ASTM F2236-2014 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Soft Infant and Toddler Carriers《婴幼儿软背带的标准消费品安全规范》.pdf

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ASTM F2236-2014 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Soft Infant and Toddler Carriers《婴幼儿软背带的标准消费品安全规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F2236-2014 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Soft Infant and Toddler Carriers《婴幼儿软背带的标准消费品安全规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F2236 14Standard Consumer Safety Specification forSoft Infant and Toddler Carriers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2236; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A

2、 number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis consumer safety specification is intended to address incidents reported by the U.S. ConsumerProduct Safety Commission (CPSC) rela

3、ting to soft infant carriers.In response to the incident data compiled by the CPSC, this consumer safety specification attemptsto minimize the hazards associated with these products from the following: (1) occupant retention, (2)structural integrity, (3) deficiency of consumer education regarding pr

4、oduct use. This consumer safetyspecification is intended to deal with reasonably foreseeable use and misuse of the products. Thisconsumer safety specification does not apply to products that are blatantly misused, nor does it applyto products used by consumers in a careless manner that violate norma

5、l practice or disregard theinstructions or warnings provided with the product, or both.1. Scope1.1 This consumer safety specification establishes perfor-mance requirements, test methods and marking requirements topromote safe use of soft infant and toddler carriers.1.2 This consumer safety specifica

6、tion is intended to mini-mize the risk of incidents to an infant from the normal use andreasonably foreseeable misuse of these products.1.3 For purposes of definition, a soft infant and toddlercarrier is a product, normally of sewn fabric construction,which is designed to contain a full term infant

7、to a toddler,generally in an upright position, in close proximity to thecaregiver. In general, the child will weigh between 7 and 45 lb(3.2 and 22 kg). The soft infant and toddler carrier is normally“worn” by the caregiver with a child positioned in the carrierand the weight of the child and carrier

8、 suspended from one orboth shoulders of the caregiver. These products may be wornon the front, side, or back of the caregivers body with theinfant either facing towards or away from the caregiver. Thisconsumer safety specification does not include products gen-erally referred to as “slings.”1.4 No s

9、oft infant and toddler carrier produced after theapproval date of this consumer safety specification shall, eitherby label or other means, indicate compliance with the specifi-cation unless it complies with all of the requirements containedherein.1.5 This consumer safety specification is not intende

10、d toaddress incidents and injuries resulting from the interaction ofother persons or objects with the caregiver and infant while thesoft carrier is in use.1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units

11、that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.7 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Section 7 of this consumer safety speci-fication. This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use

12、. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape TestF963 Consumer Safety

13、Specification for Toy SafetyF977 Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Walkers2.2 Federal Regulations:316 CFR 1303 Ban of Lead-Containing Paint and CertainConsumer Products Bearing Lead-Containing Paint16 CFR 1500 Hazardous Substance Act Regulations1This consumer safety specification is under the

14、 jurisdiction of ASTM Commit-tee F15 on Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeF15.21 on Infant Carriers, Bouncers and Baby Swings.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2014. Published January 2014. Originallyapproved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as F2236 13a

15、. DOI:10.1520/F2236-14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Code of Federal Regulations, availabl

16、e from U.S. Government Printing Office,Washington, DC 20402.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States116 CFR 1500.3(c)(6)(vi) Definition of “Flammable Solid”16 CFR 1500.44 Method for Determining Extremely Flam-mable and Flammabl

17、e Solids16 CFR 1500.48 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Point in Toys or OtherArticles Intended for Use ByChildren Under Eight Years of Age16 CFR 1500.49 Technical Requirements for Determining aSharp Metal or Glass Edge in Toys or Other ArticlesIntended for Use By Children Under Eight Y

18、ears of Age16 CFR 1500.50-.51 Test Methods for Simulating Use andAbuse of Toys and Other Articles for Use by Children16 CFR 1501 Method for Identifying Toys and Other Ar-ticles Intended for Use by Children Under Three Years ofAge Which Present Choking, Aspiration or IngestionHazards Because of Small

19、 Parts16 CFR 1610 Standard for the Flammability of ClothingTextiles3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 carrying positionthe location on the caregiverstorso where the child is supported by the soft carrier. The mostcommon carrying positions are front, back, and side/hip.3.1.2 conspicuouslabel which i

