CEPT T R 70-01 E-1972 Possible Reduction in Certain Types of Mutual Interference between the Broadcasting Service and the Mobile Service《尽可能减少在广播业务和移动业务之间相互干扰的某些类型》.pdf

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CEPT T R 70-01 E-1972 Possible Reduction in Certain Types of Mutual Interference between the Broadcasting Service and the Mobile Service《尽可能减少在广播业务和移动业务之间相互干扰的某些类型》.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T R 70-01 E-1972 Possible Reduction in Certain Types of Mutual Interference between the Broadcasting Service and the Mobile Service《尽可能减少在广播业务和移动业务之间相互干扰的某些类型》.pdf_第2页
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1、G9 70-01 Page E 1 Recommendation T/R 70-01 (The Hague 1972) POSSIBLE REDUCTION IN CERTAIN TYPES OF MUTUAL INTERFERENCE BETWEEN THE BROADCASTING SERVICE AND THE MOBILE SERVICE Recommendation proposed by the “Radiocommunications” Working Group T/WG 3 (R) Text of the Recommendation adopted by the “Tele

2、commimications” Comntission: “The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, corisidering (a) that the number of stations in the land mobile service is growing continually and that even faster expansion may be expected in the fiiture, (b) that when the 1961 STOCKHOLM broad

3、casting plans were drawn up insufficient consideration was given to potential mutual interference between the broadcasting service and the mobile service in the adjoining edges of the bands allocated to each of the two services, - out-of-band emissions from high power broadcasting transmitters which

4、 cannot be totally suppressed; - inadequate selectivity of broadcasting receivers, (c) that harmful interference has in fact been recorded, mainly as a result of (d) that, under these conditions, the development of the mobile service in certain regions is restricted, recommends 1. that Administratio

5、ns take particular note of mobile services operating in frequency bands immediately adjoining broadcasting frequency bands and in particular that out-of-band emissions from broadcasting transmitters should be sufficiently reduced (see RR No. 343), 2. that, when drawing up broadcasting plans, Adminis

6、trations take particular note of point 1 above and, where necessary, ensure that broadcasting channels towards the outer edges of the bands are kept a suitable distance from the outer band edges, 3. that the selectivity of broadcasting receivers should be improved as far as possible, particularly as

7、 regards band edge channels; it would be useful to produce an international specification for the selectivity of these receivers, 4. that, in the current situation, the transmitters used for the mobile service should be as Iow powered as is practicable, where mobile service transmitters and broadcas

8、ting transmitters have to use adjacent frequency bands for coverage of overlapping zones.” Edition of September 15, 1988 232b4L4 0007385 3 Recommandation T/R 70-01 (adopte en 1972) / Recommendation T/R 70-01 (adopted in 1972) Information de la suite donne / Information regarding implementation a = L

9、a Recommandation est applique. 1 The Recommendation has been implemented. b = Lapplication de la Recommandation est prvue. / Implementation of the Recommendation is planned. c = Lapplication de la Recommandation nest pas prvue. / Implementation of the Recommendation is not planned. No No. I 1 2 3 4

10、5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Pays Countries L Allemagiie (Rp. fd. cl)/ Gerriiaiy (Fed. Rep. of) Arrtriche I Airstria Belgique Belgiimi Chypre 1 Cyprin Darier?iarlc 1 Deiitiinrk Espagne I Spaiti Fitilaiide 1 Firilotid France Grce 1 Greece Irlande 1 Ireland Islaride 1 I

11、celand Italie 1 Itah Liechtenstein Liixetiibotirg Malte Malta M oriaco Norvge I Norivay Pays-Bas I Netherlands Portirgnl Royaiitiie- Uni I United Kiiigdom Saint-Mariri I San Maririo Sude I Swedeit Suisse / Sicitzerland Tiirqiiie 1 Tirslcey Vaticaii (Cit) 1 (City) Yoiigoslavie I Yugoslavia Infor- mat

12、ion 3 b b a a a b b b a a b a Remarques I Remarks A ) La question est encore ltude. Dans la mesure du possible. / The issue is still under review. As far as possible. Lapplication du point 2 de la Recommandation nest pas prvue. / Implemen- tation of point 2 is not planned. I Edition du 15 septembre 1988 / Edition of September 15, 1988


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