BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf

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BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf_第1页
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BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf_第2页
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BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf_第3页
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BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf_第4页
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BS 6160-5-1989 Radio equipment used in mobile services - Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E H3E or J3E)《移动通信用无线电设备 第5部分 单边带(R3E H3E或J3E).pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS 6160-5: 1989 IEC 489-5: 1987 Radio equipment used in mobile services Part 5: Methods of measurement for receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E, H3E or J3E) UDC 621.396.9182.3:621.317:621.396.62*R3E, H3E, J3EBS6160-5:1989 This British Standard, having been prepared un

2、der the directionof the Electronic Equipment Standards Committee,was published underthe authority of the BoardofBSI and comes into effect on 29September1989 BSI 04-2000 First published October 1981 First revision September 1989 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Commit

3、tee reference EEL/25 Draft for comment 81/27679 DC ISBN 0 580 171841 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Electronic Equipment Standards Committee (EEL/-) to Technical Committee EEL/25 upon which the following bodies were repr

4、esented: British Broadcasting Corporation British Radio and Electronic Equipment Manufacturers Association British Telecommunications plc Department of Trade and Industry (Radiocommunications Division) Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers Radio Electrical and Television Retailers Associatio

5、n The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through subcommittees and panels: British Approvals Board for Telecommunications Electronic Engineering Association ERA Technology Ltd. GAMBICA (BEAMA Ltd.) OFTEL (Office of Telecommunications) Radio Society of Great Brita

6、in Telecommunication Engineering and Manufacturing Association User Standards Forum for Information Technology (Institute of Data Processing Management) Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date of issue CommentsBS6160-5:1989 BSI 04-2000 i Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front co

7、ver National foreword iv Section 1. General 1 Scope 1 2 Object 1 Section 2. Supplementary definitions and conditions of measurement 3 Supplementary terms and definitions 1 4 Standard test conditions 2 5 Supplementary test conditions 3 6 Characteristics of the measuring equipment 6 Section 3. Methods

8、 of measurement for receivers equipped with suitable antenna terminals 7 Reference sensitivity 7 8 Audio-frequency response 7 9 Total distortion factor 8 10 Relative audio-frequency intermodulation product level 8 11 Squelch characteristics 9 12 Signal-to-residual output-power ratio 11 13 Impulsive

9、noise 11 14 Selectivity 12 15 Automatic gain-control (A.G.C.) characteristics 15 16 Radiated spurious emission (under consideration) 17 17 Conducted spurious components 17 18 Evaluation of the receiving part of the equipment under duplex conditions 18 19 Receiver performance under conditions deviati

10、ng from standard test conditions 18 Section 4. Methods of measurement for receivers with integral antennas 20 Reference (radiation) sensitivity 19 21 Average radiation sensitivity 21 22 Remarks on measurements requiting the use of a coupling device (radio-frequency and/or acoustic) 21 23 Reference s

11、ensitivity (RFCD) 22 24 Audio-frequency response (RFCD) 23 25 Total distortion factor 23 26 Relative audio-frequency intermodulation product level 24 27 Squelch characteristics 24 28 Signal-to-residual output-level ratio 26 29 Selectivity 27 30 Automatic gain control (A.G.C.) characteristics 29 Appe

12、ndix A Examples of combining networks 32 Appendix B Supplementary recommended methods for testing measuring arrangements 34 Appendix C General information on impulsive noise and random-impulse generator 34 Appendix D Intermodulation response 39BS6160-5:1989 ii BSI 04-2000 Page Appendix E Example of

13、a mains power line impedance stabilization network 39 Appendix F Guidelines for measuring, on a radiation test site or in a radio-frequency coupling device (RFCD), the audio-frequency output of a receiver having an integral transducer 41 Appendix G Guide for the construction of a 30 m radiation test

14、 site for equipment receiving radio-frequency electromagnetic energy 45 Appendix H Guide for the construction of a 3 m radiation test site for measurements above100MHz of equipment emitting radio-frequency electromagnetic energy 49 Appendix J Guide for the construction and measurement of a radio-fre

15、quency coupling device (RFCD) 53 Appendix K Alternative test mounting arrangements for equipment which is hand-carried or carried on the person while in normal operation 58 Appendix L Guide for the construction of a 30 m radiation test site for equipment emitting radio-frequency electromagnetic ener

