1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationCode of practice for safe use of cranes Part 4: Lorry loadersBS 7121-4:2010BS 7121-4:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed i
2、n this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN null7null 0 nullnull0 nullnullnull22 nullInullS nullnullnull020null20The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence nullHnullnullnul
3、lnull11 Dranullt nullor conullnullent 0nullnullnull00null2nullnullnull DnullPublication historynullirst pnullnulllished nullay 1nullnull7Second editionnull nullenullrnullary 2010nullmendments issued since publicationnullate nullenullt affected BRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iBS 7121-4:2010Conten
4、tsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 14 nullanagenullent onull the linullting operation 5null nullontract linullt or lorry loader hire 15null nulllanning onull the linullting operation 197 Selection and dnullties onull personnel 21null nullini
5、nullnullnull attrinullnulltes onull personnel 24null Selection onull lorry loaders 2610 Sanullety 2711 nullorry loader docnullnullentation 2912 Siting onull the lorry loader 301null nullaintenance and inspection 3414 nullperating conditions 371null nulleather conditions 411null Slinging and handling
6、 onull loads 4217 Thoronullgh enullanullination inclnullding testing 471null Special applications onull lorry loaders 581null Special attachnullents 69nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullnornullatinullenull Training onull appointed persons nullor lorry loader operations 73Annenull B nullnornullatinullenull
7、Training onull lorry loader operators and slingers 79Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull Bacnullgronullnd to the BS 7121 series 87Annenull D nullinnullornullatinullenull Beanullnullort scale 88Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullorry loader pre-nullse checnull sheet 89Annenull null
8、 nullnornullatinullenull Radio conullnullnullnication nullor linullting operations 90Binullliography 93nullist of nullguresnullignullre 1 null Relationship nulletnulleen nullonullplenullity Indenull and linullt category 8nullignullre 2 null nullontract options 16nullignullre null null Adnullerse enu
9、llnullect onull sloping gronullnd on the load radinulls and stanullilinullers 32nullignullre 4 null nullnullanullple onull a nullarning plate nullor onullerhead electric canullles 33nullignullre null null Tranullelling nullnder electric lines and canullles 34nullignullre null null Adnullerse enullnu
10、llect onull a snullinging load on the load radinulls 38nullignullre 7 null nullperation nullsing the hoist rope or slenulling nullotion nullhich nullonullld inullpose side loading on the nulloonull 39nullignullre null null Reconullnullended hand signals 46nullignullre null null nullse onull a pole e
11、nulltraction nullacnull to enulltract polesnulllanullp standards 68nullignullre 10 null Typical nullanipnulllator 71nullignullre 11 null Typical pallet nullornulls nullith denullris net 72nullignullre nullnull1 null nullorry loader pre-nullse checnull sheet 89nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nullnul
12、lanullples onull the categorinullation onull linullts nullased on ennullironnullental and load conullplenullities 11Tanullle 2 null nullonullnullination onull linullting teanull roles23Tanullle null null nulleight onull nullaterials 43Tanullle 4 null Reconullnullendations nullor periodic testing onu
13、ll lorry loaders as a snullpplenullent to thoronullgh enullanullination48BS 7121-4:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDTanullle Bnull1 null nullorry loader categories nullor training pnullrposes84Tanullle Dnull1 null Beanullnullort scale nullind conditions 88Tanullle nullnull1 null nulloice con
14、ullnullands nullor linullting operations 91Summary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to inullnull pages 1 to null4null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 7121-4:201
15、0nullorenullordPublishing informationThis part onull BS 7121 is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on 2null nullenullrnullary 2010null It nullas prepared nully Snullnullconullnullittee nullHnullnullnullnull11nullCrane safety and testingnull nullnder the anullthority onull Techni
16、cal nullonullnullittee nullHnullnullnullnull Cranes and derricksnull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to its secretarynullSupersessionThis part onull BS 7121 snullpersedes BS 7121-4:1nullnull7null nullhich is nullithdranullnnull
17、nullelationship nullith other publicationsThe nullinullting nullperations and nullinullting nullnullnullipnullent Regnulllations nullnullnullnullnullRnull null1nulland the nullronullision and nullse onull nullornull nullnullnullipnullent Regnulllations nullnullnullnullnullRnull null2nullcanulle into
