ASTM F2130-2001 Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation Through Protective Clothing Materials《测量防护服材料对液体杀虫剂的排斥性、抑制能力.pdf

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ASTM F2130-2001 Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation Through Protective Clothing Materials《测量防护服材料对液体杀虫剂的排斥性、抑制能力.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2130-2001 Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation Through Protective Clothing Materials《测量防护服材料对液体杀虫剂的排斥性、抑制能力.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F2130-2001 Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation Through Protective Clothing Materials《测量防护服材料对液体杀虫剂的排斥性、抑制能力.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F2130-2001 Standard Test Method for Measuring Repellency Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulation Through Protective Clothing Materials《测量防护服材料对液体杀虫剂的排斥性、抑制能力.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: F 2130 01Standard Test Method forMeasuring Repellency, Retention, and Penetration of LiquidPesticide Formulation Through Protective ClothingMaterials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2130; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforigina

2、l adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThe health and safety of agricultural workers involved in the mix

3、ing, loading and application ofliquid pesticides can be affected by dermal exposure to liquid pesticide formulations. Use of protectiveclothing can assist in minimizing the danger of contact with potentially harmful pesticides. Nonporousmaterials that provide excellent protection to the user are usu

4、ally not suitable for many agriculturalenvironments where there is a potential for heat stress. Therefore, garments made of porous materialswhich can provide a balance between risk from pesticide exposure and user comfort can also be usedas Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for agricultural worker

5、s. The movement of liquid pesticidesthrough these materials is primarily due to penetration through spaces between fibers and intersticesbetween yarns. As these materials provide protection either by repelling or retaining liquid pesticide,the measurement of these properties are also important. This

6、 test method is used to measurerepellency, retention, and penetration of liquid pesticides through protective clothing materials.The degree of contamination depends on numerous factors such as type of exposure, applicationtechnique, and pesticide formulation. Worker exposure to liquid pesticides can

7、 range from lowexposure due to spray drift to high exposure as in the case of an accidental spill while mixing orhandling of concentrates. As the level of exposure can vary considerably, this method is designed torate relative performance of PPE materials at two levels of contamination.1. Scope1.1 T

8、his method measures repellency, retention and penetra-tion of a known volume of liquid pesticide when applied toprotective clothing material. No external hydrostatic or me-chanical pressure is applied to the test specimen during or afterthe application of the liquid pesticide.1.2 This method is desi

9、gned to measure performance ofprotective clothing materials at two levels of contamination.Low level of contamination is achieved by applying 0.1 mLliquid formulation and high level by applying 0.2 mL.1.3 This test method does not measure resistance to perme-ation or degradation.1.4 This test method

10、 is suitable for field strength pesticideformulations. This method may not be suitable for testingprotective clothing materials against volatile pesticides.1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if

11、any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 123 Terminology Related to TextilesE 105 Pract

12、ice for Probability Sampling of MaterialsF 1494 Terminology Related to Protective Clothing3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 analytical technique, na procedure whereby theconcentration of the test chemical in a collection medium isquantitatively determined.1This test method is under the jurisdictio

13、n of ASTM Committee F23 onProtective Clothing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F23.30 onChemicals.Current edition approved August 10, 2001. Published October 2001.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at

14、 For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. DiscussionThe procedure selected is often basedon the pesti

15、cide to be analyzed. Applicable techniques includebut are not limited to gas chromatography, high pressure liquidchromatography, and radionuclide tagging/detection counting.3.1.2 coated fabric, na flexible material composed of atextile fabric and an adherent polymeric or other materialapplied to one

16、 or both surfaces.3.1.3 degradation, na deleterious change in one or moreproperties of a material.3.1.4 liquid pesticide formulation, na mixture of rawmaterials, including but not limited to active ingredients, inertingredients, and a base solvent. DiscussionAdditional ingredients could inclu

17、deemulsifiers and surfactants. Solvents used in the formulationcould be water, isopropyl alcohol, or petroleum distillate. Solidmaterials (powders, granules, and so forth) may be dissolved oremulsified to form a liquid or suspension. These formulationsmay be ready to use or concentrates which requir

18、e dilution tofield strength.33.1.5 penetration, nthe flow of a chemical through clo-sures, porous materials, seams, and pinholes or other imper-fections in a protective clothing material on a nonmolecularlevel.3.1.6 permeation, nthe process by which a chemicalmoves through a protective clothing mate

19、rial on a molecularlevel. DiscussionPermeation involves: (1) sorption ofmolecules of the chemical into the contacted surface of amaterial; (2) diffusion of the sorbed molecules in the material;and (3) desorption of the molecules from the opposite surfaceof the material.3.1.7 pesticide retenti

