1、Designation: D7390 07 (Reapproved 2012)D7390 18Standard Guide forEvaluating Asbestos in Dust on Surfaces by ComparisonBetween Two Environments1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7390; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the
2、 case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 There are multiple purposes for determining the loading of asbestos in dust on surfaces
3、. Each particular purpose may requireunique sampling strategies, analytical methods, and procedures for data interpretation. Procedures are provided to facilitateapplication of available methods for determining asbestos surface loadings and/or asbestos loadings in surface dust for comparisonbetween
4、two environments. At present, this guide addresses one application of the ASTM surface dust methods. It is anticipatedthat additional areas will be added in the future. It is not intended that the discussion of one application should limit use of themethods in other areas.1.2 This standard does not
5、purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety safety, health, and healthenvironmental practices and determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific w
6、arning statements, see This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardizationestablished in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issuedby the World Trade Organizati
7、on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D5755 Test Method for Microvacuum Sampling and Indirect Analysis of Dust by Transmission Electron Microscopy forAsbestos Structure Number Surface LoadingD5756 Test Method for Microvacuum Sampling and Indirect A
8、nalysis of Dust by Transmission Electron Microscopy forAsbestos Mass Surface Loading (Withdrawn 2017)31 This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D22 on Air Quality and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D22.07 on Sampling and Analysis ofAsbestos.Current edition approved Oct.
9、1, 2012June 1, 2018. Published November 2012July 2018. Originally approved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 20072012 asD7390 07. 07 (2012). DOI: 10.1520/D7390-07R12.10.1520/D7390-18.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website, www.astm.org, or contactASTM Customer Service at serv
10、iceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version.
11、Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 1
12、00 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1D6480 Test Method for Wipe Sampling of Surfaces, Indirect Preparation, and Analysis for Asbestos Structure Number SurfaceLoading by Transmission Electron MicroscopyD6620 Practice for Asbestos Detection Limit Based on
13、CountsE105 Practice for Probability Sampling of MaterialsE122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot orProcessE456 Terminology Relating to Quality and StatisticsE2356 Practice for Comprehensive Building Asbestos Surveys2.
14、2 Other Document:Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. (EPA), (Pink Book) Asbestos in Buildings: Simplified Sampling Scheme for SurfacingMaterials, EPA 560/5/85/030A, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 198543. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsUnless otherwise noted all statistical terms
15、are as defined in Terminology E456.3.1.1 activity generated aerosolaerosol, na dispersion of particles in air that have become airborne due to physicaldisturbances such as human activity, sweeping, airflow, etc.3.1.2 background samplessamples, nsamples taken from surfaces that are considered to have
16、 concentrations of asbestos insurface dust that are representative of conditions that exist in an environment that is affected by only prevailing conditions and hasnot experienced events, disturbances or activities unusual for the environment.3.1.3 controlcontrol, nan area that is used as the basis
17、for a comparison. This could be an area where the dust has beenpreviously characterized, an area thought to be suitable for occupancy, an area that has not experienced a disturbance ofasbestos-containing materials, or that is for some other reason deemed to be suitable as the basis for a comparison.
18、 DiscussionThis could be an area where the dust has been previously characterized, an area thought to be suitable for occupancy, an area thathas not experienced a disturbance of asbestos-containing materials, or that is for some other reason deemed to be suitable as thebasis for a comparison.
19、3.1.4 control samplessamples, nsamples collected for comparison to the study samples. These differ from backgroundsamples in that they are collected: either: in an area where the dust has been previously characterized, or in an area that has notexperienced a disturbance of asbestos-containing materi
20、als, or in an area that is for some other reason deemed to be suitable asthe basis for comparison. DiscussionThese differ from background samples in that they are collected: either: in an area where the dust has been previouslycharacterized, or in an area that has not experienced a disturbanc
