BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf

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BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf_第4页
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BS 8580-2010 Water quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practice《水质 军团菌属(Legionella)控制风险估计 实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、raising standards worldwideNO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAWBSI Standards PublicationWater quality Risk assessments for Legionella control Code of practiceBS 8580:2010BS 8580:2010 BRITISH STANDARDPunulllisnullinnull and copyrinullnullt informationThe BSI copyrigh

2、t notice displayed in this docunullent indicates nullhen the docunullent nullas last issuednullnull BSI 2010ISBN nullnull8 0 580 nullnull11null 5InullS 0nullnull100null20null 1nullnull0null0nullnull0The nullollonulling BSI renullerences relate to the nullornull on this standard: nullonullnullittee r

3、enullerence nullHnullnull Dranullt nullor conullnullent 10nullnull02002nullnull DnullPunulllication nullistorynullirst punulllishednull Decenullnuller 2010nullmendments issued since punulllicationnullate nullenullt affected null BSI 2010 null iBS 8580:2010BRITISH STANDARDContentsnullorenullord iinul

4、lntroduction 11 Scope 22 Nornullatinulle renullerences 3null Ternulls and denullnitions 3null nullactors to nulle considered in the risnull assessnullent 55 nullreparations nullor risnull assessnullent 5null Desnulltop appraisal onull docunullentation 7null Site nullisitnullsurnulley 108 Risnull ass

5、essnullent reporting 14null Risnull renullienull 16nullnnenullesAnnenull A nullinnullornullatinullenull Issues to nulle considered during a risnullassessnullent 18Annenull B nullinnullornullatinullenull Hot and cold nullater systenulls 21Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullooling tonuller

6、s and enullaporatinulle condenser systenulls 24Annenull D nullinnullornullatinullenull Spa pools 26Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullther systenulls 28Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull nullnullanullple checnulllist nullor a spa pool 36Annenull null nullinnullornullatinullenull

7、nullnulluipnullent 38Annenull H nullinnullornullatinullenull Schenullatic dranullings 39Binullliography 42nullist of nullnulluresnulligure 1 null nullnullanullple onull a conullputernulldranulln schenullatic onull an enullaporatinulle cooling systenull 12nulligure 2 null nullnullanullple onull a han

8、dnulldranulln elenullation onull a hot and cold nullater systenull in a conullnullercial nulluilding 13nulligure Dnull1 null Diagranull onull a typical conullnullercial spa pool and associated nullater systenull 28nullist of tanulllesTanullle Hnull1 null Relenullance onull the conullponents onull a

9、cold nullater systenull 40Summary of panullesThis docunullent conullprises a nullront conullernull an inside nullront conullernull pages i to iinull pages 1 to nullnullnull an inside nullacnull conuller and a nullacnull conullernullBS 8580:2010ii null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDnullorenullordPunul

10、llisnullinnull informationThis British Standard is punulllished nully BSI and canulle into enullnullect on null1 Decenullnuller 2010null It nullas prepared nully Sunullconullnullittee nullHnullnullnullnullnullMicrobiological methodsnull under the authority onull Technical nullonullnullittee nullHnul

11、lnullnull Water qualitynull A list onull organinullations represented on this conullnullittee can nulle onulltained on renulluest to its secretarynullnullse of tnullis documentAs a code onull practicenull this British Standard tanulles the nullornull onull guidance and reconullnullendationsnull It s

12、hould not nulle nulluoted as inull it nullere a specinullcation and particular care should nulle tanullen to ensure that clainulls onull conullpliance are not nullisleadingnullAny user clainulling conullpliance nullith this British Standard is enullpected to nulle anullle to nullustinully any course

13、 onull action that denulliates nullronull its reconullnullendationsnullPresentational connullentionsThe pronullisions in this standard are presented in ronullan nullinullenull uprightnulltypenull Its reconullnullendations are enullpressed in sentences in nullhich the principal aunulliliary nullernul

14、l is nullshouldnullnullThe nullord nullnullaynull is used in the tenullt to enullpress pernullissinullilitynull enullgnull as an alternatinulle to the prinullary reconullnullendation onull the clausenull The nullord nullcannull is used to enullpress possinullilitynull enullgnull a consenulluence onu

15、ll an action or an enullentnullCommentarynull enullnulllanation and general innullormatinulle material is nullresented in smaller italic tynullenull and does not constitute a normatinulle elementnullContractual and lenullal considerationsThis punulllication does not purport to include all the necess

16、ary pronullisions onull a contractnull nullsers are responsinullle nullor its correct applicationnullCompliance nullitnull a Britisnull Standard cannot confer immunity from lenullal onulllinullationsnullnull BSI 2010 null 1BS 8580:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullntroductionnullegionellosis is an innullectio

