ASTM F3062 F3062M-2018 Standard Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Installation《飞机动力装置安装标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM F3062 F3062M-2018 Standard Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Installation《飞机动力装置安装标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM F3062 F3062M-2018 Standard Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Installation《飞机动力装置安装标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM F3062 F3062M-2018 Standard Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Installation《飞机动力装置安装标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM F3062 F3062M-2018 Standard Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Installation《飞机动力装置安装标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: F3062/F3062M 16F3062/F3062M 18Standard Specification forInstallation of Aircraft Powerplant SystemsInstallation1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3062/F3062M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of re

2、vision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers minimum requirements for the installation and integration of powerplant

3、system units.1.2 This specification is applicable to small aeroplanes as defined in the F44 terminology standard. Use of the term airplane isused throughout this specification and will mean “small airplane.”1.3 The applicant for a design approval must seek the individual guidance to their respective

4、 CAA body concerning the use ofthis standard as part of a certification plan. For information on which CAAregulatory bodies have accepted this standard (in wholeor in part) as a means of compliance to their SmallAircraftAirworthiness regulations (Hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”), referto the

5、ASTM F44 webpage ( which includes CAA website links.1.4 References within this standard normally refer to documents in United States legal system. Appendix X1 cross referencesdocuments in the legal system of other countries of corresponding content.1.5 UnitsThe values s

6、tated are SI units followed by imperial units in brackets. The values stated in each system may not beexact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems mayresult in non-conformance with the standard.1.6 This standard does not pu

7、rport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety safety, health, and healthenvironmental practices and determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This internat

8、ional standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardizationestablished in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issuedby the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committ

9、ee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F2339 Practice for Design and Manufacture of Reciprocating Spark Ignition Engines for Light Sport AircraftF2506 Specification for Design and Testing of Light Sport Aircraft PropellersF2538 Practice for Design and Manufacture of Reciprocating Compression

10、Ignition Engines for Light Sport AircraftF2840 Practice for Design and Manufacture of Electric Propulsion Units for Light Sport AircraftF3060 Terminology for AircraftF3063/F3063M Specification for Aircraft Fuel and Energy Storage and DeliveryF3066/F3066M Specification for Aircraft Powerplant Install

11、ation Hazard MitigationF3117 Specification for Crew Interface in Aircraft2.2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):314 CFR part 33 Airworthiness Standards: Aircraft Engines14 CFR part 35 Airworthiness Standards: Propellers14 CFR part 34 Fuel Venting and Exhaust Emission Requirements for Turbine Powered

12、Airplanes2.3 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Publications:4AC 23-8C Flight Test Guide for certification of part 23 airplanesCAR 13 Aircraft Engines Airworthiness1 This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F44 on GeneralAviationAircraft and is the direct responsibility of Su

13、bcommittee F44.40 on Powerplant.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2016Jan. 1, 2018. Published September 2016February 2018. Originally approved in 2015. Last previous edition approved in 20152016as F3062/F3062M 15.F3062/F3062M 16. DOI: 10.1520/F3062_F3062M-16.10.1520/F3062_F3062M-18.2 For referencedA

14、STM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3 Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents,

15、732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, Available from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 800 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20591, document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an

16、indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to

17、be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1TSO C77 Technical Standard Order Gas Turbine Auxilliary Power Units2.4 JAA Documents:5JAR-E EnginesJAR-P PropellersJAR-22 Gliders and Powered Gliders2

18、.5 EASA Documents:6CS-22 Certification Specifications for Gliders and Powered GlidersCS-E Certification Specifications for EnginesCS-P Certification Specifications for PropellersCS-APU Certification Specifications for Auxiliary Power Units3. Terminology3.1 The following are a selection of relevant t

19、erms. See Terminology F3060 for more definitions and abbreviations.3.2 Definitions:3.2.1 powerplant, nall units and components necessary for propelling the aircraft or for providing auxiliary power for theaircraft (APU).3.2.2 powerplant installation, nthe installation of an engine or auxiliary power

