CAN CGSB-15 1-1992 Calcium Chloride.pdf

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1、CGSB CAN/CGSB- 15*1-72 * 3874650 0003574 533 NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA Calcium Chloride Canadian General Standards Board CAN/CGSB-l5.1-92 Supersedes 15-GP-1M CGSB .CAN/CGSB- 15-1-72 tt = 1874650 0001595 478 The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB), under whose auspices this standard has been de

2、veloped is a government agency within the Federal Department of Supply and Services. CGSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus process. The standards committees are composed of representatives

3、 of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societies, and research and testing organizations. Any given standard is developed on the consensus of views expressed by such representatives. T

4、he Ministers Advisory Council on CGSB reviews the results of the consensus process. CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-writing organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedur

5、es established for this purpose by the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as national standards, CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and nationa

6、l standards developed by CGSB are developed in conformance with the policies described in the Policy Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards by CGSB. CGSB standards are subject to review and revision at any time, so as to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. Sugge

7、stions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of standards. An up-todate listing of CGSB standards, including details on latest issu

8、es and amendments, and ordering instructions, will be found in the CGSB Catalogue, which is published annually and is available without charge upon request. Although the intended primary application of this standard is stated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility o

9、f the users of the standard to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. Many tests required by CGSB standards are inherently hazardous. CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. CGSB ta

10、kes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted with any item connected with this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights are entirely their own responsibility. Further information on CGSB and its servi

11、ces and standards may be obtained from: The Secretary Canadian General Standards Board Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6 The STANDARDS COUNCIL OF CANADA is the cil-ordinating body of the National Standards System, a federation of independent, autonomous organizations working towards the further development and

12、 improvement of voluntary standardization in the national interest. The principal objectives of the Council are to foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national economy, benefiting the health, safety and welfare of the public, assisting and protecting the consumer

13、, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering international co-operation in the field of standards. A National Standard of Canada is a standard which has been approved by the Standards Council of Canada and one which reflects a reasonable agreement among the views of ;i number of c

14、apable individuals whose collective interests provide, to the greatest practicable extent, a balance of representation of producers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, as may be appropriate to the subject in hand. It normally is a standard that is capable of making a significant an

15、d timely contribution to the national interest. Approval of a standard as a National Standard of Canada indicates that a standard conforms to the criteria and procedure:; established by the Standards Council of Canada. Approval does not refer to the technical content of the standard this remains the

16、 continuing responsibility of the accredited standards-writing organization. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use National Standards of Canada whenever practicable. These standards are subject to periodic review; therefore, users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition f

17、rom the organization preparing the standard. The responsibility for approving National Standard:; of Canada rests with the: Standards Council of Canada 45 OConnor Street suite 1200 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7 3ow to order -3 Publications: by Telephone - (819) 956-0425 or - (819) 956-0426 by Fax - (819)

18、956-5644 - CGSB, Sales Unit Ottawa, canada K1A 1% by Mail in Person - Place du Portage III, 9Cl 11 Laurier Street Huli, Quebec NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA CAN/CGSB-15.1-92 Supersedes 15-GP-1M September 1980 CALCIUM CHLORIDE Prepared by the Approved by the Canadian General Standards Board as a seques

19、trant in food, in electrolytic cells and for other technical uses. It may be used in antifreeze charges for water- type fire extinguishers. It should - not be used as an antifreeze material in the water-cooling system of internal combustion engines. The testing and evaluation of a product against th

20、is standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous. This document does not purport to address ail the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate healt

21、h and safety practices in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements prior to its use. 1 .2 2. APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS 2.1 The following publications are applicable to this standard: 2.1.1 Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) CAN/CGSB-8.1 - Sieves, Testing, Woven Wire, Inch

22、Series. 0 2*1*2 ASTM D 345 - Methods of Sampling and Testing Calcium Chloride for Roads and Structural Applications E 449 - Methods for Analysis of Calcium Chloride. Reference to the above publications is to the latest issues unless otherwise specified by the authority applying this standard. The so

23、urces of these publications are shown in the Notes section. 2.2 3. CLASSIFICATION 3.1 Calcium chloride shall be supplied in the following types, grades and classes, as specified (par. 8.1): 3.1.1 Types Type S - (Solid) Type L - (Liquid) 3.1.2 Grades and Classes for Type S Grade 1 - 77% minimum calci

24、um chloride concentration of either: Class A - Flake, or Class B - Granular Grade 2 - 90% minimum calcium chloride concentration of: Class A - Flake Class B - Pellet Class C - Granular, or Class D - Powder 1 CGSB CANICGSB- 35=3-92 * D 3874650 0003599 O13 3.1.3 4. 4.1 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 2 Gra

25、de 3 - 94% minimum calcium chloride concentration of Class A - Flake Class B - Pellet Class C - Granuler, or Class D - Powder. Classes for Type L (Note 1) Class 1 - Water solution Class 2 - Natural brine solution GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The calcium chloride shall be free from dirt and any other visible

26、 foreign matter. Calcium chloride in solid form shall not be caked or sticky in the containers. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS The calcium chloride shall comply with the following detailed requirements: Calcium chloride (CaC12) minimum, percentage by mass - When tested in accordance with ASTM E 449, sections