17、n caused nully nullacteria onull the genus nullegionellanullThe nullost serious is legionnairesnull diseasenull a senullere pneunullonia nullith a relatinullely high nullatality ratenull nullhich nullas nullrst recogninulled in 1nullnullnullnullnullutnullreanulls and sporadic innullections occur thr

18、oughout the nullorldnullAt least 50 species onull nullegionella hanulle nulleen descrinulled and tnullenty hanulle nulleen associated nullith disease in hunullansnull nullut the predonullinant cause onull legionnairesnull disease is nullnull nullneumonullhilanull nullegionella snullnullnull are oppo

19、rtunistic pathogens onull hunullans and nornullally inhanullit nullarnull nulloist or anulluatic ennullironnullents nullhere they gronull in association nullith other organisnullsnull In particularnull they are nullnonulln to gronull in a range onull protonulloanullTheir predilection nullor nullarnu

20、ll nullater nulleans that they are capanullle onullcoloninulling artinullcial nullater systenulls and enulluipnullent containing nullaternullnullegionnairesnull disease is not transnullitted nullronull person to personnull nullut is onullennullironnullental origin and usually contracted nully inhali

21、ng the organisnullin an aerosol produced nullronull nullater contanullinated nullith the organisnullnullAspiration onull nullater containing nullegionella snullnullnull can also cause innullectionnullparticularly in hospitalinulled indinullidualsnullThere is a chain onull enullents leading to an ind

22、inullidual nulleconulling innullected nullith legionnairesnull disease: null the nullater systenull needs to nulleconulle contanullinated nullinoculatednullnullith the nullacterianullnull conditions hanulle to enullist nullithin the systenull nullor the anullplinullcation onullthe nullacteria to sun

23、ullnullcient concentrations to cause innullectionnullnull the contanullinated nullater usually needs to nulle dispersed into droplets nullne enough to nullornull an aerosol nullor transnullission to the nullictinullnullsnullnullnull inhalation onull contanullinated aerosols ornull in rare casesnull

24、aspiration onullcontanullinated drinnulling nullaternull andnull the enullposed indinullidual has to nulle susceptinullle to succunullnull to innullectionnullThe unullinulluitous occurrence onull nullegionella snullnullnullnull conullnullined nullith their association nullith protonulloanull nullean

25、s that all nullater systenulls are susceptinullle to contanullination nullith legionellae nullia the nullater supply or dust entering the systenullnull It is therenullore nornullal practice to assunulle that a systenull can nulleconulle contanullinatednull nullhether the anullplinullcation onull leg

26、ionellae is linullely nullithin the enulluipnullent or systenull can nulle innullerred nullronull the conditions onull the nullaternull the designnull construction and operating conditions onullthe enulluipnullent or systenull at the tinulle onull assessnullentnull and records onulltreatnullent and

27、nullonitoring onull the enulluipnullent or systenull in the pastnull It is not usually necessary to denullonstrate the presence onull legionellae nully lanulloratory analysis onull sanullplesnullThe generation onull aerosols can nulle onullsernulled in the operation onullsystenulls such as cooling t

28、onullersnull enullaporatinulle condensersnull nullany industrial processesnull spa poolsnullhot tunullsnull shonullers and tapsnull nullany onullthese can produce sunullstantial aerosolsnull Sonulle systenullsnull such as cooling tonullersnull enullaporatinulle condensers and sonulle industrial proc

29、essesnull can transnullit the aerosol nullidelynull enullposing a large population onuller a nullide areanull up to senulleral nullilonulletresnull Spa pools and hot tunulls can enullpose nullany users and anyone in the inullnullediate nullicinitynull nullhile shonullers and taps are nullost linulle

30、ly to lead only to the enullposure onull indinullidual usersnullnullinallynull nullor an indinullidual to nulleconulle innullected nullollonulling enullposure they hanulle to nulle susceptinulllenull usually hanulling predisposing conditionsnull nullnly a nullery snullall proportion onull those enul

31、lposed denullelop diseasenull nullut increasing BS 8580:20102 null null BSI 2010BRITISH STANDARDagenull particularly 50 years and onullernull snullonullingnull nulleing nullale and nulleing inullnullunosuppressed through disease or treatnullent increases susceptinullilitynullSuitanullle and sunullnu

32、llcient assessnullent onull risnulls allonulls appropriate control nulleasures to nulle put in place to protect the health and sanullety onullenullployees and nullenullnullers onull the punulllic nullho could nulle anullnullected nully nullornullactinullitiesnull nullegionella risnull assessnullent

33、is no dinullnullerentnull and is a legal renulluirenullent under the Health and Sanullety at nullornull etc Act 1nullnullnull null1nullnull The nullanagenullent onull Health and Sanullety at nullornull Regulations 1nullnullnull null2null and the nullontrol onull Sunullstances Hanullardous to Health

