CEPT T GT 16-1988 Performance Specifications for Radiotelex Equipment Operating in the Maritime MF HF Mobile Service (ETS(C)).pdf

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1、CEPT T/GT*Lb*(88) 32 88 232b414 0005848 i EUROPEAN TELECOMMUNICATION STAWDARD Performance specifications for radiotelex equipment operating in the maritime MF/HF setrvice CEPT T/GT*Lb*(BB) 32 BB rn 2326434 0005849 9 Soare references in the draft standards suadtte to the third Technical Assembly refl

2、ect the fact that the terts were initially produced in CEPT study groups, For practical reasons it has not always been possible to re-edit the texts appropriately, but this will be done after the Technical Assembly has taken its decisions on the basic contents of the texts, The ETSI Secretariat will

3、 propose a numbering system for ETSI standards to the Technical Assembly. If this is adopted all 1- ETS and KTS approved will be given an ETSI standard number and references to the CEPT numbering system will be abandonned. CEPT T/GT*Lh*(88) 32 88 2326414 0005850 5 = Approved by TC RES (Doc. T/T16(88

4、)32) H-, Novaarbet 1988 Original Lenguage: English PnRFoRMWCE SPECIFICATIONS BOR RADIoTKLQt EQtJIP“T OPERATING ZN THE -TINE NF/HF LIoBIL8 SKRVICE (To be used in connection with CEPT Recommendation T/R-34-01: mended Annex XIV) CEPT T/GT*16*(88) 32 88 2326434 0005851 7 = Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION . 2 1-1

5、 Scope of specification 2 Chapter 2 GENERAL REQ3IREMENTS 4 2.1 Construction 4 2.2 Controls and Indicators . 6 2.3 Operational precautions . 6 2.4 Operational and maintenance instructions 7 2.5 Safety precautions 7 2.6 Warming-up period 8 2.7 Operational facilities 9 Chapter 3 TEST CONDITIONS . 10 3.

6、1 General 10 3.2 Test power supply source 10 3.3 Normal test conditions . 10 3.4 Extreme test conditions 11 3.5 Procedures of tests at extreme temperatures. . 12 3.6 Environmental tests 12 3.7 Standard test sials 13 3.8 Application of test signals for integrated equipment and separate transmitters/r

7、eceivers 15 3.9 Artificial ante.as 16 3.10 Connection of test signals for Radiotelex Modems . 17 Chapter 4 INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT - TRANSMITTING PART TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 19 4.1 General 19 4.2 Frequencies and classes of emission (IMO CM.30/WP 4) 19 4.3 RF output wer 21 4.4 RF output

8、power stabili. 21 4.5 Residual RF noise power at the receiver input 22 4.6 Antenna t.ing. 24 4.7 Protection of transmitters . 24 4.8 Continuous operation . 24 4.9 Unwanted emissions 25 4.4.0 Residual frequency modulation 26 4.11 Freguency error 27 4.12 Rise time . 28 4.13 Fa11 ti.e f9 CEPT T/GT*Lb*(

9、88) 32 88 2326434 0005852 9 Chapter 5 INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT . RECEIVING PART TECHNICAL AND OPBRATIONU REQUIREMENTS 30 5.1 Frequencies an classes of omission 30 5.2 Calling S0nsitivi. 31 5.3 Adjacent channel selectivi 32 5.4 Automatic gain control (AGC) or Limiter response . 33 5.5 Interference reject

10、ion and bIi-cking immunity . 34 5.6 Co-channel rejection . 35 5.7 Intermodulation IillII1unity . 36 5.8 Errors due to vibration 37 5.9 Protection of input circuits . 38 Chapter 6 RADIOTELEX MODEMS - MQDULATING PART TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 40 6.1 General 40 6.2 Output signals . 40 6.3

11、Binary Digital output 40 6.4 Audio output . 41 6.5 Activation of an associated transmitter 45 Chapter 7 RADIOTELEX MODEMS - DEMODULATING PART TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 46 7.1 Input signa1 . 46 7.2 Calling sensitivity 46 7.3 Dynamic r.ge 47 7.4 Activation or deactivation of an associated