20、s visible when the productis in the manufacturers use position to a caregiver who isplacing the occupant in the soft carrier or when the caregiverplaces the product on his or her body.3.1.3 cordlength of slender, flexible material includingmonofilaments, rope, woven and twisted cord, plastic or text

21、iletapes, ribbons and those fibrous materials commonly calledstring.3.1.4 dynamic loadapplication of impulsive force throughfree fall of a weight.3.1.5 fabricany woven, knit, coated, laminated, extrudedor calendared flexible material that is intended to be sewn,welded, heat sealed, or glued together

22、 as an assembly.3.1.6 fastenermechanical means of attachment that mayalso allow for adjustments of the product fit to wearer andoccupant including, but not limited to, buckles, snaps, rings,D-rings, hook-and-loop, etc., and excluding fabric-only meansof attachment and fit adjustment such as, but not

23、 limited to,consumer-tied knots.3.1.7 leg openingopening in the soft carrier throughwhich the occupants legs extend when the product is used inthe manufacturers recommended use position.3.1.8 manufacturers recommended use position(s)anyposition that is presented as a normal, allowable, or acceptable

24、configuration for use of the product by the manufacturer in anydescriptive or instructional literature. This specifically ex-cludes positions that the manufacturer shows in a like mannerin its literature to be unacceptable, unsafe or not recommended.3.1.9 non-paper labelany label material (such as p

25、lastic ormetal) that either will not tear without the aid of tools or tears,leaving a sharply defined edge.3.1.10 occupantthat individual who is placed or carried inthe soft carrier product in one of the manufacturers recom-mended use positions.3.1.11 paper labelany label material which tears withou

26、tthe aid of tools and leaves a fibrous edge.3.1.12 seammeans of joining fabric components, such assewing, welding, heat sealing, or gluing.3.1.13 static loadvertically downward force applied by acalibrated force gage or by dead weights.3.1.14 unbounded leg openingleg opening created byplacing the so

27、ft carrier on a caregivers torso and which has anopening circumference composed solely of carrier materialsand the caregivers torso.4. Calibration and Standardization4.1 The product shall be completely assembled in accor-dance with the manufacturers instructions.4.2 No testing shall be conducted wit

28、hin 48 h of manufac-ture.4.3 The product to be tested shall be at an ambient tempera-ture of 73 6 9F (23 6 5C) for at least one hour beforetesting.All testing shall be conducted in this temperature range.4.4 All testing required by this consumer safety specifica-tion shall be conducted on the same u

29、nit in the order presentedin this specification unless otherwise specified (see 7.2).5. General Requirements5.1 Hazardous Sharp Points or EdgesThere shall be nosharp points or edges as defined by 16 CFR 1500.48 and 16CFR 1500.49 before and after testing.5.2 Small PartsThere shall be no small parts a

30、s defined by16 CFR 1501 before testing or liberated as a result of testing tothis specification.5.3 Lead in PaintThe paint or surface coating on theproduct shall comply with 16 CFR 1303.5.4 Wood PartsPrior to testing, any wooden parts shall besmooth and free of splinters.5.5 Locking and LatchingAny

31、product designed with alocking and latching device must remain in the manufacturersrecommended use position before and after completion of alltests in this standard.5.6 LabelingWarning labels (whether paper or non paper)shall be permanent when tested per 7.3 Warning statements applied dire

32、ctly onto the surfaceof the product by hot stamping, heat transfer, printing, woodburning, and so forth shall be permanent when tested inaccordance with Non-paper labels shall not liberate small parts whentested in accordance with Flammability of Textile Products:5.7.1 There shall

33、be no Class 2 or 3 fabrics used in theconstruction of a soft infant and toddler carrier when theproduct is evaluated against the requirements of 16 CFR 1610.5.7.2 If a soft infant and toddler carrier is incapable of beingevaluated to the requirements of 16 CFR 1610 due to construc-tion characteristi

34、cs, the product shall not be flammable asdefined under 16 CFR 1500.3(c)(6)(vi) when tested in accor-dance with Consumer Safety Specification F963, Annex 5.F2236 1425.8 ToysToy accessories attached to, removable from, orsold with a soft infant carrier, as well as their means ofattachment, must meet a

