CAN CGSB-4 2 NO 0-2001 Textile Test Methods Moisture Regain Values SI Units Used in CAN CGSB-4 2 and Fibre Yarn Fabric Garment and Carpet Properties.pdf

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1、 CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-2001 Supersedes CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88 Reaffirmed November 2013 National Standard of Canada ICS 59.080.01 Textile test methods Moisture regain values, SI units used in CAN/CGSB-4.2 and fibre, yarn, fabric, garment and carpet properties The CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD (CGSB),

2、 under whose auspices this standard has been developed, is a government agency within Public Works and Government Services Canada. CGSB is engaged in the production of voluntary standards in a wide range of subject areas through the media of standards committees and the consensus process. The standa

3、rds committees are composed of representatives of relevant interests including producers, consumers and other users, retailers, governments, educational institutions, technical, professional and trade societies, and research and testing organizations. Any given standard is developed on the consensus

4、 of views expressed by such representatives. CGSB has been accredited by the Standards Council of Canada as a national standards-development organization. The standards that it develops and offers as National Standards of Canada conform to the criteria and procedures established for this purpose by

5、the Standards Council of Canada. In addition to standards it publishes as National Standards of Canada, CGSB produces standards to meet particular needs, in response to requests from a variety of sources in both the public and private sectors. Both CGSB standards and CGSB national standards are deve

6、loped in conformance with the policies described in the CGSB Policy and Procedures Manual for the Development and Maintenance of Standards. CGSB standards are subject to review and revision to ensure that they keep abreast of technological progress. CGSB will initiate the review of this standard wit

7、hin five years of the date of publication. Suggestions for their improvement, which are always welcome, should be brought to the notice of the standards committees concerned. Changes to standards are issued either as separate amendment sheets or in new editions of standards. An up-to-date listing of

8、 CGSB standards, including details on latest issues and amendments, and ordering instructions, is found in the CGSB Catalogue at our Web site ongc-cgsb along with more information about CGSB products and services. Although the intended primary application of this standard is s

9、tated in its Scope, it is important to note that it remains the responsibility of the users of the standard to judge its suitability for their particular purpose. The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may require the use of materials and/or equipment that could be hazardous.

10、This document does not purport to address all the safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish appropriate health and safety practices in conjunction with any applicable regulatory requirements prior

11、 to its use. CGSB neither assumes nor accepts any responsibility for any injury or damage that may occur during or as the result of tests, wherever performed. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Canadian standard may be the subject of patent rights. CGSB shall not

12、 be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights is entirely their own responsibility. Further information on CGSB and its services and standards may be obtained from: The Man

13、ager Standards Division Canadian General Standards Board Gatineau, Canada K1A 1G6 The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is the coordinating body of the Canadian standardization network, which is composed of people and organizations involved in the development, promotion and implementation of standar

14、ds. Through the collaborative efforts of Canadian standardization network members, standardization is helping to advance the social and economic well-being of Canada and to safeguard the health and safety of Canadians. The networks efforts are overseen by SCC. The principal objectives of SCC are to

15、foster and promote voluntary standardization as a means of advancing the national economy, supporting sustainable development, benefiting the health, safety and welfare of workers and the public, assisting and protecting the consumer, facilitating domestic and international trade, and furthering int

16、ernational cooperation in relation to standardization. An important facet of the Canadian standards development system is the use of the following principles: consensus; equal access and effective participation by concerned interests; respect for diverse interests and identification of those who sho

17、uld be afforded access to provide the needed balance of interests; mechanism for dispute resolution; openness and transparency; open access by interested parties to the procedures guiding the standards development process; clarity with respect to the processes; and Canadian interest consideration as

18、 the initial basis for the development of standards. A National Standard of Canada (NSC) is a standard prepared or reviewed by an SCC-accredited SDO and approved by the SCC according to NSC approval requirements. Approval does not refer to the technical content of the standard, as this remains the r

19、esponsibility of the SDO. An NSC reflects a consensus of a number of capable individuals whose collective interests provide, to the greatest practicable extent, a balance of representation of general interests, producers, regulators, users (including consumers) and others with relevant interests, as

