ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM F1063-2009(2014) Standard Practice for Functional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski Binding Boot Systems《高山滑雪板 绑带 靴系统功能检验和调试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F1063 09 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Practice forFunctional Inspections and Adjustments of Alpine Ski/Binding/Boot Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1063; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONAdhering to these guidelines may help reduce the risk of injuries resulting from impropermechani

3、cal functioning of releasable alpine binding systems. Skiing involves inherent risks and injurycan result from simply falling down, impact with an object, or from many other actions. Many injuriesare unrelated to system function and a properly functioning system cannot protect the skier in allsituat

4、ions. Compliance with these guidelines in no way guarantees that injury will be prevented.1. Scope1.1 This practice provides procedures for inspection andadjustment of alpine ski/binding/boot systems.1.2 This practice should be followed for systems, whethernewly mounted or previously mounted, when w

5、ork is per-formed on the system that may affect its release function,unless otherwise specified by the binding manufacturer innon-rental applications.1.3 Nonapplicability of this function and release inspectionpractice to rental shop operations is based upon the existence ofapplicable ASTM practices

6、.NOTE 1Refer to Practice F1064 for equivalent procedures andtolerances for complete and incomplete rental systems.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F939 Practice for S

7、election of Release Torque Values forAlpine Ski BindingsF1061 Specification for Ski Binding Test DevicesF1064 Practice for Sampling and Inspection of Completeand Incomplete Alpine Ski/Binding/Boot Systems inRental Applications3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 clean versus lubricated toleranceaccep

8、ted differ-ence between clean and lubricated test results, defined as notmore than 20 % of the clean test, used whenever a functionaltest for binding-boot compatibility is required (see 6.3).3.1.2 clockwise versus counterclockwise toleranceaccepted difference between test results about an axis perpe

9、n-dicular to the plane of the ski, usually from the toe piececomponent, and defined as within the inspection tolerance.3.1.3 corrective actionprocedures other than readjustmentof the visual indicator setting (see 3.1.18) to include repair orreplacement of system components.3.1.4 deviationdifference

10、between the test result (see3.1.16) and the selected reference torque value (see 3.1.12),usually expressed as a percentage of the selected referencetorque value.3.1.5 in use toleranceaccepted difference between thereference torque value and the test result(s), defined as 630 %of the reference torque

11、 value, or 65 Nm for twist and 20 Nmfor forward lean, whichever is greater, or two horizontal rowsup or down from the selected reference torque value deter-mined on the binding manufacturers adjustment chart. In theabsence of an applicable manufacturers chart, use Annex A2.For non-rental application

12、s, this tolerance is used as the upperand lower limit for determining if system release values areacceptable for in-use or in-service purposes, after said systemhas been released to the customer. This limit is derived fromPractice F1064, 3.1.1 Class 1 deviation. This deviation (616 to30 %, or two ho

13、rizontal rows up or down from the selectedreference torque value) is defined as a minor deviation that1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F27 on SnowSkiing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F27.50 on Shop Procedures(Retail and Rental).Current edition approved Ju

14、ly 1, 2014. Published July 2014. Originally approvedin 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as F1063 09. DOI: 10.1520/F1063-09R14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume

15、information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1does not require corrective action for equipment that isin-service, in rental applications. It is used as the

16、 upper andlower limit for readjustment of the binding.3.1.6 initial visual indicator settingvisual indicator settingderived from the binding manufacturers adjustment chart.3.1.7 inspection toleranceaccepted difference between thereference torque value and the test result. Defined as 615 % ofthe refe

17、rence torque value, or 63 Nm for twist and 610 Nmfor forward lean, whichever is greater, or one horizontal row upor down from the selected reference torque value determinedon the binding manufacturers adjustment chart, (see AnnexA2). It is used as the criteria for prompting consultation of thebindin

18、g manufacturers troubleshooting procedures or read-justment of the binding, or a combination of both. DiscussionWhen an algorithm or table is used toprovide a value, either may be used (differences may beinsignificant).3.1.8 limit for readjustmentaccepted difference betweenthe reference torqu

