ASTM E2816-2013 Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems《防火金属采暖通风与空调管道系统的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM E2816-2013 Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems《防火金属采暖通风与空调管道系统的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2816-2013 Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems《防火金属采暖通风与空调管道系统的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2816-2013 Standard Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems《防火金属采暖通风与空调管道系统的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E2816 12aE2816 13 An American National StandardStandard Test Methods forFire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2816; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revisio

2、n, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONHeating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) duct systems may be subjected to fire- exposureconditions

3、. ISO 6944 is a standard test method used to evaluate ventilation ducts. However, ISO 6944does not address all of the fire resistive attributes deemed necessary by some authorities havingjurisdiction, for example, (1) the fire-resistive, combustibility, flame spread and smoke generation, anddurabili

4、ty properties of the fire-resistive materials protecting the HVAC duct, (2) the transition fromthe horizontal to a vertical HVAC duct, (3) the attachment of the HVAC ducts supports to thefire-separating elements, (4) the termination of an HVAC duct system and the protection of its ends,(5) the effec

5、ts of rapid cooling and erosion upon the HVAC duct system, (6) the use of fire dampersand (7) the effect of the HVAC duct system on its supporting construction. Many types of fire-resistivematerials are used to protect HVAC ducts. These fire-resistive materials are either applied to HVACducts in the

6、 field or are fabricated as an integral part of the HVAC duct system when shipped from thefactory. Evaluating fire-resistive materials used to protect a HVAC duct from fire is an aid forpredicting their fire performance and helps to establish uniformity in requirements of variousauthorities. To do t

7、his it is necessary that the fire-resistance properties of HVAC ducts protected withfire-resistive materials be measured and specified according to a common standard expressed in termsthat are applicable alike to a wide variety of materials, situations, and conditions of exposure.1. ScopeNOTE 1Use o

8、f the standard designation ISO 6944 refers to both ISO 6944:1985 and ISO 6944-1:2008.1.1 These test methods evaluate the fire-resistive materials and the HVAC duct systems surface burning characteristics,non-combustibility, fire resistance, durability, and fire-engulfment with horizontal and vertica

9、l through-penetration firestops.NOTE 2The intent of these test methods is to provide authorities having jurisdiction a means to evaluate the fire performance of HVAC duct systemsto enable their application and use.1.2 These test methods evaluate the fire performance of HVAC ducts, including both sup

10、ply (pressurized: Condition A Horizontal and Condition B Vertical) and return (exhaust: Condition C Horizontal and Condition D Vertical).1.3 These test methods evaluate the ability of a HVAC duct system to resist the spread of fire from one compartment to othercompartments separated by a fire resist

11、ance rated construction when the HVAC duct system is exposed to fire under one or moreof the following conditions:1.3.1 Condition AFire exposure from the outside of the horizontal HVAC duct system without openings,1.3.2 Condition BFire exposure from the outside of the vertical HVAC duct system witho

12、ut openings,1.3.3 Condition CFire exposure from the outside with hot gases entering the inside of the horizontal HVAC duct system withunprotected openings, andNOTE 3Unprotected openings are openings that are not protected by fire dampers.1.3.4 Condition DFire exposure from the outside with hot gases

13、 entering the inside of the vertical HVAC duct system withunprotected openings.1.4 These test methods provide a means for determining the fire-resistance of vertical and horizontal HVAC duct systems, whensubjected to the standard time-temperature curve of Test Methods E119.1 These test methods are u

14、nder the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire Standards and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Fire Resistance.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2012May 1, 2013. Published December 2012May 2013. Originally approved in 2011. Last previous edition approved in 2012 asE2816-12.

15、-12a. DOI: 10.1520/E2816-12A.10.1520/E2816-13.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately

16、, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States11.

