ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E2355-2004 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface《抛光表面上吸收性电致变色涂层均匀性测量的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 2355 04Standard Test Method forMeasuring the Uniformity of an Absorptive ElectrochromicCoating on a Glazing Surface1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2355; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of re

2、vision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 The test described is a method for measuring theuniformity of an absorptive electrochromic coatin

3、g (ECC) in astatic colored or bleached state on a glazing surface, which willultimately be one of two or more glazings in a preassembledpermanently sealed insulating glass unit (IGU). Cross sectionsof typical electrochromic windows (ECWs) have three tofive-layers of coatings that include one to thre

4、e active layerssandwiched between two transparent conducting electrodes(TCEs, see Section 3). Examples of the cross-sectional ar-rangements can be found2in “Evaluation Criteria and TestMethods for ElectrochromicWindows.” (For a list of acronymsused in this Standard, see Appendix X1, Section X1.1).1.

5、2 The test method is applicable only for layered (one ormore active coatings between the TCEs) absorptive ECCs onvision glass (superstrate and substrate) areas planned for use inIGUs for buildings, such as glass doors, windows, skylights,and exterior wall systems. The layers used for electrochromi-c

6、ally changing the optical properties may be inorganic ororganic materials between the superstrate and substrate andmay include laminates.1.3 The ECCs used in this test method will ultimately beexposed (Test Method E 2141) to solar radiation and deployedto control the amount of radiation by absorptio

7、n and reflectionand thus, limit the solar heat gain and amount of solar radiationthat is transmitted into the building.1.4 The test method is not applicable to other types ofcoatings on vision glass with other chromogenic coatings thatcannot be held in a static colored or bleached state.1.5 The test

8、 method is not applicable to IGUs that will beconstructed from superstrate or substrate materials other thanglass.1.6 The test method is not applicable for measuring theuniformity of ECC coatings during the coloring or bleachingprocesses.1.7 The test method referenced herein is a laboratory testcond

9、ucted under specified conditions. This test method isintended for use in assessing the changes in uniformity of anECC on vision glass, which will be incorporated into an IGUand subjected to a series of tests for assessing the durability ofthe coating or the IGU unit, or both.1.8 The values stated in

10、 metric (SI) units are to be regardedas the standard.1.9 There is no comparable International Standards Organi-zation Standard.1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish

11、appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3C 168 Terminology Relating to Thermal InsulationC 1048 Specification for Heat-Treated Flat GlassKindHS, Kind FT Coated, and Uncoated GlassE 209

12、4 Practice for Evaluating the Service Life of Chro-mogenic GlazingsE 2141 Test Methods for Assessing the Durability of Ab-sorptive Electrochromic Coatings on Sealed InsulatingGlass UnitsE 2188 Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit PerformanceE 2190 Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance

13、and EvaluationE 2240 Test Method for Assessing the Current-VoltageCycling Stability at 90C (194F) of Absorptive Electro-chromic Coatings on Sealed Insulating Glass UnitsE 2241 Test Method for Assessing the Current-VoltageCycling Stability at Room Temperature of AbsorptiveElectrochromic Coatings on S

14、ealed Insulating Glass Units2.2 Canadian Standard:CAN/CGSB12.8 Insulating Glass Units1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.22on Durability Performance of Building Constructions.Current edition

15、 approved April 1, 2004. Published April 2004.2Czanderna, A. W., and Lampert, C. M., “Evaluation Criteria and Test Methodsfor Electrochromic Windows,” SERI/PR-255-3537, Solar Energy Research Institute,Golden, CO, July 1990.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orconta

16、ct ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3. Terminology3.1 Defin

17、itionsRefer to Terminology C 168 for definitionsof general terms.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 accelerated aging testan aging test in which the rateof degradation of building components or materials is inten-tionally accelerated from that expected in actual service.3.2.2 b

18、leached statea descriptor for an ECW when noions reside in the electrochromic layer or after ions have beenremoved (or inserted, depending on the type of material) fromthe electrochromic layer(s) and if applicable, the maximumnumber of ions have been returned to the counterelectrodelayer to restore

19、the photopic optical specular transmittance inthe bleached state (tb) from that of the photopic opticalspecular transmittance in the colored state (tc).3.2.3 chromogenic glazingis defined in Practice E 2094,but also see Appendix X1, Section X1. colored statea descriptor for an ECW after ionsh

