BS 1900-1976 Specification for secondary reference thermometers《副基准温度计规范》.pdf

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BS 1900-1976 Specification for secondary reference thermometers《副基准温度计规范》.pdf_第1页
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1、BRITISHSTANDARD BS 1900: 1976I n c orpora t ingA mendment N o. 1S pec ificat ion forS e c ond a r y referenc et hermome t ersUDC 5 36.51.0 89.6CONFIRMED DECEMBER 2007BS 1900: 1976T his B rit i s h S t a nda rd, h a v ingb een prepa red under thedirec t ionof Labora t ory A ppa r a tus I ndustr y S t

2、 a nda rds C ommittee wa s p u b lis hed under t he a uthorityof t he E x e c uti v e B o a rd on3 1 D e c emb er 1976 BSI 03 - 2000F irst p u b lis hed in Oct o b er 1952F irst rev i s ion D e c emb er 1976T he follo w ing BSI referen c e srel a t e to the work on this sta nda rd:C ommittee referen

3、 c e LBC / 4D r a f t for c omment 73/5415 7ISBN 0 580 0 9 3 8 0 8C o-opera t ing orga niz a t ionsT he follow ing were repres ent ed on the c ommittee whic h , under t he a uthority of the Labora t ory A ppa r a tus I ndustr y S t a nda rds C ommittee, prepa red this B rit i s h S t a nda rd:A gri

4、c u l tur a l R e s e a r c h C o u n c ilA sso c i a t ionof Scien t ific, T e c hnical a nd Man a geria l S t a ffsA sso c i a t ionfor Scien c e E d u cat ionB rit i s h Labora t ory Ware A sso c i a t ion*B rit i s h Lampb low n Scient ifi cGl a sswa re Man u f acturers A sso c i a t ion*B rit i

5、 s h P h a rmacopoeiaCommissionC hemical I ndustries A sso c i a t ion*C hemical S o c ietyD epa r t ment of H e a l t h a nd S o c i a l S e c u rity*D epa r t ment of T r a de a nd I ndust r y ( Labora t ory of the G o v ernment C hemi st) *D epa r t ment of T r a de a nd I ndustr y ( Nat iona l P

6、 h ysi cal Labora t ory ) *G l a ss Man u f acturers F edera t ionI n sti tut eof P e t roleu m *M inistr y of D efenc e *M ini str y of D efenc e(A ir F orc e D epa r t ment )P h a rmace uti cal S o c iety of G rea t B rit a inR o y a l I n sti tut eof C hemistr yScient ifi cIn str u men t Man u f

7、acturers A sso c i a t ion*SIRA I n sti tuteS o c iety for A n a l yti cal C hemistr yS o c iety of C hemi cal I ndust r yS o c iety of G l a ss T e c hnology *S t a nda rdi z a t ion of Tar P rodu c ts T e st C ommittee*T he orga niz a t ions m a rked wi t h a n a steris kin the abo v eli st, toget

8、 her wi t h thefollow ing, were direc t l y repres ent ed on the C ommittee ent r usted wi t h theprepa r a t ion of this B rit i s h S t a nda rd.B rit i s h M edical A sso c i a t ionB rit i s h S t a nda rds I n sti tut ion(T e st C ent re)M e t eorological O ffi c eM ini str y of D efenc e(A rmy

9、 D epa r t men t )R o y a l C ollegeof N u r s ing a nd Nat iona l C o u n c il of N u r s e s of t he UKA mendments i ssu ed sinc epu b licat ionA md. N o. Dat eofissue C omments4883 S ept emb er1985I ndicat ed b y a s ideline in t he m a rginBS 1900: 1976 BSI 03 - 2000 iC ont entsPageC o-opera t i

10、ng orga niz a t ions I n s ide front c o v erF ore w ordii1 Scope 12 T y pe 13 T empera ture scale 14 Mat eria l15 C onstr u c t ion 16 A nnea ling 17 S t abiliz a t ion 18 Accu r acy 19 G r a d u a t ions a nd figu ring 21 0 I n s c ript ions2A ppendix AThermomet ric gla sse s a pprov ed b y t heNa

11、t iona l P h ysi cal Labora t ory (197 4) 4A ppendix BAnnea ling a nd stabiliz a t ion 4A ppendix CProc edu re for te sting se c onda r y referenc et hermomet ers 5A ppendix DTe sting of B rit i s h S t a nda rd thermomet ers 5F igu re 1T y pical c onstr u c t ion of a thermomet er 7F igu re 2 E x a

