1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationInclusive service provision Requirements for identifying and responding to consumer vulnerabilityBS 18477:2null1nullBS 18477:2010 BRITISH STANDARDnullublisnulling and copyrignull
2、t informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN null78 0 null80 nullnullnull72 nullInullS 0nullnull080null01null 0nullnull080nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull
3、on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence SnullSnull0 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 10nullnull021nullnull08 Dnullnullublication nullistorynullirst pnullnulllishednull Nonullenullnuller 2010nullmendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 18477:2010BRIT
4、ISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord iiinull Introdnullction 11 Scope 22 Ternulls and denullnitions 3null nullnulliding principles nullor inclnullsinulle sernullice pronullision 5nullnull1 nulleneral 5nullnull2 nullonullnullitnullent to cnullstonuller sernullice and inclnullsinullity 5nullnullnull
5、Resonullrces 5nullnull4 nullonullpetence 5nullnullnull Transparency 6nullnullnull Accessinullility 6nullnull7 nullonullnullnullnication 6nullnull8 nullonnulldentiality 6nullnullnull nullairness 6nullnull1null Anullareness 64 nullnderstanding risnull nullactors 74null1 Identinullying consnullnuller n
6、ullnulllneranullility 74null2 Identinullying the needs onull indinullidnullal consnullnullers 84nullnull Dealing nullith consnullnuller nullnulllneranullility 8null nulllanningnull design and denullelopnullent onull inclnullsinulle sernullice delinullery 9nullnull1 nulleneral 9nullnull2 Renullienull
7、 enullisting sernullice 9nullnullnull Identinully areas renullnulliring attention 10nullnull4 nulllanning nullor inclnullsinulle pronullision onull sernullices 10nullnullnull nullolicies and procednullres 11nullnullnull Billing 12nullnull7 nullronullision onull innullornullation 12nullnull8 nullronu
8、llotions and nullarnulleting 14nullnullnull Sales actinullities 14nullnull1null nullontracts and sales docnullnullentation 15nullnull11 nullnullstonuller satisnullactionnull ennullnulliries and conullplaints 17nullnull12 Resonullrces nullinclnullding trainingnull 19null nullonullpliancenull enullaln
9、ullation and inullpronullenullent 20nullnull1 nullonullnullitnullent 20nullnull2 Responsinulleness 20nullnullnull nullroactinulle approach 20nullnull4 nulloresight 20nullnullnull nullonitoring 20nullnullnull Renullienull onull policies and procednullres 21nullnull7 nullontinnullal inullpronullenulle
10、nt 21nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull nullotential enullnullects onull consnullnuller nullnulllneranullility 22Annenull B nullinnullornullatinullenull Scenarios 27Binullliography 31nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullnullanullples onull triggers 7Tanullle 2 null nullossinullle s
11、olnulltions 8Summary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i and inullnull pages 1 to null2null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 18477:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left bl
12、anknull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 18477:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordnullublisnulling informationThis British Standard is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null0 Nonullenullnuller 2010null It nullas prepared nully nullanel SnullSnull0null2null Vulnerable consunullersnull null
13、nder the anullthority onull Technical nullonullnullittee SnullSnull0null nullustonuller sernullice null fundanullental principlesnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullInformation about tnullis documentThis Br
14、itish Standard is intended to conullplenullent: null BS 8477null nullode of practice for custonuller sernullicenull BS 84nullnullnull nullpecinullcation for custonuller billing practice null BS 8878null nulluide to good practice in conullnullissioning accessible nullebsites null BS ISnull 10001null
15、nulluality nullanagenullent null nullustonuller satisfaction nullnulluidelines for codes of conduct for organinullationsnull BS ISnull 10002null nulluality nullanagenullent null nullustonuller satisfaction nullnulluidelines for conullplaints handling in organinullationsnull BS ISnull 1000nullnull nu
16、lluality nullanagenullent null nullustonuller satisfaction nullnulluidelines for dispute resolution enullternal to organinullationsnullhile these standards set nullenchnullarnulls and essential renullnullirenullents nullor dealing nullith cnullstonullersnull this British Standard has nulleen designe
17、d specinullcally to help organinullations identinully consnullnullers nullho conullld nulle nullnulllneranullle or disadnullantaged and to adapt their sernullice to nulle inclnullsinulle and accessinullle to allnullThe standard also conullplenullents nullnullnullce onull nullair Trading nullnullnull