17、4.1 Condition AThese test methods provide a means for evaluating a horizontal HVAC duct system, without openingsexposed to fire, passing through a vertical fire-separating element.1.4.2 Condition BThese test methods provide a means for evaluating a vertical HVAC duct system, without openings exposed

18、to fire and outfitted with a horizontal connection, passing through a horizontal fire-separating element.1.4.3 Condition CThese test methods provide a means for evaluating a horizontal HVAC duct system, with unprotectedopenings exposed to fire, passing through a vertical fire-separating element.1.4.

19、4 Condition DThese test methods provide a means for evaluating a vertical HVAC duct system with a horizontalconnection, and with unprotected openings exposed to fire, passing through a horizontal fire-separating element.1.5 These test methods prescribe a standardized fire exposure for comparing the

20、test results of the fire resistive materials andHVAC duct systems. The results of these tests are one factor in assessing predicted fire performance of HVAC duct systems. Usingthese test results to predict the performance of actual HVAC duct systems requires the evaluation of test conditions.1.6 The

21、 values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The SI values given in parentheses are forinformation only, unless the SI units are used consistently to perform all of the test methods referenced herein. In this case, theSI units will be regarded as the standard and will be us

22、ed in Section 17, Report.1.7 The text of these test methods references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material and (excluding those intables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the fire-test-response standard.1.8 This document specifically excludes evaluating ducts

23、 that carry combustibles, flammable vapors, combustible gases, andcommercial kitchen ventilation systems commonly called grease ducts or hazardous exhaust ducts, which are tested in compliancewith Test Methods E2336.1.9 This standard is used to measure and describe the response of materials, product

24、s, or assemblies to heat and flame undercontrolled conditions, but does not by itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk assessment of the materials,products, or assemblies under actual fire conditions.1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concer

25、ns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use.1.11 Fire testing is inherently hazardous.Adequate safeguards for personnel and propert

26、y shall be employed in conducting thesetests.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C411 Test Method for Hot-Surface Performance of High-Temperature Thermal InsulationC518 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter ApparatusE84 Test Method for Su

27、rface Burning Characteristics of Building MaterialsE119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and MaterialsE136 Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750CE176 Terminology of Fire StandardsE631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE814 Test Method for Fire

28、 Tests of Penetration Firestop SystemsE2226 Practice for Application of Hose StreamE2336 Test Methods for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems2.2 Other Standards:UL 385 Standard for Play Pipes for Water Supply Testing in Fire-Protection ServiceISO 6944:1985 Fire Resistance Tests Ventilation

29、DuctsISO 6944-1:2008 Fire Containment Elements of Building Construction Part 1: Ventilation ducts3. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms used in these test methods and associated with fire issues, refer to the definitions contained inTerminology E176.3.2 For definitions of terms used in these tes

30、t methods and associated with building issues, refer to the definitions contained inTerminology E631.3.3 When there is a conflict between Terminology E176 and Terminology E631 definitions, Terminology E176 definitions shallapply.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or

31、 contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.E2816 1323.4 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.4.1 fire resistive material, nthe product applied to or a part of the

32、HVAC duct to provide fire resistance.3.4.2 fire-separating element, nfloors, walls, and partititions having a period of fire resistance determined in accordance withfire resistance test methods such as Test Methods E119.3.4.3 fire side, adjthe surface of the test assembly or test specimen exposed to

33、 the heat or flame, or both, of the test apparatus.3.4.4 integrity, nthe absence of cracks, holes or openings that appear outside the furnace on the fire-resistive material orfirestop, or both, or through which flames or hot gases pass as determined by the cotton pad test.3.4.5 orifice, nthe continu

34、ous hollow area or opening within the HVAC duct.3.4.6 stability, nthe ability of the HVAC duct, support and fastening system to fulfill their intended function.3.4.7 supporting construction, nthe arrangement of building sections forming the fire-separating elements into which theHVAC duct system is

35、installed.3.4.8 support system, nthe vertical or horizontal devices used to sustain the HVAC duct and its fire-resistive materials andtheir fastening means.3.4.9 test assembly, nthe complete construction composed of a test specimen(s) together with its supporting construction.3.4.10 test specimen, n