20、ave been inserted (or removed, depending on the type ofmaterial) into the electrochromic layer and, if applicable,removed from the counterelectrode layer to reduce the photo-pic optical specular transmittance (of wavelengths from 400nm to 730 nm) from that in the bleached state (tb).3.2.5 control pa

21、rameters for an electrochromic coating(ECC)the time dependent voltage or current profile that issupplied by the manufacturer of the ECW in which the voltageor current is applied to the ECC for achieving and maintainingthe desired colored state and subsequently bleaching of thedevice.3.2.6 durability

22、the capability of maintaining the service-ability of a product, component, assembly, or construction overa specified time.3.2.7 electrochromic coating (ECC)the multilayered ma-terials that include the electrochromic layers, other layers, andtransparent conducting oxide layers required for altering t

23、heoptical properties of the coating.3.2.8 electrochromic layer(s)the material(s) in an ECWthat alter its optical properties in response to the insertion orremoval of ions, for example, Li+or H+.3.2.9 electrochromic window (ECW)a device with anECC consisting of several layers of electrochromic and at

24、ten-dant materials, which are able to alter their optical properties inresponse to a change in an applied electric field. The change-able optical properties include transmittance, reflectance, andabsorptance result in changes in the solar heat gain, visibletransmittance, and U-factor of the window.3

25、.2.10 fenestrationthe placement of openings in a build-ing, that is, a window, door, or skylight and its associatedinterior or exterior elements such as shades or blinds.3.2.11 ion conducting layerthe material in an ECCthrough which ions are transported between the electrochromiclayer and the ion st

26、orage layer and electron transport isminimized.3.2.12 ion storage layer or counter electrode layerthematerial in an ECC that serves as a reservoir for ions that canbe inserted into the electrochromic layer.3.2.13 performance parametersthe photopic transmit-tance ratio (PTR), of at least 5:1 (PTR = t

27、b/tc) between thebleached (for example, tbof 60 to 70 %) and colored (forexample, tcof 12 to 14 %) states; coloring and bleaching timesof a few minutes; switching with applied voltages from 1 to3 V; and open-circuit memory of a few hours, for example,contemporary ECWs typically have open circuit mem

28、ories of 6to 24 h.3.2.14 sealed insulating glass unitis defined in TestMethod E 2190 but see also Appendix X1, Section X1. serviceabilitythe capability of a building product,component, assembly, or construction to perform the func-tion(s) for which it was designed and constructed.3.2.16 serv

29、ice life (of a building component or material)the period of time after installation during which all propertiesexceed minimum acceptable values when routinely main-tained.3.3 For additional useful definitions for terminology used inthis standard, see Appendix X1, Section X1.3.4. Significance and Use

30、4.1 The useful life of IGUs with an absorptive ECC maydepend on their ability to maintain an acceptable uniformitywhen used in an IGU for buildings applications. As describedin Section 1.22,4(See Appendix X1, Sections X1.4 and X1.5),this test method is intended to provide a means for measuringthe un

31、iformity of an absorptive electrochromic coating (ECC)on a glazing surface, which will ultimately be one of two ormore of the glazings in a preassembled permanently sealedinsulating glass unit (IGU).4.2 Effects of Test ProceduresData generated using thistest method may be used to evaluate and compar

32、e the effects ofsubjecting ECCs in IGUs to the accelerated weathering proce-dures described in Test Methods E 2141, E 2240,orE 2241and Practice E 2094. This test method requires the measure-ment of uniformity as a basis for evaluating changes in one ofseveral performance parameters.4.2.1 Changes in

33、the uniformity of the test specimens mayvary from none to significant. Some physical changes in thespecimens may be visible when there are no apparent changesin the performance. Similarly, performance changes may occurwith no visible changes in the specimens.4.2.2 All conditions of measurement in th

34、is test methodmust be described in the report so that an assessment of theirsignificance can be made.4.3 SequencingIf this test method is performed as part ofa combined sequence with other measurements of the ECCperfomance (see 8.2) and visual inspection (see 8.3 in TestMethods E 2141, E 2240,orE 22