20、 unit including all components that arenecessary for propulsion or for providing auxiliary power (APU) and affects the safety of the major propulsive units.3.2.3 reciprocating engine, nengines with the characteristics of a non-continuous flow piston engines. DiscussionFor the purpose of this

21、standard the term reciprocating engine does include rotary piston engine due to the similar characteristics.3.2.4 supercharger, nan air compressor that increases the pressure of air supplied to an engine. DiscussionFor the purpose of this standard the term supercharger refers to both mechanic

22、al and turbine driven superchargers.3.2.5 turbocharger, na supercharger driven by a turbine in the exhaust gas stream, short form of turbo supercharger.3.2.6 turbine engines, nturbopropeller, turbojet and turbofan engines.3.3 Abbreviations:3.3.1 APUAuxilliary Power Unit4. General4.1 Engines and APU:

23、4.1.1 Each engine must either: Meet the technical requirements of 14 CFR Part 33, or4.1.1.2 If accepted by the authority, meet the technical requirements of CS-22 Subpart H.4.1.2 Each APU must meet the technical requirements of TSO C77.4.1.3 Each turbine engine must meet the applicable requir

24、ements of 14 CFR Part 34.4.2 Powerplant Installation:4.2.1 The powerplant installation must comply with the installation instructions of:(1) the engine,(2) the propeller, if applicable,(3) the APU, if applicable.4.2.2 Each powerplant installation must be constructed and arranged to ensure safe opera

25、tion to the maximum altitude for whichapproval is requested.4.2.3 Each turbine engine installation must be constructed and arranged to result in carcass vibration characteristics that do notexceed those established by the engine manufacturer.4.2.4 Each powerplant installation must be constructed and

26、 arranged to be accessible for necessary inspections and maintenance. Engine cowls and nacelles must be easily removable or openable by the pilot to provide adequate access to and exposureof the engine compartment for preflight checks.5 Available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Invernes

27、s Way, East Englewood, CO 80112-5704, .6 Available from EASA European Aviation Safety Agency, Postfach 10 12 53. D-50452 Koeln, Germany, 1825. Air Induction System5.1 General:5.1.1 The air induction system for each engine and auxiliary power unit and their accessories mus

28、t supply the air required bythat engine and auxiliary power unit and their accessories under the operating conditions for which certification is requested.5.2 Induction Systems of Reciprocating Engine Powered Aeroplanes:5.2.1 Each engine installation must have at least two separate air intake source

29、s.5.2.2 Primary air intakes may open within the cowling if that part of the cowling is isolated from the engine accessory sectionby a fire-resistant diaphragm or if there are means to prevent the emergence of backfire flames.5.2.3 Each alternate air intake must be located in a sheltered position and

30、 may not open within the cowling if the emergenceof backfire flames will result in a hazard.5.2.4 The supplying of air to the engine through the alternate air intake system may not result in a loss of excessive power inaddition to the power loss due to the rise in air temperature.5.2.5 Each automati

31、c alternate air door must have an override means accessible to the flight crew.5.2.6 Each automatic alternate air door must have a means to indicate to the flight crew when it is not closed.5.3 Induction Systems of Turbine Engine Powered Aeroplanes:5.3.1 There must be means to prevent quantities of

32、fuel leakage or overflow from drains, vents, or other components offlammable fluid systems from entering the engine intake system that would cause the engine to exceed its operational limitations,cause a significant loss of power, or otherwise cause the engine to operate in an unsafe condition.5.3.2

33、 The airplane must be designed to prevent water or slush on the runway, taxiway, or other airport operating surfaces frombeing directed into the engine or auxiliary power unit air intake ducts in quantities that would cause the engine to exceed itsoperational limitations, cause a significant loss of

34、 power, or otherwise cause the engine to operate in an unsafe condition.5.3.3 The air intake ducts must be located or protected so as to minimize the hazard of ingestion of foreign matter during takeoff,landing, and taxiing.5.3.4 Each turbine engine installation must be constructed and arranged to e