12、 receiver . 48 Chapter 8 a RF TRANSMITTERS FOR USE IN COMBINATION WITH RADIOTELEX MODEMS TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUPRS 49 8.1 Frequencies and classes of .ission 49 8.3 RF output power stabill. 51 8.4 Residual RF noise output power . 52 8.5 Antenna tuning . 53 8.6 Protection of transmitters . 53

13、8.7 Continuous operati3n . 53 8.9 Residual frequency modulation 55 8.10 Frequency modulation due to vibration 8.li Frequency error 56 8.2 RF output power 50 8.8 Unwanted emissions . 54 55 8.12 Rise time 57 CEPT T/GT*Lb*(88) 32 8 2326434 0005853 O m 8.13 Fall time 56 8.14 Input elgnals 58 Chapter 9 R

14、F RECEIVERS FOR USE IN COMBINATION WITH RADIOTELEX MODEMS TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIRS 60 9.1 General 60 9.2 Frequencies and classes of emission 60 9.4 Frequency conversion . 61 9.5 Frequency modulation due to vibration . 61 9.6 Marimum usable sensitivi 62 9.7 Adjacent channel se lec ti vi. 63

15、9.8 Two-signal tests of selectivity 64 9.9 Intermodulation 67 9-10 Receivers line output . 68 9.11 AGC characteristics (Attack and decay times) . 69 9.12 Protection of input circuits . 70 9.13 Tuning error and tuning drift 70 9.14 Spurious response rejection 71 9.15 Operation of the receiver during

16、ARO operation 72 Chapter 10 STATION REQUIREMENTS 74 10.1 General 74 10.2 Maintenance of phasing . 74 10.3 Time-to-answer a call 75 10.4 Station delay tiIBe . 76 10.5 Scanning receivers . 76 Chapter 11 11.1 .netal 80 80 Chapter 12 8.1SInput 1evel.i 59 9.3 Method of tuning . 61 10.6 Station requiremen

17、ts . 78 INTERFERENCE 80 11.2 Conducted spurious emfz-ion into the mains . OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES.5 82 12.1 Objective 82 Transmitters 83 Fig . 1 . Limits for unwanted emission from Radiotelex Fig . 2 . Limits for spurious signal components from Fig . 3 . Maximm level of conducted spurious voltage int

18、o Radlotelex encoder 04 the mains 85 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 CEPT T/GT*Lb*(88) 32 8 2326414 0005854 2 Chapter 1 INTROIR?CTION Scope of specification This specification stater; the minimum performance requirements for Radiotelex equipment* for use on board ships. These requirements include the provisio

19、ns of the Radio Regulations und the performance standards for shipborne MF/HF radio installations for Narrow Band Direct Printing operating in the GMDSS, and Res. A569(14) as adopted by the IMO. Annex 6 of CEPT Recommendation T/R 34-01, CCIR Rec.625, 490, 491-1 and CCITT R8c.F 130 are regarded as 8

20、constituent part of this specification. Maritime Radiotelex equipment shall use the error- detecting and correcting system used for direct- printing telegraphy in the maritime mobile service 8s described in CCIR Rec.625. The equipment shall be able to operate in the Forward Error Correcting (FEC) an

21、d Automatic Repetition reQuest (ARO) modes in accordance with CCIR Rec.625. Maritime Radiotelex equipment may consist of integrated equipment or of a combination of a maritime mobile transmtter/receiver and external NBDP equipment. Where such a combination is used the requirements for integrated equ

22、ipment shall apply to that combination. If the eguipment, or parts of it, is designed in such a manner that it can also be used for other categories of rnarftime radio communication (8.g. rauiotelephony), the relevant parts of the equipment shall furthermore fulfil the requirements of the relevant a

