1、Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part11:Scene description and application engine AMENDMENT7:ExtendedCore2D profileAmendment 7:2012 (IDT) toNational Standard of CanadaCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07(ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005, IDT)NOT FOR RESALE.PUBLICATION NON DESTINE LA REVENTE.CSA Stan
2、dards Update ServiceAmendment 7:2012 toCAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07March 2012Title:Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part11:Scene description and application engine AMENDMENT7:ExtendedCore2D profilePagination:20 pages (iii preliminary and 17 text)To register for e-mail notificatio
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4、747-2233.Visit CSAs policy on privacy at csagroup.org/legal to find out how we protect your personal information.Reference numberISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E)ISO/IEC 2010INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC14496-11First edition2005-12-15AMENDMENT 72010-12-15Information technology Coding of audio-vis
5、ual objects Part 11: Scene description and application engineAMENDMENT 7: ExtendedCore2D profile Technologies de linformation Codage des objets audiovisuels Partie 11: Description de scne et moteur dapplication AMENDEMENT 7: Profil ExtendedCore2D ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) PDF disclaimer Th
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9、UMENT ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member
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11、/IEC 2010 All rights reserved iiiForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of Inter
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14、al committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is dra
15、wn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Amendment 7 to ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information tec
16、hnology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information. Amendment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 1Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 11: Scene description and appl
17、ication engine AMENDMENT 7: ExtendedCore2D profile In 7.2, add the following subclauses in node alphabetical order: 7.2.2.ZZ CacheTexture 7.2.2.ZZ.1 Node interface CacheTexture Field SFInt32 objectTypeIndication 0 Field SFString decoderSpecificInfo NULL Field SFString image NULL Field SFString cache
18、URL NULL Field MFURL cacheOD Field SFInt32 expirationDate 0 Field SFBool repeatS TRUE Field SFBool repeatT TRUE NOTE For the binary encoding of this node see node coding tables in electronic attachment. 7.2.2.ZZ.2 Functionality and semantics The CacheTexture allows carriage of visual data embedded i
19、nside the BIFS stream rather than using the OD framework. The objectTypeIndication field identifies the media type of the visual data. The compressed data is carried in the image field, as a single access unit. If a decoder configuration is needed, it may be carried in the decoderSpecificInfo field.
20、 The node can be used as a texture object in an Appearance node. The node can also be used in as a child node of a 2D or 3D container when it is only used for image caching. Additionally, the CacheTexture node allows for caching the embedded image by specifying a cacheURL name to be referred to by o
21、ther nodes in the scene, as well as an expirationDate indicating the time in seconds the terminal should keep the data in its cache. If expirationDate is 0, the data shall not be cached. If expirationDate is strictly negative, the data should be cached for as long as possible. In any case, whether t
22、he data is cached or not is implementation specific. The cacheOD field identifies an existing OD in the scene to be cached with the given cacheName and expirationDate. If cacheOD is set, image, decoderSpecificInfo and objectTypeIndication shall be ignored. Results are undefined if the OD indicated b
23、y the cacheOD is not a still image object such as JPEG or PNG. The scoping of the CacheTexture node shall be done at the service level (same broadcast channel or same service URL of the initial scene). Sub-scenes opened through inline nodes are part of the same caching scope as the parent scene. Ame
24、ndment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reservedExample of cache usage Shape appearance Appearance texture ImageTexture url “some_cache_url_name“ . CacheTexture objectTypeIndication 0x6D image . cacheURL “some_cache_url_name“ expirati
25、onDate 3600 /one hour caching 7.2.2.ZZ EnvironmentTest 7.2.2.ZZ.1 Node interface EnvironmentTest eventIn SFBool evaluate exposedField SFBool enabled TRUE exposedField SFInt32 parameter 0 exposedField SFString compareValue NULL exposedField SFBool evaluateOnChange TRUE eventOut SFBool valueLarger eve
26、ntOut SFBool valueEqual eventOut SFBool valueSmaller eventOut SFString parameterValue NOTE For the binary encoding of this node see node coding tables in electronic attachment. 7.2.2.ZZ.2 Functionality and semantics The EnvironmentTest node enables testing a parameter of the terminal environment, po
27、ssibly comparing their values with the compareValue. The evaluation of the parameter triggers different eventOuts depending on the type of the parameter: If the parameter type is Boolean, the evaluation triggers a valueEqual eventOut, and the compareValue field is ignored. If the parameter type is a
28、 number and the compareValue represents a number, the two values are compared and the following eventOuts are generated: o valueEqual if parameter and compareValue are equal o valueLarger if compareValue is strictly larger than parameter o valueSmaller if compareValue is strictly less then than para
29、meter The supported parameter types are defined in Table AMD7.1. In any case, the parameterValue eventOut is triggered after evaluation. If evaluateOnChange is set to FALSE, the node only evaluates upon receiving the evaluate eventIn; otherwise, the node evaluates on any change of parameter or compa
