BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf

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BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf_第1页
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BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf_第2页
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BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf_第3页
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BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf_第4页
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BS 22475-3-2011 Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third party《土工勘察和测试 地下水测量.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationGeotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements Part 3: Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third partyBS 22475-3:2011BS 22

2、475-3:2011 BRITISH STANDARDnullunulllishing and copnullright innullormationThe BSI copyright notice dispnullnullyed in this docnullnullent indicnulltes nullhen the docnullnullent nullnulls nullnullst issnullednullnull BSI 2011ISBN null7null 0 5null0 nullnull017 4InullS 03null100null30null 03null120n

3、ull20null 13null0null0null05null null3null020The nullonullnullonulling BSI renullerences renullnullte to the nullornull on this stnullndnullrd: nullonullnullittee renullerence Bnull52nullnull3 Drnullnullt nullor conullnullent 10null3020null25null Dnullnullunulllication histornullnullirst pnullnullnu

4、llished nullnullnnullnullry 2011nullmendments issued since punulllicationnullate nullenullt anullnullected null BSI 2011 null iBS 22475-3:2011BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord ii1 Scope 12 Nornullnulltinulle renullerences 13 Ternulls nullnd denullnitions 14 nullonnullornullity nullssessnulle

5、nt onull the enterprise 25 nullonnullornullity nullssessnullent onull personnenull 4Summarnull onull pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises null nullront conullernull nulln inside nullront conullernull pnullges i to iinull pnullges 1 to 10null nulln inside nullnullcnull conuller nullnd null nullnullc

6、null conullernullBS 22475-3:2011ii null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARDnullorewordnullunulllishing innullormationThis British Stnullndnullrd is pnullnullnullished nully BSI nullnd cnullnulle into enullnullect on 31 nullnullnnullnullry 2011null It nullnulls prepnullred nully Snullnullconullnullittee Bn

7、ull52nullnull3null Site investigation and ground testingnull nullnder the nullnullthority onull Technicnullnullnullonullnullittee Bnull52nullnull Geotechnicsnull A nullist onull orgnullninullnulltions represented on this conullnullittee cnulln nulle onulltnullined on renullnullest to its secretnullr

8、ynullSupersessionThis pnullrt onull BS 22475 snullpersedes DD nullnullN ISnullnullTS 22475-3:2007null nullhich is nullithdrnullnullnnullnullelationship with other punulllicationsBS 22475null Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurementsnull is pnullnullnullishe

9、d in tnullo pnullrts:null BS 22475-2: Qualification criteria for enterprises and personnelnullnullndnull BS 22475-3: Conformity assessment of enterprises and personnel by third partynullBS 22475 is intended to nulle renulld in connullnullnction nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1nullnullhich specinulles

10、 the technicnullnull principnulles nullor the enullecnulltion onull snullnullpnulling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in the contenullt onull geotechnicnullnullinnullestignulltion nullnd testingnullnullse onull this documentIt hnulls nulleen nullssnullnulled in the prepnullrnull

11、tion onull this British Stnullndnullrd thnullt the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullinullnull nulle entrnullsted to nullpproprinulltenully nullnullnullnullinulled nullnd enullperienced peopnullenull nullor nullhose nullse it hnulls nulleen prodnullcednullnullresentational conventionsThe p

12、ronullisions onull this stnullndnullrd nullre presented in ronullnulln nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents nullre enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principnullnullnullnullnullinullinullry nullernull is nullshnullnullnullnullnullCommentary, enullplanation and gener

13、al informative material is presented in smaller italic type, and does not constitute a normative elementnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnullnullicnulltion does not pnullrport to incnullnullde nullnullnull the necessnullry pronullisions onull null contrnullctnull nullsers nullre

14、responsinullnulle nullor its correct nullppnullicnulltionnullnullompliance with a British Standard cannot connuller immunitnull nullrom legal onullligationsnullnull BSI 2011 null 1BS 22475-3:2011BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis pnullrt onull BS 22475 specinulles renullnullirenullents nullor the connullor

15、nullity nullssessnullent nully third pnullrty contronull onull enterprisesnull personnenull nullnd nullnullnullnullinulled opernulltors pernullornulling specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpnulling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475

16、-1 nullnd conullpnullying nullith the technicnullnull nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion criterinull specinulled in BS 22475-2null2 nullormative renullerencesThe nullonullnullonulling renullerenced docnullnullents nullre indispensnullnullnulle nullor the nullppnullicnulltion onull this docnullnullentnul

17、l nullor dnullted renullerencesnull onnully the edition cited nullppnulliesnull nullor nullndnullted renullerencesnull the nullnulltest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullincnullnullding nullny nullnullendnullentsnull nullppnulliesnullBS 22475-2null Geotechnical investigation and tes

