1、STD-CEPT ERC REPORT 43-ENGL 1997 = 232b414 0015b13 bb2 m ERC REPORT 43 7 European Radiocommunications Committee (E?RC) within the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) APPLICATION FORM FOR VSATISNG SATELLITE EARTH STATION RADIO LICENCES Warsaw, April 19M STD.CEP
2、T ERC REPORT 43-ENGL 3797 232b414 0015b34 5T7 Copyright 1997 the European Conference of Postai and Telemmmunicati6ns Administrations (CEPT) ERC REPORT 43 Page 1 APPLICATION FORM FOR VSAT/SNG SATELLITE EARTH STATION RADIO LICENCES 1. INTRODUCTION There is a growing demand for operators of VSAT and SN
3、G services to be able to work in more than one country. Since licences are required in order to operate the equipment in each country, it is considered helpful to have a centrai point to quire infomution about the regulatory kamework in the different countries. A database is therefore maintained at
4、the European Telecommunications Office TO) containimg information about the terms and conditions of licences, licence fees, technical parameters of the services, information about applicable legislation and contact details within administrations. An WC Decision has been prepared to urge administrati
5、ons to provide and regularly update the necessary information. In order to complete the information and to facilitate application in the different countries, a standard application form has been created, which may be used to apply for VSAT or SNG satellite earth station radio licences in CJP adminis
6、trations. The application form is annexed to this report and shall be made available to users by administrations as well as by means of the ET0 database (Internet: wvw.eto.dk). ERC REPORT 43 Page 2 Telephone Application form for VSATISNG satellite earth station licences Tdda Eut Customer Information
7、 Degrees N/S Minutes Seconds I I i: Applicant and tonipmy registration nunbr Transmiiting Frequency/ Frquency band Postai address Lower limit: Upper limit: I Tdda I Tdephont Dah rale of Transmission Toid peak powei KbYS dbW Blmg address (idiffwent horn pial address) Reaiwng syslem noise temperahire
8、Ilkximum power density U dbwmz Nme d contad person tespomibie ia operalion) Postai adbess hformation regarding he service Type of Scmct (ag. dataniideo/audoheieone) Ode o( stat ad end olsccviec VSATISNG Earth station, (for Hub stationladdional statbn(s) copy thii sheet and complete this section acco
9、rdingly) Addrtu ofloealion I Receiving Frequency/ Frequency band Lower limit: I Upper limir Antenna dhde tom sea level m Maximim antenna gain (buismitter) dBi Antenna beamwidth DesignaiMn of emission Satellite Antmna dameler Polamalion m I Maimurn antenna gain (receiver) dBi Radsiion pallern ive reierence pattern a vide diagram) I Nme Location (rbiial long. I Deg east) I I I bem l I I and dde I ERC REPORT 43 Page 3 Nm (Block leta)