16、gy 59 Figure 1 Input-signal source arrangement 3 Figure 2 Example of an arrangement for testing receivers for duplex operation 5 Figure 3 General arrangement for measuring receiver characteristics 7 Figure 4 Squelch opening and closing levels 10 Figure 5 Example of dynamic A.G.C.characteristic 16 Fi

17、gure 6 Measurement arrangements for antenna terminals and a.c.power terminal conducted spurious components 17 Figure 7 Arrangements for measuring the characteristics of receivers having integral antennas 31 Figure A.1 Network for combining two signals 32 Figure A.2 Network for combining three signal

18、s 32 Figure A.3 Example of combining network using a hybrid ring 33 Figure A.4 Example of a matching network 34 Figure C.1 Example of a random impulse generator 38 Figure C.2 Measuring arrangement for measurement of impulse distribution 38 Figure E.1 Mains power line impedance stabilization network

19、(also known as artificial mains network) 40 Figure E.2 Vector diagram of interference voltages 41 Figure E.3 Example of a mains power line impedance stabilization network 41 Figure F.1 Test arrangement for determining the acoustic signal-to-noise ratio indication that is equivalent to the SINAD obta

20、ined by means of a direct electrical connection 44 Figure F.2 Rotatable platform with equipment under test for acoustic measurements to determine radio-frequency properties 45 Figure G.1 Measuring arrangement for receiver on a radiation test site (30m) 48 Figure H.1 3 m site dimensions inside the gr

21、ound screen boundary 51 Figure H.2 Measuring arrangement for radio-frequency emission (3 m) 52BS6160-5:1989 BSI 04-2000 iii Page Figure J.1 RFCD (stripline) 55 Figure J.2 Detail of stripline load 56 Figure J.3 Detail of stripline input matching resistor 56 Figure J.4 Antenna voltage versus frequency

22、 57 Figure K.1 Measuring arrangement for radio pagers on a radiation test site (30 m) 58 Figure L.1 Measuring arrangement for transmitter at30m 61 Table C.I 36 Table C.II 37 Table E.I 40 Publications referred to Inside back coverBS6160-5:1989 iv BSI 04-2000 National foreword This Part of BS 6160 has

23、 been prepared under the direction of the ElectronicEquipment Standards Committee. It is identical with IEC Publication489-5:1987 “Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in the mobile services Part 5: Receivers employing single-sideband techniques (R3E, H3E or J3E)” published by the Interna

24、tional Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). This Part of BS 6160 is a revision or BS 6160-5:1981, which is withdrawn. This Part of BS 6160 should be read, where applicable, in conjunction with BS6160-1. Terminology and conventions. The text of the International Standard has been approved as suitable f

25、or publication as a British Standard without deviation. Some terminology and certain conventions are not identical with those used in British Standards; attention is drawn especially to the following. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of

26、 British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Cross-references International Standard Corresponding British Standard BS 4054 Methods of measuring and expressing the performance of radio

27、receivers for sound broadcasting IEC 315-1:1970 Part 1:1980 General conditions (Identical) IEC 315-2:1971 Part 2:1980 Measurements related to the audio-frequency part of the receiver (Technically equivalent) IEC 489-1:1983 BS 6160 Radio equipment used in mobile services Part 1:1989 General requireme

28、nts (Identical) Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pagesi toiv, pages1to62, an inside back cover and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table o

29、n the inside front cover.BS6160-5:1989 BSI 04-2000 1 Section 1. General 1 Scope This standard refers specifically to mobile radio receivers having audio-frequency band-widths generally not exceeding10kHz for the reception of voice and other types of signals, using single-sideband amplitude modulatio

30、n. This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC Publication489-1. The supplementary terms and definitions and the conditions of measurement set forth in this standard are intended for type tests and may be used also for acceptance tests. 2 Object The object of this standard is to sta

31、ndardize the definitions, the conditions and the methods of measurement used to ascertain the performance of receivers within the scope of this standard and to make possible a meaningful comparison of the results of measurements made by different observers and on different equipment. Section 2. Supp

32、lementary definitions and conditions of measurement 3 Supplementary terms and definitions For the purpose of this standard, the following supplementary definitions apply. 3.1 Output level 3.1.1 rated output level the level, as defined in the equipment specifications, corresponding to: the power at t

