1、Designation: E1749 10Standard Terminology Relating toRigid Wall Relocatable Shelters1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1749; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in
2、parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers terms and their definitionsrelevant to t
3、he materials and processes associated with theconstruction of rigid wall relocatable shelters.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B547/B547M Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Formed and Arc-Welded Round TubeC273 Test Method for Shear Properties of Sandwich CoreMaterialsC274 Termin
4、ology of Structural Sandwich ConstructionsC364 Test Method for Edgewise Compressive Strength ofSandwich ConstructionsC393 Test Method for Flexural Properties of SandwichConstructionsC460 Terminology for Asbestos-Cement3C582 Specification for Contact-Molded Reinforced Ther-mosetting Plastic (RTP) Lam
5、inates for Corrosion-ResistantEquipmentD123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD883 Terminology Relating to PlasticsD907 Terminology of AdhesivesD1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing and WaterproofingD1356 Terminology Relating to Sampling and Analysis ofAtmospheresD1566 Terminology Relating to RubberD1
6、781 Test Method for Climbing Drum Peel for AdhesivesD2240 Test Method for Rubber PropertyDurometerHardnessD2730 Method for Sag Flow of Highly Viscous Materials3D3167 Test Method for Floating Roller Peel Resistance ofAdhesivesE492 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of ImpactSound Transmission Thr
7、ough Floor-Ceiling AssembliesUsing the Tapping MachineE864 Practice for Surface Preparation of Aluminum Alloysto Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter PanelsE874 Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facingsto Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Shelter PanelsE1925 Specification for Engineering a
8、nd Design Criteria forRigid Wall Relocatable StructuresF412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping SystemsG15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and CorrosionTesting33. Terminologyabsolute sealinga level of sealing that requires all seams,slots, holes, and fasteners passing through the seal plane tob
9、e sealed.accelerated testSee test, accelerated.adhesivea substance capable of holding materials togetherby means of surface attachment. D907cold setting adhesivean adhesive which sets at tempera-tures below 20C (68F). D907contact pressure adhesivea resinous adhesive which isaggressively and permanen
10、tly tacky at room temperature andadheres to a variety of surfaces upon contact with aminimum of pressure required. (Syn. pressure-sensitiveadhesives.)core splice adhesivea film adhesive, capable of expansionof at least 175 % of its original thickness, used primarily tojoin or splice together two or
11、more separate sections of corematerial in sandwich constructions.foamed adhesive an adhesive, the apparent density ofwhich has been decreased substantially by the presence ofnumerous gaseous cells dispersed throughout its mass.D9071This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onP
12、erformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.53on Materials and Processes for Durable Rigidwall Relocatable Structures.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2010. Published December 2010. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as E1749 05. DOI:1
13、0.1520/E1749-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The last approved version of this
14、 historical standard is referencedon www.astm.org.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.supported film adhesivean adhesive material incorporat-ing a carrier that remains in the bond when the adhesive isemployed; carrier sup
15、port material is usually composed oforganic/inorganic fibers which may be in woven (knit) ornonwoven (mat) form.unsupported film adhesivean adhesive material in filmform without a carrier support.adhesive, contactan adhesive that is apparently dry to thetouch and that will adhere to itself instantan
16、eously uponcontact.alclad sheet and platecomposite sheet (and plate) having onboth surfaces a metallurgically bonded aluminum or alumi-num alloy coating that is anodic to the core alloy to which itis bonded, thus electrolytically protecting the core alloyagainst corrosion. B547/B547Mangle plyany fil
17、amentary lamina orientated in a directionother than that specified as 0 (that is, the reference axis)within a composite assembly.anisotropicnot isotropic; having mechanical or physicalproperties, or both, that vary with direction relative to naturalreference axes in a material.A-stagean early stage