20、 may be appropriate to the subject at hand. NSCs are intended to make a significant and timely contribution to the Canadian interest. Those who have a need to apply standards are encouraged to use NSCs. These standards are subject to periodic review. Users of NSCs are cautioned to obtain the latest

21、edition from the SDO that publishes the standard. The responsibility for approving standards as NSCs rests with: Standards Council of Canada 270 Albert Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6N7, CANADA How to order Publications: by telephone 819-956-0425 or 1-800-665-2472 by fax 819-956-5740 by mail

22、 CGSB Sales Centre Gatineau, Canada K1A 1G6 in person Place du Portage Phase III, 6B1 11 Laurier Street Gatineau, Quebec by email on the Web NATIONAL STANDARD OF CANADA CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-2001 Supersedes CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88 Reaffirmed

23、 November 2013 Textile test methods Moisture regain values, SI units used in CAN/CGSB-4.2 and fibre, yarn, fabric, garment and carpet properties CETTE NORME NATIONALE DU CANADA EST DISPONIBLE EN VERSIONS FRANAISE ET ANGLAISE. Published May 2001 by the Canadian General Standards Board Gatineau, Canad

24、a K1A 1G6 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, the Minister responsible for the Canadian General Standards Board (2001). No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publishe

25、r. Prepared by the Canadian General Standards Board Approved by the CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-2001 CGSB 2013 All rights reserved CANADIAN GENERAL STANDARDS BOARD Committee on Textile Test Methods and Terminology (Voting membership at date of reaffirmation) General interest category Batcheller, J. Universit

26、y of Alberta Carrick, D. Consultant Davie, N. Consultant Liu, S. University of Manitoba Man, T.M. Consultant Tait, C. National Defence/DSSPM Producer category Adam, C. Tencate Protective Fabrics Canada Boivin, D. E.I. DuPont Co. Lawson, L. Davey Textile Solutions Leblanc, J.-M. Marv Holland Apparel

27、Ltd. Schumann, E. Lincoln Fabrics Ltd. Taylor, V. Invista (Canada) Co. Regulator category Andersson, C. Health Canada User category Bourget, S. National Defence/QETE DEntremont, E. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Izquierdo, V. Textile Technologies Centre Kohli, G. Sears Canada Inc. Larsen, A.-L. Exova

28、 Group Ltd. Litva, M. Canada Border Services Agency MacLeod, J. Public Works and Government Services Canada Tebbs, C. International Drycleaners Congress Secretary (non-voting) Grabowski, M. Canadian General Standards Board Acknowledgment is made for the translation of this National Standard of Canad

29、a by the Translation Bureau of Public Works and Government Services Canada. CGSB 2013 All rights reserved i CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-2001 Supersedes CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88 Reaffirmed November 2013 Preface to the National Standard of Canada This National Standard of Canada has been reaffirmed by the CGSB C

30、ommittee on Textile Test Methods and Terminology. It is published without editorial changes. Supersedes Table 1, CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88Reaffirmed1RYember 2013I Fibre I Regain Value, % I Acrylic Aramid for I Acetate I 6.5 I 1.5 a filtration fabrics and safety apparel reinforcement of rubber goods I p

31、lastic reinforcement I 3.5 I 4.5 7.0 Azlon Cotton 10.0 b I raw cotton I I natural cotton yarn dyed cotton yarn 7.0 8.0 I mercerized cotton yarn I 83 I Fluorofibre Glass I raw I 12.0d I 0.0 0.0 I linen I 8.75 I Jute Metallic Modacrylice 13.75d 0.0 I Hemp I 12.0d I class II class III 2.0 3.0 I class I

32、 I 0.4 I Olefin Polyester 0.0 0.4 I Nylon (polyamide) I 4.5 I raw scoured 7.6 7.8 I Ramie I I Rubber Saran 0.0 0.0 I Rayon (regenerated cellulose) I 11.0 I Spandex Triacetate (primary) 1.3 3.5 I Silk I 11.0 I 2 NO. 0-2001 Fibre Vinal Vinvon Wool (all forms) I 13.6, f Regain Value, % 4.5 0.0 a Aramid