21、e of asbestos-containing materials, or in an area that is for someother reason deemed to be suitable as the basis for comparison.3.1.5 dustdust, nany material composed of particles in a size range of 0,(CHIINV(0.975,2N)/2),0) forthe 95% LCL and (IF(N0,(CHIINV(0.025,2(N+1)/2),(CHIINV(0.05,2)/2) for t
22、he 95% UCL.7.3.1 The 95 % LCL and 95 % UCL in Table 1 refer to the number of structures at these limits, not the surface loading, whichis calculated from the analytical parameters as shown in the examples.D7390 187TABLE 1 Example 1Hypothetical Dust Sample ResultsStudy Area BackgroundAreaNumber ofStr
23、ucturesAnalyticalSensitivity(s/cm2)SensitivityWeightsResult(s/cm2)95 % LCL(s/cm2)95 % UCL(s/cm2)Number ofStructuresAnalyticalSensitivity(s/cm2)SensitivityWeightsResult(s/cm2)95 % LCL(s/cm6 205.1 0.0049 1231 452 2679 4 205.1 0.0049 820 224 21014 205.1 0.0049 820 224 2101 5 205.1 0.0049 1026 333 23937
24、 205.1 0.0049 1436 577 2958 6 205.1 0.0049 1231 452 26792 205.1 0.0049 410 50 1482 4 205.1 0.0049 820 224 21013 205.1 0.0049 615 127 1798 6 205.1 0.0049 1231 452 2679TABLE 1 Upper and Lower 95 % Confidence Limits for the Poisson DistributionN = Number ofStructuresN = Number ofStructuresN=Number of S
25、tructuresN= Number of StructuresN 95 % LCL 95 % UCL N 95 % LCL 95 % UCL N 95 % LCL 95 % UCL N 95 % LCL 95 % UCL0 0.000 3.0 50 37.1 65.9 100 81.4 122 150 127 1761 0.025 5.6 51 38.0 67.1 101 82.3 123 151 128 1772 0.24 7.2 52 38.8 68.2 102 82.3 124 152 129 1783 0.62 8.8 53 39.7 69.3 103 84.1 125 153 13
26、0 1794 1.1 10.2 54 40.6 70.5 104 85.0 126 154 131 1805 1.6 11.7 55 41.4 71.6 105 85.9 127 155 132 1816 2.2 13.1 56 42.3 72.7 106 86.8 128 156 132 1827 2.8 14.4 57 43.2 73.9 107 87.7 129 157 133 1848 3.5 15.8 58 44.0 75.0 108 88.6 130 158 134 1859 4.1 17.1 59 44.9 76.1 109 89.5 131 159 135 18610 4.8
27、18.4 60 45.8 77.2 110 90.4 133 160 136 18711 5.5 19.7 61 46.7 78.4 111 91.3 134 161 137 18812 6.2 21.0 62 47.5 79.5 112 92.2 135 162 138 18913 6.9 22.2 63 48.4 80.6 113 93.1 136 163 139 19014 7.7 23.5 64 49.3 81.7 114 94.0 137 164 140 19115 8.4 24.7 65 50.2 82.8 115 94.9 138 165 141 19216 9.1 26.0 6
28、6 51.0 84.0 116 95.9 139 166 142 19317 9.9 27.2 67 51.9 85.1 117 96.8 140 167 143 19418 10.7 28.4 68 52.8 86.2 118 97.7 141 168 144 19519 11.4 29.7 69 53.7 87.3 119 98.6 142 169 144 19620 12.2 30.9 70 54.6 88.4 120 99.5 143 170 145 19821 13.0 32.1 71 55.5 89.6 121 100 145 171 146 19922 13.8 33.3 72
29、56.3 90.7 122 101 146 172 147 20023 14.6 34.5 73 57.2 91.8 123 102 147 173 148 20124 15.4 35.7 74 58.1 92.9 124 103 148 174 149 20225 16.2 36.9 75 59.0 94.0 125 104 149 175 150 20326 17.0 38.1 76 59.9 95.1 126 105 150 176 151 20427 17.8 39.3 77 60.8 96.2 127 106 151 177 152 20528 18.6 40.5 78 61.7 9
30、7.3 128 107 152 178 153 20629 19.4 41.6 79 62.5 98.5 129 108 153 179 154 20730 20.2 42.8 80 63.4 99.6 130 109 154 180 155 20831 21.1 44.0 81 64.3 101 131 110 155 181 156 20932 21.9 45.2 82 65.2 102 132 110 157 182 157 21033 22.7 46.3 83 66.1 103 133 111 158 183 157 21234 23.5 47.5 84 67.0 104 134 11
31、2 159 184 158 21335 24.4 48.7 85 67.9 105 135 113 160 185 159 21436 25.2 49.8 86 68.8 106 136 114 161 186 160 21537 26.1 51.0 87 69.7 107 137 115 162 187 161 21638 26.9 52.2 88 70.6 108 138 116 163 188 162 21739 27.7 53.3 89 71.5 110 139 117 164 189 163 21840 28.6 54.5 90 72.4 111 140 118 165 190 16
32、4 21941 29.4 55.6 91 73.3 112 141 119 166 191 165 22042 30.3 56.8 92 74.2 113 142 120 167 192 166 22143 31.1 57.9 93 75.1 114 143 121 168 193 167 22244 32.0 59.1 94 76.0 115 144 121 170 194 168 22345 32.8 60.2 95 76.9 116 145 122 171 195 169 22446 33.7 61.4 96 77.8 117 146 123 172 196 170 22547 34.5
33、 62.5 97 78.7 118 147 124 173 197 170 22748 35.4 63.6 98 79.6 119 148 125 174 198 171 22849 36.3 64.8 99 80.5 121 149 126 175 199 172 229where:Number of Structures = The number of structures counted as contained in the report from the analysis.Analytical Sensitivity = The concentration represented b
34、y a single count as contained in the report from the analysis.Sensitivity Weight = The reciprocal of the analytical sensitivity (1/analytical sensitivity).Result = The “analytical sensitivity” multiplied by the “number of structures.” This should equal the result reported by the analytical method.95
35、 % LCL = The lower 95 % confidence limit as calculated using the formulas in the Annex.95 % UCL = The upper 95 % confidence limit as calculated using the formulas in the Annex.D7390 1887.3.2 The following terms are used in the tables in the examples. All of the Analytical Parameters should be in the
36、 laboratoryreport or available from the laboratory. (See also 3.1, Definitions.) Effective filter area is the area of the filter on which the rinse solution aliquot is deposited for TEM analysis. It is notthe area of the filter in the sample collection cassette, which is not analyzed.