27、 8 to 16, the CaC12 content shall be within the expressed range or shall not be lower than the CaCh percntage expressed for the product, if only one value is expressed. Impurities content (not including water) - The maximum impurities content is calculated (par. 5.3) on the basis of anhydrous CaCi2

28、content for the specific assay: Maximum Test Method O/o by Mass ASTM Total alkali chlorides (as NaCI) 8.0 E 449, Total magnesium (as MgC12) 0.5 E 449, Other impurities (Note 2) I .o E 449 sections 17-26 sections 17-26 Calculations for Allowable Impurities If the product assay shows 90.5% mass or mor

29、e CaCh content, the impurities content in that product shall not exceed the limits shown in par. 5.2. If the product assay shows less than 90.5% mass CaCI2 content, calculate the maximum allowable impurities concentration in that product as follows: A=Al( -)=Al( B -) B loo-c 90.5 where: A = Impurity

30、 in assayed product, maximum percentage by mass allowable, A, = Impurity limit (on anhydrous CaC12 basis) for that particular impurity as specified in par. 5.2, B = CaCi2 content in assayed product, percentage by mass maximum percentage by mass, and C = Total of all impurities permitted in anhydrous

31、 product, percentage by mass (summation of maximum limits listed in par. 5.2. Note I: The coiiceiilrntioii of Type L (liquid) Class I or Class 2 calciuin chloride shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier. Note 2: Other iinpirrities cire those oti/oi41ids, oilier thtiii wciler, not

32、deterinine in lhe analysis of calcium chloride by ASTM E 449. CAN/CGSB-15.1-92 CGSB CAN/CGSB- 15-1-92 Xt 1874650 0001b00 665 5.3.3 5.4 Other impurities, percentage by mass = 100.0 - (% CaCh + % NaCI + % KCI + % MgCl2 + % HzO + % Ca(0H)z). Sieve Analysis - When tested in accordance with ASTM D 345, s

33、ection 4, Type S calcium chloride shall meet the requirements of Table 1. TABLE 1 Sieve Analysis Minimum Passing, Percentage by Mass I Sieve Size (Note 3) 3l.Smm (1-1/4 in) 9.5 mm (3B in) 4.75 mm (No. 4) 2.36 mm (No. 8) 1.18mm (No. 16) 850 pn (No. 20) 600 pm (No. JO) 3nde 1-7796 Min. CaCh I Gnde 240

34、% Min. CaCI2 Class A Rake Class B Class A Gnnular I Flake 0-80 80-100 Class B Pellets - 100 80-100 - - 0-10 0-S Note 3: These sieves are described in CAN/CGSB-8.1. 6. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY Class c Granular 100 - 0-5 - - - - Class D Powder Grade 3-9496 Min. CaCIi Pellets 0-10 Class C Granular Clas

35、s o Powder 6.1 Packaging -Unless otherwise specified (par. 8.1), calcium chloride in solid form shall be delivered in commercial moistureproof packaging. Labelling - In addition to complying with the requirements of relevant acts and regulations, the label on each individual container and each shipp

36、ing container shall provide the following cautionary information printed in bold- face type and securely affixed to the container. CALCIUM CHLORIDE 6.2 CAUTION: Avoid contact with eyes or skin. Avoid inhalation of dust. FIRST AID In the event of eye contact, immediately flush eyes and facial area wi

37、th large quantity of TREATMENT: water. Obtain medical attention as soon as possible. Calcium chloride is a very hygroscopic material and should always be stored in tightly closed moisture-proof containers in a dry location. Manufacturers or suppliers name Date packaged Type, grade and class Unit siz

38、e (mass or volume) Standard number: CANKGSB- 15.1-92 6.3 Other Information, Design and Symbols - Additional written information relating to the product and any graphic design or symbol may appear on the label provided it does not unreasonably detract from or obscure the required information. 7. INSP

39、ECTION 7.1 Sampling and Testing - Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with ASTM D 345. CANKGSB-15.1-92 3 CGSB CANICGSB- l5.l-92 * m LB74650 OOOlbOl 5Tl m 8. NOTES 8.1 Options - The following options must be specified in the application of this standard: a. Type, grade and class of calcium ch

40、loride (par. 3.1) b. Details of packaging, if other than as specified (par. 6.1). Related Specification - At the time of publication, the under-noted document was a related specification (but not necessarily equivalent). 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 Sources of Referenced Publications ASTM D 98 - Standard Specifica

41、tion for Calcium Chloride. 8.3.1 The publications referred to in par. 2.1.1 may be obtained from the Canadian General Standards Board, Sales Unit, Ottawa, Canada KIA 1G6. Telephone (819) 956-0425 or 956-0426. Fax (819) 956-5644. The publications referred to in par. 2.1.3 and 8.2.1 may be obtained from ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, U.S.A. or from the Standards Council of Canada, Standards Sales Branch, 45 OConnor Street, Suite 1200, Ottawa, Ontario KIP 6N7. 8.3.2 4 CANKGSB-15.1-92


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