ASTM F909-1994a(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Printers《与打印机相关的标准术语》.pdf

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ASTM F909-1994a(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Printers《与打印机相关的标准术语》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F909-1994a(2006) Standard Terminology Relating to Printers《与打印机相关的标准术语》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: F 909 94a (Reapproved 2006)Standard Terminology Relating toPrinters1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 909; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in pare

2、ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These terms and definitions are related to printersoperated by computers.2. Terminology2.1 Definitions:ball elementan element used in an impact prin

3、ting device inwhich the fully formed characters are located on the outersurface of a sphere-like device. Frequently called golf-ballelement.ball printeran impact printing device utilizing a ball ele-ment. The paper on the carriage remains stationary while theelement is positioned and caused to strik

4、e the paper toproduce characters in their proper printera type of printer that employs an endless steelband containing fully formed characters. The band trans-verses the width of the paper form. Hammers strike the backof the form, synchronized in such a way as to produce thedesired ch

5、aracters in their proper position.barSee type printeran impact printer in which the type slugs arecarried on a type bar. Syn. print bar.belt printera type of printer that employs an endless belt,the outer surface of which contains fully formed characters.The belt is caused to transverse the

6、width of the paper form.Hammers are caused to strike the back of the form, synchro-nized in such a way as to produce the desired characters intheir proper writea process in electrostatic printing where thephotoconductive element is charged with a charge of thesame sign as that of the

7、 toner. A light beam, used like a“stylus is used to discharge only those areas that are toreceive toner to form the image. In the development process,the charged background areas repel the like charged toner tothe discharged areas on the photoconductor.chain printera type of printer that employs an

8、endlesschain, each link of which contains a fully formed character.The chain is caused to transverse the width of the paperform. Hammers are caused to strike the back of the form,synchronized in such a way as to produce the desiredcharacters in their proper position.copyingthe act of producing an im

9、age on a document orother receptor media which is a duplication of the image ofanother document, such as by a photographic, xerographic orfacsimile process or by carbon or carbonless papers.daisy wheel elementan element used in an impact printingdevice in which the fully formed characters are contai

10、ned onthe ends of finger-like projections radiating out from thecenter of a disk, the device resembling a daisy.daisy wheel printeran impact printing device utilizing adaisy wheel element. The paper on the carriage remainsstationary while the element is positioned and caused tostrike the paper to pr

11、oduce the characters in their properpositions.dielectric printing processa nonimpact printing techniquein which specially treated paper consisting of a conductivebase layer coated with a nonconductive thermoplastic mate-rial is used to hold an electric charge usually applied directlyby a set of elec

12、trode styli. The electric charge corresponds tothe latent image of the original. Following the charging step,the paper is imaged by a toner system similar to that ofelectrostatic copying devices. This technique is sometimescalled electrographic, and is currently employed on generalpurpose nonimpact

13、printers, plotting and facsimile matrixa method of character generation in which eachcharacter is formed by a pattern of dots selected from a gridor matrix.drum printera type of printer that employs a rotatingcylinder or drum, the outer surface of which contains fullyformed characters. A

14、s the drum rotates in front of the paperform, hammers are caused to strike the back of the formsynchronized in such a way as to produce the desiredcharacter in their proper position.electric typewritera typewriter in which an electromechani-cal device causes the type element to be activated when the

15、keys are struck.electrolytic printera facsimile printing device employing amoist, electrolyte-impregnated roll-fed paper. The current(signals) is applied by feeding the paper between a stationarycontact and a revolving drum with a helical contractor. Therevolving of the drum causes the point of elec

16、trical contact1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F05 onBusiness imaging Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F05.01on Nomenclature and Definitions.Current edition approved June 1, 2006. Published June 2006. Originallyapproved in 1985. Last previous edi

17、tion approved in 2001 as F 909 94a (2001).1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.between the blade and helical wire to move laterally acrossthe paper, one line per revolution. As the electrical currentpasses through the pape

18、r, it causes a change of coloration atall points of contact.electronic typewriteran electric typewriter in which thekeyboard input is received by an electronic processor builtinto the typewriter. This unit then controls the print head andother features to produce the typing action.electrophotographi