37、Sample area is the area of the surface sampled by the user and is assumed to be 100 cm unless the user specifiesotherwise. It may vary for different samples. Volume filtered is the volume of the rinse solution aliquot deposited on the filter for TEM analysis. It may vary fordifferent samples.
38、 Analytical Sensitivity is the surface loading calculated on the basis of finding one structure in the sample and is afunction of the analytical parameters. It may vary for different samples. Number of Structures is the total number counted in all grid openings for the sample according
39、 to the counting rules ofthe analytical method. Sensitivity Weight is the reciprocal of the Analytical Sensitivity for each sample. Structures 95 % LCL is the lower 95 % confidence limit of the study samples and Structures 95 % UCL is the upper95 % confidence limit of the background sa
40、mples, based on the Poisson distribution in Table 1. (See 7.3.)7.4 Example 1 Study Samples Exceed Background Sample but No Statistical Difference (Tables 2-6):7.4.1 Example 1 illustrates a hypothetical situation where a contractor scraped off small sections of asbestos-containingfireproofing on one
41、floor of an office building. The work was done at several locations and when the error was discovered the areawas cleaned up using a high efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum cleaner and wet wiping of all surfaces. The building ownerdemanded the air and surfaces in the affected area be at leas
42、t as clean as other parts of the building not affected. To answer thesurface cleanliness question five samples were collected from non-porous surfaces in the affected area and five samples fromanother floor on a different ventilation system (unaffected or background area). The results and analysis o
43、f the data are describedin Tables 2- This example uses the analytical parameters in Table 2 that are taken from the laboratory report.7.4.3 The analytical parameters are used to calculate the study area results in Table 3 and Table In Table 3:(1) The number of structures and analytica
44、l sensitivity are taken from the laboratory report.(2) The Estimated Loading is the product of the Number of Structures and the Analytical Sensitivity.(3) Structures 95 % LCL is read from Table 1.(4) Loading 95 % LCL is the product of the Structures 95 % LCL and the Analytical Sensitivity.7.4.5 In T
45、able 4:(1) Total Structures is the sum of the Number of Structures in Table 3.(2) The Sum of Sensitivity Weights is the sum of Sensitivity Weights in Table 3.(3) The Weighted Analytical Sensitivity is the reciprocal of the Sum of Sensitivity Weights.(4) The Estimated Loading is the product of the To
46、tal Structures and the Weighted Analytical Sensitivity.(5) 95 % LCL Structures is read from Table 1.(6) Loading is the product of 95 % LCL Structures and Weighted Analytical Sensitivity.7.4.6 The same analytical parameters are used to calculate the background area results in Table 5 and Table 6.7.4.
47、7 The calculation procedures for the background samples in Table 5 and Table 6 are the same as for the study samples inTable 3 and Table 4. For example, Table 5 shows that a structure count of 3 for sample B1 has a 95 % UCLof 8.8 structures, givinga 95 % UCL loading of 1804 s/cm2. In Table 6 Total S
48、tructures is the sum of the structures in Table 5.TABLE 2 Hypothetical Laboratory ParametersEffective filter area (EFA) 923 mm2Number of grid openings examined (GO) 10Average grid opening area (GOA) 0.009 mm2Sample area (SPL) 100 cm2Total Volume 100 mLVolume filtered (V) 50 mLCalculated Analytical S
49、ensitivity 205.1 s/cm2TABLE 2 Analytical Parameters for Example 1Effective filter area 923 mm2Number of grid openings examined 10Average grid opening area 0.009 mm2Sample area 100 cm2Total volume 100 mLVolume filtered 50 mLAnalytical sensitivity 205 s/cm2D7390 1897.4.8 The 95 % LCL for the combined set of study samples in Table 4 1070 s/cm2 is less than the 95 % UCL for thebackground samples 1267 s/cm2 in Table 6 . Since the distributions for the two sample sets overlap, there is no statisticaldifference at the 95 % confidence level.7.5 Example 2