12、 mples of gra d u a t ion a nd figu ring fors e c onda r y referenc e thermomet ers 8Table 1D e t a ils of B rit i s h S t a nda rd se c onda r y referenc et hermomet ers3Table 2 U n c ert a inty of te st for B rit i s h S t a nda rd se c onda r y referen c e thermomet ers v erified a t NPL 6BS 1900

13、: 1976ii BSI 03 - 2000F orew ordT his B rit i s h S t a nda rd wa s first p u b lis hed in 1952 tomeet the inc rea s ing useofliqu id-in-gla ss thermomet ers a s s e c ond a r y referenc e(SR) thermomet ers for theabs oluteme a surement of tempera ture in terms of the I n t erna t iona l P r act i c

14、alT emper a ture Sca le. T hes e thermomet ers w ere a dopt ed a s mea n s of calib r a t ingo t her thermomet ers 1),bo t h b y t he st a nda rdiz ing l abora t ories of va rious t e stinginsti tutions a nd b y m a n u f acturers a nd us ers of thermomet ers . Acomprehens i v es eries of thermomet

15、ers wa s listed,ba s ed upon thos ede v eloped init i a lly a t theNat iona l P h ysi cal Labora t ory ( NPL).B e tween1952 a nd 1963 fiv e a mendments were i ssued,and the pres ent rev i s ionw a s undert a ken toin c orpora t efu r t her c h a nges . T hes e a re a n up-t o-da t eli st ofa pprov e

16、d thermomet ric gla sse s ,amodificat ion to the requ irement for the mea n s of ident ify ing the b u l b gla ss,and a new t able in A ppendix D giv ing theu n c ert a inty of verificat ion te sts carried o ut a t t he NPL.F or c onv enienc eofreferenc e toindiv idu a l thermomet ers a des igna t i

17、on m a rk h a s b een a llotted toeach ,cons i sting of the letters SR (for S e c onda r y R eferenc e)follow ed b y a seria lnu m b er a nd a nindicat ion of the m a x imu m workingt empera ture (e.g. SR6/51C ).ABrit i s h S t a nda rd does not p u rpor t toin c l u de a ll the nec e ssa r y prov i

18、 s ion s of ac ont r act . U s ers of B rit i s h S t a nda rds a re res pon s i b le for their c orrec t a pplicat ion.C omplia n c e w i t h aBrit i s h S t a nda rd does not of i tself c onfer immu nityfrom leg a lob lig a t ion s .S u mma r y of p a gesT his doc u ment c ompris e s a front c o v

19、 er,anin s ide front c o v er, p a ges i a nd ii,p a ges 1 to9a nd aback c o v er.T his sta nda rd h a s b een upda t ed ( s ee c opy right d a t e) a nd m a y h a v eha da mendments inc orpora t ed. T his w ill b eindicat ed in the a mendment t able on theins idefron t c o v er.1)W hen c ompa ring

20、o t her thermomet ers w i t h the se c onda r y referenc e thermomet ers ,at lea st twoSR thermomet ers s hou ld b e us ed in the te sting a ppa r a tus. T he a greement b e tween thes e tw ot hermome t ers t hengi v e s a g u ide to the effic ien c y of the st irring of the mediu m.BS 1900: 1976 BS

21、I 03 - 2000 11 ScopeT his B rit i s h S t a nda rd spec ifies acomprehens i v es eries of se c onda r y referenc e(SR) thermomet ers forcalib r a t ing o t her thermomet ers in l abora t ory a ndindust ria l us e.2 T y peT w o ty pes of thermomet er a re spec ified a s follows.a ) A ll thermomet ers

22、 , e x c ept SR1 /30C, sh a ll b eoft he merc u r y -in-gla ss, solid-stem ty pe, filled wi t hiner t g a s a t a pressure suffi c ien t t ora i s e theb oiling point of the merc u r y s o th a t reprodu c i b lerea dings can b eob t a ined a t t he m a x imu mt emper a ture show non the scale.b ) T

23、 hermomet er SR1 /30C sh a ll b eof thes pirit -in-gla ss, solid-stem type, the spirit b eingp u re tolu ene or p u re e t h a nol (et h y l a l c ohol)c olo u red wi t h a perma nen t d y e whic hdoes not sta in the gla ss.3 T empera ture scaleT he tempera ture s cale to w hic h this s pec ificat i

24、onrefers i s t he C els i us scale a s defined in the c u rrent definit ion of the I n t erna t iona l P r act i calT empera ture Scale a dopt ed b y t he G ener a lC onferenc eof W eigh ts a nd M e a sures ( CGPM).4 Mat eria lB o t h b u l band st em of the thermomet er sh a ll b em a de of the sa

