BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf

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BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens  nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf_第1页
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BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens  nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf_第2页
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BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens  nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf_第3页
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BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens  nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf_第4页
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BS 2634-1-2010 Roughness comparison specimens  nPart 1 Specification for turned ground nbored milled shaped and planed specimens《粗糙度比对试样 车、磨、镗、铣、成形和刨削试样规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationRoughness comparison specimensPart 1: Specification for turned, ground, bored, milled, shaped and planed specimensBS 2634-1:2010BS 2634-1:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copy

2、right informationThe BSI copyright notice displnullyed in this docnullnullent indicnulltes nullhen the docnullnullent nullnulls lnullst issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN nullnullnull 0 nullnull0 6nullnull1null 3InullS 1nullnull040null20The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relnullte to the nullornull o

3、n this stnullndnullrd: nullonullnullittee renullerence TDnullnull4 Drnullnullt nullor conullnullent 10null30213636 DnullPublication historynullnullrt 1 nullrst pnullnulllished nullctonuller 1nullnullnullnullnullrt 2 nullrst pnullnulllished nullctonuller 1null64nullnullrt 3 nullrst pnullnulllished nu

4、llnullrch 1null6nullnullirst pnullnulllished nulls nullnullrt 1 nullconullnullined renullision onull nullnullrts 1null 2 nullnd 3null nullnullne 1nullnull4Second editionnull nullenullrnullnullry 1nullnullnullThird nullpresentnull editionnull Septenullnuller 2010nullmendments issued since publication

5、nullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 2634-1:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullontentsnullorenullord ii1 Scope 12 Nornullnulltinulle renullerences 13 Ternulls nullnd denullnitions 14 nullethods onull nullnullnnullnullnullctnullre 1null Snullrnullnullce chnullrnullcteristics 26 Snullrnullnullce ro

6、nullghness nullnulllnulles 2null Snullnullpling length 2null nullnulllinullrnulltion onull null ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen 3null nullininullnullnull ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen sinulle 410 nullnully 511 nullnullrnulling 5nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullnulltinull

7、enull nullnully chnullrnullcteristics 6nullist of tablesTnullnullle 1 null Snullrnullnullce ronullghness nullnulllnulles onull ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullens 2Tnullnullle 2 null Snullnullpling lengths 3Tnullnullle 3 null Tolernullnces on ronullghness nullnulllnulles nullor ronullghness c

8、onullpnullrison specinullens 4Tnullnullle Anull1 null nullnully chnullrnullcteristics onull ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullens 6Summary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises null nullront conullernull nulln inside nullront conullernull pnullges i to iinull pnullges 1 to 6null nulln inside

9、 nullnullcnull conuller nullnd null nullnullcnull conullernullBS 2634-1:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPublishing informationThis pnullrt onull BS 2634 is pnullnulllished nully BSI nullnd cnullnulle into enullnullect on 30 Septenullnuller 2010null It nullnulls prepnullred nul

10、ly Snullnullconullnullittee TDnullnull4nullnullnullTechnical product verificationnull nullnder the nullnullthority onull Technicnulll nullonullnullittee TDnullnull4null Technical product realizationnull A list onullorgnullninullnulltions represented on this conullnullittee cnulln nulle onulltnulline

11、d on renullnullest to its secretnullrynullSupersessionThis pnullrt onull BS 2634 snullpersedes BS 2634-1:1nullnullnullnull nullhich is nullithdrnullnullnnullRelationship nullith other publicationsBS 2634 is pnullnulllished in tnullo pnullrts:null nullnullrt 1: Specification for turned, ground, bored

12、, milled, shaped and planed specimensnullnull nullnullrt 2: Specification for sparknulleroded, shotnullblasted, gritnullblasted and polished specimensnullnullnformation about this documentBS 2634-1:1nullnullnull nullnulls dnullnulll nnullnullnullered nullith ISnull 2632-1:1nullnullnullnull nullhich

13、nullnulls nullithdrnullnulln in 1nullnullnullnullThis is null nullnullll renullision onull BS 2634-1:1nullnullnullnull nullnd introdnullces the recnulllinullrnulltion onull ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullens nullnullter null period onull nullsenullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisio

14、ns onull this stnullndnullrd nullre presented in ronullnulln nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents nullre enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principnulll nullnullnullilinullry nullernull is nullshnullllnullnullnullommentarnull, enullplanation and general informative

15、material is presented in smaller italic tnullpe, and does not constitute a normative elementnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllicnulltion does not pnullrport to inclnullde nullll the necessnullry pronullisions onull null contrnullctnull nullsers nullre responsinullle nullor it

16、s correct nullpplicnulltionnullnullompliance nullith a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 2634-1:2010BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis pnullrt onull BS 2634 specinulles the chnullrnullcteristics onull ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullens onull tn

17、ullrnednull gronullndnull nullorednull nullillednull shnullped nullnd plnullned snullrnullnullcesnull These nullre intended nullor tnullctile nullnd nullisnullnulll conullpnullrison nullith nullornullpiece snullrnullnullces onull sinullilnullr lnully thnullt hnullnulle nulleen prodnullced nully sinu

