CEPT T SF 48E-1987 Procedures for Issue and Use of Certificates of Conformity to Standards for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment《签发和使用电信终端设备达标证明的程序》.pdf

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CEPT T SF 48E-1987 Procedures for Issue and Use of Certificates of Conformity to Standards for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment《签发和使用电信终端设备达标证明的程序》.pdf_第1页
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CEPT T SF 48E-1987 Procedures for Issue and Use of Certificates of Conformity to Standards for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment《签发和使用电信终端设备达标证明的程序》.pdf_第2页
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CEPT T SF 48E-1987 Procedures for Issue and Use of Certificates of Conformity to Standards for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment《签发和使用电信终端设备达标证明的程序》.pdf_第3页
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1、TISF 48 E Page 1 Recommendation T/SF 48 (by correspondence, July 1987) PROCEDURES FOR ISSUE AND USE OF CERTIFICATES OF CONFORMITY TO STANDARDS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL EQUIPMENT Recommendation proposed by Working Group T/WG 7 “Services and facilities” (SF) Text of the Recornmeridation adopted

2、 by “Telecommimications” Commission: “The European Conference of Posts and Telecommunications Administrations, considering - the CEPT Memorandum of Understanding on European Telecommunication Standards (Normes Europennes de Tlcommunications, NETs) for terminal equipment hereafter called the “MOU” i,

3、 and the EEC Council Directive (86/361/EEC) on the initial stage of the mutual recognition of type approval for telecommunications terminal equipment, hereafter called the “Directive” 2, - the need to implement the mutual recognition of the results of tests of conformity with NETs, - the necessity o

4、f establishing agreed procedures for CEPT Members for certification of conformity to standards for telecommunications terminal equipment, recognizing - Recommendation T/G 01-01 “Criteria for the accreditation of testing laboratories for telecommunications terminal equipment” hereafter called the “Re

5、commendation T/G 01-01” 3, “Formal approval procedures for privately supplied terminal equipment for connection to public telecommunica- tions networks and/or access to public services” hereafter called the “Recommendation T/SF 47” 4, - that Recommendation T/SF 47 allows additional assessments of eq

6、uipment involving the testing and certifcation of conformity to technical requirements which are not mandatory for type approval purposes, recommends the application of the following procedures for issue and use of certificates of conformity to standards for telecommu- nications terminal equipment.”

7、 - Recommendation T/SF 47 Edition of December 15, 1987 T/SF 48 E Page 2 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 4. 4.1. 4.2. CEPT T/SF*48E 87 W 2326434 0009422 4 W SCOPE In order to implement the mutual recognition of the results of tests of conformity with NETs, this Recommendation se

8、ts out requirements for the issuing and use of certificates of conformity to standards for telecommunications terminal equipment. The primary area of application is telecommunications terminal equipment covered by NETs. This Recommendation is also suitable for use with technical specifications other

9、 than NETs. It may be used by CEPT Members for bilateral or other arrangements. DEFINITIONS Relevant definitions contained in the CEPT Recommendation T/G 01-01 will apply. In addition the following definitions are applicable: Certificate of conformity: a certificate, issued in accordance with this R

10、ecommendation, which indicates that a telecommunications terminal equipment has been tested by an approved testing laboratory, using appropriate test methods, and is in conformity with defined standards, such as NETs, or parts thereof. Certifying body: a body which determines whether a test report f

11、rom an approved testing laboratory shows that a telecommunications terminal equipment has been tested using appropriate test methods and is in conformity with defined standards, If so, the body issues a certificate of conformity. Note. This body may be the appropriate national authority, or the nati

12、onal Approval Authority, or a body recognized by the Approval Authority such as an independent body or the approved testing laboratory which conducted the tests. MECHANISM OF CERTIFICATION A certificate of conformity shall be issued by a certifying body when requested on the basis of a test report f

13、rom an approved testing laboratory in its country. The test report shall be in accordance with Recom- mendation T/G 01-01 and shall show that the telecommunications terminal equipment has been tested using appropriate test methods and is in conformity with relevant NETs or defined standards. Any cos

14、ts incurred by the certifying body may be recovered by charges levied. The certifying body is the owner of the certificate. The applicant shall be the holder of the certificate, and may use the certificate in a request for type approval or for other purposes. Subject to provisions elsewhere in this