25、me a pprov ed thermomet ric gla ss sui t able for the r a ngeof temper a ture c o v ered( s ee A ppendix A ). T he stem sh a ll h a v e a nen a melbac k.NOTE I t i s permissi b le tojoin a norma lgl a ss b u l b from onem a n u f acturer to a norma lgl a ss stem from a different m a n u f acturer.5

26、C onstr u c t ionT he c onstr u c t ion of a typical s e c onda r y referenc et hermomet er i s illustr a t ed in F igu re 1.5.1 G enera l . Each thermomet er sh a ll c omply in a llres pec ts w i t h the relev a n t det a ils giv en in Table 1.T he sh a pes of the b u l band the e x p a n s ion a n

27、dc ont r act ion c h a m b ers s h a ll b e su c h a s not t oen t r a pmerc u r y or g a s .5.2 S t em a nd b u l b . B o t h b u l band st em sh a ll b ec y lindrical. T he st em dia met er sh a ll b eno t less t h a n5.5 mma ndnot grea t er th a n 7 .5 mm.T heb u l bdia met er sh a ll not e x c e

28、ed the stem dia met er. T heb u l b s h a ll b e c onc ent ric wi t h t he stem.5.3 E x p a n s ion v olu me. T ominimiz e the effec t ofb eing accident a lly o v erhe a t ed,and in thee x c ept iona l cas eof a thermomet er whos et empera ture r a nge i s b elow a m b ient b eing st oreda t a m b i

29、en t t emper a ture,anex p a n s ion volu me sh a llb eprov ided a t t he top of the capilla r y tub e. T his v olu me shou ld preferabl y c ons i st of a nex p a n s ionc h a m b er,and there sh a ll b e a t lea st 1 0 mm ofu n c h a ngedcapilla r y tub e b e tween the highest s caleline a nd the c

30、 ommenc ement of the widening of thecapilla r y tub e.S u c h ach a m b er sh a llb epe a r-s h a pedw i t h the hemis phere a t t he top. I n the cas eofga s filling , the e x p a n s ion volu me m a y ta ke the form ofa t lea st 30 mm of un c h a nged capilla r y tub e abo v et he highest s cale l

31、ine.NOTE A thermomet er shou ldnot b ehe a t edabo v eits m a x imu mw orking tempera tureb e causeit m a y b e su b jec t t oda m a ge whic hm a y not b e vi s i b le a nd recalib r a t ion m a y b ene c e ssa r y .5.4 C ont r act ion c h a m b er. T he des ign of thec ont r act ionc h a m b er sh

32、a llb e su c h th a t t he merc u r y does not rec ede int o the m a in b u l bat t he i c epoint ( 0 C ).5.5 B ore. T he sh a pe of the b ore sh a ll b e su c h a s t oredu c e st i c king of the merc u r y t o a minimu m. N oenl a rgement of the b ore sh a ll b e wi t hin10 mm ofa n y p a r t of t

33、he scale.5.6 T op fini s h . Each thermomet er sh a ll b epl a infinis hedor wi t h a gla ss ring or b utton,as requ iredb y t he p u r c h a s er. T he o utside dia met er of the ringor b utton, when prov ided, sh a ll not e x c eed th a t oft he st em. T hermomet er SR1 2 A / 5 0 5 C sh a ll h a v

34、 e apla in finis h.6 A nnea lingS t ress in the gla ss s h a ll b eredu c ed to a lev elsuffi c ient t ominimiz e the possi b ility of fracture d u et ome c h a nicalor therma l shoc k(s ee A ppendi x B ).7 S t abiliz a t ionEach thermomet er s h a ll b e stabiliz ed b y sui t ablehea t trea t men t

35、 b efore i t i s gra d u a t ed,and this proc e ss sh a llb e su c h th a t t he finis hed thermomet ermeets the requ irements of c l a use 8 .8 Accu r acy8.1 I n str u ment error. W hen te sted in accorda n c ew i t h the proc edu re giv en in A ppendix C, them a x imu merror a t a n y point s h a

36、ll b e wi t hin thelimits giv en in Table 1.8.2 I n t erv a lerror. W hen te stedinaccorda n c e wi t ht he proc edu re giv en in A ppendix C, the m a x imu merror in a nin t erv a l sh a ll b e wi t hin the limits giv enin Table 1.BS 1900: 19762 BSI 03 - 20008.3 C h a nge in indicat ion a t a point

37、 . T he c h a ngein indi cat ion a t t he fidu c i a lpoin ts des c rib ed ina ppendic e s C . 2 a nd C . 3 sh a ll not e x c eed h a lfa scaleint erv a l.9 Scale lines a nd figu ringT he scale lines s h a ll b e c lea rly a nd d u r abl y e t c heda nd of uniform thic kne ss not e x c eeding the va

