AWWA M19-2001 Emergency Planning for Water Utility Management (Fourth Edition Incorporating Supplement 2012)《水效用管理紧急情况计划 第4版》.pdf

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1、 AdvocacyCommunicationsConferencesEducation and TrainingScience and TechnologySections The Authoritative Resource on Safe Water Fourth Edition 19 M Manual of Water Supply practiceS Emergency Planning for Water UtilitiesAWWA is the authoritative resource for knowledge, information and advocacy to imp

2、rove the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. AWWA is the largest organization of water professionals in the world. AWWA advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the entire water community. Through our collective strength we become

3、 better stewards of water for the greatest good of the people and the environment. 4E-POD-30019-04/08-LSW ater utilities have a legal responsibility to provide an adequate supply of safe, high- quality drinking water to their customers. Disruptions in water quality and delivery can result from emerg

4、encies such as natural disasters, accidents, or intentional acts. Regardless of their size and location, utilities should prepare for emergencies before they occur and be able to quickly restore water services. This manual presents principles, practices, and guidelines for water utility emergency pl

5、anning. The approach suggested in this manual is to apply knowledge of and experience with a specific system, determine vulnerable components of the system, and either improve the deficiency or plan an alternate strategy. M19 Fourth Edition Emergency Planning for Water Utilities M19.indd 1 4/24/2008

6、 9:25:41 AM American Water Works Association FOUNDED 1881 Emergency Planning for Water Utilities AWWA MANUAL M19 Fourth Edition Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. MANUAL OF WATER SUPPLY PRACTICESM19, Fourth Edition Emergency Planning for Water Utility Management Co

7、pyright 1973, 1984, 1994, 2001 American Water Works Association All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information or retrieval system, except in the form of brief

8、 excerpts or quotations for review purposes, without the written permission of the publisher. Project manager: Mary Kay Kozyra Copy editor: Mary Kay Kozyra Production editor: Carol Magin Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for. Printed in the United States of America

9、American Water Works Association 6666 West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO 80235 ISBN 1-58321-135-7 Printed on recycled paper Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. ISBN: 978-1-58321-135-9 e-ISBN: 978-1-61300-173-8 Contents iii Foreword, ix Acknowledgments, xi C h a p t e r 1

10、 O v e r v i e w . 1 Planning for Disasters, 1 How to Use This Manual, 4 References, 5 C h a p t e r 2 H a z a r d S u m m a r y 7 Introduction, 7 Natural Disasters and Their Associated Hazards, 7 Human-Caused Disasters and Their Associated Hazards, 14 Hazard Summary, 16 References, 18 C h a p t e r

11、 3 V u l n e r a b i l i t y A s s e s s m e n t . 1 9 Introduction, 19 Performing a Vulnerability Assessment, 19 References, 37 Chapter 4 Mitigation Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Mitigation Measures for System Components, 39 Costs and Scheduling, 51 References, 52 C h a p t e r 5 P r

12、 e p a r e d n e s s P l a n n i n g . 5 3 Introduction, 53 Basic Principles of a Plan, 53 Elements of a Plan, 54 References, 81 Chapter 6 Emergency Response, Recovery, and Training . . . . . . 83 Emergency Response and Recovery, 83 Training, 88 References, 91 Appendix A South Carolinas Guide for Hu

13、rricane Procedures . . . . 93 Bibliography, 97 Index, 103 List of AWWA Manuals, 109 Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. Figures v 2-1 A 400,000-gal (1.5 million-L) s

14、teel tank was uplifted and underwent “elephants-foot” buckling on impact during the Landers, Calif., earthquake 2-2 Map of relative earthquake hazards within the continental United States 2-3 Earthquake-induced forces on buried pipelines 2-4 Seismic forces on water storage tank 2-5 Structural damage

15、 from Hurricane Iniki in Kauai, Hawaii 2-6 Flooding in Washington State 2-7 Hazard summary for a hypothetical water system 3-1 Well casing bent by lateral spreading during an earthquake in Daugpan, Philippines 3-2 Broken pipeline in Olive View Hospital after 1971 San Fernando, Calif., earthquake 3-3

16、 Flocculator/clarifier center mechanism damaged from sloshing water in Loma Prieta earthquake (Rinconada Water Treatment Plant, San Jose, Calif.) 3-4 Damaged clarifier plates after earthquake in Limon, Costa Rica 3-5 Tank damage in Hurricane Iniki, Kauai, Hawaii 3-6 Downed power lines at Homestead A

