primarily of processed naturalorganic materia

18、ls, manufactured or fabricated into rolls de-signed to reduce soil erosion and assist in the growth, estab-lishment and protection of vegetation.3.2.2 rolled erosion control product (RECP) in erosioncontrol, na temporary degradable or long-term non-degradable material manufactured or fabricated into

19、 rollsdesigned to reduce soil erosion and assist in the growth,establishment, and protection of vegetation.3.2.3 turf reinforcement mat (TRM), in erosion control, nanon-degradable geosynthetic or geocomposite processed into amatrix sufficient to increase the stability threshold of otherwiseunreinfor

20、ced established vegetation. DiscussionProducts in this category may incorpo-rate ancillary degradable components to enhance the germina-tion and establishment of vegetation.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 The performance of a rolled erosion control product inreducing rainfall-induced erosion is

21、determined by subjectingthe material to simulated rainfall in a controlled and docu-mented environment.4.2 Key elements of the testing process include:4.2.1 Calibration of the rainfall simulation equipment;4.2.2 Preparation of the test plot;4.2.3 Documentation of the RECP to be tested;4.2.4 Installa

22、tion of the RECP;4.2.5 Performance of the test;4.2.6 Collection of runoff and associated sediment yielddata;4.2.7 Analysis of the resultant data, and;4.2.8 Reporting.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method evaluates RECPs and their means ofinstallation to:5.1.1 Reduce soil loss and sediment conc

23、entrations instormwater runoff under conditions of varying rainfall intensityand soil type, and;5.1.2 Improve water quality exiting the area disturbed byearthwork activity by reducing suspended solids.5.2 This test method models and examines conditions typi-cally found on construction sites involvin

24、g earthwork activitiesincluding: highway and roads; airports; residential, commercialand industrial developments; pipelines, mines, and landfills;golf courses; etc.5.3 This test method is a performance test, but can be usedfor quality control to determine product conformance to projectspecifications

25、. Caution is advised since information regardinglaboratory specific precision is incomplete. For project specificconformance, unique project-specific conditions should betaken into consideration.NOTE 1The quality of the result produced by this standard isdependent on the competence of the personnel

26、performing it, and thesuitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet thecriteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competentand objective testing/sampling/inspections/etc. Users of this standard arecautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not itsel

27、f assurereliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.6. Apparatus6.1 Rainfall SimulatorsRainfall simulators shall includesprinkler heads, sprinkler risers, valves and pressure gauges.The sprinkler heads should be select

28、ed on their ability to modelnatural raindrop size and distribution (no more than 10 %greater than 6 mm (0.24 in.) and no more than 10 % smallerthan 1 mm (0.04 in.). To approximate the kinetic energy ofnatural rainfall, the sprinkler riser shall be constructed toposition the sprinkler heads to achiev

29、e a minimum fall height(peak vertical trajectory) of 4.3 m (14 ft). A flow control valveand a pressure gauge capable of maintaining a uniformoperating pressure shall be located on each riser. Fig. 1 showsan example of a rainfall simulator.6.2 Water SourceAny water source shall be suitable forthis us

30、e provided that it does not contain deleterious materialswhich could impair the operation of the rainfall simulators.6.3 Runoff and Sediment Collection SystemThe runoff andsediment collection system includes flashing, collection appa-ratus and a holding tank. Flashing shall be fabricated to directru

31、noff from the plot into the collection apparatus. Once therunoff is on the flashing, it may be desirable to divert the flowto a single collection point. The flashing shall be continuousacross the entire bottom edge of the plot. A holding tank(s)capable of temporarily containing all runoff shall be c

32、onnectedto the collection apparatus.6.4 Vegetative Stand Quantification EquipmentA cali-brated template used to ensure height of vegetation andcounting box are necessary for vegetated testing. Vegetation iscut to a specific, uniform stand height by placing a template onthe soil surface and trimming

33、blades/stems at the top of thetemplate. An open, square box is used to count vegetationstems and blades to determine stand density. The box may beconstructed of metal or wood with an internal opening measure76.2 mm (3 in.) square and 25.4 to 50.8 mm (1 to 2 in.) inheight.6.5 MiscellaneousOther misce

34、llaneous equipment in-cludes: rain gauges (20), pie pans (3), sieve set (standard USsieves), evaporating dishes, a drying oven or microwave oven,balances, meteorological equipment (wind speed, temperature,precipitation), a surveyors rod, sample bottles and bags, coolerand camera or video recorder.7.

