BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf

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BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf_第1页
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BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf_第2页
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BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf_第3页
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BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf_第4页
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BS 7291-1-2010 Thermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings - General requirements《建筑物中家用和供暖设施用冷热水的热塑.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationThermoplastics pipe and fitting systems for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildingsPart 1: General requirementsBS 7291-1:2010BS 7291-1:201

2、0 BRITISH STANDARDnullublishing and copyright informationThe BSI copyright notice displayed in this docnullnullent indicates nullhen the docnullnullent nullas last issnullednullnull BSI 2010ISBN 97null 0 nullnull0 nullnullnullnull1 nullInullS nullnullnull1null0nullnull0null 91null1null0nullnull0The

3、nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee renullerence nullRInullnullnull Dranullt nullor conullnullent 09nullnull020nullnull7null Dnullnullublication historynullirst pnullnulllished nullay 1990Second editionnull nullctonuller 2001Third editionnu

4、ll nullnullne 200nullnullonullrth nullpresentnull editionnull April 2010nullmendments issued since publicationnullate Tenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 7291-1:2010BRITISH STANDARDSummary of pagesThis docnullnullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to

5、 inullnull pages 1 to 22null an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullnullontentsnullorenullord iii1 Scope 12 Nornullatinulle renullerences 1null Ternulls and denullnitions 2null Sernullice conditions 3null Dinullensions 4null nullernullornullance 57 Internullediate layers onull nu

6、llnullltilayer pipes 7null nullarnulling and associated innullornullation 7nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullnornullatinullenull Test nullor nullininullnullnull nullailnullre tinulle 9Annenull B nullnornullatinullenull nullethod onull test nullor hydrostatic pressnullre resistance onull assenullnullled pi

7、pes and nullttings 13Annenull null nullnornullatinullenull nullethod onull test nullor resistance to thernullal cycling 14Annenull D nullnornullatinullenull nullethod onull test nullor resistance to cyclic pressnullre shocnull 18Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullnullidance on nullactory

8、 control procednullres 19Binullliography 21nullist of figuresnullignullre 1 null Designation onull nullttings 8nullignullre Bnull1 null Typical arrangenullent nullor hydrostatic pressnullre resistance test nullor nullttings 14nullignullre nullnull1 null Test assenullnullly nullor systenulls nullased

9、 on rigid pipes 15nullignullre nullnull2 null Test assenullnullly nullor systenulls nullased on nullenullinullle pipes 17nullignullre nullnullnull null nullonnullgnullration onull nullent nullenullinullle pipes nullor thernullal cycle testing 18nullignullre Dnull1 null Diagranull onull typical enull

10、nullipnullent arrangenullent nullor cyclic pressnullre shocnull test 19nullist of tablesTanullle 1 null nulllass nullSnull sernullice conditions 4Tanullle 2 null nullircnullnullnullerential stress nullalnulles 5Tanullle null null nullonditions constitnullting a change onull nullaterial 7Tanullle Anu

11、ll1 null nullailnullre point distrinullnulltion 9Tanullle Anull2 null nullercentage points onull Stnulldentnulls t distrinullnulltion nullnullpper 2nullnull nullpointsnull 12Tanullle nullnull1 null Thernullal cycling test schednullle 15Tanullle nullnull1 null Applicanullility onull renullnullirenull

12、ents and test nullethods 20BS 7291-1:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDThis page deliberately left blanknull BSI 2010 null iiiBS 7291-1:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorewordnullublishing informationThis part onull BS 7291 is pnullnulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null0 April 201

13、0null It nullas prepared nully Snullnullconullnullittee nullRInullnullnullnull2nullnullnullnull Plasticspiping for hot and cold waternull nullnder the anullthority onull Technicalnullonullnullittee nullRInullnullnullnull Plastics piping systemsnull A list onull organinullationsrepresented on this co

14、nullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renullnullest to itssecretarynullSupersessionBS 7291-1:2010 snullpersedes BS 7291-1:200nullnull nullhich is nullithdranullnnullnullnformation about this documentThe increase in nullnnullented hot nullater storage systenulls in the nullnullnull andthe higher ten

15、ullperatnullres and pressnullres associated nullith thesenull lead topotential health and sanullety concerns in the nullnullnull These are addressednully the enullclnullsinulle nullse onull the nulllass nullSnull nullor the nullnullll range onull sernulliceconditions ginullen in Tanullle 1nullThe si

16、nulle range onull pipes and associated nullttings to nullhich this standardis applicanullle is nullp to and inclnullding 110 nullnull nonullinal onulltside dianulleternullnullarticnulllar ranges onull sinulles are specinulled nullith renullerence to BS ISnull null0nullnullandnullor BS nullN 10null7

