ATIS 0300048-2015 555 Nxx Assignment Guidelines (Reissued with the resolution of Issue 794).pdf

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1、 1 ATIS-0300048 555 Nxx Assignment Guidelines Reissued with the resolution of Issue 794 June 17, 2015 Effective immediately, there is a moratorium on the assignment of new 555 line numbers. This moratorium does not affect the entertainment and advertising industrys current use of fictitious non-work

2、ing numbers (line numbers 0100-0199) or the use of 555-1212 for directory assistance purposes. 2 Copyright 2015 by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. The 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines dated June 17, 2015 (former document number INC 94-0429-002) is copyr

3、ighted, published and distributed by ATIS on behalf of the Industry Numbering Committee (INC). Except as expressly permitted, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form, including electronic media or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of ATIS. Parti

4、cipants in the INC and other parties are hereby authorized to reproduce this document and distribute it within their own business organizations for business purposes, provided that this notice continues to appear in the reproduced documentation. Resale is prohibited. For ordering information, please

5、 contact: ATIS 1200 G Street N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 (202) 628-6380 A complete listing of INC Documents is available on the ATIS Web Site at: http:/ ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid

6、 development of global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry. 3 More than 250 companies actively formulate standards in ATIS 18 Committees, covering issues including: IPTV, Service Oriented Networks, Energy Efficiency, IP-Based and Wireless Technolog

7、ies, Quality of Service, and Billing and Operational Support. In addition, numerous Incubators, Focus and Exploratory Groups address emerging industry priorities including “Green”, IP Downloadable Security, Next Generation Carrier Interconnect, IPv6 and Convergence. ATIS is the North American Organi

8、zational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a member and major U.S. contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications Sectors, and a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL). For more information please visit

9、. - The Industry Numbering Committee (INC) provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with planning, administration, allocation, assignment and use of North American Numbering Plan (NANP) numbering resources within the NANP area. This document is maintained under t

10、he direction of ATIS and the INC. Suggestions for improvement of this document are welcome. They should be sent to the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, INC Staff, 1200 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005. All changes to this document shall be made through the INC issue re

11、solution process and adopted by the INC as set forth in the ATIS Operating Procedures. - Notice of Disclaimer and for non-national numbers to release all inactive assignments for assignment availability. See Section 7. 4.9 If the number of NPA(s), states or provinces where an entitys national number

12、 has been activated falls below the 30% threshold described in Section 4.8, excluding NPA relief activity, the Administrator shall notify the entity in writing of this fact and indicate the entity has sixty (60) days in which to satisfy the activation criteria or to demonstrate to the Administrator

13、that a plan is in place to comply with the guidelines. Otherwise the number will be reclassified by the Administrator to a non-national number as outlined in Section 5.4. 4.10 If the assigned non-national number is not activated or does not remain activated in the NPAs for which originally requested

14、, the Administrator shall notify the entity in writing of this fact and indicate the entity has sixty (60) days in which to satisfy the activation criteria or to demonstrate to the Administrator that a plan is in place to activate the number in the assigned NPAs. Otherwise the number should be volun

15、tarily returned by the entity to the Administrator in those NPA(s) where the number was assigned but not activated and made available for future assignment. See Section 7. 5.0 Responsibilities of 555 Number Administrator The Administrator(s) shall: 5.1 Provide copies of the 555 number assignment gui

16、delines when requested and timely notification of changes to the industry. 5.2 The receipt of 555 number requests shall be tracked and assignments will be made on a first come, first served basis, except as noted in Section 4.7. 5.3 Upon receipt of the signed 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form, t

17、he Administrator(s) shall process applications for a 555 number in the following manner: 5.3.1 Determine if the request is in compliance with 555 number assignment policies and guidelines contained herein. 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines ATIS-0300048 June 17, 2015 13 5.3.2 Respond within 10 working da

18、ys from the date of receipt of a 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form by completing the response portion that is part of these guidelines. 5.3.3 The Administrator(s) will attempt to assign the preferred 555 number as listed on the 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form. If the requested number is un

19、available, the Administrator(s) will discuss with the applicant the assignment of an alternative number. 5.3.4 Maintain records on 555 numbers assigned plus those available, and publish the assignments on an annual basis or make available upon request. 5.3.5 If the application is approved and a 555

20、number is assigned, the Administrator(s) will complete the 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form and forward to the applicant. 5.3.6 In cases where a 555 number application is denied, provide specific reasons for the denial to the applicant on the form and refer the applicant to Section 9 of the gui

21、delines, Appeals Process, for details on how and where to make an appeal of the decision. 5.4 It is expected that 555 numbers, when assigned, will be placed in service within twelve (12) months. Absent compliance with Section 4.8, reclassification process will be initiated by the Administrator(s) co

22、nsistent with the following3. 5.4.1 When reclassification is appropriate, the Administrator(s) will inquire from the entity regarding the status of the 555 number(s) and, a certified letter will be sent to the entity stating the reclassification process has been initiated and requesting the voluntar

23、y return of the number(s) from the NPAs in which they have not been activated. The letter will state that the Administrator(s) intends to reclassify the 555 number(s) as a non-national number(s) at the end of a sixty (60) day period if activation of the number has not been established in accordance

24、with these guidelines. The entity will be notified by letter if the 555 number(s) assignment is subsequently reclassified. Any 555 number reclassified will be placed in the non-national number pool and will be made available for assignment as a non-national number by the Administrator(s) after an id

25、le period of six months. 3The reclassification process is defined as the procedure whereby the Administrator(s) as maintenance agent for the 555 number resource, reclassifies numbers which do not meet the requirements specified in the guidelines. Note: The Administrator(s) has the responsibility to

26、attempt to reclassify the 555 number resource, especially numbering resources not activated, as the situation requires. These guidelines confer no enforcement authority. Actual enforcement authority resides with the appropriate governmental or regulatory body. 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines ATIS-0300

27、048 June 17, 2015 14 5.4.2 The reclassification process will entail the following: The Administrator will inform the assignee that the unused number is now subject to assignment to another entity. The Administrator will, if necessary, inform the involved regulator(s) of this action.

