1、Designation: F3266 18Standard Guide forTraining for Remote Pilot in Command of Unmanned AircraftSystems (UAS) Endorsement1This standard is issued under the fixed designation F3266; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, th
2、e year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide is intended for two distinct readers: educatorswho wish to develop curricula and training courses
3、 andindividual pilots wishing to raise their knowledge level forparticular flight operations. The guide describes theknowledge, skills, and abilities required to safely operateunmanned aircraft for commercial purposes. A Civil AviationAuthority (CAA) may, at their discretion, use this guide to aidth
4、e development of existing or future regulations. This guideaddresses powered fixed-wing, vertical-take-off and lift androtorcraft UAS and not other potential unmanned aircraftcategories (for example, glider, lighter-than-air, etc.).1.2 An unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is composed of theunmanned air
5、craft and all required on-board subsystems,payloads, control station, other required off-board subsystems,any required launch and recovery equipment, all required crewmembers, and command and control (C2) links between UAand the control station.1.3 This guide provides fundamental general knowledge,t
6、ask performance and knowledge, and activities and functionsfor remote pilots of lightweight UAS (but not necessarilylimited to UAs under 55 lb Gross Take Off Weight) or forcertain CAAoperational approvals using risk-based categories.Flight operations outside the scope of this guide requireadditional
7、 knowledge, experience, and training.1.4 This guide can be used to evaluate a training courseoutline and syllabus to determine when its content includes thetopics necessary for training individuals to be proficient andcompetent remote pilot personnel. Likewise, this guide may beused to evaluate an e
8、xisting training program to see when itmeets the requirements in this guide.1.5 A person meeting the requirements of this guide doesnot necessarily possess adequate knowledge, experience, andtraining to make specific mission-critical decisions safely. Thisguide merely describes recommended topics an
9、d does notprovide specific mission training.1.6 It is not the intent of this guide to require that a trainingcourse track the sequence or exact scope of the topics pre-sented. However, the knowledge and skill objectives that arepart of the training course should be included in any trainingcourse out
10、line and syllabus to be used to train remote pilots.Furthermore, it is not the intent of this guide to limit theaddition of knowledge and skill objectives required by localconditions or any governmental body.1.7 The knowledge, skills, and abilities described in thefollowing sections are not intended
11、 to be a rigid trainingsequence and should be adjusted by the appropriate CAA forspecific scope and context.1.8 This guide does not stand alone and must be used withother CAA/ASTM standards to identify the knowledge, skills,and abilities needed for remote pilots to operate safely andeffectively.1.9
12、Where proficiency in a skill or ability need bedemonstrated, unless stated otherwise they shall be demon-strated for initial qualification, and as frequently as required byCAA.1.10 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be re-garded as standard. The values given in parentheses aremathematical
13、conversions to SI units that are provided forinformation only and are not considered standard.1.11 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety, health, and
14、environmental practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.12 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International S
15、tandards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F38 on UnmannedAircraft Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F38.03 onPersonnel Training, Qualification
16、and Certification.Current edition approved April 15, 2018. Published May 2018. DOI: 10.1520/F3266-18.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognize
17、d principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.12. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2F2908 Specification for A
18、ircraft Flight Manual (AFM) for aSmall Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS)F3005 Specification for Batteries for Use in Small Un-manned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)F3178 Practice for Operational Risk Assessment of SmallUnmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)F3298 Specification for Design, Construction, and Verifica-
