1、Designation: F1698 02 (Reapproved 2015)Standard Practice forInstallation of Poly(Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Profile Strip Linerand Cementitious Grout for Rehabilitation of Existing Man-Entry Sewers and Conduits1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1698; the number immediately following the
2、 designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice describes t
3、he procedures for the rehabili-tation of sewer lines and conduits by the installation of afield-fabricated PVC liner. After installation of the liner,cementitious grout is injected into the annular space betweenthe liner and the existing sewer or conduit.The rehabilitation ofthe host structure by th
4、is installation practice results in a rigidcomposite structure (PVC/grout/existing pipe). This rehabilita-tion process may be used in a variety of gravity applications,such as sanitary sewers, storm sewers and process piping ofman-entry sizes (36 to 144 in. in vertical dimension). Theprofile strips
5、used for field fabrication of PVC liners aresupplied in coils for spiral winding of the liner or in custom-cutflat panels for circumferential lining of all or any portion of thecircumference of the host conduit (see Figs. 1 and 2).1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standa
6、rd. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this stan
7、dard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Particular attentionis drawn to those safety regulations and requirements involvingentering into and working in confined spaces.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standard
8、s:2C942 Test Method for Compressive Strength of Grouts forPreplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the LaboratoryC969 Practice for Infiltration and Exfiltration AcceptanceTesting of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer LinesD883 Terminology Relating to PlasticsD1600 Terminology forAbbreviated Terms Relating
9、 to Plas-ticsD1735 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of CoatingsUsing Water Fog ApparatusF412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems2.2 NASSCO Standard:Specification Guidelines for Sewer Collection System Main-tenance and Rehabilitation33. Terminology3.1 GeneralDefinitions are in accorda
10、nce with Termi-nologies D883 and F412.Abbreviations are in accordance withTerminology D1600, unless otherwise indicated.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 extruded PVC joiner stripa companion product tothe profile former strip of such configuration as to provide thelocking mech
11、anism at the edges of the former strips; the joinerstrip contains within it a coextruded flexible PVC seal whichforms a compression seal when mated with the edges of theformer strips.3.2.2 extruded PVC profile former stripa product, avail-able in various sizes, consisting of a smooth inner surface a
12、nda ribbed outer surface (profile) with edge configurations toallow mechanical locking of adjacent strips.3.2.3 production runa continuous extrusion of a givenprofile type.3.2.4 PVC linera product field fabricated from extrudedPVC profile strip into a shape substantially conforming to theshape of th
13、e existing pipe or conduit, for example, circular,oval, ovoid, and so forth (see Fig. 1).1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on PlasticPiping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.67 onTrenchless Plastic Pipeline Technology.Current edition approved M
14、arch 1, 2015. Published April 2015. Originallyapproved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as F169802 (2008).DOI: 10.1520/F1698-02R15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards
15、 volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from, NASSCO, Inc., 2470 Longstone Lane, Suite M, Marriottsville,MD 21104, http:/www.nassco.org.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United S
16、tates14. Significance and Use4.1 This practice is for use by designers and specifiers,regulatory agencies, owners, and inspection organizations in-volved in the rehabilitation of non-pressure sewers and con-duits. As for any practice, modifications may be required forspecific job conditions.5. Mater
17、ials5.1 The extruded PVC profile strip (former and joiner) usedfor the field fabrication of PVC liner should be made asspecified in Specification D1735.5.2 The profile strip should be coiled in a continuous lengthas long as practical, or cut in custom length panels for storageand shipping to the job
18、 site. Handling and storage should be inaccordance with the manufacturers published recommenda-tions.5.3 The adhesive/sealant, used should be compatible withthe PVC compound and the liner process, so as not to effect theproperties of the finished liner. (Apolyurethane-base product issuggested.)6. In
