BS 1710-2014 Specification for identification of pipelines and services《管路和使用维护标志规范》.pdf

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1、BSI Standards PublicationBS 1710:2014Specification foridentification of pipelinesand servicesPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the documentwas last issued. The British Standards Institution 2014Published by BSI Standards Limited 20

2、14ISBN 978 0 580 83113 3ICS 01.070; 23.040.01The following BSI references relate to the work on this document:Committee reference PSE/4Draft for comment 14/30283828 DCPublication historyFirst published, March 1951Second edition, August 1960Third edition, December 1971Fourth edition, October 1975Fift

3、h edition, May 1984Sixth (current) edition, December 2014Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS 1710:2014 BRITISH STANDARDContentsForeword ii1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions 14 General 25 Identification colours 36 Code indications 47 Method of application 58

4、Direction of flow and supplementary information 8AnnexesAnnex A (informative) Basic identification and code indications 10Annex B (informative) Information on pipe contents 11Annex C (normative) Medical gas applications 12Annex D (normative) Code colours for general building services 14Annex E (norm

5、ative) Code colours for refrigeration services 15Annex F (normative) Water services 16Bibliography 20List of figuresFigure 1 Application of a basic identification colour only 6Figure 2 Application of safety colours and code colours 7Figure 3 Example showing a service identifier incorporating basic i

6、dentificationand safety or code colours, supplementary information and direction of flowarrow 9Figure 4 Example showing the application of a band of basic identificationcolour, supplementary information and direction of flow arrow 9Figure A.1 Examples of basic identification and code indications ill

7、ustrating theapplication of safety colours 10Figure B.1 Methods of indicating contents and direction of flow on pipelinecarrying lubricating oil 11Figure B.2 Marking of pressure and temperature 11Figure C.1 Application of combined bands of basic identification and codecolours 13Figure F.1 Applicatio

8、n of combined bands of basic identification and codecolours and/or safety colours 19List of tablesTable 1 Identification colours 3Table C.1 Colours for medical gas applications 12Table D.1 Colours for general building services 14Table E.1 Colours for refrigeration services 15Table F.1 Water service

9、categorization 17Table F.2 Colours for water services 18Summary of pagesThis document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to ii,pages 1 to 20, an inside back cover and a back cover.BRITISH STANDARD BS 1710:2014 The British Standards Institution 2014 iForewordPublishing informatio

10、nThis British Standard is published by BSI Standards Limited, under licence fromThe British Standards Institution, and came into effect on 31 December 2014. Itwas prepared by Technical Committee PSE/4, Identification of piping systems.Alist of organizations represented on this committee can be obtai

11、ned on requestto its secretary.SupersessionThis British Standard supersedes BS 1710:1984, which is withdrawn.Information about this documentThis is a full revision of the standard and introduces the following principalchanges: the labelling system has been refined; ship systems have been removed; th

12、e water systems section has been amended and the labelling for waterservices expanded; and colour coding and sizing of markings reviewed and amended.Presentational conventionsThe provisions of this standard are presented in roman (i.e. upright) type. Itsrequirements are expressed in sentences in whi

13、ch the principal auxiliary verb is“shall”.Commentary, explanation and general informative material is presented insmaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative element.Contractual and legal considerationsThis publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of acontrac

14、t. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legalobligations.Particular attention is drawn to the following specific regulations in respect ofrequirements for clear identification of services conveying fluids: The Water Supply (

15、Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 1; The Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws 2014 2; and The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2009 3.BRITISH STANDARDBS 1710:2014ii The British Standards Institution 20141 ScopeThis British Standard specifies the colours and sup

16、plementary information forthe identification of pipes conveying fluids in above ground and below groundinstallations. It also includes ducts for ventilation and conduits used for carryingelectrical services.The following two methods of identification are included:a) basic identification colours only

17、; andb) basic identification colours and code indications and/or code colours.NOTE 1 Examples of identification by basic colour and code indications areillustrated in Annex A.NOTE 2 The marking and labelling requirements identified in this British Standardare the preferred methods where there is no

