ASTM D7099-2004 Standard Terminology Relating to Frozen Soil and Rock《冻土和冻岩相关的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM D7099-2004 Standard Terminology Relating to Frozen Soil and Rock《冻土和冻岩相关的标准术语》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: D 7099 04Standard Terminology Relating toFrozen Soil and Rock1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 7099; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthes

2、es indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology includes all of those terms whichrelate to frozen soils and rocks.1.2 It is based on: a list of definitions drawn up by ASTMSub-Committe

3、e D18.19 (ASTM Z6948 Z, WK 3613); ASTMStandards; a list of definitions drawn up by the CanadianGeomorphology Research Group (CGRG); the Glossary ofPermafrost and Related Ground-Ice Terms developed by theNational Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), at the Universityof Colorado, at Boulder; the Keys to

4、Soil Taxonomy of theUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA); and contri-butions by a number of individuals.1.3 For all of the terms included, the source is included inparentheses after the definition.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated w

5、ith its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD 40

6、83 Practice for Description of Frozen Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)2.2 Other References:Harris, S. A., French, H. M., Heginbottom, J. A., Johnston,G. H., Ladanyi, B., Sego, D. C., and van Everdingen, R.O., 1988, Glossary of Permafrost and Related Ground-IceTerms, Technical Memorandum, Associate Co

7、mmittee onGeotechnical Research, Ottawa, CanadaEverdingen, Robert van, ed., 1998, revised January,2002, Multi-Language Glossary of Permafrost and Re-lated Ground-Ice Terms, National Snow and Ice DataCenter/World Data Center for Glaciology, Boulder, Colo-radoNational Snow and Ice Data Center, 2003, E

8、nglish Lan-guage Glossary of Permafrost and Related Ground-IceTerms, Boulder, Colorado, http:/ Resources Conservation Service, United States De-partment of Agriculture, Keys to Soil Taxonomy, NinthEdition, 2003, 331 pp., http:/

9、ication/tax_keysPermafrost Map of the USSR (1:2,500,000), 1996, Depart-ment of Geocryology, Moscow State University, 16 sheets3. Significance and Use3.1 This terminology can be used to find the definitions ofall of those terms which are used in association with frozenmaterials, including rocks, soil

10、s, and water.4. Terminology4.1 All of the definitions are consistent with those listed inTerminology D layerthe top layer of ground that is subject to annualfreezing and thawing. (In the zone of discontinuous perma-frost, the active layer is often underlain by unfrozen ground.)active laye

11、r failureany of several possible forms of slopefailure in the active layer. NSIDCactive layer thicknessthe thickness of the top layer ofground that is subject to annual freezing and thawing.NSIDCactive rock glaciera mass of rock fragments and finermaterial, on a slope, that contains an ice core or i

12、nterstitialice, and which shows evidence of recent movement.NSIDCadfreeze shear strengththe shear stress required to separatetwo objects that are bonded together by ice.adfreeze tensile strengththe tensile stress required to sepa-rate two objects that are bonded together by ice. ASTMZ6948Z, NSIDCadf

13、reezingthe process by which objects are bonded togetherby the ice formed between them. NSIDCaggradation of permafrostsee permafrost aggradation.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soiland Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.19 on Frozen Soilsand

14、 Rock.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2004. Published December 20042For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM w

15、ebsite.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.aggradational icenewly formed ice lenses, especially in thelower part of the active layer, which become incorporatedinto the permafrost due to a raising of the permafrost table o

16、ra lowering of the permafrost base.air freezing indexsee freezing index.air thawing indexsee thawing index.albedothe fraction of the total solar radiation incident on abody that is reflected by it.alpine permafrostpermafrost developed in temperate cli-mate mountainous areas. ASTM Z6948Zaltitudinal p

17、ermafrost limitthe lowest altitude at whichmountain permafrost occurs in a highland area outside of thegeneral permafrost region. NSIDCaltitudinal permafrost zonationthe vertical subdivision ofmountain permafrost into zones based on mean annualtemperatures. NSIDCapparent heat capacitythe amount of h

18、eat required to raisethe temperature of a unit mass of frozen ground by onedegree. It is expressed in Joules per kg per degree K.NSIDCapproximate freezing indexthe cumulative number ofdegree-days below 0C for a given period, calculated fromthe mean monthly temperatures for a given station withoutmak