35、41) determined at the end ofone of the test methods, the result may be used as the initialuniformity measurement for the next test; duplication of theseuniformity measurements is not necessary unless so specified.4Czanderna, A. W., Benson, D. K., Jorgensen, G. J., Zhang, J-G., Tracy, C. E.,and Deb,

36、S. K., “Durability Issues and Service Lifetime Prediction of Electrochro-mic Windows for Buildings Applications,” NREL/TP-510-22702, National Renew-able Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, May 1997; Solar Energy Materials and SolarCells, 56, 1999, pp. 419-436.E23550425. Background5.1 Observations and mea

37、surements have shown that someof the performance parameters of ECCs in ECWs have atendency to deteriorate over time. In selecting the materials,device design, and glazing for any application, the ability of theglazing to perform over time is an indication of that glazingsdurability. The ability of t

38、he product to perform over time, at orbetter than specified requirements, is an indication of theservice life of the glazings. While these two indicators arerelated, the purpose of this standard test method is to measurethe uniformity of an absorptive electrochromic coating (ECC)on a glazing surface

39、, which will ultimately be one of two ormore glazings in a preassembled permanently sealed insulatingglass unit (IGU).5.2 ECWs perform a number of important functions in abuilding envelope including: minimizing the solar energy heatgain; providing for passive solar energy gain; controlling avariable

40、 visual connection with the outside world; enhancinghuman comfort (heat gain), security, ventilation, illumination,and glare control; providing for architectural expression; and(possibly) improving acoustical performance. Some of thesefunctions may deteriorate in performance over time. Largechanges

41、in the uniformity of an ECC on a glazing surface mayresult in an unacceptable visual connection with the outsideworld, illumination, glare control, or in the architecturalexpression by the fenestration product.6. Apparatus6.1 Laboratory Space, that is large enough for the largestECC-glass specimen t

42、o be measured and that will maintain theECC testing temperature at 22 6 3C (72 6 5F). The spacemust permit using the equipment needed for making theuniformity measurements.6.2 Positioning Mechanism, that will hold and position thelight source-detector pair(s) above and under the ECC sample.Because t

43、he sample sizes can vary, the light source-detectorpair(s) shall be moveable and adjustable.6.3 Holding Mechanism, that will hold a coated glassspecimen in the central position between the light source anddetector and that maintains the correct beam size diameter(within the allowed tolerance). The r

44、epeatability of positioningis to be 63 mm. Clamp the source and detector pair to the glassduring measurement to avoid stray light.6.4 Computer Controlled Photodiode Array Spectrophotom-eter, for obtaining and storing data from the electro-opticalcharacterization of the optical transmittance in the c

45、olored andbleached state. The resolution of the transmittance (T) mea-surement shall be 0.1 %T.6.5 Broadband Lamp, that will provide a broadband spec-trum from the light source and that must be compatible withilluminating the photodiode array spectrophotometer describedin 6.4 and that will provide s

46、ufficient intensity from 400 to 720nm.The illumination spot size of the source on the sample shallbe 5 6 3 mm in diameter. Choose a source of “cool” light tominimize localized heating that could adversely impact theuniformity of the ECC.The stability of the lamp for making thetransmittance measureme

47、nts shall be sufficient to provide theneeded accuracy and precision.NOTE 1A 5-cm diameter spot size provides good reproducibility ofthe measurement of any broad non-uniformities in the ECC and allowsprecision measurements to be made without placing tight tolerances on theposition of the spot. The me

48、asurement may also be made with a smallerspot size, for example, 2-cm that is sequentially positioned until the areaof a 5-cm diameter circle has been sampled.6.6 Transmittance Measurements, to a precision of 60.5 %T and with an accuracy of 62 % of the measured transmittanceor 60.5 % in transmittanc

49、e, whichever is the greater.NOTE 2The accuracy is 60.5 % in the measured transmittance up toT = 25 % and then 2 % of the transmittance value for all T 25 %. Thus,the two criteria prevents specifying an unrealistic measurement accuracyat small values of T, such as in the colored state.6.7 Transmission Standards, to calibrate the equipmentappropriately.To calibrate the transmittance (T) measurements,select transmission standards that span the entire dynamicrange to be measured. For example, if an ECC sample with adynamic transmittance range of 55 to 4 % is to b

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