34、Regulations 2002null as anullendednull nullnullnullnull nullanulle specinullc renulluirenullents nullor risnull assessnullentnull These regulations apply to the control onull nullegionella and are enullnullodied in the Appronulled nullode onull nullractice and guidance docunullentnull nullnullegionn

35、airesnulldiseasenull nullhe control onull nullegionella bacteria in nullater systemsnullnull othernullise nullnonulln as Anullonull null8nullA risnull assessnullent is a linulle docunullentnull not a onenullonullnull enullercisenull and needs to nulle renullienulled regularlynull ideally in anticipa

36、tion onullnull rather than in response tonull changesnull nullor enullanullplenull the risnull assessnullent nullor a nenullconstruction ought to nulle pernullornulled nullenullore conullnullissioningnull nullut then renullienulled nullhen the systenull has nulleen operating nornullally nullor senul

37、leral nulleenulls or nullonthsnullIt is the responsinullility onull the duty holder to ensure that an assessnullent is carried out to identinully and assess the risnull onull enullposure to nullegionella nullronull nullornull actinullities and nullater systenulls and to put in place any necessary pr

38、ecautionsnull The duty holder appoints a person to tanulle daynulltonullday responsinullility nullor controlling any identinulled risnull nullronull nullegionella nullacterianullThe appointed nullresponsinullle personnull needs to hanulle:anull sunullnullcient standing and authority nullithin the or

39、ganinullation nullenullgnulla nullanager or directornull and conullpetence and nullnonullledge onull the systenull to ensure that all operational procedures are carried out in a tinullely and enullnullectinulle nullannernull andnullnull a clear understanding onull their duties and the onullerall hea

40、lth and sanullety nullanagenullent structure and policy in the organinullationnullInull the duty holder is conullpetentnull they nullay appoint thenullselnulles responsinullle personnull nullurther guidance is ginullen in HSnullnull5: nulluccessnullul health and sanullety management nullnullnullnull

41、A person is identinulled to carry out the risnull assessnullentnull This person can nulle an enullployee onull the duty holder or an enullternal contractornullThis British Standard ginulles reconullnullendations nullor honull such a person conducts a risnull assessnullent nullor nullegionellanull th

42、ough the duty holder renullains accountanullle nullor inullplenullenting the reconullnullendationsnull1 ScopeThis British Standard ginulles reconullnullendations and guidance on the assessnullent onull the risnull onull legionellosis presented nully artinullcial nullater systenullsnull It is applica

43、nullle to any undertanulling innullolnulling a nullornull actinullity or prenullises controlled in connection nullith a tradenull nullusiness or other undertanulling nullhere nullater is used or stored in circunullstances that could cause a reasonanullly nulloreseeanullle risnull onull enullposure t

44、o legionellae and contracting legionellosisnullThe standard is applicanullle to risnull assessnullents nulleing undertanullen on prenullisesnull plant and systenulls nullor the nullrst tinullenull and to renullienull and audit null BSI 2010 null nullBS 8580:2010BRITISH STANDARDnullhere a prenullious

45、 assessnullent has nulleen undertanullen and nullhere control nulleasures nullight hanulle nulleen inullplenullentednullThis British Standard does not ginulle reconullnullendations nullor: anull the assessnullent onull the risnull presented nully natural nullatersnull including rinullersnull lanulle

46、snull pondsnull nullaternullallsnull canullesnull denull ponds or natural recreational nullacilitiesnull such as nulloating lanullesnull ornullnull the preparation onull the schenulle onull control nullor the risnull systenulls identinullednullAnnenull A ginulles general guidance on the assessnullen

47、t onull systenullsnull nullhile Annenull B to Annenull null ginulle guidance on the assessnullent onull specinullc types onull systenullnull Annenull null ginulles an enullanullple checnulllist nullor the assessnullent onull a particular systenull nullspa poolnullnull A list onull enulluipnullent th

48、at nullight nulle used nully a risnull assessor is ginullen in Annenull nullnull and Annenull H ginulles guidance on the production onull schenullaticsnullnullnullnullnull nullhe guidance in nullnnenull null to nullnnenull null is not intended to be enullhaustinullenull merely to highlight some onul

49、l the more common issues associated nullith nullarticular systems to be considered as nullart onull a nullegionella risnull assessmentnull Where anullnullronullriatenull these annenulles contain renullerences to nullublications that ginulle more detailed innullormation about these systemsnull2 nullormatinulle referencesThe nullollonulling renullerenced docunullents are indispensanullle nullor the application onull this docunullentnull nullor dated renullerencesnull only the edition cited appliesnull nullor undated renullerencesnull the latest edition onull the renullerenced docunullent nu

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