BS 5440-2-2009 Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st 2nd and 3rd family gases) - Specification for the installation and maintenance.pdf

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BS 5440-2-2009 Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st 2nd and 3rd family gases) - Specification for the installation and maintenance.pdf_第1页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI British StandardsWB9423_BSI_StandardColCov_noK_AW:BSI FRONT COVERS 5/9/08 12:55 Page 1Flueing and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases)

2、 Part 2: Specification for the installation and maintenance of ventilation provision for gas appliancesnullnull nullnullnull0null2null200nullBS 5440-2:2009 BRITISH STANDARDnullunulllisnulling and copyrignullt informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the

3、docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2009ISBN 9nullnull 0 5null0 null4null9null 2InullS 9nullnull0null0null40The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence nullSnullnullnull0 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 09nullnull0null90

4、nullnull0 Dnullnullunulllication nullistorynullirst pnullnulllished nullannullary 2000Second nullpresentnull editionnull Decenullnuller 2009nullmendments issued since punulllicationnullate nullext affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iBS 5440-2:2009nullontentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Norn

5、ullatinulle renullerences 13 Ternulls and denullnitions 2null nullonullpetence 5null Design and nullaterials nullor air nullents and dnullcts 6null nullree area and positioning onull air nullents 97 nullther aspects onull nullentilation 24null Sernullicing and nullaintenance 25Binullliography 26null

6、ist of nullguresnullignullre null null Typical air nullent arrangenullents 3nullignullre 2 null nullree areas 7nullignullre null null Air nullents in series 13nullignullre 4 null Air nullent positions nullor an open-nullnulled appliance in a roonull or internal space 15nullignullre 5 null Air nullen

7、t positions nullor an open-nullnulled appliance in an appliance conullpartnullent 17nullignullre null null nullnullanullples onull incorrect air nullent positions nullor an open-nullnulled appliance in an appliance conullpartnullent 18nullignullre null null Air nullent positions nullor a roonull-sea

8、led appliance in an appliance conullpartnullentnull roonull and internal space 20nullist of tanulllesTanullle null null Registration and appronullal nullodies nully conullntrynullterritory 5Tanullle 2 null nullonullpetence renullnullirenullents nully conullntrynullterritory 5Tanullle null null nulli

9、ninullnullnull separation distances nulletnulleen air nullents and appliance ternullinals 10Tanullle 4 null nullininullnullnull air nullent nullree area nullor appliance conullpartnullents: open-nullnulled appliances 12Tanullle 5 null nullininullnullnull air nullent nullree area nullor appliance con

10、ullpartnullents: roonull-sealed appliances 19Tanullle null null nullininullnullnull pernullanent opening nullree area nullor nullnulleless appliances 22nullummary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages null to 2null

11、null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 5440-2:2009ii null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left blankBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null iiiBS 5440-2:2009Forenullordnullunulllisnulling informationThis part onull BS 5440 is pnullnulllished nully BSI and c

12、anulle into enullnullect on nullnull Decenullnuller 2009null It nullas prepared nully Technical nullonullnullittee nullSnullnullnull0nullGas installations (1st, 2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnulles

13、t to its secretarynullnullupersessionThis part onull BS 5440 snullpersedes BS 5440-2:2000null nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullelationsnullip nullitnull otnuller punulllicationsBS 5440null nulllnulleing and nullentilation for gas appliannulles of rated inpnullt not enullnulleeding 70 knull net (1s

14、t, 2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullnull is pnullnulllished in tnullo parts:null nullart 1null nullpenullinullnullation for installation of gas appliannulles to nullhinullneys and for nullaintenannulle of nullhinullneysnullnull nullart 2null nullpenullinullnullation for installation and nullaintenannu

15、lle of nullentilation pronullision for gas appliannullesnullnullnformation anullout tnullis documentThis is a nullnullll renullision onull BS 5440-2:2000nullBS 5440-2 allonulls nullannullnullactnullrersnull instrnullctions to specinully a nullethod onullinstallationnull testingnull conullnullissioni

16、ng or nullaintenance nullhich dinullnullers in points onull detail nullronull this standardnull This renullerence to nullannullnullactnullrersnullinstrnullctions is allonulled only nullhere it resnulllts in at least an enullnullinullalent lenullel onull sanulletynull In snullch circnullnullstancesnu

17、ll it is inullportant that the nullannullnullactnullrernulls instrnullctions are nullollonullednullnullse of tnullis documentIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the preparation onull this British Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnu

18、llalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has nulleen prodnullcednullnullresentational conventionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the pr