18、in the reaction of certain thermoset-ting resins in which the material is fusible and still soluble incertain liquids. (Syn. resol.) (Compare with B-stage andC-stage.)autoclavea closed vessel for producing an environment offluid pressure, with or without heat, to an enclosed objectundergoing a chemi
19、cal reaction or other operation.autoclave moldinga process where the lay-up or otherassembly is covered by a vacuum bag and placed in anautoclave capable of providing heat and pressure for curingthe part.DISCUSSIONThe vacuum bag is normally vented to the outside ofthe autoclave.bag moldinga method o
20、f molding or bonding involving theapplication of fluid pressure, usually by means of air, steam,water, or vacuum, to a flexible cover which, sometimes inconjunction with a rigid die, completely encloses the mate-rial to be bonded. (Compare with vacuum bag molding.)balanced laminatea composite lamina
21、te in which all lami-nae occur in pairs symmetric about the midplane (but notnecessarily adjacent to each other). See symmetrical lami-nate.batchthe quantity of material that has been formulated in asingle continuous operation and subjected to chemical pro-cessing or physical mixing to produce a hom
22、ogeneousmaterial.beam sheara term describing the stresses developed inplanes parallel to facing planes of flat sandwich construc-tions when subjected to flatwise flexure in such a mannerthat the applied moments produce curvature of the plane ofa sheet of the sandwich construction (see Test MethodC39
23、3).bleeder clotha nonstructural layer of material used in themanufacture of composite assemblies to allow the escape ofexcess gas and resin during cure.DISCUSSIONThe bleeder cloth absorbs much of the excess resin andis removed after the curing process and is not part of the finalcomposite.blockin a
24、honeycomb core material, a single production unitof honeycomb before slicing.block flowthe distance an adhesive, sealant, or coating willsag on a vertical surface in a given period of time. Alsoreferred to as slump.breakoutfiber separation or break on surface plies at drilled,machined, etc., edges.b
25、reathera loosely woven cloth (such as glass fabric) whichserves as a continuous vacuum path over a part but does notcome in contact with the resin.bridgingspanning a feature without full contact, such as tapeor fabric spanning a radius, step, core edge, etc., or vacuumbagging material spanning tool
26、or part surfaces.brittlenessthe tendency of a material to break at a very lowstrain, elongation, or deflection, and to exhibit a cleanfracture surface with no indications of plastic deformation.broadgoodsnon-preimpregnated or uncured preimpregnatedmaterials wider than 12 in. (300 mm).DISCUSSIONThese
27、 include unidirectional tape (precollimated) andwoven cloths or fabrics of various constructions.brush coatin sealants, a thin layer of Class A curing typesealant used alone or in conjunction with a Type B sealant.B-stagean intermediate stage, in the reaction of certainthermosetting resins in which
28、the material softens whenheated and swells in contact with certain liquids, but may notentirely fuse or dissolve. The resin in an uncured thermoset-ting adhesive is usually in this stage. Sometimes referred toas resitol. D907burn ratethe rate at which a material burns after removal ofthe ignition he
29、at source.button samplein sealants, an identified small amount ofsealant extruded from a mixed sealant cartridge.carrierSee scrim.catalysta substance that increases the rate of a chemicalreaction; used extensively in polymerization reactions.caula sheet of material employed singly or in pairs in hot
30、 orcold pressing of assemblies being bonded. D907DISCUSSIONAcaul is used to protect either the faces of the assemblyor the press platens, or both, against marring and staining; to preventsticking; to facilitate press loading; to impart a desired texture or finish;and to provide uniform pressure dist
31、ribution.A caul may be made of any suitable material such as aluminum,stainless steel, hardboard, fiberboard, or plastic; the length and widthdimensions being generally the same as those of the plates of the presswhere it is used.CBRan abbreviation for chemical, biological, radiological.chemical res
32、istancethe ability to resist chemical attack.F412DISCUSSIONThe attack is dependent on the method of test, and itsseverity is measured by determining the changes in physical properties.Time, temperature, stress, and reagents may all be factors that affectchemical resistance.E1749 102CIAPan abbreviati
33、on for corrosion inhibiting adhesiveprimer.climbing drum peel test See test, climbing drum peel.close outenclosure of honeycomb or other core materialwithin a structure that may contain hard edges or attachmentpoints, or both.cocuringthe act of curing a composite laminate and simul-taneously bonding