19、e value (see 3.1.12) and test result(s) (see3.1.16), defined as 630 % of the reference torque value, or 65Nm for twist and 20 Nm for forward lean, whichever is greater,or two horizontal rows up or down from the selected referencetorque value determined on the binding manufacturers adjust-ment chart

20、(see Annex A2). For a reference torque value of 8Nm in twist and 29 Nm in forward lean (Skier Code A inAnnex A2), the limit for readjustment is one row up or tworows down on the adjustment chart. The limit for readjustmentis used as the upper and lower limit for readjustment of thebinding.3.1.9 meas

21、ured release valuerelease torque value deter-mined by the use of a testing device of the type defined inAnnex A1.3.1.10 readjustment valuevalue that shall be added orsubtracted from the initial visual indicator setting to bring thetest result within the inspection tolerance.3.1.11 release/retention

22、valuerelease torque of the ski/binding/boot system. discretionary settingsvisual indicator settingshigher or lower than the normal setting range(1) ()a symbol, that when placed to the left of Type 1(see, provides release/retention values lower thanType I, corresponds to a further i

23、ncrease in the risk ofinadvertent binding release in order to gain increased releas-ability in a fall.(2) (+)a symbol, that when placed to the right of Type III(see, provides release/retention values higher thanType III, corresponds to a further decrease in releasability in afall in order

24、to gain a decreased risk of inadvertent bindingrelease.3.1.12 reference torque valuenominal release torque valuederived from a document compatible with Practice F939, suchas Annex A2, or information supplied by the binding or testdevice manufacturer.3.1.13 skier codeletter code derived from the bind

25、ingmanufacturers adjustment chart, based on a skiers parameters(height, weight, age, and skier type).3.1.14 skier typeclassification, selected by the skier, forthe type of skiing to be undertaken. Type Idesignation that provides lower than aver-age release/retention values; corresponds to an

26、 increased riskof inadvertent binding release in order to gain releasability ina fall; also applies to entry level skiers uncertain of theirclassification. Type IIdesignation that provides average release/retention values appropriate for most recreational skiing;applies to skiers not classif

27、ied as in Type I or Type III. Type IIIdesignation that provides higher thanaverage release/retention values; corresponds to decreasedreleasability in a fall in order to gain a decreased risk ofinadvertent binding release. (/)a symbol that separates skier typedesignations, used when,

28、as a result of troubleshooting, differ-ent skier types have been selected for determining twist (Mx),and forward lean (Mz) release/retention values; shown in theorder (twist/forward lean) or (T/H) to denote toe piece (T) andheel piece (H) of this ski binding. Other conventions may beused to record d

29、ifferent skier types for twist and forward leanwhen required by the documentation3.1.15 systemgroup of interacting components, usuallycomprised of a ski, binding, and boot.3.1.16 test resultmiddle quantitative value of three repeti-tions of the same test.3.1.17 troubleshootingbinding manufacturers r

30、ecom-mendations or procedures of analyzing system failure.3.1.18 visual indicator settingsetting displayed on thebindings release/retention adjustment scale.4. Significance and Use4.1 The purpose of this practice is to aid in providing theend user with an appropriately functioning system with appro-

31、priate release torque setting(s).4.2 The definitions and tolerances defined in this practice donot necessarily apply to procedures incorporating an inspectioninterval or schedule, in which such procedures are specified bythe binding manufacturer. This practice is not intended to be amethod for evalu

32、ating equipment design.NOTE 2Refer to Practice F1064 for definitions and tolerances per-taining to the evaluation of equipment once in use.5. Procedure5.1 Inspections Two types of inspection procedures aredescribed in this practice: (1) procedures to check the systemfor appropriate function, and (2)

33、 procedures to check thesystem for appropriate release torque calibration (see AppendixX4). In all procedures requiring a measured release value, thesystem testing device should meet Specification F1061 and bechecked by the method described in Annex A1.5.1.1 Functional InspectionsThese inspections s

34、hall in-clude inspection of all boot-to-binding adjustments andclearances, appropriate elastic travel (see 6.1), symmetry oftorsional release, boot-binding compatibility (see 6.3), andF1063 09 (2014)2other inspections recommended by the equipment manufactur-ers (see Appendix X4).5.1.2 Release Torque