17、andnullor BS nullN 12nullnull-2 andnullor BS nullN 12nullnull-nullnull asappropriatenull nully the other parts onull BS 7291null These alternatinulle sinulleranges arise nullecanullsenull in addition to pronulliding nullor specinullcations inaccordance nullith nulletric sinulles onull thernulloplast

18、ics pipesnull it is considereddesiranullle to standardinulle the renullnullirenullents nullor plastics pipes nullade andnullidely nullsed nullor snullch applications nullith dinullensions conullpatinullle nullithpipenullornullnull nullttings and accessories nullor nulletric sinulles onull copper pip

19、esnullAdditional renullnullirenullents nullor pipes and nullttings nullade nullronull specinullc typesonull thernulloplastics nullaterials are specinulled in other parts onull BS 7291: nullart 2null nullpecinullcation for polybnulltylene nullPnullnull pipes and associatednullttingsnullnullart null:

20、nullpecinullcation for crossnulllinked polyethylene nullPnullnullnullnull pipes andassociated nullttingsnullIn particnulllarnull these parts specinully renullnullirenullents and test nullethods toensnullre the nullnullality onull the nullaterial and the pernullornullance onull pipesand nullttings on

21、ull that nullaterialnull inclnullding renullnullirenullents nullor conullponentdinullensionsnull nullhich contrinullnullte to pernullornullancenull The other parts alsorationalinulle the pipe sinulles specinulled and identinully snullitanullle nullointingnullethodsnullnullittings are pernullitted to

22、 nulle nullade onull plastics nullaterials other than thosenullronull nullhich the pipes are nullade or onull other nullaterialsnull enullgnull nulletallicnullttings connullornulling to BS nullN 12nullnull-2 andnullor BS nullN 12nullnull-nullnull snullnullnullect toconnullornullity nullith this part

23、 onull BS 7291 and nullith any applicanullle re-nullnullirenullents nullor nullointed assenullnulllies specinulled in BS 7291-2 or BS 7291-nullnullas applicanulllenullAttention is dranulln to BS null9nullnull-nullnull nullhich specinulles the installation re-nullnullirenullents nullor plastics pipes

24、 and associated nullttings nullalling nullithinthe scope onull BS 7291 and renullerences other relenullant standardsnullBS 7291-1:2010inull null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions onull this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull nullprightnullt

25、ypenull Renullnullirenullents are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshallnullnullnullhere optional reconullnullendations are inclnulldednull they are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal anullnulliliary nullernull is nullshonullldnul

26、lnullnullommentarynull enullplanation and general informatinulle material is presented in smaller italic typenull and does not constitnullte a normatinulle elementnullnullroduct certificationnullinspectionnulltestingnull nullsers onull this British Standard are adnullised to consider the desiranulli

27、lity onull third-party certinullcationnullinspectionnulltesting onull prodnullct connullornullity nullith this British Standardnull Appropriate connullornullity attestation arrangenullents are descrinulled in BS nullN ISnullnullInullnull 1702nullnull nullsers seenulling assistance in identinullying

28、appropriate connullornullity assessnullent nullodies or schenulles nullay asnull BSI to nullornullard their ennullnulliries to the relenullant associationnullnullssessed capabilitynull nullsers onull this British Standard are adnullised to consider the desiranullility onull nullnullality systenull a

29、ssessnullent and registration against the appropriate standard in the BS nullN ISnull 9000 series nully an accredited third-party certinullcation nullodynullnullontractual and legal considerationsThis pnullnulllication does not pnullrport to inclnullde all the necessary pronullisions onull a contrac

30、tnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullnullompliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligationsnullIn particnulllarnull attention is dranulln to the nullollonulling statnulltory regnulllations:The Health and Sanullety at nullornullnull etc Act

31、197null null1nullThe nullater Snullpply nullnullater nullittingsnull Regnulllations 1999 null2nullAnnenull Anull Annenull Bnull Annenull null and Annenull D are nornullatinullenull Annenull nullis innullornullatinullenullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 7291-1:2010BRITISH STANDARD1 ScopeThis part onull BS 729

32、1 specinulles general renullnullirenullents and nullethods onull test nullor thernulloplastics pipe and nulltting systenulls intended nullor nullse nullithin nullnullildings nullor the connulleyance onull cold nullaternull inclnullding drinnulling nullaternull and heated nullater nullor nullse in do

33、nullestic hot and cold nullater distrinullnulltion and heating installationsnull These systenulls are also snullitanullle nullor the connulleyance onull cold nullater nullor a period onull null0 years at a tenullperatnullre onull 20 nullnull and a design pressnullre onull 12null nullarnullThis Briti