19、ing corrections for positive degree-days in the springand fall. NSIDCapproximate thawing indexthe cumulative number ofdegree-days above 0C for a given period, calculated fromthe mean monthly temperatures for a given station withoutmaking corrections for negative degree-days in the springand

20、ificial ground freezingthe process of freezing earthmaterials by artificial means.banded cryogenic fabrica distinct soil morphology inwhich soil particles form subhorizontal layers as the result offreezing and thawing. NSIDCbarrensareas of discontinuous vegetation cover in the polarsemi-desert of th

21、e High Arctic. NSIDCbasal cryopega layer of unfrozen ground, forming the basalportion of permafrost, in which the temperature is perenni-ally below 0C (32F). NSIDCbasal cryostructurethe structural characteristics of a frozendeposit of boulders that is saturated with ice. NSIDCbasal-layered cryostruc

22、turethe structural characteristics ofa frozen layered deposit of gravel and boulders that issaturated with ice. NSIDCbeaded streama characteristic pattern of small streamsunderlain by ice wedges. “Beads,” or pools, occur atjunctions of wedges. The pools are linked by narrowchannels. NSIDCbottom temp

23、erature of snow covertemperature measuredat the base of the snow cover during mid- to late-winter(February/March). The measurements are used in the BTSmethod to predict the presence or absence of permafrost.NSIDCBTS methoda method to predict the presence or absence ofpermafrost in a mountainous area

24、, using measurements ofthe bottom temperature of the snow in mid- to late-winter.NSIDCburied iceice formed on the ground surface and latercovered by sediments.candled iceice that has rotted or otherwise formed, bymelting during the spring, into long columnar crystals whichare very loosely bonded tog

25、ether. A distinctive “chiming”sound accompanies movement during “ice-out.”cave iceice formed in an open or closed cave. NSIDCclear iceice that is transparent and contains only a moderatenumber of air bubbles. ASTM Z6948Zclosed-cavity iceice formed in a closed space, cavity, orcave, in permafrost. NS

26、IDCclosed-system freezingfreezing that occurs under conditionsthat preclude the gain or loss of water by the system.NSIDCclosed-system pingoa pingo formed by the doming offrozen ground due to the freezing of injected water. Thewater is provided by the expulsion of pore water during thegrowth of perm

27、afrost. Closed-system pingos are found inpoorly-drained terrain in the continuous permafrost zone.NSIDCclosed talika body of unfrozen ground occupying a depres-sion in the permafrost table below a lake or river. NSIDCcloudy iceice that is translucent or relatively opaque due tothe content of air or

28、for other reasons, but which isessentially sound and nonpervious. ASTM Z6948Zcoefficient of compressibilitythe change in volume per unitvolume of a substance per unit increase in effective com-pressive stress, under isothermal conditions. NSIDCcollapse scarthat part of a peatland where the whole, or

29、 part,of a peat plateau has thawed and collapsed to the level of thesurrounding land. Collapses scars are not depressions but aremarked by vegetation different from the peatland that wasnot underlain by permafrost. NSIDCcomposite wedgea wedge, containing both soil and ice, thatshows evidence of both

30、 primary and secondary filling.NSIDCcompressive strengththe load per unit area at which anunconfined cylindrical specimen of soil or rock will fail in asimple compression test. Commonly the failure load is themaximum that the specimen can withstand in the test.D 653conglomeric cryogenic fabrica dist

31、inct soil micromorphol-ogy resulting from the effects of freezing and thawing, inwhich coarser soil particles form compound arrangements.NSIDCconstruction methods in permafrostspecial procedures ofdesign and construction that are required when engineeringworks are undertaken in areas of permafrost.c

32、ontemporary permafrost(1) newly formed permafrost inan area where surface temperatures have fallen below 0C(32F); (2) permafrost that is in thermal equilibrium with theexisting mean annual surface or sea-bottom temperature andthe geothermal heat flux. ASTM Z6948Zcontinuous permafrostpermafrost occur

33、ring everywherebeneath the exposed land surface throughout a geographicregion, with the exception of widely scattered sites, such asnewly-deposited unconsolidated sediments, where the cli-mate has just begun to impose its influence on the groundD7099042thermal regime and will cause the formation of

34、continuouspermafrost. ASTM Z6948Zcontinuous permafrost zonea major subdivision of a per-mafrost region, in which permafrost occurs everywherebeneath the land surface, with the possible exception ofwidely scattered sites; both in North American (GPRGIT)and in Russian (Permafrost Map of the USSR) usag