35、 Value InspectionsThe release torquevalue of the system, as assembled for use, shall be inspectedwith the use of a system testing device (see Annex A1). Adescription of release torque value inspections and tolerances isincluded in this practice (see Section 7 and Appendix X4).5.2 Reference Torque Va

36、lue SelectionReference torquevalues for release torque may be selected using Annex A2 ortables supplied by the binding manufacturer or system testingdevice manufacturer, which are in accordance with PracticeF939. Reference torque values above the upper limit specifiedby Practice F939 or above the bi

37、nding manufacturers recom-mendations should not be used. Values below the lower limit orbelow the binding manufacturers recommendations may beused unless the binding manufacturer recommends againstsuch procedures.6. Functional Inspections6.1 Test for Elastic Travel and RecenteringThe systemshould be

38、 exercised to ensure the boot or plate can travel adistance specified by the manufacturer and return freely towithin 2 mm of the original position. This test should be madein all directions of release and in a manner specified by thebinding manufacturer. If no displacement is specified, thendisplace

39、ment of 5 mm measured at the toe or heel (asappropriate) should be used and the test should be performedby any device or method capable of displacing the boot or platethe necessary distance.6.2 Test for Symmetrical ReleaseThe system should betested for twist release in both the clockwise and counter

40、clock-wise directions with a device of the type specified in AnnexA1.6.3 Test of Boot/Binding CompatibilityUsed as a diagnos-tic inspection for determining the compatibility of a boot andbinding used in a system. The boot should be of a shape,composition, construction, and condition acceptable to th

41、ebinding manufacturer. Functional inspections specified by thebinding manufacturer to determine the compatibility of theboot and binding should be performed. If no functionalinspection procedures are specified by the bindingmanufacturer, a functional inspection should be performed todetermine the di

42、fference in test results between a clean, dryboot/binding system and the same system after lubrication ofall boot/binding interfaces. This functional inspection shouldbe made in all directions of release specified by the bindingmanufacturer, using a device of the type specified in Annex A1(see 5.1).

43、6.3.1 The lubricant used for this test should be applied in athin film and may be of any type specified by the boot orbinding manufacturer. If unspecified, a liquid detergent or soapor a lubricant of a type normally accepted in the maintenanceof the binding, such as a grease or silicone spray lubric

44、ant, maybe used. If a spray lubricant is used, ensure that overspray doesnot contaminate other systems.6.3.2 If there is reason to believe a boot/binding interface orsystem has been contaminated, a common dishwashing soap ordetergent solution may be used to help clean the system,provided all surface

45、s are flushed with clean water afterwards.7. Release Torque Inspections7.1 Tests for Twist ReleaseA test should be performed todetermine the torque required to release the binding in twist(Mz) about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the boot sole.This test should be performed using a device of t

46、he typedescribed in Annex A1 and should be performed in bothclockwise and counterclockwise directions of release. Testresults should be within the appropriate inspection tolerance.Units that exceed the inspection tolerance should be readjustedto test within the inspection tolerance. When an initial

47、visualindicator setting is used (see Appendix X4), readjustmentshould not be attempted if test result(s) exceed the limit forreadjustment without first taking corrective action as specifiedby the binding manufacturer.7.2 Tests of Forward Lean ReleaseA test should be madeto determine the torque requi

48、red to release the binding inforward lean. This test should be made using a device of thetype described in Annex A1. Test result(s) should be within theinspection tolerance. Units that exceed the inspection toleranceshould be readjusted to within the inspection tolerance. Whenan initial indicator se

49、tting is used (see 3.1.6 and Appendix X4),readjustment should not be attempted if test result(s) exceedthe limit for readjustment without first taking corrective actionas specified by the binding manufacturer (see 3.1.1 and 3.1.7).7.2.1 If no independent means are provided to adjust theforward lean release, this test should be used to ensure the ratioof forward lean to twist release is as specified by the manu-facturer.7.3 Other Release TestsTests of the type in 7.1 and 7.2should be made in any other direction specified by the bindi


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