38、 l u e sgiv enin Table1.T helines s h a lllieinpla nes a t right a ngles t o the a x i s of the thermomet er,and their left h a nd ends s h a ll lie on a nim a gin a r y linepa r a llelw i t h the a x i s of the thermomet er. W hen thet hermomet er i s held vert i cally a nd view ed from thefront in

39、 su c h a wa y t h a t t he ena mel backforms asui t able backgro u nd to the scale lines a nd figu ring,t helonglines a ndmediu mlines ( w herea ppropria t e)s h a ll e xtend to the right ,but t he short e st lines s h a llnot e xtend across t he b ore.W hen the thermomet er i s held in a vert i ca

40、lpo s i t iona nd view ed from the front , the figu res m a y b eei t herhoriz ont a lor vert i cal , prov ided th a t a ll a re c lea rly v i s i b le,and sh a ll b epl aced so th a t e ach wo u ld b eint ers e c t ed b y t he line to whic hit refer s if the linew ere e xtended.Each thermomet er sh

41、 a ll b egr a d u a t ed tore a dc orrec t l y under c ondit ion s of to t a limmers ion,i.e. for us e wi t h the ent ire liqu id c olu mn immers edin the mediu m so th a t t he top of the liqu idc olu mn i s in the sa me pla ne a s t he su rfaceof the mediu m.F igu re 2 illustr a t e s t he scale l

42、ines a nd figu rings pec ified for SR thermomet ers .1 0 I n s c ript ionsEach thermomet er sh a llb eperma nent l y a ndlegib l y m a rked wi t h the follow ing informa t ion.a ) T he offic i a l sy m b ol: “ C ”. A n abbrev i a t ion oft he n a me C els i us, e.g. “ C ”is a l s opermitted.b ) T he

43、 ins c ript ion “ T o t a limmers ion” (or su i t ableabbrev i a t ion).c ) F or mer c u r y -filled thermomet ers ,anins c ript ion toindicat e the g a s filling emplo y ed,e.g. “ N i t rogen filled” (or su i t able abbrev i a t ion).d) A nident ifi cat ion n u m b er.e) T he m a kers a nd/ or vend

44、ors n a me or rea dily ident ifi able m a rk.f) T he des igna t ionma rk a llo tted to thet hermomet er, e.g.“SR5 / 1 00C ”.g) T he n u m b er of this B rit i s h S t a nda rd,i.e. BS 1900.h) T he ident ificat ion of the gla ss, e.g. b y c olou redstripeor stripes on t he b u l b or a n a pprov edab

45、brev i a t ion on the stem ( s ee A ppendix A ).BS 1900: 1976 BSI 03- 2000 3Table1Details ofBritishStandardsecondary referencethermometers123456789101112131415DesignationmarkType(seeclause 2)RangeOveralllengthLengthofmainscaleLengthofbulb(seeFigure1)Minimumdistancefrombottomofbulbtofirst graduationo

46、fmainscaleMinimumdistancefromtopofthermometertotopofmainscaleMaximumthickness ofgraduationlinesGraduationateachLongandmediumlines at eachPartially figuredat eachFully figuredat eachMaximumerroratany pointMaximumpermittedintervalerrorinanintervalaSR1/30CBC80 to+30mm395to405mm220 to 250mm20 to 30mm50m

47、m90mm0.10C0.5C1and5CC10C1.0C1.0/20SR2/2CA40 to+2445 to455290 to 32015to2060500.100.10.51100.30.3/5SR3/20CA 20 to+20395to405290 to 32010 or1540300.100.10.5and120.20.2/5SR4/1CSR4/11CA A11 to+11to+11475 to485475 to485320 to 350320 to 35015to5015to5090 9030 300.100.100.02 0.020.1and0.50.1and0.5 1 10.1 0

48、.10.1/20.1/2SR5/20CSR5/30CSR5/40CSR5/50CSR5/60CSR5/70CSR5/80CSR5/90CSR5/100CA A A A A A A A A 0.5 to+0.5and9.5to20.5 0.5 to+0.5and19.5to30.5 0.5 to+0.5and29.5to40.5 0.5 to+0.5and39.5to50.5 0.5 to+0.5and49.5to60.5 0.5 to+0.5and59.5to70.5 0.5 to+0.5and69.5to80.5 0.5 to+0.5and79.5to90.5 0.5 to+0.5and89

49、.5to100.5475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485475 to485230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 260230 to 26015to5015to5015to5015to5015to5015to5015to5015to5015to50120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 12045 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 450. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.020.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.50.1and0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.150.1/20.1/20.1/20.1/

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