35、pplicable requirements of ConsumerSafety Specification F963.6. Performance Requirements6.1 Leg OpeningsLeg openings shall not permit the pas-sage of the Leg Opening Test Sphere when tested in accor-dance with Dynamic and Static Load:6.2.1 Structural IntegrityDynamic and static load testingsh

36、all not result in a hazardous condition as defined in Section5 or result in a structural failure such as fasteners breaking ordisengaging, or seams separating when tested in accordancewith 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, respectively.6.2.2 Support/Shoulder Strap SlippageAdjustable sec-tions of support/shoulder str

37、aps shall not slip, in a manner thatloosens the strap, more than 1 in. (25 mm) per strap from theiroriginal adjusted position after dynamic and static load testingis performed in accordance with 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, respectively.6.3 Unbounded Leg OpeningLeg opening shall not allowcomplete passage of the

38、 truncated test cone (see Fig. 1) whentested according to Fastener Strength and Strap Retention:6.4.1 Each unique fastener, except for leg opening adjust-ment fasteners as tested per 6.4.2, shall not break or disengage,and adjustable elements in straps shall not slip, in a manner thatloosens

39、 the strap, more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) when tested inaccordance with 7.7.1 and Each unique fastener whose primary purpose is toadjust the size of the leg opening shall not break or disengage,and adjustable elements in straps shall not slip, in a manner thatloosens the strap, more than 1 in

40、. (2.5 cm) when tested inaccordance with 7.7.1 and 7.7.3.NOTE 1The requirements in 6.4 only apply to load bearing fasteners.Fasteners intended to retain items such as, but not limited to, sleepinghoods, head adjustment fasteners, bibs, and toy rings are exempt fromthese requirements.7. Test Methods7

41、.1 Leg Openings:7.1.1 Fasten the soft carrier to a rigid fixture in a mannersuch that the leg opening of the carrier is horizontal. Theopening shall be as close to the center of the fixture as possible.If the leg opening is adjustable in size to allow for growth, itshall be tested with the leg openi

42、ng adjusted to its smallest sizeas described in the manufacturers literature or instructions.7.1.2 Place the leg opening test sphere (see Fig. 2) inside thecarrier and gradually allow the sphere to rest in the leg openingover a period of 5 s.Allow the sphere to rest in the opening foran additional 1

43、 min.7.1.3 Repeat the test for the other leg opening.7.2 Dynamic and Static Load TestsThe dynamic and statictests in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, respectively, shall be performed on thesame product sample in each carrying position with a newproduct sample being tested for each different carrying posi-tion. For

44、example, a product that may be worn on the front andback has two carrying positions therefore a minimum of twosamples must be tested. One product sample shall be used forthe front carrying position dynamic and static tests, and anotherfor the back carrying position dynamic and static tests.7.2.1 Dyn

45、amic Load Test: Equipment: (1) Shot Bag6 to 8 in. (152 to 203mm) diameter shot bag with total mass of 25 lbm (11.3 kg) ora mass equal to the manufacturers recommended maximumweight for the specific carrying position of the product,whichever is greater. A product with multiple carrying posi-ti

46、ons may have different manufacturers recommended maxi-mum weights for each carrying position.NOTE 2Solid, cylindrical weights (Olympic-sized barbell weightplates, for example) may be secured on top of the 25 lbm (6.9 kg) shot bagwhen a greater total mass is required.(2) Test Torso4 See Fig.

47、2 Position, secure, and adjust the soft carrier onto thetest torso4according to the manufacturers instructions pro-vided with the product.4The sole source of supply of the test torso (called “Body Opponent Bag”)known to the committee at this time is Century Sporting Goods. It is available fromvariou

48、s distributors on websites such as and . If you are aware of alternativesuppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsibletechnical committee,1which you may attend.FIG. 1 Truncated Test ConeF

49、2236 1437.2.1.3 Position the shot bag a distance of 1 in. (25 mm)above the seat of the soft carrier.Allow the shot bag to free fallonto the seat ten times with a cycle time of 4 6 1 s/cycle topreset the adjustment(s) of the carrier on the test torso. Bysome appropriate means, mark the position of all adjustmenthardware. This will be the reference point for measuringadjustment slippage in the test. Drop the shot bag onto the seatan additional 990 times with a cycle ti


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