35、e: 80 %of area underlain by permafrost.convection tubea closed single-phase heat transfer devicethat removes heat from the ground whenever conditions areappropriate to drive the internal convection cell. ASTMZ6948Zcreep of frozen groundthe slow deformation that resultsfrom long-term application of a

36、 stress too small to producefailure in the frozen material. ASTM Z6948Zcreep strengththe failure strength of a material at a givenrate of strain or after a given period under deviatoric stress.NSIDCcrust-like cryostructurethe structural properties of a frozendeposit of angular blocks that are coated

37、 with ice, whilelarge spaces between the blocks are not filled with ice.NSIDCcryofrontthe boundary between frozen and unfrozenground, as indicated by the position of the 0C isotherm inthe ground. NSIDCcryogenesisthe combination of thermophysical, physico-chemical, and physico-mechanical processes th

38、at occur infreezing, frozen, and thawing earth materials. NSIDCcryogenic aquicludea frozen layer of ground with suffi-ciently low permeability as to act as a confining bed for anaquifer. NSIDCcryogenic fabricthe distinct soil micromorphology whichresults from the effects of freezing and thawing proc

39、esses.NSIDCcryogenic temperaturethe term can apply to temperaturesbelow 50C but is usually used for those temperatures closeto absolute zero (273C). NSIDCcryolithologythe study of the genesis, structure, and lithol-ogy of frozen earth materials. NSIDCcryopedologythe study of soils at temperatures be

40、low 0C.cryopega layer of unfrozen ground in which the temperatureis perennially below 0C. In general, the freezing of suchlayers is prevented due to the depression of the freezingpoint by solids dissolved in the pore water.cryoplanationthe process through which cryoplanation ter-races form. NSIDCcry

41、oplanation terraceshillside benches or table-like sum-mit surfaces which are thought to have resulted from intensefrost wedging associated with snowbanks. These are usuallyunderlain by permafrost and are considered by some asdiagnostic landforms of permafrost terrain. NSIDCcryosolsoil within 1 to2mo

42、fthesurface in which the meanannual ground temperature is below 0C. NSIDCcryospherethat part of the Earths crust, hydrosphere, andatmosphere subject, for at least a part of each year, totemperatures below 0C (32F). ASTM Z6948Z, NSIDCcryostructurethe structural characteristics of frozen earthmaterial

43、s. NSIDCcryosuctiona suction which develops in freezing orpartially-frozen fine-grained materials due to temperature-dependent differences in unfrozen water content. NSIDCcryotexturethe textural characteristics of frozen earth ma-terials cemented together with ice. NSIDCcryotic groundsoil or rock in

44、 which the temperatures are0C, or below. NSIDCcryoturbatea body of earth material moved or disturbed bythe action of frost. NSIDCcryoturbation(1) a collective term to describe all soilmovements due to frost action; (2) irregular structuresformed in earth materials by deep frost penetration and frost

45、action processes. ASTM Z6948Z, NSIDCdebris flowa sudden and destructive form of landslide, inwhich loose materials on a slope, with at least half of theparticles being larger than sand, are mobilized by saturationand flow downwards. NSIDCdeformabilitythe ability of a material to change its shape ors

46、ize under the influence of an external or internal agency.NSIDCdegree-daya unit of heat measurement equal to one degreeof the variation of the mean temperature for a day from agiven reference (or, base) of saturation(1) the total degree of saturation offrozen soil is the ratio, ex

47、pressed as a percentage, of thevolume of ice and unfrozen water in the soil pores to thevolume of the pores; (2) the degree of saturation of frozensoil by ice, expressed as a percentage, is the ratio of thevolume of ice in the soil pores to the volume of the pores.NSIDCdensity of frozen groundthe ra

48、tio of mass per unit ofvolume of frozen earth materials.depth of seasonal frost penetrationthe maximum thicknessof the seasonally frozen layer. NSIDCdepth of thawthe distance from the ground surface down-ward to frozen ground at any time during the thaw season.ASTM Z6948Zdepth of zero annual amplitu

49、dethe distance from theground surface downward to the point beneath which there isvirtually no annual fluctuation in the mean ground tempera-ture. ASTM Z6948Zdesiccation cracka crack or fissure in fine-grained soilmaterial resulting from shrinkage during drying. NSIDCdesiccation polygona closed, multi-sided, pattern in theground formed by desiccation cracks in fine-grained soils.NSIDCdesign depth of frost penetration(1) in North Americanusage: the mean of the three largest depths of seasona


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