ASTM E2208-2002(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain Measurement Systems《非接触式光学应变测量系统评价的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM E2208-2002(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain Measurement Systems《非接触式光学应变测量系统评价的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2208-2002(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain Measurement Systems《非接触式光学应变测量系统评价的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2208-2002(2010)e1 Standard Guide for Evaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain Measurement Systems《非接触式光学应变测量系统评价的标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E2208 02 (Reapproved 2010)1Standard Guide forEvaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain MeasurementSystems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2208; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the ye

2、ar of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1NOTE3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.2.4 were editorially revised in December 2011.1. Scope1.1 The purpose of this document is to assist

3、potential usersin understanding the issues related to the accuracy of non-contacting strain measurement systems and to provide acommon framework for quantitative comparison of opticalsystems. The output from a non-contacting optical strain anddeformation measurement system is generally divided intoo

4、ptical data and image analysis data. Optical data containsinformation related to specimen strains and the image analysisprocess converts the encoded optical information into straindata. The enclosed document describes potential sources oferror in the strain data and describes general methods forquan

5、tifying the error and estimating the accuracy of themeasurements when applying non-contacting methods to thestudy of events for which the optical integration time is muchsmaller than the inverse of the maximum temporal frequency inthe encoded data (that is, events that can be regarded as staticdurin

6、g the integration time). A brief application of the ap-proach, along with specific examples defining the variousterms, is given in the Appendix.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsE83 Practice for Verification and Classification of Exte

7、n-someter SystemsE251 Test Methods for Performance Characteristics of Me-tallic Bonded Resistance Strain GaugesE399 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain FractureToughness KIcof Metallic MaterialsE1823 Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Test-ing3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 acc

8、uracythe quantitative difference between a testmeasurement and a reference value.3.1.2 raw dataThe sampled values of a sensor output.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 coherent illuminationlight source where the differ-ence in phase is solely a function of optical path differen

9、ces;interference is a direct consequence.3.2.2 decoded datameasurement information related tothe displacement or displacement gradient field.3.2.3 decoded data bandwidthspatial frequency range ofthe information after decoding of the optical data.3.2.4 derived datadata obtained through processing of

10、theraw data.3.2.5 dynamic rangethe range of physical parameter val-ues for which measurements can be acquired with the mea-surement system.3.2.6 illumination wavelengthwavelength of illumination,z.3.2.7 incoherent illuminationlight source with randomvariations in optical path differences; constructi

11、ve or destruc-tive interference of waves is not possible.3.2.8 maximum temporal frequency of encoded datareciprocal of the shortest event time contained in the encodeddata (for example, time variations in displacement field).3.2.9 measurement noisevariations in the measurementsthat are not related t

12、o actual changes in the physical propertybeing measured. May be quantified by statistical propertiessuch as standard deviation.3.2.10 measurement resolutionsmallest change in thephysical property that can be reliably measured.3.2.11 numerical aperture, (N.A.)non-dimensional mea-sure of diffraction-l

13、imitation for imaging system; N.A. = D/ffor a simple lens system, where D is lens diameter and f is lensfocal length.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue andFracture and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E08.03 on AdvancedApparatus and Techniques.Current

14、edition approved Nov. 1, 2010. Published January 2011. Originallyapproved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as E220802. DOI:10.1520/E2208-02R10E01.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book o

15、f ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.12 optical datarecorded images of specimen, contain-ing encoded information relat

16、ed to the displacement or dis-placement gradient field, or both.3.2.13 optical data bandwidthspatial frequency range ofthe optical pattern (for example, fringes, speckle pattern, etc.)that can be recorded in the images without aliasing or loss ofinformation.3.2.14 optical integration timetime over w

17、hich digitalimage data is averaged to obtain a discretely sampled repre-sentation of the object.3.2.15 optical resolution, (OR)distance, d = z / (2 N.A.),between a pair of lines that can be quantatively determined.3.2.16 quantization levelnumber of bits used in the digitalrecording of optical data b

18、y each sensor for image analysis.The quantization level is one of the parameters determining thefidelity of the recorded optical images. It is determined by thecamera selected for imaging and typically is 8 bits for mostcameras.3.2.17 recording resolution (pixels/length), knumber ofoptical sensor el