35、nsure that the capability of the installed engine towithstand the ingestion of rain, hail, ice, and birds into the engine inlet is not less than the capability established for the engineitself under Specification F3066/F3066M.5.3.5 The air inlet system must not, as a result of airflow distortion dur

36、ing normal operation, cause vibration harmful to theengine.5.4 Induction System Ducts:5.4.1 Each induction system duct must have a drain to prevent the accumulation of fuel or moisture in the normal ground andflight attitudes. No drain may discharge where it will cause a fire hazard.5.4.2 Each duct

37、connected to components between which relative motion could exist must have means for flexibility.5.4.3 Each flexible induction system duct must be capable of withstanding the effects of temperature extremes, fuel, oil, water,and solvents to which it is expected to be exposed in service and maintena

38、nce without hazardous deterioration or delamination.5.4.4 For reciprocating engine installations, each induction system duct must be: Strong enough to prevent induction system failures resulting from normal backfire conditions; and5.4.4.2 Fire resistant in any compartment for which a fire ext

39、inguishing system is required.5.4.5 Each inlet system duct for an auxiliary power unit must be: Fireproof within the auxiliary power unit compartment; Fireproof for a sufficient distance upstream of the auxiliary power unit compartment to prevent hot gas reverse flow fromburning throug

40、h the duct and entering any other compartment of the airplane in which a hazard would be created by the entry ofthe hot gases; Constructed of materials suitable to the environmental conditions expected in service, except in those areas requiringfireproof or fire resistant materials; and5.4.5.

41、4 Constructed of materials that will not absorb or trap hazardous quantities of flammable fluids that could be ignited bya surge or reverse-flow condition.5.4.6 Induction system ducts that supply air to a cabin pressurization system must be suitably constructed of material that willnot produce hazar

42、dous quantities of toxic gases or isolated to prevent hazardous quantities of toxic gases from entering the cabinduring a powerplant fire.5.5 Induction System Screens:5.5.1 Each screen must be upstream of the carburetor or fuel injection system.5.5.2 No screen may be in any part of the induction sys

43、tem that is the only passage through which air can reach the engine,unless the available heat rise is at least 56C 100F; and the screen can be deiced by heated air.5.5.3 No screen may be deiced by alcohol alone.5.5.4 It must be impossible for fuel to strike any screen.5.6 Induction System Filters:F3

44、062/F3062M 1835.6.1 If an air filter is used to protect the engine against foreign material particles in the induction air supply: Each air filter must be capable of withstanding the effects of temperature extremes, rain, fuel, oil, and solvents to whichit is expected to be exposed in service

45、 and maintenance; and5.6.1.2 Each air filter shall have a design feature to prevent material separated from the filter media from interfering with properfuel metering operation.6. Powerplant Exhuast System6.1 General:6.1.1 Each exhaust system must ensure safe disposal of exhaust gases without fire h

46、azard or carbon monoxide contaminationin any personnel compartment.6.1.2 Each exhaust system part with a surface hot enough to ignite flammable fluids or vapors must be located or shielded sothat leakage from any system carrying flammable fluids or vapors will not result in a fire caused by impingem

47、ent of the fluids orvapors on any part of the exhaust system including shields for the exhaust system.6.1.3 Each exhaust system must be separated by fireproof shields from adjacent flammable parts of the airplane that are outsideof the engine and auxiliary power unit compartments.6.1.4 No exhaust ga

48、ses may discharge dangerously near any fuel or oil system drain.6.1.5 For aeroplanes certified for night operation no exhaust gases may be discharged where they will cause a glare seriouslyaffecting pilot vision at night.6.1.6 Each exhaust system component must be ventilated to prevent points of exc

49、essively high temperature.6.1.7 If significant traps exist, each turbine engine and auxiliary power unit exhaust system must have drains discharging clearof the airplane, in any normal ground and flight attitude, to prevent fuel accumulation after the failure of an attempted engine orauxiliary power unit start.6.1.8 Each exhaust heat exchanger must incorporate means to prevent blockage of the exhaust port after any internal heatexchanger failure.6.2 Exhaust System Construction:6.2.1 Each exhaust system must be fireproof and corrosion-resistant, an


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