1、Designation: F 2218 02 (Reapproved 2008)An American National StandardStandard Guide forHardware Implementation for Computerized Systems1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2218; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case
2、of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide provides assistance in the choice of comput-ing hardware resources for ship and ma
3、rine environments anddescribes:1.1.1 The core characteristics of interoperable systems thatcan be incorporated into accepted concepts such as the OpenSystem Interconnection (OSI) model;1.1.2 Process-based models, such as the Technical Refer-ence Model (TRM), that rely on interoperable computinghardw
4、are resources to provide the connection between theoperator, network, application, and information; and,1.1.3 The integrated architecture that can be used to meetminimum information processing requirements for ship andmarine environments.1.2 The use of models such as OSI and TRM provide astructured
5、method for design and implementation of practicalshipboard information processing systems and provides plan-ners and architects with a roadmap that can be easily under-stood and conveyed to implementers. The use of such modelspermit functional capabilities to be embodied within concretesystems and e
6、quipment.1.3 The information provided in this guide is understood torepresent a set of concepts and technologies that have, overtime, evolved into accepted standards that are proven invarious functional applications. However, the one universalnotion that still remains from the earliest days of infor
7、mationprocessing is that technological change is inevitable. Accord-ingly, the user of this guide must understand that such progressmay rapidly invalidate or supersede the information containedherein. Nonetheless, the concept of implementing ship andmarine computing systems based on these functional
8、 principlesallows for logical and rational development and provides asound process for eventual upgrade and improvement.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 1013 Terminology Relating to Computerized Systems3F 1757 Guide for Digital Communication Protocols forComputerized Systems2.2 ANSI Stan
9、dards:4X3.131 Information SystemsSmall Computer SystemsInterface-2 (SCSI-2)X3.172 American National Standard Dictionary for Infor-mation SystemsX3.230 Information SystemsFibre ChannelPhysicaland Signaling Interface (FC-PH)X3.232 Information TechnologySCSI-2 Common AccessMethod Transport and SCSI Int
10、erface ModuleX3.253 Information SystemsSCSI-3 Parallel Interface(SPI)X3.269 Information TechnologyFibre Channel Protocolfor SCSIX3.270 Information TechnologySCSI-3 ArchitectureModel (SAM)X3.276 Information TechnologySCSI-3 Controller Com-mands (SCC)X3.277 Information TechnologySCSI-3 Fast-20X3.292 I
11、nformation TechnologySCSI-3 Interlocked Pro-tocol (SIP)X3.294 Information TechnologySerial StorageArchitectureSCSI-2 Protocol (SSA-S2P)X3.297 Information SystemsFibre ChannelPhysicaland Signaling Interface-2 (FC-PH2)X3.301 Information TechnologySCSI-3 Primary Com-mands (SPC)X3.304 Information Techno
12、logySCSI-3 MultimediaCommands (MMC)MS58 Information TechnologyStandard RecommendedPractice for Implementation of Small Computer Systems1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F25 on Ships andMarine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.05 onComputer Applicat
13、ions.Current edition approved May 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approvedin 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as F 2218 - 02.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards
14、 volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.4Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/www.ansi.org.A1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Cons
15、hohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Interface (SCSI-2), (X3.131.1994) for ScannersNCITS 306 Information TechnologySerial StorageArchitectureSCSI-3 Protocol (SSA-S3P)NCITS 309 Information TechnologySCSI-3 Block Com-mands (SBC)2.3 IEEE Standards:5100 Standard Dictionary for Electrical and Electroni
16、c Terms488 Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation610.7 Standard Glossary for Computer Networking Termi-nology796 Microcomputer System Bus802.11 Wireless LAN MediumAccess Control and PhysicalLayer Specifications1003.2d POSIXPart 2 Shell and UtilitiesAmendment:Batch Environment1003.5 Bindi
17、ng for System Application Program Interface(API)1003.b Binding for System Application Programming Inter-face (API)Amendment 1: Real-time Extensions1014 Versatile Backplane Bus: VMEbus1101.10 Additional Mechanical Specifications for Micro-computers using the IEEE Std 1101.1 Equipment Practice1155 VME
