BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf

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BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf_第1页
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BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf_第2页
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BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf_第3页
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BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf_第4页
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BS CECC 30201 001-1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors - Porous anode solid electrolyte - Cylindrical insulated non-insulated metallic case polar herm.pdf_第5页
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1、BRITISH STANDARD BS CECC 30201 001: 1981 Harmonized detail specification for fixed tantalum capacitors Porous anode, solid electrolyte Cylindrical insulated/non-insulated metallic case, polar/hermetic seal, axial terminations Basicplus additional assessment level UDC621.319.45:669.294BSCECC30201 001

2、:1981 BSI 09-1999 Committee reference ECL/4 ISBN 0 580 12348 0 A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity fr

3、om legal obligations. Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pagesi and ii, pages1 to13 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside

4、front cover. Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date CommentsBSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 i Contents Page 1 Ratings (including limiting conditions of use) and characteristics 2 2 Additional information (not for inspection purposes) 2 3 Related documents 3 4 Marking 3 5 Ordering informa

5、tion 5 6 Qualification approval and quality conformance inspection 6 7 Certified test records 6 Appendix A Ripple voltage ratings at25 C for derating factors at50 C, and85 C and125 C 13 Table 1 Dimensions (see note1) 1 Table 2A Values of capacitance and voltage related to case size 4 Table 2B Capaci

6、tance change, tan delta and leakage current 5 Table 2C Impedance at100kHz (CW 0.68 4F only) 5 Table 3A Surge voltage 5 Table 3B Derating factors for ripple ratings 5 Table 4 Test schedule 7ii blankBSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 1 Table 1 Dimensions (see note1) ELECTRONIC COMPONENT OF ASSESSED QUAL


8、SULATED/NON-INSULATED CASE AXIAL TERMINATIONS ASSESSMENT LEVEL: BASIC PLUS ADDITIONAL (See Table 1) Marking information see clause4 All dimensions are in millimetres. Case size reference L 1 max. L 2 min. L 3 max. D 1 max. D 2 (see note2) Typical mass A B C D 7.14 11.91 17.30 19.84 30 30 30 30 10.71

9、 15.49 20.87 23.41 3.58 4.85 7.49 9.07 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 g 0.7 1.3 4.7 7.4 NOTE 1The dimensions in Table 1 are for the uninsulated style. For the insulated style the insulation shall extend0.4mm minimum and1.1mm maximum beyond each end of the capacitor body. However, when a shrink fitted insulation is

10、 used it shall be over the ends of the body (L 1 ). The increase in diameter for insulated types shall not exceed0.25mm. NOTE 2Tolerances on the wire dimensions are given in IEC301. See the relevant Qualified Products List for availability of components made to this detail specification. This standa

11、rd is identical with BS E9073 N001 including amendments which is withdrawn on publication of this standard.BSCECC30201 001:1981 2 BSI 09-1999 1 Ratings (including limiting conditions of use) and characteristics 2 Additional information (not for inspection purposes) The reliability of these capacitor

12、s depends on circuit impedance. In very low impedance (e.g.less than37 V) circuits, such as power supplies, particular care is necessary to ensure that the surge voltage rating is not exceeded. This may necessitate voltage derating of up to50%. The main mode of failure is high leakage current or sho

13、rt circuit. These capacitors may not meet the above mechanical severities when mounted solely by their leads. This type of capacitor is designed to operate over the temperature range55 C to+85 C and with proper derating to+125 C (see Table 3A and Table 3B). Table number Capacitance range Capacitance

14、 values are takenfromtheE12 seriesofBS2488(IEC63) Table 2A Capacitance tolerances 5%, 10%, 20% Rated voltage U R Table 2A Category voltage U C Table 2A Surge voltage 130% of the rated or categoryvoltage. Table 3A Reverse voltage u 1V or10% of the categoryvoltage, whicheveristheless Rated temperature

15、 85 C Leakage current Table 2B Tangent of loss angle Table 2B Impedance Table 2C Ripple ratings See Appendix A for graphsofr.m.s.ripple voltageover a range offrequencies. Derating factors are given in Table 3B. Table 3B Environmental classification 55/125/56 Bump severity 390m/s 2 Shock severity 980

16、m/s 2 Vibration severity 0.75mm or98m/s 2whichever is the less Acceleration severity 980m/s 2 Low air pressure 10mbar a Resistance to soldering heat 350 C a 1mbar=10 2 N/m 2 =100Pa.BSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 3 3 Related documents 4 Marking The marking of the component and package shall be in a

17、ccordance with1.4 of BS E9073. a) Polarity marking shall be as shown in the figure on page 1. b) The symbol for tolerances shall be one of the following. 5% J 10% K 20% M BS2011 (IEC68) Methods for the environmental testing of electronic components and electronic equipment BS2488 (IEC63) Schedule of