20、on, nthe amount of pesticide activeingredient retained in the protective clothing material.3.1.8 protective clothing material, nany element, con-stituent or substance from which protective clothing is com-posed or can be made.3.1.9 repellency, nthe characteristic to resist wetting andpenetration by

21、a liquid.3.1.10 For other textile terminology see TerminologyD For other protective clothing terminology see Termi-nology F 1494.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 A pipettor is used to apply liquid pesticide to the surfaceof the test assembly. The test assembly consists of single ormultiple la

22、yer protective clothing material (test specimen) andan absorbent paper backed by polyethylene film (collectorlayer).4.1.1 Another absorbent paper backed by polyethylene filmis placed on the surface test specimen after a specified time toremove the remaining liquid.4.1.2 The contaminated test specime

23、n, collector layer, andpaper used to remove liquid from the surface of the material areseparated and extracted.4.1.3 The extracts are analyzed quantitatively.4.1.4 Data are used to calculate percent repellency, pesticideretention, and penetration.5. Significance and Use5.1 This standard can be used

24、for laboratory screening ofprotective clothing material used to manufacture garments andaccessories worn by pesticide workers.5.2 The standard can be used for the development andevaluation of new protective clothing materials.5.3 The standard can be used for the evaluation of protectiveclothing mate

25、rials against new pesticide formulations.6. Apparatus and Materials6.1 Apparatus and materials for contamination of test speci-men:6.1.1 Liquid Pesticide Formulation, to contaminate the testspecimen.NOTE 1Diluted and concentrated formulations can be used with thistest method.6.1.2 Pipettor, with dis

26、posable pipet tip, mounted on asupport stand, for pipetting 0.1 6 0.002 mL of liquid for lowcontamination level and 0.2 6 0.004 mL for high contamina-tion level.6.1.3 Specimen Holder, that consists of a base plate (10 310 cm) and a cover plate (10 3 10 cm with a 6 3 6 cm openingin the center). The s

27、pecimen holder is made of Plexiglas (4 mmthickness).6.1.4 Stopwatch, to measure time in minutes.6.1.5 Two 8 3 8 cm Squares of Whatman Benchkote Plus4Paper, (absorbent paper backed by polyethylene film) per testspecimen. One square is used to measure penetration, and thesecond to measure repellency.N

28、OTE 2Substitutions are not recommended, as due to differences insorptive properties, use of absorbent papers other than Benchkote Plusmay affect the test results.6.1.6 Container, to discard contaminated materials.6.1.7 Fume Hood, with airflow control and a glass door6.2 Apparatus and materials for t

29、he extraction:6.2.1 Solvent, appropriate for extraction of pesticide.NOTE 3Selection of the solvent is dependent on the pesticide and theanalytical method used. A minimum extraction efficiency of 95 % isrequired. Procedure to calculate extraction is given in 8.3. Solvent withhigh volatility may not

30、be appropriate, as there may be evaporation lossduring handling operations.6.2.2 Airtight Chemically Resistant Flasks/Bottles, suitablefor extraction of pesticides.6.2.3 Tweezers.6.2.4 Timer, to measure time in minutes.3Pollution Prevention (P2) Guidance Manual for the Pesticide Formulating,Packagin

31、g, and Repackaging Industry: Implementing the P2 Alternative, UnitedStates Environmental Protection Agency document # EPA-821-B-98-017, Office ofPollution Prevention and Toxics, Washington, DC. 20460.4Whatman Benchkote Plus absorbent paper is available through scientificproducts suppliers or from Wh

32、atman Company. Information on the paper andsuppliers can be obtained from F21300126.2.5 50 6 0.2 mL Graduated Cylinder, bottle-top dispenseror other apparatus for accurate measurement of solvent.6.2.6 Orbital Shaker.6.2.7 Airtight Chemically Resistant Bottles, for storage.7. Test Specimen7.1 Protect

33、ive clothing material specimen may consist of asingle layer or a composite of multiple layers that is represen-tative of an actual protective clothing garment. In each test theouter surface should be contaminated with the pesticide for-mulation.7.1.1 Each protective clothing material specimen should

34、measure 8 3 8 cm.7.1.2 Aminimum of three specimens shall be tested for eachtest material. Random sampling procedures described in Prac-tice E 105 should be used for the selection of specimen.8. Analysis of Pesticide8.1 Select an analytical technique suitable for the analysis ofthe active ingredient

35、in the pesticide formulation. The mini-mum detection limit for the analysis should be 0.01 % of theactive ingredient applied.8.2 To ensure that there is no interference due to chemicalsthat may be present in the test material, extract and analyzethree 8 3 8 cm replicates of test specimen that have n

36、ot beencontaminated (blanks). The blanks should be tested prior totesting the contaminated specimen.8.2.1 Extract the blanks using procedure 9.2.1- Analyze the extracts using the analytical techniqueselected in To verify the amount of pesticide applied, pipette thetest aliquot (0.