33、 polymers are manufactured for specific but diverse end uses and have nominal regains that vary in the range 1.5 to 7.0%. The values listed in the table are the commercial regains of fibres currently produced. There is no commercial regain value for raw cotton in US. trade. The value specijed in Rul

34、e I5 of the Egyptian sales contracts and in Rule 105 of the Liverpool sales contract for Egyptian and Syrian cotton is 8.5. The value 8.5 is also used customarily for the cotton components of blends containing cotton in the process of pelforming quantitative analysis. Commercial Standard CS1 1-63, w

35、hich is issued by the National Bureau of Standards, recommends these values to be used for cotton yams by dyers and finishers. These values are the ofsicial commercial regains listed in British Standards Handbook II, Methods of Test for Textiles, Section I, 1963. Class III modacrylic fibres include

36、such fibres as Verel modacrylic fibre. Class II includes such fibres as SEF modacrylic fibre. Class I modacrylic fibres inclued all other modacrylic fibres. A moisture content of 12.0%, which is equal to the moisture regain of 13.6, has been recommended for all wool yarns in Practice 02118. However,

37、 certain other regain values are commonly used. Other values, which should perhaps be classified as commercial allowance values, are listed below for information only. Woolen yam 13.0 e Woolen hand knitting yarn . I I. 1 Worsted yam (dry spun) . 15.0 Worsted yam (oil spun) 13.0 For the commercial mo

38、isture contents of wools to which various spec commercial designations are applied, see Recommended Practice 02720. S NO. 0-2001 3 Supersedes Table 2, CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88Reaffirmed1RYember 2013Property to be Non-SI Measured Unit Conversion SI Factor Unit SI Symbol Air permeability Area Capacity D

39、ensity Fluidity Force Length Light: illuminance Mass Mass per unit area Pressure or stress (force per unit area) Temperature Time Velocity (speed) Volume Volume rate of flow Wavelength cubic foot of air per square foot of fabric per minute square inch square foot square yard gallon (Canadian) gallon

40、 (US.) fluid ounce pound per cubic foot pound per cubic inch reciprocal poise pound-force foot inch inch Yard foot candle lumen per square foot grain ounce (avoirdupois) pound (avoirdupois) ounce per square yard pound force per square inch (psi) degree Fahrenheit hour minute second foot per second i

41、nch per second cubic inch cubic foot cubic yard cubic inch per second cubic inch per minute cubic inch per second cubic inch per minute angstrom x 0.508 x 6.451 6 x 0.092 903 04 x 0.836 127 4 x 4.546 090 x 3.785 412 x 28.413 062 x 16.018 46 x 27.679 90 x 0.1 x 4.448 222 x 0.304 8 x 2.54 x 25.4 x 0.9

42、14 4 x 10.763 91 x 64.798 91 x 28.349 523 x 0.453 592 37 x 33.905 7 x 6.894 757 Celsius temperature OF-32 - - 1.8 x 0.304 8 x 0.025 4 x 16.387 064 x 28.316 85 x 0.764 555 x 16.387 1 x 0.273 117 7 x 28.316 85 x 0.471 947 4 x 0.1 cubic centimetre of air per square centimetre of fabric per second squar

43、e centimetre square metre square metre litre litre cubic centimetre kilogram per cubic metre gram per cubic centimetre reciprocal pascal second newton metre centimetre millimetre metre lux milligram gram kilogram gram per square metre kilopascal degree Celsius hour minute second metre per second met

44、re per second cubic centimetre cubic decimetre cubic metre cubic centimetre per second cubic centimetre per second cubic decimetre per second cubic decimetre per second nanometre cm3/cm2. s cm2 m2 m2 L (I L = 1 dm3) L cm3 kg/m3 g/cm3 (Pa s)-I N m cm mm m Ix OC h min S dS dS cm3 dm3 m3 cm3/s cm3/s dm3/s dm3/s nm 6 NO. 0-2001 Supersedes Table 3, CAN/CGSB-4.2 No. 0-M88Reaffirmed1RYember 2013Y X w O ZZ 2 x 9 ZE E O 0 a m X 9 9 CL Y Li -c .- Y E =f X 0- cc il XY M S 0 13 I- L vi .- 2 LiLiL a 0 a Y .- m - .- - cd O O a 2 NO. 0-2001

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