23、nnexes of CEPT Rec. T/R 34-01 applicable for the service(s) in question. 3 CEPT T/GT*Lb*(88) 32 88 232b4L4 0005855 4 *) For the purpose of this mpacification Rad1otel.x aqulprnent is defined 8s diroct-printing Talogriph oquipi.nt Uqloying automatic identification and error corroction in the maritime

24、 mobile MF/HF radio servica. CEPT T/GT*lb*(BB) 32 88 E 2326414 0005856 6 Chapter 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Construction 2.1.1 In all respects the mecrianical and olectrical design and construction and also the finish of the equipment shall conform with good engineering practice, and the equipment s

25、hall be suitable for use on board ships at sea . 2.1.2 The number of operational controls, their design and manner of function, location, arrangement and size should provide for simple, quick and effective operation. The controls should be arranged in a manner as to minimize the chance of inadverten

26、t operation. Their number should be the minimum necessary for satisfactory operation. 2.1.3 All operationalcontrols should permit normal adjustments to be easily performed and should be easy to identify from the position at which the equipment is normally operated. Controls not required for normal o

27、peration should not be readily accessible. 2.1.4 The equipment should be so designed that the main units can be replaced readily, without elaborate recalibration or readjustment. 2.1.5 All controls, indicators, and terminals, shall be clearly labelled. A label showing the type designation un.;r whic

28、h the equipment io uubsaitted for type testing, shall be fitted to the equipment uo as to be clearly vdoible in the noriaal operating position. The serial number shall be permanently marked on each unit of the equipment or on a name plate permanently fastened to that unit. If the equipment consists

29、of more than one unit each unlt shall have a clear identity. CEPT T/GT*lb*(881 32 88 2326414 0005857 8 5 Details of the power,supply fram which the oqaipanent is intended to operate, shall also be clearly inbicatcd- 2.1.6 Equipment intended to be installed on the bridge shall be provided with adequa

30、te illuaiination to enable identification of contro2s and facilitate rtsabing of indicators at a11 times. Means shall be provided for dimming to extinct the output of any mmt light source . 2.1.3 The design of the equipment shall besuch that misuse of the controls shall not cause damage to the equip

31、ment or injury to personnel- 2.1.8 If an equipment is connected to one or more other equipments. the perfonnance of each shall be maintained. 2.1.9 Where a digital input panel with the digits “O“ to “9“ is provided, the digits shall, where practicable, be arranged to conform with CCITT Rec.$ 16l/Qll

32、. 2.1.10 For the purpose of maintenance, components shall be easily identifiable either by markings within the equipment, or with the aid of the technical description. 2.1.11 For type-testing purposes, a coaipr8hensive technical description shall be provided with the equipment, 2.1.12 Where external

33、 terminals can k used to operate the Radiotelex equiparent. the equipmmt shall k provided ult it least a standard interface in confocrity with CCITT Rec. V.10 or Rec, V-28 and/or bo capable to operate a teleprinter in a 60 v/30 RR loop. 2-1-13 Where dore than one keyboard/printer combination can be

34、used, one shall have priority over +he others. At each operating position, M indication shall be available to indicate that another operating position is in use. CEPT T/GT*Lb*(BBI 32 88 232b4L4 0005858 T 6 2.1.10 fncoiaing c8lls shall havo priority over tho local use of tho talap+intor;uad/or hp18y

35、unit- 2.1.15 Associ8tad teleprinters or display units shall display 69 characters par line. 2-1-16 The self-identification GAta of tha Radiotelex equipment shall ba in conforty with CCIR Rec.625 and shall be peraianently stored in the equipment. It shall not be possible for the user to change Mis da

36、ta. 2.2 Controls and Indicatollai 2.2.1 Visual indicators shall be available to indicate that: - the supply voltage is connected (ON) - the teminal is ready for operation (STAND BY) - a call is detected (CALLED) - the transmitter has been inhibited frau operation when a continuous B (SPACE) or Y (MA