18、bus Extensions for Instrumentation: VXIbus1212.1 Communicating Among Processors and PeripheralsUsing Shared Memory (Direct Memory Access DMA)1394 High Performance Serial Bus1496 Chip and Module Interconnect Bus: Sbus1394 32-bit Microprocessor Architecture2.4 ISO Standards:41155 Portable Operating Sy
19、stem Interface for ComputerEnvironments (POSIX)9945-1 System Application Program Interface (API) Clanguage9945-2 Shell and Utilities2.5 TIA/EIA Standard:6568-A Commercial Building Telecommunications CablingStandard3. Significance and Use3.1 This guide is aimed at providing a general understand-ing o
20、f the various types of hardware devices that form the coreof information processing systems for ship and marine use.Ship and marine information processing systems require spe-cific devices in order to perform automated tasks in a special-ized environment. In addition to providing information ser-vic
21、es for each individual installation, these devices are oftennetworked and are capable of supplementary functions thatbenefits ship and marine operations.3.2 A variety of choices exists for deployment of informa-tion processing devices and greatly increases the complexity ofthe selection task for shi
22、p and marine systems. The choice of aparticular device or system cannot be made solely on thesingular requirements of one application or function. Moderninformation processing systems are usually installed in acomplex environment where systems must be made to interactwith each other. Ship and marine
23、 installations add an evenfurther layer of complexity to the process of choosing adequatecomputerized systems. This guide aims to alleviate this task bygiving users specific choices that are proven technologies thatperform in a complex environment.3.3 Hardware resources used in ship and marine insta
24、lla-tions are a result of careful consideration of utility andfunction. These resources may require some physical special-ization in order to inhabit a particular environment, but they arein no way different from equipment used in shore-basedsituations. Ship and marine computer system configurations
25、,interconnections, and support services are essentially the sameas those found in a land-based network environment and as aresult, the skill sets of ship and marine information processingsystem users, administrators, and support personnel are inter-changeable with those of shore-based activities.4.
26、Standards Profiles4.1 Standards profiles are sets of specifications bundledtogether to describe the technical standard for a function or aservice (such as operating systems, network, and data inter-change services), and will include minimum criteria for theinformation and technology that support spe
27、cific functionalrequirements. Profiles equate to the lowest level process, anddocument agreed-to implementation requirements used inbuilding and operating systems. Systems using the samestandards, but different options, will probably not interfacecorrectly. The Technical Reference Model (TRM) is use
28、ful forassembling standards profiles across technology categories ofComputing Resources, Information Management, and Appli-cations.4.1.1 The TRM identifies and specifies the support services(multimedia, communications, and so forth) and interfaces thatprovide a common operating environment and suppo
29、rt the flowof information among enterprise and common support appli-cations. This model represents the computer resources, infor-mation management, and applications categories and interfaceswith the communication and networking technology categoriesthat are appropriately represented by the ISO Open
30、SystemInterconnect model. The TRM addresses standard profiles thatprovide seamless application support over widely distributedcomputing resources and attendant interfaces between thecomputing resources and other technologies.4.2 Computing hardware resources represent generally con-sists of Central P
31、rocessing Unit(s) (CPU), Input and Output(I/O) interfaces, main memory, buses, and peripherals. Theexternal environment considerations that affect computinghardware resource selection are security, communications,real-time, and high availability. The computing hardwareresource provides the environme
32、nt necessary to support appli-cation software. From the perspective of the applicationsoftware, services are provided by the computing resource,whether the particular services are provided locally or remotelyas part of a distributed system.4.3 The architecture needed to support a typical application
33、consists of computers that perform as clients and servers. Theservers host the primary application software and contain the5Available from Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE),445 Hoes Ln., P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331, http:/www.ieee.org.6Available from TIA, 25
34、00 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300, Arlington, VA22201-3834.F 2218 02 (2008)2processing power necessary to support multiple users. Serversalso host the data needed to support the application. Thestandard 3-tiered application architecture consists of (1)anapplication server, (2) a data server, and (3) pr