19、tion of Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)2.2 U.S. Federal Standards:314 CFR Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems2.3 EASA Standard:4NPA 2017-05 (A) Unmanned Aircraft System Operations inthe Open and Specific Category (Draft)2.4 Australian Government Civil Aviation Safety Authority(CASA):5
20、AC 101-01 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Licensingand Operations2.5 South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA):6AIC 007/2015 Remote Pilot License: Training, Examinationand Application for RPL Requirements3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 alert, na generic term used to describe a controlstat
21、ion indication meant to attract the attention of and identifyto the flight crew a non-normal operational or airplane systemcondition. Alerts are classified at levels or categories corre-sponding to Warnings, Cautions, and Advisories. Alert indica-tions also include non-normal range markings (for exa
22、mple,exceedances on instruments and gauges.)”3.1.2 applicant/proponent, nthe person or organizationresponsible for seeking the approval to operate and operating aUA. The applicant/proponent may be one of the followingentities: manufacturer, operator, or original equipment manu-facturer. manuf
23、acturer, nthe person or organization whocauses production of a product or article. A manufacturer mayalso be an operator. operator, nthe person or organization that appliesfor CAA approval to operate a UAS or who seeks operationalapproval for types of flight operations prohibited by a CAA for
24、that UAS. original equipment manufacturer, nthe person ororganization who first produced that product or article. AnOEM may also be an operator.3.1.3 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), nanorganization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing therequirements of a code or standard, or
25、 for approvingequipment, materials, in installation, or a procedure.3.1.4 automatic flight control system, na system whichincludes all equipment to control automatically the flight of anaircraft to a path or altitude described by references, internal orexternal, to the aircraft.3.1.5 Control and Non
26、-Payload Communications (CNPC),nradio frequency (RF) link(s) between the control station(CS) and the unmanned aircraft (UA), also known as theCommand and Control Link(s).3.1.6 control station, napparatus for hosting the remotepilot and her/his device to operate the UAS.3.1.7 controlled flight, na co
27、ndition whereby the remotepilot or onboard systems or both, have the ability to performfunctions to the extent necessary to continue safe flight andlanding, but not necessarily full functional performance.3.1.8 envelope protection, nthe human-machine interfaceextension of an automatic flight control
28、 system that preventsthe remote pilot from making control commands that wouldforce the aircraft to exceed its structural or aerodynamic, orboth, operating limits.3.1.9 lightweight UAS, nunmanned small aircraft that areapproved for operation under the authority of a CAA (forexample, UAS approved to o
29、perate by the FAA under 14 CFRPart 107, UAS approved to operate by EASA as Open andSpecific Category UA, and UAS approved to operate by CASAas Small, Medium, or Large RPA, or combinations thereof).3.1.10 lost link, noccurrence in which the control stationhas lost the ability to maintain a positive C
30、2 link with the sUAdue to degradation, loss, or interruption of the C2 link forlonger than deemed safe depending on the circumstances orprogramming.3.1.11 remote pilot-in-command, nperson who is directlyresponsible for and is the final authority as to the operation ofthe UAS; has been designated as
31、remote pilot in commandbefore or during the flight of a UAS; and holds the appropriateCAA certificate for the conduct of the flight.3.1.12 requiring exceptional pilot capability, na conditionwhereby the unmanned aircraft system is incapable of normaloperations (that is, takeoff, controlled flight, a
32、nd landing at asuitable location within the operating limitations) within thestandards of performance, without requiring considerable in-tervention and compensation by the remote pilot (that is,exceptional piloting skill, alertness, or strength). DiscussionExceptional skill requires addition
33、alskill and experience well beyond that of the remote pilots whonormally fly the type of UAS under consideration. DiscussionExceptional alertness or strength re-quires additional judgment factors when the control forces aredeemed marginal or when a condition exists that requires rapidrecogni
34、tion and reaction to be coped with successfully.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available fr