18、ting Sampling methods and groundwater measurements nullart 2null Qualification criteria for enterprises and personnelBS nullN ISnull 14nullnullnull-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing nulldentification and classification of soil nullart 1null nulldentification and descriptionBS nullN ISnull

19、 14nullnullnull-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing nulldentification and classification of rocnull nullart 1null nulldentification and descriptionBS nullN ISnull 22475-1null Geotechnical investigation and testing Sampling methods and groundwater measurements nullart 1null nullechnical prin

20、ciples for enullecutionBS nullN ISnullnullInullnull 17021null Conformity assessment nullenulluirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systemsBS nullN ISnullnullInullnull 17024null Conformity assessment General renulluirements for bodies operating certification of persons3

21、 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this pnullrt onull BS 22475null the ternulls nullnd denullnitions ginullen in BS 22475-2 nullnd BS nullN ISnull 22475-1 nullnd the nullonullnullonulling nullppnullynull3null1 assessornullnullnullnullinulled nullnd conullpetent enullpert nullppo

22、inted nully the connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody to cnullrry onullt the connullornullity nullssessnullent3null2 certinullcatedocnullnullent issnulled nully null connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody indicnullting thnullt nulln enterprise nullndnullor personnenull is conullpetent to pern

23、ullornull specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpnulling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN ISnull 22475-1 nullnd thnullt the personnenull nulleet the nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion criterinull in nullccordnullnce nullith BS 22475-23null3 connullo

24、rmitnull assessmentprocednullre nullsed to denullonstrnullte thnullt nulln enterprise nullnd its personnenullconnullornull to BS 22475-2 nullor specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpnulling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents3null4 connullormitnull assessment nullodnullindependent nu

25、llnd conullpetent nullody thnullt cnullrries onullt procednullres nullor connullornullity nullssessnullent onull enterprises nullnd personnenull nullor specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpnulling nullnd gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullentsBS 22475-3:20112 null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARD

26、4 nullonnullormitnull assessment onull the enterprise4null1 GeneralThe renullnullirenullents onull BS nullN ISnullnullInullnull 17021 shnullnullnull nulle incnullnullded in the nullssessnullentnull nullhere the nullornull onull the enterprise nullnullnullnulls nullithin its scopenull4null2 nullligin

27、ullilitnull nullor connullormitnull assessmentThe connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody shnullnullnull connullrnull thnullt enterprises pernullornulling specinulled pnullrts onull snullnullpnulling nullndnullor gronullndnullnullter nullenullsnullrenullents in nullccordnullnce nullith BS nullN IS

28、null 22475-1 nulleet the technicnullnull nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion criterinull onull BS 22475-2nullnullnullnullnull nulln enullample of conformity assessment is the nullnited nullingdom nullccreditation Scheme nullnullnullnullSnull nulland nullrilling Sector nullccreditation Scheme 24nullfor Gr

29、ound nullnvestigation 1nullnull4null3 nullssessment onull the enterprise4null3null1 nullpplication procedure nullor assessment4null3null1null1 The connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody shnullnullnull connullrnull thnullt the enterprise hnulls snullnullnullitted: nullnull nulln nullppnullicnullti

30、on nullornull indicnullting to nullhich specinullc enullenullents onullBS nullN ISnull 22475-1 the nullppnullicnulltion renullnulltesnullnullnull renullenullnullnt docnullnullents nullnd other enullidence renullnullting to the enullperiencenulltrnullining nullnd nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion onull

31、the enterprise nullnd its renullenullnullnt personnenullnull4null3null1null2 The connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody shnullnullnull connullrnull thnullt docnullnullents nullnd other enullidence snullnullnullitted nully the enterprise contnullins the nullonullnullonulling nulls null nullininull

32、nullnull:nullnull nnullnulle onull the orgnullninullnulltionnullnullnull nnullnullnuller onull nullnullnullnullinulled opernulltors nullnd responsinullnulle enullperts enullpnulloyed nully the enterprisenull together nullith their certinullcnulltes nullnd enullidence onullrenullenullnullnt ednullcnu

33、lltionnull trnullining nullnd enullperiencenullcnull nnullnullnuller nullnd types onull drinullnull rigsnull nullnullchines nullnd enullnullipnullent nullnd honullthey correspond to the certinullcnulltes onull the enullpnulloyeesnulldnull enullidence onull nullnullintennullnce nullnd records nullor

34、the enullnullipnullentnullenull records nullnd procednullres nullor trnullnsport nullnd stornullge onull snullnullpnullesnullincnullnullding detnullinulls onull nullny nullnullcinullitiesnullnullnull enullidence onull cnullnullinullrnulltionnullgnull detnullinulls onull nullnullnullnullity nullssnul