37、RIC) signal is generated. the antenna. Failure of the indicating circuit shall not interrupt the antenna circuit. - that the transmitter is delivering RF output power to 2.2.2 For integrated equipaient, indication shall be given for failure to activate the associated transmitter. 2.2.3 An equipment

38、on/off mltch shall be provided, 2.3 2.3.1 All adjustments and control-settings necessary to use the equipment n distress rrlated traffic shall be readily accessible. 2.3.2 The ships identity and iiifomation inherent to the radiotelex procese shall be stored In non-volatile memory devices (i-e. not b

39、acked-up by primary or secondary power sources). CEPT T/GT*Lb*(88) 32 88 m 232b4L4 0005859 II m 2.3.3 2.3-4 2.3.5 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 The information in volatil. aunory devices shall be protectod mgitting frequency shall be clearly identifisble on the control panel of the equipment

40、 . CEPT 4.2.4 4-2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.8 4.2.9 4.2.10 The transmittar .hall ( froquancy iobulation 2326434 0005872 4 W ao u80 the class of +nii8sion FlB wikh digital infomation, without 8 8ub-carrier for automatic roceptosi) or 328 (.ingle iide band with digital infomtian, with the use of a modulating

41、sub carrier, with tho carrier 8uppressed to at least 40 dB below peak envelope power). When switching to the assigned frequencies (centre of the F1B spectrum) for Radiotelex as specified in 4.2.2 above, the class of dssion F1B or J2B shall be automatically selected. Independent selection of the tran

42、smitters and receivers frequency shall be possible. It shall be possible to change the transmitter from operation on any frequency to operation on any other frequency as quickly as possible, but in any event within a period not exceeding 15 seconds. For transmitters operating in the frequency band 4

43、15 - 526.5 kiiz, this period shall not exceed 25 seconds, The frequency shift shall be 170 Ht. The higher of the emitted frequencies shall correspond to the signal, and the lower of the emitted frequencies shall correspond to the “Ya (MARK) signal. (SPACE) The equipment shall be provided with a devi

44、ce to inhibit the transmission autanatically within a period of 1 minute, when a continuous Va or “Y“ signal is being generated. For type approval tests and maintenance purposes, the equipment shall have facilities not accessible to the operatior to: - disengage the device of para 4.2.9 - generate a

45、 continuous “E“ or signal. CEPT T/GT*lb*(BB) 32 88 = 2326434 0005873 b 4.3 RF output pow er 41.3.1 Definition The RF output power is the mean power delivered by the transmitter to the artificial antenna, measured during the period in which a spcific test signal is supplied to the input of the transm

46、itter. 4.3.2 Method of measuremsnt The equipment shall transmit, in the FEC mode of operation, the standard test signal 2 of para 3.7.2. The transmitter shall be connected to the artificial antenna as specified in para 3.9.1. The measurements shall be carried out under normal and extreme test condit

47、ions (paras 3.4.1 and 3.5.2 applied simultaneously) . 4.3.3 Limits In the frequency band 415 to 526.5 kHz, the RF output power shall be at least 60 W. In the frequency band 1.6 to 4 MHz, the RF output power shall be at least 60 W and shall not exceed 400 W. In the frequency band 4 to 28 MHt, the RF

48、output power shall be at least 60 W and shall not exceed 1500 W. 4.4.1 Definition The RF output power stability is a function of the variation in the RF output power of the transmitter withln a specified period of time in which *e information block or control ipignal irr transmitted. CEPT T/GT*lb*(8

49、8) 32 88 = 2326434 0005874 8 = 22 4.4.2 Method of meitureman In the ARQ mode of operation, the aquipment nhall be net up as information 88ndingmtation (ISS) using ptandard test signai 3. The transmitter shall be connected to the artificial antonna a8 specified in para 3.9.1. The RF output power shall be measured at the output of the transmitter within the duration of one information block. The measurements shall be carried out under normal and extreme test conditions (paras 3.4.1 and 3.5.2 applied simultaneously) . 4.4.3 Limits The variation of the RF output power dur

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