19、incipal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullonullnullentary, enullplanation and general infornullatinulle nullaterial is presented in snullaller italinull type, and does not nullonstitnullte a nornullatinulle elenullentnullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication

20、does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance nullitnull a nullritisnull nulltandard cannot confer immunity from legal onullligationsnullIn particnulllarnull attention is dranulln to

21、the nullollonulling statnulltory regnulllations:The nullas Appliances nullSanulletynull Regnulllations null995 nullnullnullThe nullas Sanullety nullInstallation and nullsenull Regnulllations null99null null4nullBS 5440-2:2009inull null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDThe nullas Sanullety nullInstallati

22、on and nullsenull Regnulllations null994null as anullended and applied nully the nullas Sanullety nullApplicationnull nullrder null99null null5nullThe nullas Sanullety nullInstallation and nullsenull nullNorthern Irelandnull Regnulllations 2004 nullnullnullThe Health and Sanullety nullnullasnull nul

23、lnullnullernseynull nullrdinance 200null nullnullnullThe Asnullestos nullnullrohinullitionsnull Regnulllations 200null null9nullThe Bnullilding nullAnullendnullentnull Regnulllations 2000 nullnullnullnullThe Bnullilding Regnulllations nullScotlandnull 2004 nullnull2nullThe Bnullilding Regnulllations

24、 nullNorthern Irelandnull 2000 nullnullnullnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2009 null nullBS 5440-2:20091 nullcopeThis part onull BS 5440 specinulles the renullnullirenullents nullor the installation and nullaintenance onull nullentilation pronullision relating to gas appliances nulltilinulling nullstnu

25、ll 2nd or nullrd nullanullily gasesnull nullith a rated heat inpnullt not enullceeding null0 nullnull nullased on net nullnull nullnet calorinullc nullalnullenullnull nullsed nullor donullestic or non-donullestic pnullrposesnullThis standard does not conuller:anull linullnullenulled petrolenullnull

26、gas nullnullnullnullnull installations conullered nully BS 54null2-2 and installations nullith gases conullered nully nullD 54null2-nullnullnullnull gas installations in caranullansnull holiday honulles or residential parnullhonulles connullornulling to BS nullN null2null or BS nullnullnull2 as appr

27、opriatenull nullhich nullere installed at the tinulle onull constrnullctionnullcnull decoratinulle nullnullel enullnullect gas appliancesnull conullered nully BS 5nullnullnull-nullnull ordnull nullnullltiple coonulling appliance installations in catering estanulllishnullents and schoolsnullnullnullT

28、null 1 nulllthonullgh this part of nullnull 5440 has been denulleloped nullainly for nullse nullith gas appliannulles that nullarry the nullnull nullark, it nullay also be nullsed for installations of gas appliannulles nullhinullh are not renullnullired nullnder the Gas nullppliannulles (nullafetynu

29、ll nullegnulllations null1null to nullarry the nullnull nullark, snullnullh as nullsed appliannullesnullnullnullTnull 2 nullaintenannulle renullnullirenullents relating to enullisting nullents are spenullinulled in nulllanullse 8nullnullnullTnull 3 nullt is essential that the installer nullhenullks

30、the data ginullen nullith an appliannulle to establish the basis on nullhinullh the heat inpnullt is ginullennull The data in this standard refer to heat inpnullt enullpressed in ternulls of net nullnullnullith nullonnullersion ginullen for natnullral gas gross nullnull nullnulloted in branullkets,

31、nullhere appropriatenullnullnullTnull 4 The ratio of grossnullnet heat inpnullt is appronullinullately 1null11null1 for natnullral gas, 1null09null1 for propane and 1null08null1 for bnulltanenull nullor enullanullple, 9 knullinpnullt based on gross nullnull for natnullral gas is nullonnullerted to t

32、he enullnullinullalent net nullnull inpnullt as follonullsnullnullet inpnullt null 9null0null1null11 null 8null1 knullnullnullnullTnull 5 nullor renullnullirenullents for the installation and nullaintenannulle of gasnullnullred nullatering appliannulles for nullse in all types of nullatering establi

33、shnullents (2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnull, see nullnull 6173null nullnullrther infornullation regarding nullolnullnulle air nullonull rates in the nullatering ennullironnullent nullan be fonullnd in nullnull 172, Specinullcation nullor nullitchen nullentilation systenulls null2null, and nullnullnu

34、llnull 23, nullas sanullety in catering and hospitality null3nullnull2 nullormative referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndate

35、d renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS nullnullnull9-null, Glossary of ternulls nullsed in the gas indnullstry null nullonullbnullstion and nulltilinullation innulllnullding installation at nullonsnullnull