18、llilnullr nullnullchining nullethodsnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents nullre indispensnullnullle nullor the nullpplicnulltion onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dnullted renullerencesnull only the edition cited nullppliesnull nullor nullndnullted ren

19、ullerencesnull the lnulltest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding nullny nullnullendnullentsnull nullppliesnullBS nullN ISnull 42nullnull:1nullnullnullnullA1:200nullnull nulleometrical product specification nullnullnullSnull null Surface tenullture null nullrofile method n

20、ull Terms, definitions and surface tenullture parameters3 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this pnullrt onull BS 2634null the ternulls nullnd denullnitions ginullen in BS nullN ISnull 42nullnull:1nullnullnullnullA1 nullnd the nullollonulling nullpplynull3null1 roughness compari

21、son specimenspecinullen hnullnulling null nullnonulln snullrnullnullce ronullghness pnullrnullnulleter representing null pnullrticnulllnullr nullnullchining or other prodnullction process nullor the pnullrpose onullconullpnullrison nullith nullornullpiece snullrnullnullcesnullnullTnull null roughnes

22、s comparison specimen is often used to give design personnel guidance on the feel and appearance of a particular production process and the roughness gradenull nullt can also help nullorkshop personnel to evaluate and control nullorkpiece surfaces through tactile and visual comparison nullith the su

23、rface of the roughness comparison specimennull3null2 laydirection onull the predonullinnullnt snullrnullnullce pnullttern nullnullTnull This is ordinarilnull determined bnull the process used in producing the surfacenull3null3 master surface nullnullchined snullrnullnullce nullhich null ronullghness

24、 conullpnullrison specinullen is crenullted to replicnullte 4 nullethods of manufactureRonullghness conullpnullrison specinullens shnullll nulle nullnullnnullnullnullctnullred:nullnull nully crenullting positinulle replicnulls onull nullnullster snullrnullnullces nullhich replicnullte the nulleel nu

25、llnd nullppenullrnullnce onull the nullnullster snullrnullnullcenull nullor instnullnce nully electro-nullornullingnull ornullnull nully indinullidnullnulllly nullnullchining the ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullensnullnullnullTnull nullndividuallnull machining a roughness comparison specimen

26、involves directlnull applnulling the production process, nullhich the roughness comparison specimen is intended to represent, to its surfacenullBS 2634-1:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnull Surface characteristicsnullnullster snullrnullnullces intended nullor reprodnullctionnull their repli

27、cnulls nullnd indinullidnullnulllly nullnullchined ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullens nullsee nulllnullnullse 4null shnullll enullhinullit only the chnullrnullcteristics resnulllting nullronull the nullnullchining process nullhich they nullre intended to representnull They shnullll not hnull

28、nulle nullnchnullrnullcteristic snullrnullnullce irregnulllnullrities thnullt nullre nullisinullle nully nornullnulll or corrected sightnullnullnullTnull nullncharacteristic surface irregularities can occur nullhen debris gets into the machining process, for enullamplenull6 Surface roughness nullalu

29、esSnullrnullnullce ronullghness nullnulllnulles shnullll nulle in nullccordnullnce nullith Tnullnullle 1nullTnullnullle 1 Surface roughness nullalues of roughness comparison specimensnullachining methodsnullrinding Tnullrning nullnd nulloring nullilling Shnullping nullnd plnullningnullrithmetical me

30、an denulliationnullanullnull nullin nullnull nullin nullnull nullin nullnull nullin0null02null 1 null null null null null null0null0null 2 null null null null null null0null1 4 null null null null null null0null2 null null null null null null null0null4 16 0null4 16 0null4 16 null null0nullnull 32 0

31、nullnull 32 0nullnull 32 0nullnull 321null6 63 1null6 63 1null6 63 1null6 633null2 12null 3null2 12null 3null2 12null 3null2 12nullnull null 6null3 2null0 6null3 2null0 6null3 2null0null null 12nullnull null00 12nullnull null00 12nullnull null00null null null null null null 2nullnull0 1 000nullnullT

32、null nullonull values are included primarilnull to give design office personnel an idea of the differences that can be detected nullbetnulleen, for enullample, nullnullnull25 nullm, nullnullnull5 nullm and nullnull1 nullmnull bnull visual meansnullnull Sampling lengthThe snullnullpling length to nul

33、le nullsed nullhen nullenullsnullring nulla on null ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen shonullld nulle selected nullronull Tnullnullle 2null nullccording to the nullnullchining nullethod nullnd ronullghness grnullde onull the specinullennullnullor repetitinulle pronulllesnull the length onull

34、 the snullnullpling length shnullll nulle ronullnded-nullp to inclnullde the nenullrest nullhole nnullnullnuller onull pronullle cyclesnullnull BSI 2010 null 3BS 2634-1:2010BRITISH STANDARDTnullnullle 2 Sampling lengthsnullrithmetical mean denulliationnullanullachining methodsnullrinding Tnullrning