19、ements (pixels) used to record an image of aregion of length L on object.3.2.18 spatial resolution for encoded dataone-half of theperiod of the highest frequency component contained in thefrequency band of the encoded data.3.2.19 spatial resolution for optical dataone-half of theperiod of the highes

20、t frequency component contained in thefrequency band of the optical data. Note that decoded data mayhave a lower spatial resolution due to the decoding process.3.2.20 systematic errorsbiased variations in the measure-ments due to the effects of test environment, hardware and/orsoftware. Test environ

21、ment effects include changes in tempera-ture, humidity, lighting, out-of-plane displacements (for 2-Dsystems) etc. Hardware effects include lens aberrations, ther-mal drift in recording media, variations in sensing elements,interlacing of lines, phase lag due to refresh rates, depth of fieldfor reco

22、rding system, etc. Software effects include interpola-tion errors, search algorithm processes, image boundary ef-fects, etc.4. Description of General Optical Non-Contacting StrainMeasurement Systems4.1 Figs. 1 and 2 show schematics of typical moir anddigital image correlation setups used to make dis

23、placementfield measurements. In its most basic form, an optical non-contacting strain measurement system such as shown in Figs. 1and 2, consists of five components. The five components are(a) an illumination source, (b) a test specimen, (c) a method toapply forces to the specimen, (d) a recording me

24、dia to obtainimages of the object at each load level of interest and (e)animage analysis procedure to convert the encoded deformationinformation into strain data. Since the encoded information inthe optical images may be related either to displacement fieldcomponents or to the displacement gradient

25、field components,image analysis procedures will be somewhat different for eachcase. However, regardless of which form is encoded in theimages, the images are the Basic Data and the displacementfields and the strain fields will be part of the Derived Data. Thisguide is primarily concerned with genera

26、l features of (a) theillumination source, (d) image recording components, and (e)image analysis procedures. ASTM standards for specimendesign and loading, such as Test Methods E8 for tensile testingof metals or Test Method E399 for plane strain fracturetoughness provide the basis for (b, c).5. Error

27、 Sources5.1 At each stage of the flow of data in the measurementsystem, errors can be introduced. These are considered in thesequence in which they occur in this guide.FIG. 1 Typical Optical Moir Systems for In-Plane Displacement MeasurementE2208 02 (2010)125.2 Errors Introduced in Recording Process

28、Since themedia used to record Basic Data can introduce additional errorsin the Derived Data, each set of experimental data must includea detailed description of the recording media used. If a digitalcamera system is used to record images, data to be includedshould be the camera manufacturer, camera

29、output form (forexample, analog or digital), camera spatial resolution, dataacquisition board type, pixel quantization level (for example, 8bits), ratio of pixel dimensions, lens type and manufacturer.When photographic film is used to record images, the filmcharacteristics and method of processing,

30、as well as lens typeand manufacturer used in imaging should be documented.5.3 Errors Due to Extraneous VibrationsDepending uponthe measurement resolution, system vibrations can increaseerrors in the encoded information which may result in addi-tional extraction errors. Provided that the period of vi

31、bration issufficiently small relative to the integration time, and theamplitude of the disturbance is small relative to the quantitybeing measured, sensor averaging may reduce the effect ofvibrations on the displacement fields and the strain fields.5.4 Errors Due to Lighting VariationsSince the Basi

32、cData is image data, lighting variations during the experimentmay affect (1) the actual encoded information (for example,phase shift in coherent methods) and (2) extraction of theencoded information. For incoherent methods, light variationsof several quantization levels may degrade the Derived Datae

33、xtracted from the images. Similar effects are possible forcoherent methods if there are, for instance, slight changes inthe wavelength of the illumination. In both cases, use of imageprocessing methods that are insensitive to lighting variations(for example, normalized cross correlation) will increa

34、se theaccuracy of the extracted data.5.5 Errors Due to Rigid Body MotionDepending upon themeasurement resolution, rigid body translation and/or rotationmay severely impact the ability to extract encoded informationfrom the image data. For example, if the translation is largecompared to the measureme