15、Recommendation, the certificate may be held by the applicant for an unlimited period. However, it is not valid for type approval applications after 10 years. Any changes or modifications to a terminal of a given type affecting its precise identification or the conformity with the specifications shal

16、l result in assessment by the original laboratory as to whether retesting and consequent new certification is required. The result of this assessment shall be presented to the certifying body. Note. See also the provisions in paragraph 6.3. MANAGEMENT OF CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES The CEPT Member appl

17、ying this Recommendation is responsible for ensuring that adequate arrangements exist in his country for implementing these procedures and for publicising these arrangements. The CEPT Members responsibility includes the functions listed below. It shall be stressed that these are only functions and t

18、hat the form of implementation of them is a national matter. Any costs from obligations defined below may be recovered by charges levied. Several functions may be allocated to the same body or group of bodies. The functions are: Edition of December 15, 1987 CEPT T/SF*LiBE 87 m 2326434 0009423 b m 4.

19、3. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. T/SF 48 E Page 3 (a) identification of its nationally approved laboratories and the field(s) in which they are accredited for (b) identification of its nationally authorized certifying bodies; (c) provision of its national information on approved laboratories and certifying bodi

20、es to all CEPT Members and the Permanent Secretariat of CCH. Any changes on the national level shall be reported preferably in advance but no later than one month after the changes have occurred; conducting tests of conformity. Where NETs are involved identification is per NET; (d) provision on requ

21、est to the public of information on above-mentioned approved laboratories and certifying bodies. Both the relevant national information as well as information concerning other CEPT Members countries shall be available; (e) provision on request to the public of an updated list of NETs and possibly a

22、list of standards applicable for additional assessments; (f) to make sure that each certifying body maintains and makes available on request to the public an updated list of all certificates it has issued. For each certificate the list should include at least the items (a), (b), (f) and (g) mentione

23、d in Section 5.1.; Note. If requested by an applicant to treat the certification in confidence, the certifying body shall include only items (a) and (b) in the list pending a type approval of the equipment. (g) to make sure that each certifying body keeps a reproducable copy of all the certificates

24、it has issued. Note. The keeping of copies of Test Reports is under the responsibility of the testing laboratory in accordance with Recommendation T/G 01-01. The Permanent Secretariat of CCH, on behalf of CEPT, shall create and keep an updated list of all national information on approved laboratorie

25、s and certifying bodies. This information should be contained in the CCH Yearbook 5. INFORMATION CONTENT OF THE CERTIFICATE AND ITS ANNEX The certificate of conformity shall include the following items in sequence: (a) unique number of the certificate and possible annex; (b) identification of the ce

26、rtifying body issuing the certificate; (c) identification of the holder; (d) identification of the approved laboratory and possible subcontractor(s) which have performed the (e) date and identification number of test report; (f) the precise identification of the terminal equipment on which tests wer

27、e made (including where possible the name of the manufacturer); (g) the precise identification of the specifications or part(s) thereof which the equipment has been success- fully tested against for conformity, and a statement that the equipment fulfls the requirements or part(s) thereof in the spec

28、ifications; (h) indication if there is an annex with comments on the test report to be taken into account for use of the certificate ; (i) a statement that the certificate is issued according to the procedures in this Recommendation; J) date of issue of the certificate and the signature and communic

29、ation reference indicating the authorized person(s) responsible for the certificate of conformity. test(s); Attention shall be drawn, in an annex to the certificate, to any irregularities of conformity to specications noted in the test report together with their report references and precise justifi

30、cation shall be given of the decision to grant the certificate. Such a case may occur if the tests performed by the laboratory do not cover all the properties or characteristics of the test item, or if the laboratory is of the opinion that the tests ordered by the client may give irrelevant or inade

31、quate results which may be misleading. The certificate and its annex will normally be in the language(s) of the country where the certificate has been issued. On request the certifying body must be able to produce translations of the certificate of conformity and its annex into English and French. E

32、dition of December 15, 1987 CEPT T/SF*4BE 87 E 2326414 0009424 A i T/SF 48 E Page 4 6. USE OF A CEPT CERTIFICATE AND ITS ANNEX 6.1. The holder of a certificate of conformity may submit it to an Approval Authority as part of a request for type approval. For this purpose the certificate shall be accom