37、1 or 0.2 mL) into 100 mL of the solvent. Shakewell and analyze the liquid using the analytical techniqueselected in The extraction efficiency using the solvent selectedshould be calculated prior to testing the test specimen.8.4.1 To measure the extraction efficiency, use procedure9.1.1-9.2.6

38、.8.4.2 Analyze the extracts using the analytical techniqueselected in Calculate extraction efficiency using the formula givenin 10.2. A minimum extraction efficiency of 95 % is required.9. Procedure9.1 Contamination of specimen.9.1.1 Calibrate the pipettor.NOTE 4To calibrate, verify the vo

39、lume applied by weighing 0.1 mL(0.2 mL for higher contamination level) of distilled water. The valuesshould be within the 2 % tolerance limits.9.1.2 Mount the pipettor on the support stand and placeunder the fume hood.9.1.3 Place the collector layer with the absorbent side up onthe base plate of the

40、 specimen holder. Then place the testspecimen followed by the cover plate. Place the specimenholder with the specimen and collector layer horizontallybelow the pipettor. Adjust the height of the pipettor to adistance of 3 6 0.5 cm above specimen.NOTE 5Plexiglas cover plate prevents the edges of the

41、material fromcurling and also ensures contact between the layers.9.1.4 Shake pesticide constantly so that the liquid does notseparate.9.1.5 Apply the liquid pesticide to the center of the testspecimen and simultaneously start the stopwatch.NOTE 6Apply 0.1 6 0.002 mL of liquid pesticide for lower con

42、tami-nation level and 0.2 6 0.004 mL for higher contamination level.9.1.6 After 10 min, remove the cover plate of the specimenholder. Use tweezers to place the 8 3 8 cm polyethylene-backed absorbent paper on the surface of the test specimenwith the absorbent side in contact with the test specimen. P

43、lacethe cover plate back on the test assembly.9.1.7 After two additional minutes, use tweezers to separatethe three layers handling the area that is not contaminated.Place each layer in separate flasks/bottles and secure theopening. Store the bottles in a freezer if the material is notextracted the

44、same day.9.2 Extraction of test specimen and absorbent paper. Thefollowing procedure will be used to extract pesticide from thetest specimen and corresponding absorbent papers.9.2.1 Add 50 6 0.2 mL of the selected solvent to theflask/bottle using a graduated cylinder, bottle-top dispenser, orother s

45、uitable apparatus. Ensure that the sample is in contactwith the solvent and the flask/bottle is secured tightly.9.2.2 Set the orbital shaker speed to 200 rpm.9.2.3 Place the bottles/flasks on the orbital shaker and setthe timer for 30 min.FIG. 1 Pipettor with a Disposable Pipet Tip, Mounted on aSupp

46、ort StandF21300139.2.4 Start the shaker and the timer and extract for 30 min.9.2.5 After 30 min transfer the extract from the flask/bottleto the storage bottles. Tighten the caps of the opening of thestorage bottles and store in the freezer.9.2.6 Extract the contaminated material in additional 50 mL

47、of the solvent using procedure 9.2.1-9.2.4. Combine the twoaliquots. Do not add additional solvent to make up the volumeto 100 mL. Store the extracts in a freezer for analysis.NOTE 7The total volume in the storage bottle will not be exactly 100mL, due to solvent remaining in the material. Since the

48、concentration ofthe pesticide in the solvent retained in the material is at equilibrium withthat collected as extract, it would be a representative sample.9.2.7 Use good laboratory practices for the disposal of toxicsubstances and cleanup of laboratory glassware/apparatus.10. Computation of Results1

49、0.1 Calculate percentage of repellency, pesticide retention,and penetration of the active ingredient using the followingformulae:Percent Repellency PR!5Mr3100MtPercent Retention PPR!5Mpr3100MtPercent Penetration PP!5Mp3100Mtwhere:Mr= mass (mg) of active ingredient extracted from the 83 8 cm absorbent paper used to remove excessliquid pesticide after 10 min,Mpr= mass (mg) of active ingredient extracted from theprotective clothing material specimen,Mp= mass (mg) of active ingredient extracted from thecollector layer, andMt= total mass (in mg) of activ


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