17、ir Force Base, Fla., after Hurricane Andrew 3-7 Downed pole-mounted transformer in Hurricane Iniki, Kauai, Hawaii 3-8 Road washed out in flooding in Washington State 3-9 Disaster effects matrix 3-10 Water demand under normal and emergency conditions 3-11 Schematic of Seismic City water system 4-1 Co

18、llapsed spring-vibration isolator supporting emergency generator, Whittier, Calif. 4-2 Chlorine cylinders at a Costa Rican water treatment plant were replaced and temporarily restrained after connections were broken when the cylinders toppled during an earthquake 4-3 Brackets designed to keep lab ch

19、emicals on shelf, Rinconada water treatment plant. Photo taken after the Loma Prieta, Calif., earthquake 4-4 Mitigation option for water storage tanks 4-5 Mitigation options for pipelines at fault crossings 4-6 Truck crane damage in Hurricane Iniki, Kauai, Hawaii 5-1 Sample water system emergency no

20、tification form to be used by the general public 5-2 Sample water system emergency notification form to be used by other agencies Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. vi 5-3 Sample water system emergency notification report to be completed and used by water system pe

21、rsonnel 5-4 Sample water system emergency communication report to be completed and used by water system personnel 5-5 Sample water system emergency messages log to be maintained by water system personnel 5-6 Sample water system emergency support call form and list to be completed and used by water s

22、ystem personnel 5-7 List of other departments and agencies to notify in an emergency 5-8 Sample water system emergency priority-service form to be completed and used by water system personnel 5-9 List of possible individuals and organizations requiring priority service 5-10 Sample form for notifying

23、 public of a water shutoff 5-11 Sample form for facility vulnerability analysis 5-12 Sample damage report form 6-13 Portable water treatment plant filling up inflatable storage in Kauai, Hawaii 6-14 Emergency potable water provided by tanker truck in Kauai, Hawaii Copyright 2012 American Water Works

24、 Association. All Rights Reserved. Tables vii 5-1 Applicable threshold quantities for chlorine and anhydrous ammonia Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. ix Foreword

25、Water utilities have a legal responsibility to provide adequate supplies of clean, safe drinking water to their customers, even when disaster strikes. The util- ity that is prepared will be more effective at responding to and recovering from disasters. Preparing for disasters can be a daunting task

26、because of the many disaster hazards and dangers that can occur. To ease this task, AWWA Manual M19 pro- vides guidelines and procedures that can be used by utilities of any size. This fourth edition of AWWA Manual M19, Emergency Planning for Water Utilities, has been updated to include information

27、on several emergency prepared- ness regulations that were promulgated since the third edition. Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. xi Acknowledgments The AWWA Manage

28、ment Division of the Technical and Educational Council gratefully acknowledges the work of the Health and Safety Committee. Members of the committee that approved this edition are D.J. Thorig, CaliforniaAmerican Water Company (Chair) Donna L. Braxton, KentuckyAmerican Water Company Robert L. Cariano

29、, Lansing Board of Water and Light Michael P. Fahy, El Paso Water Utilities John C. Ihli, PennsylvaniaAmerican Water Company Steve Korbelak, Palm Beach County Water Utilities William H. Kreutzer, City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power Daniel Patrick Minor, Kansas City Water Services Depa

30、rtment Regina Mize-Joyner, United WaterArkansas Janis Morelli, Elizabeth Town Water Romie N. Mundy, West VirginiaAmerican Water Company John M. OMarra, United Water Management and Services Steve Pappas, IndianaAmerican Water Company Peter S. Puglionesi, Duke Engineering and Services Clinton R. Van A

31、rsdall, Safety Consultant Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. This page intentionally blank. Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. 1 AWWA MANUAL M19 Chapter 1 Overview Water utilities have a legal responsibility to provide an adequate

32、 supply of safe, high- quality drinking water to their customers. Disruptions in water quality and delivery can result from emergencies such as natural disasters, accidents, or intentional acts. The 1974 Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) briefly refers to “emergency circumstances” in Title XIV,