35、lrnullnce systenullsnullhnull detnullinulls onull henullnullth nullnd snullnullety systenullsnullinull detnullinulls onull systenull nullor the presentnulltion onull resnullnulltsnullnullnull procednullres nullor enullnullnullnullnulltion nullnd reporting the resnullnulltsnullnullnull procednullres

36、nullor hnullndnulling dinullergencesnull1nullIn prepnullrnulltionnullnull BSI 2011 null 3BS 22475-3:2011BRITISH STANDARD4null3null1null3 Adnullnullnce nullrrnullngenullents shnullnullnull nulle nullnullde nullor the nullssessor nullnd enterprise to nulleet nullt the enterprise onullnullce nullnd nul

37、ln innullestignulltion site in order nullor the enterprise to denullonstrnullte its snullinullnullsnull nullnonullnulledge nullnd snullnulle nullornulling prnullctices to the nullssessor in nullccordnullnce nullith the connullornullity nullssessnullent nullodynulls estnullnullnullished procednullres

38、 nullsee 4null3null2nullnull4null3null2 nullssessment procedure4null3null2null1 The nullssessor shnullnullnull enullnullnulline the docnullnullentnulltion specinulled in 4null3null1null1 in the presence onull null representnulltinulle onull the nullppnullicnullnt enterprise nullested nullith enullec

39、nulltinulle nullnullthoritynull The nullssessor shnullnullnull nullnullnulle nulln nullssessnullent nully onullsernullnulltion nullnd nullnullestioningnullnullnullnullnull 1 nullhis enullamination and interview forms part of the assessornulls review of the enullperience and nullnowledge of the enter

40、prisenullnullnullnullnull 2 nullhe conformity assessment of an enterprise provides formal recognition of success in units of competence, each unit dealing with a particular sampling method or groundwater measurement procedurenullnullach unit of competence can be made up of a number of elementsnull n

41、ullach element of the conformity assessment can be separately assessednull nullnits and elements may be assessed in any order and there is no timenulllimit over which this may tanulle placenull nullll elements of a particular unit should be completed before conformity is considered satisfactory for

42、that unitnull4null3null2null2 Dnullring null connullornullity nullssessnullent the nullssessor shnullnullnull connullrnullnullhether or not the nullppnullicnullnt enterprise hnulls denullonstrnullted the nullnullinullity to nulleet the technicnullnull nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion criterinull speci

43、nulled in BS 22475-2null4null3null2null3 nullnits onull conullpetence to nulle nullssessed shnullnullnull incnullnullde:nullnull the renullnullirenullents nullor the enterprise in nullccordnullnce nullith BS 22475-2nullnullnull personnenull renullnullirenullents nullor the personnenull in nullccordn

44、ullnce nullith BS 22475-2null4null3null2null4 Anullnull enullidence shnullnullnull nulle conullnullected nully the nullssessor nullnd nullssenullnullnulled into null portnullonullio onull the nullppnullicnullnt enterprisenull together nullith the nullssessornulls conullnullents nullnd nullnulldgenul

45、lents nullnullssessnullent reportnullnull The portnullonullio shnullnullnull nulle enullnullnullined nully the connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody nullho nullnullnullrd null certinullcnullte inull it nulleets nullnullnull their criterinull nullor nullnullnullrdnull4null3null2null5 nullhen the

46、connullornullity nullssessnullent is nullnulldged snulltisnullnullctorynull the connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody shnullnullnull issnulle null certinullcnullte to the enterprisenullnullnullnullnull 1 nullhere the conformity assessment is nulludged nullnot satisfactorynull the applicant enter

47、prise may submit a new application form after sinull monthsnullnullnullnullnull 2 nullhe certificate is valid for one yearnull4null3null2nullnull The conullpetence onull the enterprise in nullccordnullnce nullith the technicnullnull nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion criterinull onull BS 22475-2 shnulln

48、ullnull nulle nullerinulled nullnnnullnullnullnully nully null re-nullssessnullent in nullccordnullnce nullith 4null3null3null4null3null2null7 The enterprise shnullnullnull nulle nulldnullised thnullt it is renullnullired to innullornullthe connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody onull nullny sign

49、inullcnullnt chnullnges concerning the conullpetence onull the enterprise nullnd its personnenullnull Inull the connullornullity nullssessnullent nullody nullnulldges thnullt the enterprise does not nullnullnullnullnull the nullnullnullnullinullcnulltion onull BS 22475-2 dnulle to these chnullngesnull the certinullcnullte shnullnullnullnulle nullithdrnullnullnnullnullnullnullnull null complementary assessment for additional units of nullS nullnull nullSnull 224nullnullnull1 may be done at any timenullBS 22475-3:20114 null null BSI 2011BRITISH STANDARD4null3null3 null

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