CEPT T R 52-02 E-1994 Introduction of Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-Dab)(Bonn 1993 Revised in Montreux 1993 and Nicosia 1994)《采用地面数字音频广播(T-Dab)(1993年波恩 1993年蒙特勒和1994年尼科.pdf

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CEPT T R 52-02 E-1994 Introduction of Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-Dab)(Bonn 1993 Revised in Montreux 1993 and Nicosia 1994)《采用地面数字音频广播(T-Dab)(1993年波恩 1993年蒙特勒和1994年尼科.pdf_第1页
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1、(3 T/R52-02E Page 1 Recommendation T/R 5242 (Bonn 1993, revised in Montreux 1993 and Nicosia 1994) INTRODUCTION OF TERRESTRIAL DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCASTING (T-DAB) Recommendation proposed by the Working Group “Frequency Management“ 0 Text of the Recommendation adopted by the “European Radiocommunicati

2、ons Committee“ (ERC). “The European Conference of Postai and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), considering that development work is being finalised by EUREKA 147; that the intention is to introduce T-DAB in CEPT member countries from 1995; that the band 87.5 - 108 MHi is currently extensive

3、ly used for FM broadcasting; that an interim frequency band will be necessary for the introduction of the T-DAB; that there are different channel plans and Merent services in the VHF bands and in the 1500 MHz band in CEPT member countries; that a long period of simulcasting will be necessary until T

4、-DAB receivers achieve sufficient market penetration; that WARC-92 has adopted Res. 528 (WARC-92) for the introduction of complementary terrestrial services in the band 1452 - 1492 MHi; that in some CEPT member countries the frequency band 1452 - 1492 MHz is allocated to the broadcasting satellite s

5、ervice and broadcasting service on a secondary basis until 2007. recommends that the band 87.5 - 108 MHz will be the future home for T-DAB; that according to the national use and requirement all or part of the frequency bands 47-68, 174-222, 222-230, 230-240 MHz and 1452-1492 MHz taking into account

6、 Res. 528 (WARC-92) may be used on an interim basis for the introduction of T-DAB in CEPT member countries; that the band 104 - 108 MHz may also be used on an interim basis subject to coordination with existing services within the same and in adjacent bands, but such an introduction must not prejudi

7、ce the future replanning of the frequency band 87.5 - 108 MHz for T-DAB in the CEPT member countries; that the tuning range of the receiver shall cover the frequency bands mentioned in Recommends 1 and 2; that due account should be taken of existing services in the above bands when introducing T-DAB

8、; that sharing and coordination criteria in Annex 1 * be applied; that a meeting to plan for the introduction of T-DAB in CEPT member countries into the bands mentioned in Recommends 2 be convened in the first half 1995.“ * Annex 1 to be developed and should be available at the beginning of 1995 at the latest. Edition of August 26, 1994

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