BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100 countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf

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BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100  countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf_第1页
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BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100  countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf_第2页
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BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100  countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf_第3页
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BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100  countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf_第4页
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BS A 232-1968 Specification for 100  countersunk head steel bolts (160 000 lbf in2 (110 hbar) with Torq-set recesses)《100埋头钢螺栓(160000 lbf in 2(110 hbar) 规定扭矩槽)规格》.pdf_第5页
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2、OLTS (160 O00 ibf/inz (1 i0 hbar) WITH TQRQ-SET RECESSEP) FOREWORD This British Standard has been prepared to provide a range of 160 090 lbf/inz (110 hbar; lo 180 ibf/in2 (125 hba) stFi/ A 2 forged bolts, with UNJ profile threads and close tolerance 100“ countersunk heads and shanks for aircraft use

3、. The lengths of the bolts are in fractional increments. The heads have a Torq-set recess and the bolts are similar in ali respects except recess to those bolts given in BS A 230 (Hi-torque recess). As in British Standard A 173 the flushness tolerance method is adopted for the dimensioning of the co

4、untersunk head, The basic principles and advantages of this method are outlined in Appendix A to this Standard, together with suggested methods of gauging. Details of the method of gauging the screwdriver recesses are given in Appendix B. Screwdriver point dimensions are given in Appendix C. - This

5、standard requires reference to the following British Standards : BS 4084. Unified screw threads of UNJ basic profile. BS A 100. General requkenients for bolts and nuts of tensile strength not exceeding 180 O00 lbf/inz (125 hbar). S 147 Nickel-cliroiiiiuiii-iiiolybdenuiii sieel (bar fir the iiiaiiula

6、ciure of . forged bolts oiily) bolts oiily) -. S 148 Low iiickel-clironiiuiii sieel (bar ur lhe iiianufacture of forged ?: * S I49 I a75 per ceiit iiickel-cliroiiiiuiii-iilybdeiiuiii sicei . - . , S .t i “/o cliroiiiiuiii-inolybdciiuiii steel bars for lie manufacture o forged bolts aiid Iorged nuts

7、NOTE. The values in British units are to be regarded as the standard. A table in Appendix D provides millimetre equivalents of inch dimensions basod on the tables in BS 350, Conversion factors and tables. - -_ - * Attention is called to the fact that the Torq-set recess is the subject of British and

8、 foreign patents. t In course of preparation. A. 232, February, 1968 SPECIFICATION 1. SCOPE This British Standard specifies the materials, dimensions, nish and inspection requirements for cadmium plated steel bolts with countersunk heads and Unified threads for aircraft use. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

9、The bolts shall be manufactured, inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of British Standard A 100. 3. MATERIAL AND Mr*o02 -.ooc 0.749 5 0.749 5 0.749 5 0.7495 0.749 5 0.073 0.097 0.123 0.147 0.173 0.197 0.749 O 0.749 O 0-749 O 0.7490 0.749 O 0.219 0.36 0.357 0.427 0,498 0.568 - L I

10、 I max. min. 1 max. 0.281 0.468 0.468 0.468 0.468 0.468 H +*01U -*o00 0.031 0.062 0.062 04x2 0.062 04262 - max. min. 0.844 0.719 0.719 0.719 0.719 0.719 - - O tiid effective froiii 30 April I979 to US A.232 : 1968 (Aerospace Series) 100” couiitersiink Iieatl steel bolts (I60 O00 Ibfliii2 (I IO Iibar

11、) with Torq-set recesses) Revised text Appendix E. Oversize bolts (as inserted by Amendment No.2). Iii the table, iigiiisf tioiiiinal size 10-32, under (lie colutiiii headed First oversize (X) delete tlie iiiaxirnuiii value 0.205 I and the minimum value 0.2041 arid substitute Ilte viilues 0.2026 and 0-201 6 respectively. Also, under the coluiiin headed Secoiid oversize (Y) delete tlie maximum value 0.2208 and tlie niiiiiinum value 0.2198 and substitufe tlie values 0.2182 and 0.21 72 respecively. 7904-2k-8 Gr O / ACE11 2 .

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