18、Tnull gnullidancenullnullonsunuller nullrotection fronull nullnfair Trading null1nullnullnullresentational conventionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal an
19、ullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullonullnullentarynull enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italic typenull and does not constitute a nornullatinulle elenullentnullThe nullord nullshonullldnull is nullsed to enullpress reconullnullendation
20、s onull this standardnull The nullord nullnullaynull is nullsed in the tenullt to enullpress pernullissinullilitynullenullgnull as an alternatinulle to the prinullary reconullnullendation onull the clanullsenullThe nullord nullcannull is nullsed to enullpress possinullilitynull enullgnull a consenul
21、lnullence onull an action or an enullentnullNotes and conullnullentaries are pronullided thronullghonullt the tenullt onull this standardnull Notes ginulle renullerences and additional innullornullation that are inullportant nullnullt do not nullornull part onull the reconullnullendationsnull nullon
22、ullnullentaries ginulle nullacnullgronullnd innullornullationnullBS 18477:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullo
23、r its correct applicationnullnullompliance nullitnull a Britisnull Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullIn particnulllarnull attention is dranulln to the nullollonulling:null The nullnullropean nullnnullair nullonullnullercial nullractices Directinulle nullnullnullnullDnull 200n
24、ull null2nullnull The Disanullility Discrinullination Act 200null nullnullnullnull The nullnullnullality Act 2010 null4nullnull The Data nullrotection Act 1nullnull8 nullnullnullnull The nullreedonull onull Innullornullation Act 2000 nullnullnullnull The nullonsnullnuller nullredit Act 1null74null a
25、s anullended null7nullnull The nullonsnullnuller nullrotection nullronull nullnnullair Trading Regnulllations 2008 nullnullnullRnull null8nullnull The nullrinullacy and nulllectronic nullonullnullnullnications Regnulllations 200null nullnullnullnull The nulllectronic nullonullnullerce nullnullnull D
26、irectinullenull Regnulllations 2002 null10nullnull The nullancellation onull nullontracts nullade in a nullonsnullnullernulls honulle or place onull nullornull etcnull Regnulllations nullthe nullDoorstep Selling Regnulllationsnullnull 2008 null11nullnull The nullnited Nations nullonnullention on the
27、 Rights onull nullersons nullith Disanullilities null12nullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 18477:2010BRITISH STANDARDnull IntroductionAll consnullnullers are dinullnullerentnull nullith a nullide range onull needsnull anullilities and personal circnullnullstancesnull These dinullnullerences can pnullt sonull
28、e consnullnullers in a position onull nullnulllneranullility or disadnullantage dnullring certain transactions and conullnullnullnicationsnull potentially pnulltting thenull at risnull nullronull nullnancial lossnull enullploitation or other detrinullentnull nullrganinullations and nullarnullets als
29、o dinullnuller in the nullay that they pronullide sernullices and interact nullith consnullnullersnull and organinullationsnull policies and processes can contrinullnullte tonull or increase the risnull onullnull consnullnuller nullnulllneranullilitynullnullonsnullnuller nullnulllneranullility is re
30、latinulle and dynanullicnull and a consnullnullernulls needs and anullilities can change nullith tinulle or circnullnullstancenull especially inull the consnullnuller is nullaced nullith a particnulllarly nullrgent or conullplenull issnullenullnullonsnullnuller nullnulllneranullility can nulle canul
31、lsed nully a range onull nullactorsnull inclnullding nullental health issnullesnull illnessnull linullited nullnonullledge or anullareness onullprodnullcts or nullarnulletsnull or a change in personal circnullnullstancesnull snullch as nullereanullenullent or nullnenullploynullentnullSonulle gronull
32、psnull snullch as older people and disanullled peoplenull are onullten assnullnulled to nulle nullnulllneranulllenull nullnullt it onullght not to nulle assnullnulled thatnullnully nullirtnulle onull their nulleing older or disanulllednull they are anulltonullatically nullnulllneranulllenull nullons
33、nullnullers can nulle pnullt in a nullnulllneranullle position nully an organinullationnulls nullailnullre to pronullide an inclnullsinulle sernullicenullnullor this reason it is inullportant that consnullnullernullnullacing organinullations pronullide a nullenullinullle and inclnullsinulle sernulli
34、ce nullhich nulleets the needs onull all consnullnullersnull regardless onull their personal circnullnullstancesnull nullor consnullnullers in a nullnulllneranullle position this can rednullce the risnull onull detrinullentnull nullanulling it easier nullor thenull to onulltain innullornullationnull