19、c printera nonimpact printing tech-nique that is similar to the technology employed in typicaloffice copiers, which forms a copy by attracting tonerparticles to a static charge on the surface of a photoconduc-tor, then transferring the toner image to the surface of a sheetof paper. In the normal off

20、ice copier, the charged image(latent image) of the original document is formed on thephotoconductor simply through exposure of the photocon-ductor to reflected light from the document. In an electro-photographic printer, the image is formed by a light-source(laser, CRT, LED, LCS, laser diode, or oth

21、er controlled lightsource) which erases or discharges a static image charge onthe photoconductor according to information being suppliedthrough the input data stream. Each bit of data can be relatedto a character shape in the memory of the printing system,and in most cases characters are formed by a

22、 dot matrixmethod similar in concept to that of the matrix printer. Papercan be sheet- or roll-fed or continuous form.electrosensitive printera nonimpact printing device em-ploying a double layer coated paper. Imaging is accom-plished by touching or nearly touching the paper surfacewith an electrica

23、lly charged stylus which burns away the topcoating, exposing an undercoating of a contrasting color toproduce the desired images. This process is also known aselectroerosion printing.elementthe interchangeable type font of an impact printingdevice: see thimble, ball, daisy wheel.element printeran im

24、pact printer that generates copy viainterchangeable “elements” that each contain a full set ofcharacters. Characters are formed when the element strikesthe paper itself through an ink ribbon.impact printera printer in which printing is the result ofmechanical impacts. See chain printer, drum printer

25、,element printer, dot matrix.imprinter, pressureany device used to produce or impressmarks or patterns on a surface, for example, a device such asthat used with credit cards and address plates.imprinting(1) The act of using an imprinter;(2) The output of any jet printera nonimpact prin

26、ter in which the charactersare formed by projecting droplets of ink onto a substrate.laser printera nonimpact printer that employs a laser lightsource drive by digital signals to create images on aphotoconductor. See electrophotographic printer.letter quality printerterm implies that printer output

27、qualitymatches that of a typical office electric typewriter.line-at-a-time printersyn. line printer.line printer(1) a device that prints a line of characters as aunit. Syn. line-at-a-time printer;(2) contrast with character printer, page printer.nonimpact printera printer in which image formation is

28、 notthe result of mechanical impacts. Examples are thermalprinters, electrostatic printers, electrophotographic printers,and ink jet printers.printeran output unit that produces durable hard-copyrecord of data in the form of a sequence of discrete graphiccharacters belonging to a predetermined chara

29、cter set.printingthe act of producing an image on a document orother receptor media from a machine or printer designed forthat purpose, such as a printing press, thermal printer, or acomputer printer such as a laser or ink jet.strokein character recognition, a straight line or arc used asa segment o

30、f a graphic character.stroke centerlinein character recognition, a line midwaybetween the two edges of a stroke.stroke devicean input device providing a set of coordinatesthat record the path of the device.thimble elementan element used in an impact printingdevice in which the fully formed character

31、s are located onthe ends of finger-like devices that are similar to a daisywheel except that the device is formed to produce a cup-likeor thimble structure.thimble printeran impact printing device utilizing a thimbleelement. The paper on the carriage remains stationary whilethe element is positioned

32、 and caused to strike the paper toproduce the characters in their proper positions.type bara bar, mounted on an impact printer, that holds typeslugs.type fonttype of a given size and style, for example,10-point Bodoni Modern.typewritera machine for writing in characters similar tothose produced by p

33、rinters type by means of keyboard-operated types striking through an inked ribbon.white writea process in electrostatic printing where thephotoconductive element is charged with a charge of theopposite sign as that of the toner. A light beam, acting like a“charge eraser is used to discharge all area

34、s of thephotoconductor that are NOT to receive toner to form theimage. The toner is attracted to the remaining charged areasof the photoconductor when the latent electrostatic image isdeveloped.word processorsa combination of pieces of hardware con-sisting of keyboard, video display, and printer int

35、erfacedwith a computer for the purpose of combining operator andcomputer logic control in preparing printed matter.writingthe act of producing an image on a document orother receptor media, one character or stroke at a time, suchas by hand with a pen or pencil or by means of a typewriteror pen plott

36、er.F 909 94a (2006)2ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement

37、 of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or fo

38、r additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known

39、 to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( 909 94a (2006)3


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