18、 nullorce in Decenullnuller 1nullnullnullnull Details onull the Regnulllationsnull an Appronulled nullode onull nullractice plnulls Health and Sanullety nullnullecnulltinulle nullHSnullnullgnullidance can nulle nullonullnd in the HSnull nulloonulls Safe use of lifting equipment nullnullnulland Safe
19、use of nullork equipment null4nullnullBS 7121-1 pronullides general reconullnullendations nullor crane types not conullered in an additional part onull BS 7121null BS 7121-2 conullers in-sernullice inspectionnull thoronullgh enullanullination andnull nullhere appropriatenull testing nullor the sanul
20、le nullse onull all types onull cranenull Snullnullsenullnullent parts onull BS 7121 deal nullith the specinullc crane types as nullollonulls:anull nullart null: nullonullile cranesnullnullnull nullart 4: nullorry loadersnullcnull nullart null: Tonuller cranesnulldnull nullart null: Derricnull crane
21、snullenull nullart 7: nullnullerheadnullnullnder-hnullng tranullelling and goliath cranesnullnullnull nullart null: High pedestal and portal nullinull docnullside cranesnullgnull nullart null: nullontainer handling cranesnullhnull nullart 10: Rail nullonullnted cranesnullinull nullart 11: nullnullnu
22、llshore cranesnullnullnull nullart 12: Reconullery nullehicles and enullnullipnullentnullnullnull nullart 1null: Hydranulllic gantry linullting systenullsnulllnull nullart 14: Side nulloonull pipelayersnullnullhen all parts onull BS 7121 hanulle nulleen pnullnulllishednull nullnull null010 nullill n
23、ulle nullithdranulln and BS null744 nullill nulle renullised to conuller nullannullally operated and light cranes onlynullInnullornullation on the nullacnullgronullnd to the denullelopnullent and nullse onull BS 7121 since the initial pnullnulllication onull BS 7121-1 in 1nullnullnull is ginullen in
24、 Annenull nullnullThe BS 7121 series has nulleen accepted as representing the consensnulls onullpractical enullperience nullor sanullety on cranesnullnullnformation about this documentThis is a nullnullll renullision onull the standardnull It is intended to nulle nullsed in connullnullnction nullith
25、 other parts onull BS 7121 to ensnullrenull so nullar as is reasonanullly practicanulllenull that linullting operations are carried onullt sanullelynullBS 7121-4:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThe Health and Sanullety nullnullecnulltinulle nullHSnullnull conullnullends the nullse onull
26、this British Standard to those nullho hanulle dnullties nullnder the Health and Sanullety at nullornull etcnull Act 1null74 nullnullnullnull This standard nullas dranulln nullp nullith the participation onull HSnull representatinulles and nullill nulle renullerred to in relenullant HSnull pnullnulll
27、icationsnullnullse of this documentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull gnullidance and reconullnullendationsnull It shonullld not nulle nullnulloted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particnulllar care shonullld nulle tanullen to ensnullre that cl
28、ainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAny nullser clainulling conullpliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullnullstinully any conullrse onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullIt has nulleen assnullnulled in the prepara
29、tion onull this British Standard that the enullecnulltion onull its pronullisions nullill nulle entrnullsted to appropriately nullnullalinulled and enullperienced peoplenull nullor nullhose nullse it has nulleen prodnullcednullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are prese
30、nted in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshonullldnullnullCommentarynull enullplanation and general informatinulle material is presented in smaller italic typenull and do
31、es not constitute a normatinulle elementnullContractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullith a British Standard cannot con
32、fer immunity from legal obligationsnullBRITISH STANDARDnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 7121-4:20101 ScopeThis part onull BS 7121 ginulles reconullnullendations nullor the sanulle nullse onull lorry loadersnull Snullnullnullects conullered inclnullde nullanagenullentnull selection onull enullnullipnullentnull
33、selection and training onull personnelnull procednullres and precanulltionsnulltestingnull inspectionnull nullaintenance and enullanullinationnullThis part onull BS 7121 is intended to nulle nullsed in connullnullnction nullith BS 7121-2null nullhich pronullides general gnullidance on the inspection