33、he audio output terminals when these are connected to a specified load or the voltage appearing across the output transducer or the sound pressure. in the absence of a value specified by the manufacturer, the rated output level is 3 dB below the maximum output level 3.1.2 reference output level a) W

34、here there is a continuously variable gain control, the reference output level is that which is 6 dB below the rated output level. b) Where there is step-by-step output control, the reference output level is that closest to the level defined in Stepa) above. c) Where there is no gain control, the re

35、ference output level is the level obtained when a standard input signal is applied to the receiver. 3.2 Audio-frequency load For equipment with an integral audio-frequency output transducer, the load is the output transducer. NOTEThe manufacturer should specify the method of connection and state the

36、 impedance (and tolerance) of the output transducer at1000Hz. It is desirable also to state the impedance at specified upper and lower audio-frequency band limits. 3.2.1 audio-frequency test load an impedance network which replaces the load to which the receiver is connected under normal operating c

37、onditions. It simulates the impedance of the normal load and any cables with which it is normally used NOTEThe network shall be specified by the manufacturer. It usually consists of a single pure resistance.BS6160-5:1989 2 BSI 04-2000 3.3 standard signal-to-noise ratio ratio of: the power of the sig

38、nal-plus-noise-plus-distortion to the power of the noise-plus-distortion at the test load. this ratio is abbreviated as: where: S is the wanted audio-frequency signal due to standard test modulation N is the noise with standard test modulation D is the distortion with standard test modulation it is

39、expressed in decibels and is often referred to as SINAD the value of the standard signal-to-noise ratio is 12 dB the standard signal-to-noise ratio allows comparison between different equipment when the standard test modulation is used NOTEOther types and values of signal-to-noise ratio may be used

40、by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 3.4 radiation sensitivity of a receiver with an integral antenna, in a given direction (field strength) the field strength required to produce the standard signal-to-noise ratio under specified conditions of operation NOTE 1An integral antenna

41、 is an antenna which is considered to be an integral part of the equipment. In some cases, the receiver operates with the antenna inside the housing and in others with the antenna mounted on the exterior of the housing. NOTE 2For certain applications, another characteristic, for example, the squelch

42、 opening level, may be specified. NOTE 3In this publication, the term “antenna” is synonymous with “aerial”. 3.5 de-emphasis the process intended to restore the original form of a signal which has been transmitted with pre-emphasis NOTEPre-emphasis may be applied before modulation. 4 Standard test c

43、onditions Unless otherwise stated, measurements shall be performed under the general test conditions as stated in IEC Publication489-1 and the supplementary test conditions given below. SND + ND + -BS6160-5:1989 BSI 04-2000 3 5 Supplementary test conditions 5.1 Input-signal arrangements for testing

44、receivers equipped with suitable antenna terminals The nominal radio-frequency input impedance (R n ) is that value stated by the manufacturer for which the equipment performance will be optimum when connected to an antenna of the same impedance. The input-signal level should preferably be expressed

45、 as: the electromotive force (e.m.f.) present at the output of the unterminated input-signal source (e.m.f.ofFigure 1) when the input-signal source impedance(R s ) is equal to the nominal radio-frequency input impedance (R n ) of the receiver. Alternatively, the input-signal may be expressed as the

46、matched-load (V ml ) voltage measured across an impedance having a value equal to R n , when the source impedance (R s ) is equal to the nominal radio-frequency input impedance (R n ). The matched-load voltage (V ml ) is one-half the value of the e.m.f. When the meter that indicates the value of e g

47、is not in close proximity to the receiver input terminals, the transmission line loss shall be taken into account in addition to the loss of the impedance matching network. 5.1.1 Input-signal source for receivers requiring a specified source resistance This sub-clause applies to receivers which are

48、connected to the antenna by means of a transmission line (which is synonymous with “feeder line”). The input-signal source shall consist of a radio-frequency signal generator, a transmission line, andanimpedance-matching network (pad) placed as close as possible to the receiver under test (seeFigure

49、 1, page3). 5.1.2 Input-signal source receivers tested with the aid of an artificial antenna This sub-clause is applicable to receivers intended to operate with an antenna having a complex impedance. The input-signal source shall consist of a radio-frequency signal generator, a transmission line, an impedance matching network and an artificial antenna. The characteristics of the artificial antenna shall be specified by the manufacturer of the receiver. 5.2 Input-signal level The input-s

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