35、om U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent ofDocuments, 732 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20401-0001, http:/www.access.gpo.gov.4Available from European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), EASA Headquar-ters Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, D-50668 Cologne, Germany, https:/www.easa.europa.eu.5Availabl
36、e from the Australian Government Civil Aviation Safety Authority(CASA), GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, https:/www.casa.gov.au.6Available from the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), IkhayaLokundiza, Building 16, Treur Close, Waterfall Park, Bekker Street, Midrand, SouthAfric
37、a, https:/www.caa.co.za.F3266 1823.1.12.3 DiscussionThis condition is similar to a Han-dling Qualities Rating (HQR) of 5 on the Cooper-Harper Scale.It should be noted that verification of Handling Qualitiesrequires a well-defined, repeatable task, an unmanned aircraftwith control station, and a trai
38、ned remote pilot that is activelyengaged in accomplishing that task with or without theassistance of an automated flight control system.3.1.13 shall versus should versus may, vuse of the word“shall” means that a procedure or statement is mandatory andmust be followed to comply with this guide; “shou
39、ld” meansrecommended; and “may” means optional at the discretion ofthe applicant/proponent. Discussion“Shall” statements are requirementsand they include sufficient detail needed to define compliance(for example, threshold values, test methods, oversight, andreference to other standards). “S
40、hould” statements are providedas guidance towards the overall goal of improving safety andcould include only subjective statements. “Should” statementsalso represent parameters that could be used in safety evalua-tions or could lead to development of future requirements, orboth. “May” statements are
41、 provided to clarify acceptability ofa specific item or practice and offer options for satisfyingrequirements.3.1.14 standard of performance, nobservable, measurableparameters of performance with tolerances; for example,course deviation degrees, + or . Includes procedures,maneuvers, and observable b
42、ehaviors.3.1.15 warning, na condition that requires immediateflight crew awareness and immediate flight crew response.3.2 Abbreviations:3.2.1 AHJAuthority Having Jurisdiction.3.2.2 AFMaircraft flight manual.3.2.3 BVLOSbeyond visual line of sight.3.2.4 CAAcivil aviation authority.3.2.5 CASAAustralian
43、 Civil Aviation Safety Agency.3.2.6 C2command and control.3.2.7 CNPCcontrol and non-payload communications.3.2.8 CONOPSconcept of operations.3.2.9 EVLOSextended visual line of sight.3.2.10 OEMoriginal aircraft manufacturer.3.2.11 ORAoperational risk assessment.3.2.12 RPICRemote Pilot in Command.3.2.
44、13 SACAASouth African Civil Aviation Authority.3.2.14 SDOstandards development organization.3.2.15 UAunmanned aircraft.3.2.16 UASunmanned aircraft system.3.2.17 VLOSvisual line of sight.3.2.18 VOvisual observer.3.3 See Table 1 for task and knowledge definitions relatingto the education requirements
45、for Remote Pilot in Command.3.3.1 Explanations for Task Knowledge and Subject Knowl-edge Levels: A task knowledge scale value may be used alone orwith a task performance scale value to define a level ofknowledge for a specific task. A subject knowledge scale value is used alone todefin
46、e a level of knowledge for a subject not directly related toany specific task, or for a subject common to several tasks. Examples:(1) Task Knowledge Example: Emergency procedures;(ref. Table 1, Level b: knows procedures). RPIC is expected tobe able to recite step-by-step procedures for emerge
47、ncy proce-dures for the UAS.(2) Task Knowledge and Performance Example: Emer-gency procedures; (ref. Table 1, Level 3b: competentperformance, knows procedures). RPIC is expected to be ableto perform the step-by-step procedures for emergency proce-dures for the UAS.(3) Subject Knowledge Example: the
48、anatomy of the eye =(ref. Table 1, Level A: knows facts). RPIC is expected to beable to identify basic facts about the eye and identify part of theeye in a drawing or diagram.4. Significance and Applicability4.1 The purpose of this guide is to provide a standardizedmeans of facilitating Remote Pilot
49、 training. The guide shouldbe used by all individuals and agencies that train such persons.4.2 Successful completion of this training course neitherconstitutes nor implies certification or licensure from the CAA.4.3 This guide is intended to provide guidance to:TABLE 1 Task and Knowledge LevelsScale Value Definition: The IndividualTask PerformanceLevels1 IS LIMITED. (Can do simple parts of the task. Needs to be told or shown how to do most of the task.)2 IS PARTIALLY PROFICIENT. (Can do most parts of the task. Needs only help on hardest