36、ernulls prenullisesBS 5250:2002null nullode of pranulltinulle for nullontrol of nullondensation in bnullildingsBS 5nullnullnull-nullnull nullpenullinullnullation for the installation and nullaintenannulle of gas nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters, nullrenullbanullk boilers and denulloratinulle fnul

37、lel effenullt gas appliannulles null nullart 1null Gas nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters, nullrenullbanullk boilers and heating stonulles (1st, 2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullBS 5440-2:20092 null null BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARDBS 5nullnullnull-2null nullpenullinullnullation for the installation and

38、nullaintenannulle of gas nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters, nullrenullbanullk boilers and denulloratinulle fnullel effenullt gas appliannulles null nullart 2null nullnset linulle fnullel effenullt gas nullres of heat inpnullt not enullnulleeding 15 knull (2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullBS 5nullnul

39、lnull-nullnull nullpenullinullnullation for the installation and nullaintenannulle of gas nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters, nullrenullbanullk boilers and denulloratinulle fnullel effenullt gas appliannulles null nullart 3null nullenulloratinulle fnullel effenullt gas appliannulles of heat inpnull

40、t not enullnulleeding 20 knull (2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullBS 5nullnullnull-4null nullpenullinullnullation for the installation and nullaintenannulle of gas nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters, nullrenullbanullk boilers and denulloratinulle fnullel effenullt gas appliannulles null nullart 4null

41、nullndependent gasnullnullred nullnulleless nullres, nullonnullenulltor heaters and heating stonulles of nonullinal heat inpnullt not enullnulleeding 6 knull(2nd and 3rd fanullily gasesnullBS nullN 449:2002nullAnull:200null, nullpenullinullnullation for dedinullated linullnullenulled petrolenullnull

42、 gas appliannulles null nullonullestinull nullnulleless spanulle heaters (innulllnullding nullatalytinull nullonullbnullstion heatersnull 3 nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrpose onull this British Standard the ternulls and denullnitions in BS nullnullnull9-null and the nullollonulling appl

43、ynull3null1 adapterdenullice to nullacilitate snullooth and nullnrestricted air nullonull thronullgh transitional changes in sectionnull nullhere the cross-sectional shape onull an air dnullct dinullnullers nullronull that onull the associated air nullent3null2 air ventnon-adnullnullstanullle pnullr

44、pose pronullided arrangenullent designed to allonullpernullanent nullentilation nullnullTnull 1 nullnullanullples of air nullent arrangenullents are ginullen in nullignullre 1nullnullnullTnull 2 nullnullanullples of air nullents nullan innulllnullde lonullnullre doorsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 200

45、9 null nullBS 5440-2:2009nullignullre null nullypical air vent arrangementsanull nullnrestricted air nullent in an enullternal canullity nullall nullnull Restricted air nullent in an enullternal canullity nullallcnull nullnulltended nullnder nulloor dnullcted air nullentdnull Sinullple air nullent i

46、n an internal nullall or door enull nullindonull air nullentnulleynull nullnullternal lonullnullre or grille2 Internal lonullnullrenull Banullnulle nullnullarionulls arrangenullentsnull4 Dnullct5 nullloor grillenull nullnullternal lonullnullre or grille3null3 appliance compartmentenclosnullre specin

47、ullcally designed or adapted to honullse one or nullore gas appliances nullnullTnull nulln appliannulle nullonullpartnullent is only nullsed to honullse gas appliannulles and is not a habitable spanullenull3nullnull enulluivalent areaair nullent nullree area nullhich is aerodynanullically enullnulli

48、nullalent to a single sharp-edged circnulllar hole nullnullTnull nullor a sinullple air nullent (enullgnull a grillenulllonullnullre on both ends of a snullooth, nullninterrnullpted dnullnulltnull, the enullnullinullalent area nullay be regarded as the nullfree areanullnullBS 5440-2:20094 null null

49、BSI 2009BRITISH STANDARD3nullnull free areanullnonullstrnullcted cross-sectional area onull a grillenull lonullnullre or dnullctnull calcnulllated as the snullnull onull the cross-sectional areas onull all nullnonullstrnullcted apertnullres nulleasnullred thronullgh the plane onull nullininullnullnull area and at right angles to the air nullonull nullithin the apertnullres nullnullTnull nullee nullignullre 2null3nullnull grillesinullple nullnulled nullesh or lattice arrangenullent designed and constrnullcted to preclnullde nullernullin nullnullt to allonull the passage onull air at all tinul

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