19、stallation Recommendations6.1 Cleaning and Inspection:6.1.1 Prior to entering access areas such as manholes, andperforming inspection or cleaning operations, an evaluation ofthe atmosphere to determine the presence of toxic or flammablevapors or lack of oxygen shall be undertaken in accordancewith l
20、ocal, state, or federal safety and confined space entryregulations.6.1.2 Cleaning of PipelineInternal debris should be re-moved from the existing pipeline. Gravity pipes should becleaned with hydraulically powered equipment, high-velocityjet cleaners, or a combination of these methods and manuallydi
21、rected high-pressure (2500-psi minimum) water blasting toensure that the exposed pipe wall is free of contamination offoreign materials and corrosion products and the surface ishard, competent original pipe material.6.1.3 Inspection of PipelineInspection of pipeline shouldbe performed by experienced
22、 personnel trained in locatingbreaks, obstacles, and service connections, either by directvisual observation or by closed-circuit television. The interiorof the pipeline should be carefully inspected to determine thelocation of any conditions that may prevent or adverselyimpact proper installation o
23、f the profile liner, such as protrud-ing service taps, collapsed or crushed pipe, significant linesags, and deflected joints. These conditions should be noted,and as appropriate, corrected prior to installation.6.1.4 Line ObstructionsThe existing pipeline should beclear of obstructions that will pre
24、vent the proper placement ofthe PVC liner. If inspection reveals an obstruction that cannotbe removed by conventional equipment, then a point repairexcavation should be made to uncover and remove or repair theobstruction.FIG. 1 Example of Profile PVC StripF1698 02 (2015)26.2 BypassingThe profiled PV
25、C liner process does notalways require a dry pipeline and may be installed with someflow in the existing pipe or lateral connections, or both. Ifnecessary, the bypass should be made by plugging the line at apoint upstream of the pipe to be rehabilitated and pumping theflow to a downstream point or a
26、djacent system. The pump andbypass lines should be of adequate capacity and size to handleany extreme flows expected during the installation period.6.2.1 Under certain conditions, part or all of the installationmay be carried out with some flow in the existing pipeline orservice connections, or both
27、.FIG. 2 Typical Installations with PanelsF1698 02 (2015)36.3 PVC Liner Installation:6.3.1 Liner Installation (Panels)If the job requires theprofiled PVC strips be provided in the form of panels or if thejob entails the lining of only a portion of the circumference, thepanels should be cut and trimme
28、d to fit as near as practical tothe internal circumference of the structure to be lined or toproduce the required annulus (space between the liner and thepipe wall). The panels should be placed square with the pipewall, that is, circumferentially (see Fig. 2). The adjacent paneledges should be locke
29、d together using the manufacturer-supplied joiner strip by means recommended by the manufac-turer. End joints or supports should be made with amanufacturer-supplied connector section or support (forexample, “J” strips) and sealed with a bead of an approvedsealant/adhesive. If necessary, the panels m
30、ay be shimmed offthe wall to avoid discontinuities on the surface or to ensure aminimum annulus required by the specified design. Theseshims should be of such a configuration as to not significantlyimpede the flow of grout into the annulus.6.3.2 Liner Installation (Coils)If the job requires theprofi
31、led PVC be provided in the form of coils, the coil shouldbe placed over the open access manhole and the strip pulleddown into the pipe through the manhole from the center of thecoil. The liner should be spirally wound with the ribbed profileof the strip as near as practical to the wall of the existi
32、ngstructure, or as specified by the owner. If necessary, the stripmay be shimmed off the wall to avoid discontinuities of thewall surface or to maintain the specified annulus. Such shimsshould be of a configuration that they will not significantlyimpede the flow of grout into the annulus. The adjace
33、nt profilestrip edges should be locked together using the manufacturer-supplied joiner strip by means approved by the materialsupplier. Additional coils of PVC strip may be introduced byjoining the ends of the strip by means of a manufacturer-supplied PVC splicing profile (for example, “H” connector
34、section). The splice should be sealed on both sides of the splicewith an approved sealant/adhesive.6.4 GroutingOnce the PVC liner is in place, the ends ofthe pipe at the manhole are sealed by dry packing withrapid-setting mortar. Through this mortar and around the linerare placed a series of tubes w