34、 it to some other hard detail during thesame cure cycle (for example, curing a skin laminate andbonding it to honeycomb core simultaneously).cold setting adhesive See adhesive, cold setting.collimateto render fibers pactingSee posite, filamentarya major form of advanced compos-ites in which the fibe
35、r constituent consists of continuousfilaments.DISCUSSIONFilamentary composites are defined here as compositematerials composed of laminae in which the continuous filaments arenonwoven, parallel, uniaxial arrays. Individual uniaxial laminae arecombined into specifically oriented multiaxial laminates
36、for applicationto specific envelopes of strength and stiffness posite materiala material consisting of any combina-tion of high-strength, high-modulus fibers, whiskers, orparticles in a homogeneous pressive strength See strength, compressive.conduita solid or flexible tube, pipe, or channel throughw
37、hich insulated electrical wires are run or through whichwater or some other fluid flows.contact adhesiveSee adhesive, contact.contact pressurean imprecise term denoting the minimumamount of pressure necessary to ensure an essentiallyvoid-free area between two mating surfaces.controlled flowa charact
38、eristic of a resin system withelevated viscosity during cure.corea generally centrally located layer or composite com-ponent of a sandwich construction, usually low density,which separates and stabilizes the facings and transmitsshear between them and provides most of the shear rigidityof the constr
39、uction. C274core compressive modulusthe ratio of the compressive load(below the proportional limit of the core) per unit of originalarea to the corresponding deformation per unit of originalthickness.core shearthe shear stress applied to the core material usedin sandwich panel construction.core shea
40、r modulusthe ratio of the shear stress to thecorresponding shear strain for stresses below the propor-tional limit in shear of the core.core splice adhesive See adhesive, core splice.core stabilizationa process to rigidize honeycomb corematerials to prevent distortion during machining or curing.craz
41、ingthe development of a multitude of very fine cracks ina material such as ceramic glaze, varnish, paint, etc., oftenthe result of exposure to sunlight, weathering, or certainsolvents.C-stagethe final stage in the reaction of certain thermoset-ting resins in which the material is relatively insolubl
42、e andinfusible. Certain thermosetting resins in a fully curedadhesive layer are in this stage. Sometimes referred to asresite. D907cureto change the properties of a polymeric system into amore stable, usable condition by the use of heat, radiation, orreaction with chemical additives. D883DISCUSSIONC
43、ure may be accomplished, for example, by removal ofsolvent or crosslinking.debulkingthe application of a temporary vacuum bag,bleeder, vacuum, or pressure, with or without heat, toremove trapped air and possibly some resin, in order tocompact a composite lay-up. (Syn. pre-bleeding, compact-ing.)degr
44、adationdamage by weakening or loss of some property,quality, or capability.delaminationthe separation of the layers (lamina) of mate-rial in a laminate. C582, D883densityweight per unit volume, usually expressed in poundsper cubic inch, pounds per cubic foot, or kilograms per cubicmetre. C460destruc
45、tive testSee test, destructive.dry strengthSee strength, dry.durabilitythe measure of the ability of a material or struc-ture to endure and maintain its essential and distinctivecharacteristics of strength, resistance to decay, and appear-ance, with relation to a specific environment of use.ECAan ab
46、breviation for environmentally controlled area;anarea whose temperature and humidity is controlled withinspecified limits; the presence of grease, dirt, chemicalcontaminants, etc., are excluded.edge closuresstructural members framing the periphery of asandwich panel providing support and a means of
47、attach-ment to the panel as well as an environmental seal.edgewise compressive strengtha term describing the loadcarrying capacity of flat sandwich constructions when acompressive load is applied uniformly to each facing,usually defined in terms of developed facing stresses ascompared to the yield s
48、tress of the facings (see Test MethodC364).electromagnetic interferenceSee EMI.electromagnetic pulse See EMP.EMIan abbreviation for electromagnetic interference;caused by electric and magnetic fields that emanate from awide range of electrical circuitry.EMPan abbreviation for electromagnetic pulse;
49、a suddenintense discharge of electromagnetic energy that occursnaturally as a result of lightning discharge and can beinduced by near-surface or high-altitude nuclear explosions.environmentally controlled areaSee ECA.excessive corrosioncorrosion that is not removed by clean-ing as described in Practice E864.exothermthe temperature rise resulting from the liberationof heat by any process of chemical reaction.facingthe outermost layer or composite