18、 preferred numbers for the resistance of resistors and the capacitance of capacitors for telecommunication equipment BS6001 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes BS E9000 General requirements for electronic components of assessed quality BS E9070 Harmonized system of quality as

19、sessment for electronic components: Generic specification for fixed capacitors BS E9073 Sectional specification for tantalum capacitors PD9002 BS9000 component selection guide IEC301 Preferred diameters of wire terminations of capacitors and resistorsBSCECC30201 001:1981 4 BSI 09-1999 Table 2A Value

20、s of capacitance and voltage related to case size NOTE 1Letters indicate case size (see Table 1). NOTE 2Preferred rated voltages are underlined. NOTE 3The capacitors may be used for any lower voltage rating. This is indicated by arrows.BSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 5 Table 2B Capacitance change,

21、tan delta and leakage current Table 2C Impedance at100kHz (C W 0.684F only) Table 3A Surge voltage Table 3B Derating factors for ripple ratings 5 Ordering information When ordering capacitors to this detail specification the following information shall be given: a) capacitance value and selection to

22、lerance b) rated voltage c) number of this detail specification d) insulated/non-insulated Test temperature Capacitance change Tan delta (max.) Leakage acurrent (max.) Cu 1004F C1004F Room temperature 55 2 +125 2 u 12% u 15% 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.11 0.024A per4F V or14A whichever is the greater

23、 12.5 room requirement a Measured at rated voltage at room temperature and lower category temperature and at category voltage at upper category temperature. Case size Impedance (max.) A B C D 7 10 5 2 1 Rated voltage 85 C Category voltage 125 C Surge voltage 85 C 125 C V 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 40 50 63

24、75 80 100 V 4 6.3 10 13 16 23 25 33 40 50 50 63 V 8 13 20 26 33 46 53 65 84 97 104 130 V 5 9 12 16 21 28 33 40 53 64 64 86 Temperature Derating factor C 25 50 85 125 1 0.7 0.5 0.3BSCECC30201 001:1981 6 BSI 09-1999 Example:474F, 5%,20V, to BS CECC30201 001. Insulated. 6 Qualification approval and qua

25、lity conformance inspection For qualification approval test and quality conformance inspection, the test schedule, severities and requirements given in Table 4 apply. For shock, vibration and bump testing, the component shall be mounted by clamping the body and the terminations. 6.1 For qualificatio

26、n approval testing see3.3 of BS E9073. Subgroups A1 and A2 are combined together to form group 0. All subgroups of group C are required with numbers of samples and permissible defectives as shown in Table1 of BS E9073. For the additional subgroups C6 and C7 the numbers are as shown in Table 4 of thi

27、s detail specification. These samples are not subjected to group0tests. 6.2 Case size grouping in accordance with3.4.2 of BSE9073. Case size grouping shall be used for subgroupsC6 andC7. 6.3 Voltage rating grouping in accordance with3.4.2 of BS E9073. 6.4 Samples submitted to tests marked D shall no

28、t be accepted for release under BS E9000. 6.5 The requirement for visual examination for intermediate or final measurement is as follows. “Thereshall be no damage that will affect the usability for the use for which the product was intended”. 6.6 Drying in accordance with4.3 of BS E9070 is not requi

29、red. 7 Certified test records Certified test records are required in accordance with3.2 of BS E9073. BSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 7 Table 4 Test schedule Examination or test D/ND Reference (BS E9073) Conditions of test IL AQL Performance requirements Group A Inspection Lot-by-lot tests Subgroup

30、A1 (see6.1) Visual examination Marking Dimensions ND ND 4.2 1.4 4.2 4.2 S4 2.5 In accordance with clause4 of this detail specification Table 1 Subgroup A2 (see6.1) Leakage current Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Impedance ND 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 CW 0.684F only II 1.0 As Table 2B Within the specified to

31、lerance As Table 2B As Table 2C Group B Inspection Lot-by-lot tests Subgroup B1 Solderability Sealing ND 4.10 4.18 of BS E9070 Test Ta Test Qc method1 (silicone oil shall not be used) S3 2.5 Subgroup B2 Initial measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current DRY HEAT Intermediate meas

32、urements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current COLD Intermediate measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Impedance ND 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.16 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.16 4.4 4.5 4.6 At125 C for a sufficient period of time to conduct the following tests At55 C for a sufficient period of time to cond

33、uct the following tests CW 0.684F only S3 2.5 Within the specified tolerance As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2B As Table 2C Figures in parentheses relate to6.1 to6.6 of this detail specification, to which reference should be made. IL is the inspection

34、 level. AQL is the acceptance quality level.BSCECC30201 001:1981 8 BSI 09-1999 Table 4 Test schedule Examination or test D/ND Reference (BS E9073) Conditions of test p n c Performance requirements Group C Inspection To be conducted on a sampling basis at the periodicity given in the column p Subgrou