34、sh Standard is applicanullle only to nulllass nullSnull pipes and nullttingsnullDetails onull the specinullc applications and sernullice conditions are ginullen in Tanullle 1nullThis specinullcation is applicanullle to rigid or nullenullinullle plain pipesnull pipes incorporating a polynulleric null

35、arrier to inhinullit gas pernulleanullility thronullgh the pipe nullall and nullnullltilayer pipes hanulling a nonullinal onulltside dianulleter nullp to and inclnullding 110 nullnullnullnullnullTnull 1 nullethods of test are ginullen in nullnnenull nullnull nullnnenull nullnull nullnnenull null and

36、 nullnnenull nullnull nullnnenull null ginulles gnullidance on factory control procednullresnullnullnullTnull 2 nullnull 7291null2 and nullnull 7291null3 specify additional renullnullirements for pipes andnullor nullttings mannullfactnullred from specinullc thermoplastics materialsnullThey shonullld

37、 be read in connullnullnction with this part of nullnull 7291nullnullnullTnull 3 nulleference to nullpressnullrenull in this part of nullnull 7291 means nullganullge pressnullrenullnull nullnless otherwise statednullnullnullTnull 4 nullhere the pipe or nulltting is of a thermoplastics material conul

38、lered by nullnull 7291null1null nullnull 7291null2 or nullnull 7291null3null either the renullnullirements for prenullenting or controlling the enulltent of permeation specinulled in the applicable partnull enullgnull by nullse of a barrier pipenull shonullld be followednull or a corrosion inhibitor

39、 added to the primary circnullits in accordance with nullnull 5955null8null2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docnullnullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docnullnullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor

40、nullndated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docnullnullent nullinclnullding any anullendnullentsnull appliesnullBS null9nullnull-nullnull nulllastics pipework nullthermoplastics materialsnull null Part 8nullnullpecinullcation for the installation of thermoplastics pipes a

41、nd associated nullttings for nullse in domestic hot and cold water sernullices and heating systems in bnullildingsBS null100-nullnull nullnullilding and cinullil engineering null nullocabnulllary null Part 5null nullinullil engineering null nullater engineeringnull ennullironmental engineering and p

42、ipe linesBS null100-7null nullnullilding and cinullil engineering null nullocabnulllary null Part 7null nullernullicesBS null920-1null nullnullitability of nonnullmetallic prodnullcts for nullse in contact with water intended for hnullman consnullmption with regard to their effect on the nullnullali

43、ty of the water null Part 1null nullpecinullcationBS 7291-2:2010null Thermoplastics pipe and nulltting systems for hot and cold water for domestic pnullrposes and heating installations in bnullildings null Part 2null nullpecinullcation for polybnulltylene nullPnullnull pipe and associated nullttings

44、BS 7291-1:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDBS 7291-null:2010null Thermoplastics pipe and nulltting systems for hot and cold water for domestic pnullrposes and heating installations in bnullildings null Part 3null nullpecinullcation for crossnulllinked polyethylene nullPnullnullnullnullpipes a

45、nd associated nullttingsBS nullN null7nullnull Plastics piping systems null Plastics pipes and nullttings nullnulletermination of the opacityBS nullN 10null7null nullopper and copper alloys null nulleamlessnull ronullnd copper tnullbes for water and gas in sanitary and heating installationsBS nullN

46、12nullnull-2null nullopper and copper alloys null Plnullmbing nullttings null Part 2nullnullittings with compression ends for nullse with copper tnullbesBS nullN 12nullnull-nullnull nullopper and copper alloys null Plnullmbing nullttings null Part 3nullnullittings with compression ends for nullse wi

47、th plastics pipesBS nullN ISnull 1nullnull7null-2:200nullnull Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations null nullrosslinked polyethylene nullPnullnullnullnull null Part 2null PipesBS nullN ISnull 1nullnull7null-2:200nullnull Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installat

48、ions null Polybnulltylene nullPnullnull null Part 2null PipesBS nullN ISnull 11null7-1null Thermoplastics pipesnull nullttings and assemblies for the connulleyance of nullnullids null nulletermination of the resistance to internal pressnullre null Part 1null nulleneral methodsBS nullN ISnull 11null7

49、-2null Thermoplastics pipesnull nullttings and assemblies for the connulleyance of nullnullids null nulletermination of the resistance to internal pressnullre null Part 2null Preparation of pipe test piecesBS nullN ISnull 7nullnullnullnull Plastics pipes and nullttings null nulletermination of opacityBS nullN ISnull null12nullnull Plastics piping systems null Plastics components nullnulletermination of dimensionsBS ISnull 17nullnullnullnull Plastics piping systems null nullnullltilayer pipes null nulletermination of the onullygen permeability of the barrier pipeBS ISnull null72null Plastics n

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