35、nullnd nulloring nullilling Shnullping nullnd plnullningSampling lengthnullnull nullin nullnull in nullnull in nullnull in nullnull in0null02null 1 0null2null 0null01 null null null null null null0null0null 2 0null2null 0null01 null null null null null null0null1 4 0nullnull 0null03 null null null n

36、ull null null0null2 null 0nullnull 0null03 null null null null null null0null4 16 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null03 null null0nullnull 32 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null031null6 63 0nullnull 0null03 0nullnull 0null03 2nullnull 0null1 0nullnul

37、l 0null033null2 12null 2nullnull 0null1 2nullnull 0null1 2nullnull 0null1 2nullnull 0null16null3 2null0 null null 2nullnull 0null1 nullnull0 0null3 2nullnull 0null112nullnull null00 null null 2nullnull 0null1 nullnull0 0null3 nullnull0 0null32nullnull0 1 000 null null null null null null nullnull0 0

38、null3null nullalibration of a roughness comparison specimennullnull1 nullnitial calibrationnullnull1null1 Renulldings shnullll nulle tnullnullen perpendicnulllnullr to the direction onull lnully onullthe snullrnullnullce onull the ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullennullnullnull1null2 Renulldin

39、gs shnullll nulle tnullnullen nullt null snullnullnullcient nnullnullnuller onull locnulltions enullenly distrinullnullted onuller the nullenullsnullring nullrenull onull the ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen to nulleet the tnullrget nullncertnullintynull nulls specinulled nully the nullsern

40、ullnullnull1null3 Renulldings shnullll only nulle tnullnullen nullronull nullrenulls thnullt nullre representnulltinulle onull the nullnullchining nullethodnullnullnullTnull nullreas in the surface that are not representative of the machining method are sometimes found in rougher grades of milled, t

41、urned, or bored surfacesnull nullnull1null4 The nullenulln nullnulllnulle onull the renulldings shnullll nulle in nullccordnullnce nullith the tolernullnces ginullen in Tnullnullle 3nullnullnull1nullnull The stnullndnullrd denullinulltion nullronull the nullenulln nullnulllnulle shnullll nulle not g

42、renullter thnulln the percentnullge onull the enullnullectinulle nullnulllnulle ginullen in Tnullnullle 3nullBS 2634-1:20104 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullnull1null6 nullhere nnullnullnullers onull snullnullpling lengths other thnulln those ginullen in Tnullnullle 3 nullre inclnullded in the

43、 enullnulllnullnulltion lengthnull the nullnulllnulle nullor the nullcceptnullnullle nullnullnullinullnullnull onull the stnullndnullrd denullinulltion derinulled nullronullthe renulldings shnullll nulle cnulllcnulllnullted nullronull the nullornullnulllnull: nn=snullnullhere:sis the stnullndnullrd

44、denullinulltion nullronull Tnullnullle 3 nullor nullnulle snullnullpling lengthsnulln is the nnullnullnuller onull snullnullpling lengths in the enullnulllnullnulltion length nullnder considernulltionnullTnullnullle 3 nullolerances on roughness nullalues for roughness comparison specimensSpecimen ty

45、penullolerance on mean nullalue nullpercentage of nominal nullaluenullnullStandard denulliation nullpercentage of effectinulle nullaluenull for enullaluation length comprising:3 sampling lengthsnull4 sampling lengthsnullnull sampling lengthsnull6 sampling lengthsnullnullronullnd null12 null1null 12

46、10 null nullTnullrned null12 null1null null 4 4 4Bored null12 null1null null 4 4 4nullilled null12 null1null 12 10 null nullShnullped null12 null1null 4 3 3 3nulllnullned null12 null1null 4 3 3 3nullnullTnull The standard deviation for five sampling lengths in the evaluation length has been used for

47、 calculating the standard deviation for three, four and sinull sampling lengths in the evaluation lengthnullnullnull2 Re-calibration after a period of useRe-cnulllinullrnulltion renulldings shnullll not nulle tnullnullen nullronull snullrnullnullce nullrenulls onull nullronullghness conullpnullrison

48、 specinullen thnullt hnullnulle nulleconulle nullisinullly scrnulltchednulldented or othernullise nullnullrnullednullnullhere the snullrnullnullce nullrenull onull null ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen is not onull null snullnullnullcient sinulle to nulle nullssessed or to nulle representnu

49、lltinulle onull the nullnullchining process dnulle to nullisinullle scnulltchesnull dents nullnd nullnullrnulls on its snullrnullnullcenull then the ronullghness conullpnullrison specinullen shnullll nulle replnullced nullnd not re-cnulllinullrnulltednullnull nullinimum roughness comparison specimen sinullenullnullch side shnullll nulle:nullnull null nullininullnullnull onull 20 nullnull in length nullor nulla nullnulllnulles nulletnulleen 0null02null nullnullnullnd 6null3 nullnullnull ornullnull null nullininullnullnull onull 30 nullnull in length nullor the nulla nullnulllnulle onull 12n

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