CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf

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CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf_第1页
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CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf_第2页
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CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf_第3页
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CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf_第4页
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CEPT ERC DEC -1992 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the Frequency Bands to be Designated for the Coordinated Introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System.pdf_第5页
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1、EUROPEAN RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (ERC/DEC/(92)0 1) EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF POSTAZ, AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIONS Copyright 1993 t

2、he European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) STD-CEPT ERC/DEC/(92)01-ENGL 1972 I 2326434 0014477 T23 I, EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM 1. INTRODUCTION Aeronautical Public Correspondence (APC) is a public telecommunications service which enables passengers onboard aircraft t

3、o make telecommunications calls to people on the ground. The service can be provided by satellite or terrestrial based systems. Satellite systems can provide a wide area low capacity service and are ideal for use over oceans or in remote areas. Terrestrial systems have a more limited coverage but ca

4、n support the additional capacity required in high population density areas such as Europe. Provision of a terrestrial based system to service the increasing number of European airline passengers is considered an essential part of the development of the trans-European transport network. A standard f

5、or terrestrial APC, which in Europe is more generaily known as a Terrestrial plight Telecommunications System (TFS), is being produced by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Other standards associated with the introduction of TFS are being developed by the European Aeronautic

6、al Electronics Committee and the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee. The relatively large radio coverage area fim an aircraft at normal mishg altitudes and the trans-European nature of the service provided by TFS, makes it essential that TFTS operates on common fiequency bands and that these

7、are recognised within the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union o. Within Europe, it is the responsibility of the European Radiocommunications Committee (ERC) to designate fiequency bands and to seek international recognition of the use of these bands through the MW. 2. BACK

8、GROUND There is no in-flight public telecommunications facility for passengers on European aircraft routes at present, although INMARSAT offers a satellite based APC service on long haul and oceanic routes and some trials have been undertaken at HF. In the United States, a terrestrial APC system has

9、 been introduced within the 800-900 MHZ band demonstrating the feasibility of terrestrial based APC systems. However, in Europe, the 900 MHz band is used by land mobile and other systems, principally GSM. At the World Administrative Conference for the Mobile Services (WARC MOB-87), spectrum was desi

10、gnated for both satellite and terrestrial APC. However, limitations in the use of this spectrum, both in the bandwidth available and incompatibility with the existing services, prevented the introduction of operational systems. Recognishg the urgent requjrements for APC and the difficulties associat

11、ed with the spectrum allocated by WARC MOB-87, the European Radiocommmunications Committee undertook a study to identify suitable alternative spectrum as part of its preparations for the World Administrative Conference 1992 (WARC 92). In advance of the outcome of WARC 92, the ERC adopted Recommendat

12、ion T/R 42-01 E which designated the following fiequency bands for TFTS: to be made available for TPTS in a phased way (2 x 1 MHz in 1993,2 x 3 MHz in 1994 and the complete band in 1998) in accordance with market demands. This meets fully the traffic demands for TFS as estimated by ETSI up to the ye

13、ar 2005. 1670-1675 MHz for ground to air; 1800-1805 h4Hz for air to ground These fiequency bands were incorporated in the ERC European Common Proposal (no. 5) for WARC 92 and were adopted by the Conference as an additional Footnote in the Radio Regulations (No 740A), which provides a world-wide allo

14、cation for those administrations wishing to implement APC. I “SC STD.CEPT ERC/DEC/(Z)L-ENGL 1992 2326434 00344713 9bT lis In preparation for a planned date of introduction of beginning of 1993, several European Network Operators have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the introduction of TETS (

15、the TFTS MOU Group of Operators). In designating these bands for TFTS, the ERC recognises that emissions from aeronautical stations can be particularly serious sources of interference to services operating in the same bands or in adjacent bands, in particular the radioastronomy service. It will be n

16、ecessary to avoid such harmful interference by careful planning in the introduction of TFS siations and ensuring that the technical standards include the necessary technical measures. These matters are being dealt with by the ERC Frequency Management Working Group in cooperation with the TFTS MOU Gr

17、oup of Operators and ETSI. 3. REQUIREMENT FOR AN ERC DECISION The allocation of radio frequencies in CEPT Member countries is laid down by law, regulation or administrative action. The ERC recognises that for TPTS to be introduced successfully throughout Europe, manufacturers and operators must be g

18、iven the confidence to make the necessary investment in this new pan-European radiocommunications system and service. A commitment by CEPT Member countries to implement an ERC Decision will provide a clear indication that the required fiequency bands will be made available on time and on a Europe-wi

19、de basis. The Decision also provides for CEPT Member countries to intxoduce into their national regimes, the ETSI standard and the ERC mechanism for enabling fie Circulation. ERC Repofi 11: Sharing between Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (TFTS) and Radio Astronomy in the 1.6 GHz band ST

20、DmCEPT ERC/DEC/(92)0L-ENGL 1992 2326414 0014479 BTb IIJ ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (ERC/DEC/(92)01) The European Conference of Postal and TelecommuniCations Administratio

21、ns, considering a) that within Europe, there is an urgent requirement to introduce a terrestrial-based Aeronautical Public Correspondence (AFC) service, b) that the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) will produce, for final adoption in 1992, a standard for a terrestrial-based APC

22、 system, c) that this system wdl be known as the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System (TFTS), d) that several European Network Operators have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the introduction of TFTS with a planned date of introduction of beginning 1993, e) that several airlines, the

23、European Airlines Electronics Committee (EAEC), the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) and the Socit Internationale de Tl2)01 ERC Decision of 22 October 1992 on the frequency bands to be designated for the coordinated introduction of the Terrestrial Flight Telecommunications System Imp

24、1 Remarks Yes National frequency allocation table. Status: Ministerial order YeS Yes I YeS I Yes Planned National UN-45 and UN* CNAF YeS I YeS I YeS YeS YeS National footnote H96 of NTFA NTFA = National Table of Frequency Allocations, promulgated be the Government Decree No. 14.441 994. (Xi. 15.) Ko

25、rm. on the Establishment of the Natinal Table of Frequency Allocations Yes YeS Yes Yes YeS Yes Under study Verordnung ber Fernmeldedienste (FDV) Art. 3 (monopoly service); Frequency manual Switzerland This Decision is implemented by means of certain provisions made in amending the National table of freq allocations YB YeS YeS YeS YeS YeS YeS Planned YeS Verordnung ber Fernmeldedienste (FDV) Art. 3 (monopoly service); Frequency manual Switzerland Regulation on radio frequency bands in the Republic of Slovenia Installation of a system is pending in accordance with the new privatisation


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