35、esentation clients(see Fig. 1).4.4 In the future, most application processing software willbe hosted on the server computers. Clients will use presenta-tion software that connects to the servers using a commoninterface. At that time, client computers will likely be lessexpensive and tailored to the
36、users individual preferencebecause application interoperability will not be a significantfactor.4.5 Today, however, most application software is hosted onthe client and interoperability among clients is a critical factor.Even within the client-server application architecture, applica-tion specific s
37、oftware resident on the client is still prevalent.This demands consistency of client workstations across anentire installation to achieve seamless interoperability. Table 1outlines a rationale for the client-server deployment strategy.4.6 Driven by the current state of client-server technology,the g
38、eneral philosophy for implementing computing resourcesis the concept of homogeneous clients and heterogeneousservers. Homogeneous clients facilitate providing a consistentinterface between the user and the system and make systemsupport and maintenance less complex. Heterogeneous serverssupport the v
39、arious computing requirements of applicationsneeded to support ship and marine operations. The sameadvantages that homogeneous clients enjoy can be achieved ifservers are homogeneous as well. Independent of whether ornot the server suite employed is heterogeneous or homoge-neous, it is important tha
40、t they perform their function trans-parently to the user (that is, the user neither knows nor caresabout the location, number, or vendor of the server being used.)Requiring servers to be homogeneous would restrict theintroduction of new server technology, choking innovation andpreventing the install
41、ation from taking advantage of advancesin computing such as massively parallel processors.5. Computing Hardware5.1 Computing ResourcesComputing resources consist ofmany computing hardware components and configurations ofthese components. This section covers the various hardwarecomponents that make u
42、p a computing resource system andexamines how these components are commonly configured.5.2 Component TechnologiesThe major hardware compo-nents of Computing Resources are the Central Processing Unit(CPU), one or more backplane buses, main memory (bothRAM and cache), Input/Output (I/O) interfaces, an
43、d peripher-als. This section will examine each of these areas and provideguidance on the selection of these component technologies aspart a computing resource system.5.2.1 CPUThe CPU is the “engine” of the computersystem and, combined with the OS (operating system), formsthe core of the computing re
44、source. Since the OS drives manydecisions concerning the computer resource, a CPU that iscompatible with the OS becomes an overriding factor indetermining the type of CPU. Other than the OS, the mainfactors to consider in determining the type of CPU for thecomputer are processing speed (performance)
45、 and cost. Forcomputing resources, such as servers and multiprocessors,scalability of the number of processors can be a significantfactor in determining CPU.5.2.2 BusThe computer bus connects the different com-ponents of the computer resource together and allows them topass data between them at high
46、 speeds. Computer resourceconfigurations, such as personal workstations, often limit ordetermine the type of bus that will be used. Often there aremultiple buses connected together to allow for multiple typesof component cards or to extend a non-expandable system bus.Considerations in determining th
47、e type of bus to use are:FIG. 1 Three-Tiered Application ArchitectureF 2218 02 (2008)3number and type of commercial products compatible with thebus architecture, number of parallel data bit lines, clock speed,and cost. Once the appropriate bus architecture is determined,an important computer resourc
48、e factor becomes how manyinterface slots are available on the bus for component cards. Use buses that provide the necessary performanceeconomically and are compatible with the board level compo-nents that are needed to meet requirements. For buses thatprovide slots for component cards, use st
49、andard buses that aresupported by multiple vendors providing compatible compo-nent cards.5.2.3 Main MemoryMain memory is the storage ware-house of the computer where data and programs are stored forefficient processing. In the context of this section, mainmemory refers to cache and RAM. The main factor to considerin acquisition of a computer system is the quantity (inmegabytes) of RAM. Other considerations are access speed,mounting design, and parity. Computer systems with too littlememory run slowly, wont load, and crash often. Mountingdesigns toda