18、British Standard that covers a specificpipe or pipeline sector.This British Standard does not include identification of fluid services on ships.NOTE 3 For piping systems on ships and marine technology applications,see BS ISO 14726.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, a

19、re normatively referenced in thisdocument and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, onlythe edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments) applies.BS EN ISO 7010, Graphical symbols Safety colours and safet

20、y signs Registeredsafety signsBS ISO 3864-1, Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markingsBS ISO 3864-3, Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Part 3: Design principles for graphical symbols for use in safety signs3 Terms

21、 and definitionsFor the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitionsapply.3.1 above ground installationspipes or services located in a building, including those concealed, which are nototherwise considered below ground3.2 bandingindividual bands of colour used in conjunctio

22、n with others to form the serviceidentifier3.3 below ground installationspipes or services laid in soil or ducts which are in the ground, but not containedwithin a basement or in a sub level of a building3.4 potable waterwater suitable for human consumptionNOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the requiremen

23、ts of Section 67 of The Water IndustryAct 1991 4 in England and Wales, and similar provisions in The Water (Scotland)Act 1980 5 and The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 6.BRITISH STANDARD BS 1710:2014 The British Standards Institution 2014 1NOTE 2 Potable water can also be r

24、eferred to as “wholesome” or drinking water.3.5 private water supplywater provided from a source which is not the public water supply, e.g. privateborehole or well3.6 public water supplywater supplied from the public water supply system by a water undertaker3.7 service identifiercombination of the b

25、asic, safety or code colour bands/indications which form anidentifier enabling individual services or pipelines to be identified4 GeneralCOMMENTARY ON CLAUSE 4Attention is drawn to the Water Fittings Regulations 1 2 3, which require pipesand fittings to be appropriately identified.Where an alternati

26、ve method of identification to that specified in this BritishStandard is proposed for water-related services, prior consent should be sought fromthe relevant water undertaker.4.1 Every service shall be readily identifiable with a visible service identifier. Theservice identifier shall be directly ap

27、plied to the service, e.g. pipe, fitting, cableor duct. Where a service identifier becomes obscured by a covering, e.g.insulation, or is not readily visible, additional service identifiers shall be appliedto the covering.4.2 The service identifier shall comprise of the following elements: a basicide

28、ntification colour band and, where there are variants within the family groupof fluids or the service being identified, additional information shall be providedin the form of code indicators (see 7.3), code colour bands (see 7.4),supplementary information (see 8.3) or a combination of any of these m

29、ethods(examples of the service identifiers applied to pipes are given in Clause 8).NOTE This may be supplemented with additional written information, e.g.labelling.4.3 The application of the service identifier shall not have a detrimental effecton the service, pipeline or covering to which it is att

30、ached or the fluidscontained within. The service identifier shall be robust and durable and suitablefor the climatic or operating conditions to which it is to be subjected.4.4 The decorative or protective colour of the service, pipeline or covering shallbe a contrasting colour to the basic identific

31、ation colours to enable theidentification to be readily discernible. Where the service identifier is of a similarcolour to its background, a black or white edging of a minimum of 10 mm shallbe used to separate the colours.4.5 The service identifier shall be included at junctions, at both sides of ea

32、chvalve and wall penetration and at any other place where identification isnecessary. The service identifier shall be readily visible in every section orcompartment (e.g. between floor joist sections). Where services are concealed,service identifiers shall be located at regular intervals of not more

33、 than 0.5 m.4.6 Where maintenance or repair work is undertaken and requires theidentification to be removed or disturbed, it shall be replaced.BRITISH STANDARDBS 1710:20142 The British Standards Institution 20144.7 The service identifier and any supplementary information, direction of flowarrows, et

34、c. shall be of sufficient size to enable them to be readily visible fromfloor level or the platform/walkway, where provided.5 Identification coloursThe identification colours shall be in accordance with Table 1.Pipelines carrying industrial gases from cylinders shall have a basic identificationcolou

35、r in accordance with Table 1.Table 1 Identification coloursService Colour BS 4800:2011colour codeExample (RGB)Basic identification coloursWater Green 12 D 45Steam Silver-grey 10 A 03Oils mineral, vegetable or animalCombustible liquidsBrown 06 C 39Gases in either gaseous or liquefiedcondition (except