36、a material, product, or assemblage of a specific design, composition, density, and dimension, forexample, a HVAC duct protected with a fire-resistive material(s) that is secured by fastening system, which is suspended by asupport system, and protected by a firestop(s). DiscussionThe fire-res

37、istive material or the HVAC duct system are examples of test specimens.3.4.11 unexposed side, nthe surface not directly exposed to the heat or flame, or both, of the test apparatus.3.4.12 unexposed surface thermocouple, ntemperature-measuring device placed on the unexposed surface.3.4.13 HVAC duct,

38、na tube or conduit utilized for conveying air without combustible materials, flammable vapors, andcombustible gases.3.4.14 HVAC duct system, nconsists of the HVAC duct, a fire-resistive material(s), a support system, the through-penetrationfirestop(s) and fastening system(s).4. Summary of Test Metho

39、d4.1 Representative test specimens of the fire-resistive material or the HVAC duct system are subjected to the selected tests forthe purposes of assisting the authority having jurisdiction in qualifying an HVAC duct system to a an explicit set of theirrequirements. These test methods describe the fo

40、llowing test sequence and procedures:4.1.1 A combustion characteristics of building materials test, Test Method E136, demonstrates the measure of fire-resistivematerials combustibility at a standardized temperature and duration.4.1.2 A durability test intended to simulate the effects of long-term ex

41、posure of typical in-service conditions, only when theservice temperature exceeds 125F, on the thermal transmission qualities of the fire-resistive materials when subjected to amodified version of Test Method C518.NOTE 4The service temperature refers to the temperature inside the HVAC duct system or

42、 the ambient temperature surrounding the HVAC ductsystem.4.1.3 A fire-engulfment test uses a standardized fire exposure to simulate a fire occurring on the outside of the HVAC ductsystem in Conditions A and B, or a fire occurring on the inside and outside of the HVAC duct system in Conditions C and

43、D, anddemonstrates the ability of the HVAC duct system to remain intact without a through opening appearing in supporting constructionor the HVAC duct system outside the furnace or raising the temperature on its unexposed surface above the limitations of thesetest methods or conveying hot gases into

44、 other compartments. The fire-engulfment test also tests the fastening methods used tosecure the fire-resistive material to the HVAC duct and the support system. The fire-engulfment test also provides a means to testa through-penetration firestop to determine its compatibility with the HVAC duct whe

45、n mounted in a horizontal or verticalfire-separating element. A hose stream test is also performed on the test assembly in accordance with the provisions in PracticeE2226.4.1.4 Surface burning test, Test Method E84, provides a means to evaluate the flame spread and smoke developed of thefire-resisti

46、ve material.4.1.5 A hot-surface performance test, Test Method C411, provides a means of evaluating the coverings and linings ability toresist flaming, glowing, smoldering or smoking while in service.E2816 1335. Significance and Use5.1 These test methods are intended to evaluate the ability of the HV

47、AC duct system and its supporting construction to do thefollowing:5.1.1 Resist the effects of a standardized fire exposure, and5.1.2 Retain its integrity.5.2 These test methods provide for the following measurements and evaluations where applicable:5.2.1 Ability of the fire-resistive material to res

48、ist flaming (combustion) when exposed to 1382F (750C).5.2.2 Ability of the tested support system to carry the load of the HVAC duct and its fire-resistive material(s) during astandardized fire-engulfment test.5.2.3 Ability of the firestops to meet the requirements of Test Method E814 when used as pa

49、rt of a HVAC duct system.5.2.4 Ability of the HVAC duct system to resist the passage of flames and hot gases onto its unexposed surface during astandardized fire-resistance test.5.2.5 Transmission of heat through the HVAC duct system during a standardized fire-resistance test.5.2.6 Ability of the firestop to resist the passage of water during a standardized hose stream test.5.2.7 Comparative measurement of temperature aging of the fire-resistive material(s) when subjected to a standardized thermalcycling during the durability test.5.


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