33、 Part B, Section 1413 (a): For purposes of this title, a State has primary enforcement responsibility for public water systems during any period for which the Administrator determines (pursuant to regulations prescribed under Subsection (b) that such state .(5) has adopted and can implement an adequ

34、ate plan for the provision for safe drinking water under emergency circumstances. While primary enforcement agencies throughout the country can be expected to devote considerable attention to the standards addressed by the SDWA, water utilities should not wait for agencies to mandate any aspect of e

35、mergency planning. Water utilities should consider themselves responsible for providing water under emergency circumstances. Regardless of their size and location, utilities should prepare for emergencies before they occur and be able to quickly restore water service. PLANNING FOR DISASTERS_ Plannin

36、g for a disaster may initially seem difficult because it essentially amounts to planning for the unpredictable. For example, despite steady progress in hurricane tracking, the exact impact time, strength, and effects of a hurricane are almost impossible to precisely predict. Other natural phenomena

37、such as earthquakes provide even less warning. On the other hand, a great deal of knowledge has been accumulated on the impacts of natural phenomena, such as probabilities of occurrence and likely effects on infrastructure and the environment. Similarly, the effects on utility systems of human-cause

38、d hazards, such as chemical spills or accidents, also have been documented. The approach suggested in this manual is to apply this knowledge and experience to a specific water system, determine the vulnerable components of the system, and either improve the deficiency or plan an alternate strategy.

39、Copyright 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved. 2 EMERGENCY PLANNING continued on next page Case Study: Feel the Earth Move A Survivors Tale of the NW Earthquake Before I tell you what happened on the day of the earthquake, I want to share a bit of my background prior to moving

40、 last November from Maine to the Pacific Northwest to manage operations at Seattle Public Utilities new 120- mgd Tolt Treatment Facility. Maine, unlike Washington, is not a hotbed of seismic activity, but I had felt small tremors there in recent years. The East Coast quakes are apparently caused by

41、much deeper and less violent tectonic action. I was “fortunate” enough just over a year ago to have been sitting in the treatment plant in Augusta, Maine, when a small tremor rolled through like a large, rumbling truck. It was a low-frequency, subsonic vibration of short dura- tion that permeated ev

42、erything. We barely had time to ask, “Is this an earthquake?” Upon moving to the Puget Sound area last year, I immediately noticed the conical and pointed shapes of the mountains and how different they were from those on the East Coast. After seeing Mount St. Helens, a volcano that erupted in 1980,

43、I thought it was fortunate that nearby Mt. Rainier hadnt suf- fered the same fate, considering its proximity to the seismically active Seattle metropolitan area. Not Too Concerned In conversations with the Tolt plants de- sign engineers, I learned that our facility had been designed to withstand fai

44、rly significant earthquakes. Because I had endured a couple of East Coast earthquakes that were hardly worth mentioning and because engineers are generally very safety conscious in building de- sign, I wasnt too concerned about an earth- quake at the Seattle plant. Little did I realize how soon my b

45、las attitude would be tested. On Feb. 28, we were busy readying for the grand opening of our facility, which was to take place the next day. A large tent was being erected outside my office window, and some folks from our corporate offices in Houston were here to help manage the event. I had just ma

46、de a cup of hot cocoa and was pulling a chair up to my desk when the first tremor hit. My first thought was that something really heavy had fallen outside. A small crane was still on-site and perhaps it had somehow dropped onto the building (which would have made for an interesting opening-ceremony

47、anecdote). A few seconds passed and then I felt the floor move. It was as if the plant had come alive. Our administrative assistant, Melissa Kalouner, had arrived from downtown, and she came into my office, looking a bit con- fused. “Whats going on?” she asked. I imme- diately and insistently respon

48、ded, “Its an earthquake! Get under a desk now!” As fast as a shot, I retreated under my desk as the rolling continued. I had only recently learned the “grab and hold” method of staying under a structure during an earthquake, so that if it moves, you can move with it. If an earthquake is violent enou

49、gh to move a desk, it is likely violent enough to make objects fall off walls; therefore, it is important to keep the desk above you at all times as a kind of debris umbrella. I was very pleased that this maneuver came instinctively. The floor and walls in my office are made of concrete. Yet, the 8-in.-thick walls were visibly moving, which made no sense to me. “Nothing,” I thought, “can move that much concrete! Con- crete doesnt bend!” It wasnt something my mind could


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