28、5.5 Return of 555 numbers which have been assigned but have not been activated in conformance with these guidelines, will be subject to the reclamation procedures outlined in Section 7. 5.6 In situations of geographic NPA relief activity accomplished by either NPA splits, overlays, or boundary reali

29、gnments, the holders of a national number will retain the right to request assignment of the same number in the newly created NPA. For entities holding non-national numbers, the Administrator will provide written notification within three (3) months after industry notification (e.g., NANPA Informati

30、on Letter) to the entities in the affected NPAs concerning their opportunities to request the same 555 number(s) in the new or adjacent NPAs as follows: 5.6.1 For NPA splits or overlays, advise the entities of the opportunity to apply for the same 555 number in the new NPA by submitting a 555 NXX Re

31、quest and Confirmation Form no later than three (3) months after the receipt of the notification letter. 5.6.2 For NPA boundary realignment, advise the entities of the opportunity to apply for the same 555 number in the NPA adjacent to the realigned boundary, if this number is available, no later th

32、an three (3) months after receipt of notification. For those situations where the numbers are not available, the entities will be advised to request new 555 numbers in the adjacent NPAs. 5.7 In all situations of NPA relief activity, the 555 numbers existing in the affected NPA(s) will not be assigne

33、d to entities in the new NPA(s) until the existing 555 number holders have been given the response opportunity stated in Section 5.6 above. 6.0 Responsibilities of 555 Number Applicants and Holders Entities requesting new 555 number assignments as well as entities already assigned 555 numbers shall

34、comply with the following: 6.1 Complete the following: 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines ATIS-0300048 June 17, 2015 15 6.1.1 555 number applicants for initial and/or additional number assignments shall submit their requests to the appropriate Administrator(s) using the 555 Number Assignment Request and

35、Confirmation Form. Separate request forms shall be submitted for initial and additional 555 numbers. The applicant will complete all required entries on the 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form to the best of his/her knowledge. Applicants who choose to submit their 555 NXX Assignment Request Form -

36、 Part 1 and or 555 NXX Assignment Request - Part 3 forms via facsimile or mailed copies will be charged a fee. See the NANPA website at for specific details regarding the associated fee structure. 6.1.2 Certify on the 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form that to the best of his/her knowledge that

37、necessary governmental/regulatory authorization has been obtained to provide the service(s) for which the 555 number is being requested. 6.2 The applicant shall agree to abide by the numbering conservation criteria and reclamation procedures described in Section 7 and 8. 6.3 The number assignment ho

38、lder should provide, upon request of the access provider from which activation has been requested, confirmation of line number(s) and the NPA assignment(s). 6.4 The information associated with a 555 number assignment may change over time. Such changes may occur, for example, because of the transfer

39、of a 555 number - through merger or acquisition - to a different company. These changes may include not only a change in company name, but also a change in the location to which calls made with a given 555 number are to be routed. Accordingly, the Administrator(s) must be informed using the 555 NXX

40、Request and Confirmation Form, of these changes to ensure that an accurate record of the entity responsible for the 555 number and the data associated with the 555 number is maintained. 6.5 The holder of a 555 number acquired by merger or acquisition, must use the number consistent with these guidel

41、ines. The assignment of a 555 number does not imply ownership of the number. However, a 555 assignment may be transferred to another entity through merger or acquisition. NANPA must be informed of such transfers to ensure that an accurate record of the entity responsible for the 555 assignment can b

42、e maintained, and that the guideline requirements are satisfied. The entity requesting the transfer of a 555 assignment from the assignee of record must provide written documentation that supports the transfer of a 555 number assignment (i.e., written agreement from the assignee of record or evidenc

43、e of merger or acquisition). 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines ATIS-0300048 June 17, 2015 16 6.6 A 555 number holder must participate in any audits conducted by the Administrator. Items that may be audited: 1. Proof of certification or license to operate in the assigned area, if applicable. 2. Proof tha

44、t the number is accessible through the PSTN. 3. Proof that the number is being used in accordance with the guidelines. 4. Verification of NPAs where the number is activated and the date of activation. 5. Validation of Company name and address. 6.7 A 555 number assigned to an entity, either directly

45、by the Administrator or through merger or acquisition, should be placed in service within 12 months after assignment. Certification of in-service status will be required (see 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form). If the assignee no longer has need for the 555 number, the number should be voluntari

46、ly returned to the Administrator(s) for reassignment. See Section 7. 6.8 In-service certification (See Part 3 of the 555 NXX Request and Confirmation Form) should be provided by the entity either immediately upon the achievement of activation levels as identified in Section 4.8 for number retention

47、entitlement, or within eighteen (18) months after assignment. 7.0 Reclamation Procedures 7.1 Assignee Responsibility The entity to which a 555 number(s) has been assigned shall return the 555 number(s) to its administrator if: It is no longer needed by the entity for the purpose for which it was ori

48、ginally assigned The service it was assigned for is discontinued, or The 555 number(s) was not activated within 12 months of initial assignment. In the latter case, the assignee may apply to the administrator for an extension date. Such an extension request must include the reason for the delay and

49、a new activation time commitment. 7.2 Administrator Responsibility The 555 number administrator will contact any 555 number assignee(s) identified as not having returned to the administrator for reassignment of any 555 number: 555 NXX Assignment Guidelines ATIS-0300048 June 17, 2015 17 - Assigned, but no longer


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