34、null testing and enullanullination onull all types onull cranesnullnullnullnullnull nullnnenull null and nullnnenull null ginulle detailed recommendations on tnulle training of personnel for lorry loader operationsnull nullnnenull C pronullides nullackground information on tnulle nullS 7121 seriesnu
35、ll2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced d
36、ocnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullStandards publicationsBS 7121 nullall partsnullnull Code of practice for safe use of cranesnullther publicationsHSnull nullnullidance Note HS null 11nullnull nulllectrical safety in arc nulleldingnull Snulldnullnullry: HSnull Boonull
37、snull 1nullnull4HSnull nullnullidance Note nullS nullnull nullnulloidance of danger from onullernullead ponuller linesnull Snulldnullnullry: HSnull Boonullsnull 1nullnull7null nullerms and denullnitionsnullor the pnullrposes onull this part onull BS 7121null the nullollonulling ternulls and denullni
38、tions applynullnullnull1 additional sheanulle blocnullssheanulle nulllocnulls nullhich can nulle nullsed to increase the nnullnullnuller onull nullalls onullrope and hence the linullting capacity onull a hoistnullnull2 appointed personperson nonullinated nulltypically nully the enullploying organinu
39、llationnull to plannulland to hanulle onullerall control onullnull the linullting operationsnullnullnull bob nulleightnulleight pernullanently nullnulled to the hoonull nulllocnull onull a hoist rope to ensnullre that the rope renullains tensioned enullen nullnder no load conditionsnullnull4 carrier
40、denullice that snullpports persons dnullring linullting and lonulleringnullnullnullnull nullnullis is also knonulln as a nullmanridernullnullnullnullnull competent engineerperson nullho has snullch theoretical nullnonullledge and enullperience onull the design onull the linullting enullnullipnullent
41、 as enanullles thenull to assess the design onull loader crane nullases and snullpporting strnullctnullre connectionsnull together nullith the adenullnullacy onull snullpporting strnullctnullres to tanulle the loads inullposed nully the loader craneBS 7121-4:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDn
42、ullnullnull competent person person nullho has snullch practical and theoretical nullnonullledge and enullperience onull the lorry loader and the enullnullipnullent nullsed in the linullting operation as is necessary to carry onullt the nullnullnction to nullhich the ternullrelates in each particnul
43、llar contenulltnullnull7 crane coordinatorperson nullho plans and directs the senullnullence onull operations onull cranes nullinclnullding lorry loadersnull to ensnullre that they do not collide nullith other cranesnull loads and other plant nullenullgnull concrete-placing nulloonullsnulltelehandle
44、rsnull piling rigsnullnullnullnull lorry loadernullcrane supernullisorperson nullho controls the linullting operationnull and is responsinullle nullor ensnullring that it is carried onullt in accordance nullith the appointed personnulls sanulle systenull onull nullornullnullnullnull employing organi
45、nullationperson or organinullation nullho renullnullires a linullting operation to nulle carried onullt and is responsinullle nullor the sanulle nullse onull the lorry loader nullnullnullnull nulln tnulle case of a nullired lorry loadernull tnulle degree of tnulle employing organinullationnulls resp
46、onsinullility for tnulle safe use of tnulle lorry loader depends on nullnulletnuller tnulle lorry loader is nulleing supplied under a lorry loader nullire contract or a part of a contract liftnull See Clause 5nullnullnull10 indicatordenullice nullhich pronullides nullarnings andnullor data to nullac
47、ilitate the conullpetent control onull the lorry loader nullithin its design paranulletersnullnull11 intermediate inspectioninspection carried onullt at appropriate internullals nulletnulleen thoronullgh enullanullinations to identinully potential nullanulllts and deterioration nullso that appropria
48、te action can nulle tanullen to ensnullre that the lorry loader renullains sanulle to nullsenullnullnull12 lifting any nullonullenullent onull loads or persons that inclnulldes a change onull height nullnull1null lifting enulluipmentnullornull enullnullipnullent nulllorry loadernull nullor linulltin
49、g or lonullering loadsnull inclnullding attachnullents nullsed nullor anchoringnull nullnulling or snullpporting the loadnullnull14 lifting accessory enullnullipnullent nullronull nullhich the load can nulle snullspendednullnullnullnull nullnullese are also knonulln as nullaccessories for liftingnullnullnullnull1null lifting eyedesignated point nullor the attachnullent onull linullting accessories to a loadnullnull1null liftsnullnull1nullnull1 basic liftlinullting operation nullhere the nulleight onull the loadnullsnull can nulle sinullply estanulllishednull and there are no signinullcant ha