30、reValue. Amendment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 3The node evaluates and triggers events only when its enabled field is true. Table AMD7.1 Environmental parameters Value Definition Type 0 Display region Aspect Ratio (larger
31、dimension divided by smaller dimension, regardless of screen orientation) Float 1 Portrait mode of the display region (TRUE if width=0, position is field value, otherwise position is 0 break; case SFBool: /if field value is true, position is 1, otherwise position is 0 break; case SFFloat: /if field
32、value is =0, position is floor(field value) , otherwise position is 0 break; case SFTime: /if field value is =0, position is floor(field value) , otherwise position is 0 break; default: /other field types default to position = 0 break; else bit(2) replacementPosition; switch (replacementPosition) ca
33、se 0: / replacement at a specified position bit (16) idx; position = idx; break; case 2: / replacement at the beginning of the field break; case 3: / replacement at the end of the field break; Amendment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) 14 ISO/IEC 2010 All righ
34、ts reservedif (targetField.fieldType=MFNode) bit(1) childField; /if childField, replacement happens on the field of the child node at the given position in the MFNode if (childField) targetNode = getNodeFromMFField(targetField, position); int(targetNode.nINbits) inID; targetField = targetNode.field
35、targetNode.in2allinID ; else forceSF = true; bit(1) valueFromNode; if (valueFromNode) bit(BIFSConfiguration.nodeIDbits) sourceNodeID ; NodeData sourceNode = GetNodeFromID(sourceNodeID); int(sourceNode.nDEFbits) sourceID; FieldData sourceField = sourceNode.field sourceNode.def2allsourceID ; if (sourc
36、eField.fieldType != targetField.fieldType) return; /copy value from the source field else if (forceSF) SFField value(targetField); /use coded value else Field value(targetField); Semantics The ExtendedReplace command allows field replacement on a node with a coded value or a field value fro
37、m another node. The replacement can be done on an indexed value of an MFField, with an indexed value coded either in the bit stream or taken from another node field. If an indexed replacement on an MFNode field is performed, the ExtendedReplace command allows replacing the child node or only a field
38、 of the child node. Examples: The following command replaces a child in the children field of the node TR located at the index given in the whichChoice field of the node SW with a reference to the node LABEL: XREPLACE TR.childrenSW.whichChoice BY USE LABEL The following command replaces the “activat
39、e“ field of a child in the children field of the node TR located at the index given in the whichChoice field of the node SW with the Boolean value TRUE. XREPLACE TR.childrenSW.whichChoice.activate BY TRUE The following command replaces the “emissiveColor“ field of the LABEL node by the “emissiveColo
40、r“ field of the LABEL2 node: XREPLACE LABEL.emissiveColor BY LABEL2.emissiveColor 8.6.14 ReplaceFromExternalData Syntax class ReplaceFromExternalData () bit(BIFSConfiguration.nodeIDbits) nodeID; NodeData node = GetNodeFromID(nodeID); int(node.nINbits) inID; if (!isSF(node.fieldnode.in2allin
41、ID) Amendment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reserved 15bit(2) replacementPosition; switch (replacementPosition) case 0: / replacement at a specified position bit (16) position; break; case 2: / replacement at the beginning of the fie
42、ld break; case 3: / replacement at the end of the field break; SFString externalAddress; Semantics This command allows the modification of a value of a single or multiple field, from the evaluation of the string given in the externalAddress. If the target field is a multiple field, the repl
43、acement is done at the specified position in the field. 8.6.15 ReplaceToExternalData Syntax class ReplaceToExternalData () bit(BIFSConfiguration.nodeIDbits) nodeID; NodeData node = GetNodeFromID(nodeID); int(node.nDEFbits) defID; if (!isSF(node.fieldnode.def2alldefID) bit(2) replacementPosi
44、tion; switch (replacementPosition) case 0: / read data from the specified position bit (16) position; break; case 2: / read data from the first item of the field break; case 3: / read data from the last item of the field break; SFString externalAddress; Semantics This element allows the mod
45、ification of external data from a value of a single or multiple field. The external data is given by the external address. If the field is a multiple field, the data value is read from the specified position in the field. In, add the following case: case SFAttrRefType: SFAttrRef attrRefValu
46、e(field); break; In Table 86, add the following rows at the end of the table: 0bx101101 SFAttrRefType 0bx101110 MFAttrRefType Amendment 7:2012 to CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 14496-11-07ISO/IEC 14496-11:2005/Amd.7:2010(E) 16 ISO/IEC 2010 All rights reservedAdd the following new subclause: 8.7.60 SFAttrRef 8.7.60
47、.1 Syntax class SFAttrRef bit(BIFSConfiguration.nodeIDbits) nodeID; NodeData node = GetNodeFromID(nodeID); Int(node.nDEFbits) defID; Semantics The SFAttrRef iclass identifies a DEF codable field of a node in the scene. In, replace: An exception to the above rule for node/non-node
48、field conversion is for the node, where the buffer field, although a non-node field, is converted to an element so that it can contain one or more BIFS command elements in this XML representation. with: An exception to the above rule for node/non-node field conversion is for the node, where the buff
49、er field, although a non-node field, is converted to an element so that it can contain one or more BIFS command elements in this XML representation. Another exception is for the node, where the storageList field, although a non-node field, is converted to an element so that it contains one or more elements in this XML representation. In, add the following at the end of