35、nt resolution and the opticalresolution of the recording media is low, then the highfrequency encoded information may be lost.5.6 Errors in Extraction ProcessThe encoded informationextracted from the recorded images is degraded by errorsintroduced by the image processing method used. Errorsintroduce

36、d by the extraction process can be a combination ofrandom errors as well as systematic errors (for example,peak-estimator bias or drift in Fourier correlation methods).Improved methods for image processing may significantlyreduce extraction errors and special care should be taken toreduce systematic

37、 errors.5.6.1 For example, one can define an engineering measureof normal strain along the “n” direction as:nn5Lnfinal2 Lninitial!LninitialHere, nnis defined by Lnfinal=(Ln+ Dun)2+(Dut1)2+(Dut2)1/2and (Dun, Dut1, Dut2) are finite changes in displace-ment along the perpendicular directions n, t1and t

38、2for pointsat either end of line Ln. Thus, errors in strain nncan be due to(1) errors in the initial length of the line element and (2) errorsin the displacement components (Dun, Dut1, Dut2). In bothcases, extraction of Derived Data from the Basic Data is thesource of error.5.7 Errors in Processing

39、Extracted DataErrors are intro-duced when the form of extracted Derived Data in 5.6 isprocessed to obtain strain data. This process can involve a widerange of mathematical operations including (1) numericaldifferentiation of derived displacement data and (2) smoothingof displacement or displacement

40、gradient data. Errors intro-duced by the choice of post-processing method can include, butare not limited to, (1) reduction of spatial resolution, (2)systematic under-prediction of strain in areas of high straingradients, (3) phase errors in the signal due to non-symmetricoperators etc.6. System Eva

41、luation Process6.1 Each non-contacting optical strain measurement systemmust be evaluated to determine reliable estimates for theaccuracy of the resulting Derived Data. Given the wide rangeFIG. 2 Typical Digital Image Correlation Setups For (a) In-Plane Displacement Measurement and (b) Three-Dimensi

42、onal DisplacementMeasurementE2208 02 (2010)13of methods that have been developed, this guide will notaddress specific details involving the application of any tech-nique. Rather, the guidelines are provided as a general frame-work for evaluation of non-contacting optical strain measure-ment systems.

43、6.2 In the following sections, a direct comparison betweenestablished measurement methods and non-contacting methodsis recommended. However, it must be noted that, even thoughthis approach does provide a direct, quantitative measure ofagreement between two, independent measurement data sets.Practice

44、 E83 and Test Methods E251 provide only averagevalues for strain over a specific area on the specimen. Thus,good agreement with the average value obtained from theDerived Data in the same area does not verify (1) the accuracyof local variations observed in the Derived Data or (2) theaccuracy of the

45、Derived Data in regions outside the area wherecomparisons were made.6.2.1 For example, if a finite difference in displacementcomponents is used to determine strain components such asnn, then errors in relative displacement components can bedirectly related to strain errors using equations such as:En

46、nDLnfinalLninitialWhere Ennis an estimate for the error in the normal strainnn. Here, DLnfinalis the error in final length due to errors in themeasured displacement components. Through calibration, thecontribution of inaccuracies in the relative displacement com-ponents (Dun, Dut1, Dut2) to strain e

47、rror can be determined.However, the accuracy of the Derived Data outside of thisregion, which may be a region of importance, cannot beverified without additional comparisons.6.3 Comparison to Standard Measurement Methods forSimilar Test ConditionsNon-contacting measurements canbe made under diverse

48、conditions (for example, high tempera-ture, in-situ structures, laboratory test frames, vacuum). Due tothe diversity of conditions, calibration tests are recommendedon similar components under similar conditions to assessaccuracy. In this approach, the effects of those phenomenapresent in the test c

49、ondition but not accounted for in laboratorytests or computer simulations are directly included in the errorassessment.6.3.1 For these tests, direct comparison of the non-contacting measurements to independent measurements byestablished methods using documented ASTM procedures (forexample, extensometers (Practice E83), strain gages (TestMethods E251) whenever possible is the most reliable way toobtain quantitative estimates for the accuracy of average valuesobtained from the Derived Data. If this approach is used, alldata acquisition a


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