35、 access a sernullice and nullnderstand ternulls and conditionsnull It can also increase their anullility to choose snullitanullle sernullicesnull and to seenull enullnullectinulle resolnulltion nullith an organinullation inull things go nullrongnullBy pronulliding a nullenullinullle and inclnullsinu
36、lle sernullicenull organinullations can nullanulle their sernullices accessinullle to a larger nnullnullnuller onull consnullnullersnull ginulling thenull connulldence that their needs can nulle nulletnull By recogninulling signs onullnullnulllneranullility and dealing nullith thenull appropriatelyn
37、ull sernullice organinullations can increase satisnullaction and nullnullild connulldence in their nullrandnullnullith the introdnullction onull nenull legislation to protect nullnullnulllneranullle consnullnullersnull the pronullision onull inclnullsinulle sernullices and the anullility to recognin
38、ulle the nullarying needs onull consnullnullers and deal nullith thenullappropriately is increasingly inullportantnull In nullay 2008null the nullnullropean nullnnullair nullonullnullercial nullractices Directinulle nullnullnullnullDnull null2null nullas inullplenullented in the nullnull nully the n
39、ullonsnullnuller nullrotection nullronull nullnnullair Trading Regnulllations 2008 nullnullnullRnull null8null to protect nullnullnulllneranullle consnullnullersnullnull It is the nullrst tinulle that pronullision nullor nullnullnulllneranullle consnullnullersnull has nulleen inclnullded in the strn
40、ullctnullre onull nullnull consnullnuller protection legislationnullThe nullnullnullD null2null places a general prohinullition on nulltradersnull treating consnullnullers nullnnullairlynull Renullecting the pronullisions onull the nullnullnullD null2nullnull the Regnulllations denullne the typical
41、consnullnuller nully renullerence to concepts onullthe nullanulleragenull consnullnullernull the nullanullerage nullenullnullernull onull a targeted gronullp onull consnullnullersnull and the nullanullerage nullenullnullernull onull a nullnulllneranullle gronullp onullconsnullnullersnullThis British
42、 Standard ginulles the organinullation clear gnullidance on honull to recogninulle consnullnullers nullho conullld nulle nullnulllneranulllenull and honull to pronullide inclnullsinulle sernullices so that they are anullle to nulleet the needs onullall consnullnullers and are also in a stronger posi
43、tion to conullply nullith the BS 18477:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullnullnullD null2nullnull the nullnullR null8null and other pertinent legislationnull snullch as the Disanullility Discrinullination Act nullnullnull and enullnullality and hnullnullan rights lanullsnullAs any consnulln
44、uller can enullperience nullnulllneranullility at any tinullenull this standard is not linullited to organinullations pronulliding sernullices targeted at stereotypically nullnullnulllneranulllenull gronullpsnull snullch as older or disanullled peoplenull It applies to all organinullations regardles
45、s onull typenull sinulle and the sernullices pronullidednullThis British Standard is not a cnullstonuller sernullice standardnull It assnullnulles that the organinullation already has cnullstonuller sernullice nullranullenullornulls in placenullnullhether nullesponulle or nullased on a British Stand
46、ardnull snullch as BS 8477null and it is intended to conullplenullent and nullnullild nullpon enullisting nullranullenullornullsnullnullnullstonuller sernullice standards nullocnulls nullainly on honull to treat cnullstonullers nullho hanulle direct contact nullith an organinullationnull Honullenull
47、ernull this standard ginulles gnullidance on honull the organinullation can interact nullith all consnullnullersnull not nullnullst enullisting cnullstonullersnull nullnullt anyone nullho conullld hanulle contact nullith the organinullationnull directly or indirectlynull or has the potential to null
48、econulle a cnullstonullernull It nullocnullses specinullcally on honull to nullanulle a sernullice accessinullle to allnull so that no one is inappropriately enullclnullded nullronull a sernullice that they nullish to consnullnullenull It also helps the organinullation to identinully and assist thos
49、e consnullnullers nullho conullld nulle nullnulllneranullle or at risnull onull disadnullantagenullThe standard is intended to:null enconullrage the adoption onull nullairnull ethical and inclnullsinulle practicesnullnull denullonstrate nullest practice nullor organinullations in the identinullcation and treatnullent onull nullnulllneranullle consnullnullers in relation to the nullnullnullD null2nulland other relenullant legislationnullnull assist organinullations to nullnderstand nullhat consnullnullers hanulle a right to enullpect nullronull thenullnullnull inullpronulle accessinullility