35、 Procedure7.1 Test Plot Preparation:D6459 1527.1.1 Construct an earthen embankment using conventionalearthwork placement techniques. Perform compaction of theembankment to create a geotechnically (structurally) stableembankment with a surface slope of 3H:1V having a slopelength of 12 m (40 ft). Fig.

36、 2 shows a typical embankmentcross-section.NOTE 2The effect of variations in test plot width, length, gradient, anddrainage conditions are currently being evaluated.7.1.2 Plate the top surface of the embarkment with aminimum 30 cm (12 in.) thick veneer of soil. General soil typesto be used for testi

37、ng shall be loam, clay, and sand. Target grainsizes and plasticity indices are included in Fig. 3. Place theveneer in 15 cm (6 in.) lifts and compact to 90 6 3% ofstandard Proctor density in accordance with Test MethodD698.7.1.3 Locate test plots on the embankment using a plot sizeof 2.4 m (8 ft) in

38、 width (cross-slope) and of 12 m (40 ft) inlength (downslope). Separate the test plots such that oversprayfrom the rainfall simulators does not impact adjacent plots.NOTE 3The slope width, length and steepness were selected as beingrepresentative of conditions typically found on construction sites.

39、This testplot configuration was chosen to assure uniformity and consistence oftesting activities.7.1.4 Isolate the top edge and sides of each test plot by awater barrier which forms the boundary of the test plot. Burythe bottom edge of the barrier approximately 10 cm (4 in.) todivert surface flow su

40、ch that no intrusion of outside surfacewater onto the test plot (“run-on”) occurs. The barrier shall becontinuous such that joints do not allow outside flow to enterthe plot. Commercially available lawn edging is suitable forthis purpose.7.1.5 Loosen the soil veneer to a depth of approximately 10cm

41、(4 in.) using a tiller or other appropriate tools. Rake thetilled plot smooth with a steel hand rake and lightly compactusing a turf roller. Repair depressions, voids, soft, or uncom-pacted areas before testing commences.Also, free the plot fromobstruction or protrusions, such as roots, large stones

42、, or otherforeign material. Soil preparation methods for bare soil testingFIG. 1 Typical Rainfall SimulatorFIG. 2 Typical Embankment Cross SectionD6459 153utilized as a baseline, control plots for product or vegetatedtesting shall be identical to soil preparation methods for theprotected scenario.NO

43、TE 4Standarized, quantified soil compaction rate is being evalu-ated.7.1.6 If the plots have been used for previous test series,discard the soil carried of the plot and obliterate any rills andgullies. Spread new soil of the same type across the plot andblend (rake or till) into the surface. If the

44、soil loss of the controlplot differs significantly from the base line calibration testreevaluate the soil properties.7.2 Calibration:7.2.1 Calibration of the rainfall simulation equipment in-cludes: Rainfall intensity; Uniformity of rainfall application across the plot,and; Drop

45、 size distribution for each intensity.7.2.2 To ensure uniform raindrop distribution, do not con-duct calibration or testing when the wind velocity is greaterthan 1.6 km/h (1 mph).7.2.3 At a minimum, conduct calibration annually or fol-lowing equipment maintenance work. Conduct one intensity/uniformi

46、ty check every 90 days, or after no more than four testseries, whichever comes first.7.2.4 Place sprinkler risers around the perimeter of the testplot to provide uniform distribution. The precise location of therisers to provide uniform rainfall distribution will be deter-mined by the calibration pr

47、ocess and the nuances of any givensimulator system (see Fig. 4 for typical sprinkler riser configu-FIG. 3 Typical Grain Sizes and Plasticity IndicesFIG. 4 Typical Sprinkler Riser ConfigurationD6459 154ration).7.2.5 Place the rain gauges on the plot surface following thepattern shown in Fig. 4. Durat

48、ion of the calibration test shall be15 min, recorded to the nearest second. Perform calibrations atuniform pressure for each intensity. Adjust riser locations untilan acceptable uniform rainfall distribution pattern is achieved,as defined in Section Calculate the rainfall intensity uniformit

49、y using theChristiansen uniformity coefficient (see Section 8).7.2.7 To measure drop size distribution, completely fill threelabeled pie pans with sifted flour, struck off with a ruler toproduce a smooth, uncompacted surface. Locate three supportsapproximately 20-cm (8-in.) high (for example, 1-gal cans)along the vertical centerline of the test plot, and at thehorizontal quarter points. Place the filled pie pans on thesupports (horizontal, not parallel to the ground) and cover. Atthe desired test intensity, remove the cover briefly so that dropsimpinge on the flo


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