36、 air)Yellow ochre 08 C 35Acids and alkalis Violet 22 C 37Air Light blue 20 E 51Waste effluents Black 00 E 53Electrical services and ventilation ducts Orange 06 E 51Safety coloursFire Red 04 E 53Water from a public supply Auxiliary blue 18 E 53Water from any other source Flint grey 00 A 09Warning Yel

37、low 08 E 51Code and other coloursRefrigeration Blue 18 E 51Medical gases and refrigeration Golden brown 06 D 45BRITISH STANDARD BS 1710:2014 The British Standards Institution 2014 3Table 1 Identification coloursService Colour BS 4800:2011colour codeExample (RGB)Building services and refrigeration Cr

38、imson 04 D 45Building services and refrigeration Emerald green 14 E 53Building services Salmon pink 04 C 33Building services and medical gases Primrose 10 E 53Building services and medical gases White 00 E 55Medical gases French grey 12 B 21Medical gases French blue 20 D 45Refrigeration Sea green 16

39、 C 37Refrigeration Dark mauve 02 C 37NOTE The colours reproduced in this British Standard and the names of colours are given for guidance only. Whenordering, only the BS 4800 reference number should be specified, as manufacturers often attribute different namesto these colours.6 Code indications6.1

40、Safety coloursCOMMENTARY ON 6.1See Table 1 for information on safety colours.Safety colours shall be as follows:a) red for fire fighting;b) yellow for warning;c) auxiliary blue in conjunction with the green basic identification colour, todenote pipes carrying potable water provided from the public w

41、ater supply.For water services provided from any other alternative water source, flintgrey shall be used in conjunction with the green basic identification colour.The shape and colour of each safety sign shall conform to BS ISO 3864-1 and thedesign of the graphical symbols shall conform to BS ISO 38

42、64-3 and, whererequired, to BS EN ISO 7010.NOTE If the pipeline has been coded with safety colours, see Annex A for examplesof how to apply these.6.2 InformationInformation shall be given regarding the nature of the contents of the pipe byusing the following systems either individually or in combina

43、tion:BRITISH STANDARDBS 1710:20144 The British Standards Institution 2014a) name in full;b) abbreviation of name;c) chemical symbol; andd) appropriate code indications or code colour bands (see note).NOTE 1 Annex B gives information on indicating pipe contents and direction offlow.NOTE 2 Code colour

44、s and code indications for medical gas services are given inAnnex C; code colours for general building services are given in Annex D; codecolours for refrigeration services are given in Annex E and code colours for waterservices are given in Annex F.7 Method of application7.1 GeneralThe service iden

45、tifier or any descriptor labels shall be applied using a materialsufficiently durable and resistant to deterioration for its expected life and theenvironmental conditions or surroundings where they are to be used,particularly where used below ground.The service identifier may be applied using one of

46、 the following methods:a) painting;b) adhesive colour bands or labels;c) colour clips;d) wraps or coverings;e) applied during manufacture.NOTE 1 This list is not exhaustive and other appropriate methods may be used,subject to the environmental surroundings.NOTE 2 The use of paints or adhesives as a

47、fixing agent for the labels/banding canaffect plastics pipe/fittings or the quality of the fluids being transported throughpermeation (e.g. adhesive labelling). In these cases, advice from the manufacturer ofthe plastics pipe should be sought to determine the suitability of any paint oradhesive comp

48、ounds used.For above ground installations, the service identifier shall be applied inaccordance with 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 and applied during manufacture of the pipe orfitting or fitted to the service, e.g. pipework or fitting, directly followinginstallation.For below ground installations, a spiral of id

49、entification tape shall becontinuously applied around the whole length of service pipe to ensure theservice can be readily identified wherever it is exposed. Colour identificationshall be in accordance with the requirements set out in 7.2 or 7.4.NOTE 3 This is in addition to any trench marker tape that is used for the avoidanceof damage to the pipeline. It should be marked with text to enable identification ofthe basic fluid being conveyed.NOTE 4 The biodegradable properties of some marker tapes should be

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