35、hich act as grout injection tubesor breather tubes, or both. Alternatively, or in addition, groutholes may be drilled in the PVC lining at appropriate pointsand flowable grout injected into them until satisfactory fill isobtained. Grout holes in the liner should be sealed with PVCplugs which, in tur
36、n, should be sealed by a bead of approvedsealant/adhesive (a polyurethane-base product is suggested).Grouting should proceed in lifts or stages; generally the rise ofthe first lift is limited by the allowable floating of the liner offthe pipe invert and avoiding contact of the liner with the crownof
37、 the existing pipe, while the succeeding lifts are limited invertical rise by liner wall deflection. There should be noleakage of the grout at the joints/seams of the liner. Due to thepresence of the breather holes/tubes, the liner will be subjectedonly to the hydraulic head pressure of the liquid g
38、rout, that is,will not sense the grout pump pressure. Thus, pressure moni-toring at the grouting hose is generally not required. Thegrouting of the annular space is very important to the structuralintegrity of the renovated sewer and should be designed andexecuted with great care. The grouting plan
39、should be asrecommended by the liner material supplier and be reviewedand approved by the owners representative in advance of thework.6.4.1 Although the goal of grouting is to fill 100 % of theannulus, hydrostatic buckling strength required by the jobspecifications determines the required minimum gr
40、out fill ofthe annulus. If no specification for the job exists, it isrecommended that the required grout fill of the annulus be suchthat there be no voids greater in circumferential extent than5 % of the inside circumference of the liner. Voids found largerthan specified shall be filled by drilling
41、a hole in the void,pumping grout into the void, and then plugging the groutinghole with a PVC plug as above. For purposes of this practice,adjacent voids separated circumferentially less than 4 in.should be considered one void. Also, the total void circumfer-ential extent in any one-foot section of
42、the pipe should notexceed 10 % of the circumference of the liner, regardless of thesizes of the individual voids. As both the compressive strengthand the grout thickness (size of annulus) are design variablesand, therefore, job specific, no general specification can begiven here.6.4.2 The grout shou
43、ld consist of the following: Cement,water, fly ash or lime, and admixtures. The grout mix design,including viscosity and minimum compressive strength to beused for the project application, should be as recommended bythe manufacturer (of the PVC strips) and approved by theowners representative prior
44、to commencement of work. Groutcomponents should be clean, fresh, and stored in a suitably drycondition. Premixed grouts and grout admixtures should beused in accordance with their manufacturers specifications.Mixing and pump equipment may be either paddle or colloidalmixers, and screw, peristaltic,
45、or piston pumps. All equipmentshould be kept clean and free from buildup.6.5 Service ConnectionsService connections should becut in as the PVC lining is being installed, leaving the lateralflow unobstructed by the lining. Provisions should be made toisolate the grout in the liner annulus from sewera
46、ge flows outof the lateral and to prevent the flow of grout into the lateralduring the grouting operation.7. Inspection and Acceptance7.1 The installation should be inspected by closed-circuittelevision or visually, if appropriate. The PVC liner should becontinuous over the entire length of the inst
47、allation. Variationsfrom true line and grade may be inherent because of theconditions of the existing pipeline. No infiltration of groundwater through the PVC liner should be observed. All serviceentrances should be accounted for and be unobstructed.7.2 Leakage TestingIt is impractical to test pipes
48、 above a36-in. diameter for leakage due to the technology available inthe pipe rehabilitation industry. Post-inspection will detectmajor leaks or blockages.7.3 Grout Compressive Strength TestingIf required by thebuyer or designated in the contract documents or purchaseorder, or both, samples from th
49、e mixed grout being injectedF1698 02 (2015)4into the annulus should be collected and tested for compressivestrength, in accordance with Test Method C942. Samplesshould be taken and tested for each manhole-to-manhole pipesection where the annulus is grouted. Measured values ofcompressive strength should meet the job specifications.8. Design Considerations8.1 General GuidelinesThe design of the grouted PVCliner is largely a function of the condition of the existingpipeline. Design equations and details are given in AppendixX1.APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X