35、p C1 Initial measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Insulation resistance D 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 6 27 (see 6.2) 2 Within the specified tolerance As Table 2B As Table 2B 100M7 min. Subgroup C1a Robustness of terminations Visual examination RESISTANCE TO SOLDERINGHEAT Visual examina

36、tion D 4.8 4.9 350 C 6 9 (see 6.2) 1 (As6.5) (As6.5) Subgroup C1b SOLDERABILITY (QUALIFICATION TESTING ONLY) RAPID CHANGE OF TEMPERATURE VIBRATION Visual examination BUMP D 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 Test Ta 10 cycles, period of exposure1h at each of the high and low temperatures Test Fc, procedure B410Hz

37、to2000Hz duration6h Test Eb 4.17 of BS E9070390 m/s 2 , 4000 10 bumps equally divided between two senses axially and one sense radially 50% at+125 C 50% at55 C 6 18 (see 6.2) 1 (As6.5) Figures in parentheses relate to6.1 to6.6 of this detail specification, to which reference should be made. p is the

38、 periodicity (in months) n is the sample size c is the permissible defectivesBSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 9 Table 4 Test schedule Examination or test D/ND Reference (BS E9073) Conditions of test p n c Performance requirements Subgroup C1b Visual examination SHOCK Visual examination ACCELERATION

39、Visual examination (C1a and C1b combined) Initial measurements Capacitance CLIMATIC SEQUENCE CONSISTING OF DRY HEAT DAMP HEAT ACCELERATED COLD LOW AIR PRESSURE DAMP HEAT ACCELERATED D 4.4 4.14.2 4.14.3 4.14.4 4.14.5 4.14.6 BS2011-2.1Ea: Test Ea980m/s 2trapezoidal waveform6 ms duration2 shocks in eac

40、h sense axially2 shocks in one sense radially BS2011-2.1Ga: Test Ga,980m/s 2for30min equally divided between two senses axially and one sense radially. Rated voltage to be applied throughout the test Test Ba (Duration30min) Test D(1st cycle) Test Aa (Duration30min) Test M1kPa for30min rated voltage

41、applied throughout the test Test D (remaining cycles) 6 27 (see 6.2) 2 (As6.5) (As6.5) (As6.5) Recorded only Figures in parentheses relate to6.1 to6.6 of this detail specification, to which reference should be made. p is the periodicity (in months) n is the sample size c is the permissible defective

42、sBSCECC30201 001:1981 10 BSI 09-1999 Table 4 Test schedule Examination or test D/ND Reference (BS E9073) Conditions of test p n c Performance requirements Final measurements Visual examination Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Voltage proof Insulation resistance 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.7 T

43、est point C Test point C (As6.5) Change from the initial measurement shall not exceed8% As initial limit (Table 2B) As initial limit (Table 2B) No breakdown of flashover 100M7 min Subgroup C2 Initial measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Insulation resistance DAMP HEAT STEAD

44、Y STATE D 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.15 Test point C 56 days 6 9 (see 6.2) 1 Within the specified tolerance As Table 2B As Table 2B 100M7 min Final measurements Visual examination Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Insulation resistance 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 Test point C (As6.5) Change from initial

45、measurements shall not exceed3% As initial limit (Table 2B) As initial limit (Table 2B) 100M7 min Subgroup C3(i) Initial measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Insulation resistance ENDURANCE D 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.17 Test point C 2000h 3 24 (see 6.3) 1 Within the specified tole

46、rance As Table 2B As Table 2B 100 M7 min Figures in parentheses relate to6.1 to6.6 of this detail specification, to which reference should be made. p is the periodicity (in months) n is the sample size c is the permissible defectives.BSCECC30201 001:1981 BSI 09-1999 11 Table 4 Test schedule Examinat

47、ion or test D/ND Reference (BS E9073) Conditions of test p n c Performance requirements Subgroup C3(i) Final measurements Visual examination Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current Voltage proof Insulation resistance 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.7 4.7 Test point C Test point C (As6.5) Change from initial

48、 measurement shall not exceed10% As initial limit (see Table 2B) Shall not exceed125% of initial limit (see Table 2B) No breakdown or flashover 100 M7 min Subgroup C3(ii) Endurance continuation of subgroup C3(i) D 4.17 8000h (for information only) 12 24 (see 6.3) Subgroup C4 Characteristics at high

49、and low temperature See subgroup B2 6 9 1 Subgroup C5 Initial measurements Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current SURGE VOLTAGE Final measurements Visual examination Capacitance Tangent of loss angle Leakage current SOLDERABILITY (AFTER AGEING) D 4.4 4.5 4.3 4.18 4.4 4.5 4.3 130% of U Ror U C Test Ta (solder globule method) 12 6 (see 6.3) 1 Within the specified tolerance As Table 2B As Table 2B (see6.5) Change from initial measurements shall not exc

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