33、panied by the supporting Test Report. Note. The recognition by an Approval Authority of a certificate based on a NET later revised or suppressed is no longer an obligation. 6.2. Where the equipment conforms to NETs, the certificate of conformity will be recognized by signatories of the MOU, so that

34、the equipment will not be subjected again to tests which it has already passed. 6.3. If an applicant for a certificate proves that a type of terminal equipment is identical in all respects except the name with one which has already been tested, and presents the original test report, that type will n

35、ot require to be tested a second time. Approval Authorities and certifying bodies will cooperate with each other to inform the issuer of the certificate of any misuse of the certificate by the holder. The issuing body will take suitable action, which may include withdrawal of the certificate. Inform

36、ation on actions taken shall be given to all Approval Authorities in CEPT Members countries. 6.4. 7. SUSPENSION OF THE RECOGNITION AND WITHDRAWAL OF A CERTIFICATE 7.1. An Approval Authority, in considering a request for type approval of equipment conforming to NETs, may be unable to accept the certi

37、ficate of conformity if it discovers: (a) shortcomings regarding the application of the NET; (b) that the NET fails to meet the essential requirements which it is supposed to cover. In this event, the Approval Authority must ensure that its CEPT Member is immediately informed of the situation. 7.2.

38、If the reasons of 7.1. (a) apply, the CEPT Member of the country where the certificate is challenged will endeavour to resolve the shortcomings bilaterally with the CEPT Member of the country where the certificate was issued. If rapid resolution is not possible, the CEPT Member of the country where

39、the certificate is challenged may suspend recognition of the certificate, and shall in this event immediately inform all CEPT Members which are signatories of the MOU, stating the reasons for its decision. Note. Certain Administrations may have additional obligations under Article 8 of the Directive

40、. If the provisions of Article 8 of the Directive do not apply to the CEPT Members involved in the dispute and no agreement is reached within four weeks, these CEPT Members shall seek an opinion from a laboratory accredited in accordance with Recommendation T/G 01-01 , which is based outside the cou

41、ntries of the CEPT Members concerned. If the CEPT Members cannot agree on a laboratory, the laboratory may be chosen by the Chairman of TRAC, or by the Vice-chairman if the Chairmans Administration is one of the parties involved in the dispute. The opinion of the laboratory shall be communicated to

42、all CEPT Members which are signatories of the MOU, and which may submit their comments to TRAC within one month. After taking note of any such comments, TRAC will formulate any necessary recommendations relating to suspension of the recognition and withdrawal of the certificate. Any costs incurred b

43、y the laboratory may be recovered from the CEPT Member which suspended recognition of the certificate if that suspension is not upheld, or from the CEPT Member of the country in which the certificate was issued, if the suspension is upheld. If the reasons of 7.1. (b) apply, the CEPT Member of the co

44、untry where the certificate is challenged will refer the defect in the NET to TRAC for urgent consideration under Article 5 of the MOU. Note. Certain Administrations may have additional obligations under Article 8 of the Directive. If an Approval Authority considers that terminal equipment which has

45、 already been approved on the basis of a certificate of conformity to a NET should have the approval revoked because: (a) the equipment is found not to meet the requirements of that NET, or (b) the NET fails to meet the essential requirements which it is supposed to cover, then the Approval Authorit

46、y shall immediately inform its CEPT Member which shall apply the procedure of 7.2. or 7.3. as appropriate. 7.3. 7.4. Edition of December 15, 1987 TISF 48 E Page 5 I LIST OF REFERENCES i CEPT MOU (MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING) on European Telecommunication Standards (Normes Europennes de Tlcommunicati

47、ons, NETS) for terminal equipment, Copenhagen, 15 November 1985. 2 Council Directive (86/361/EEC) of 24 July 1986 on the initial stage of the mutual recognition of type approval for telecommunications terminal equipment. 3 CEPT Recommendation T/G 01-01. “Criteria for accreditation of testing laborat

48、ories for telecommunications terminal equipment” (yet to be adopted). 4 CEPT Recommendation T/SF 47. “Formal approval procedures for privately supplied terminal equipment for connection to public telecommunications networks and/or access to public services”. 5 CEPT T/CCH. “Yearbook on approval information for telecommunications terminal equipment”. Edition of December 15, 1987


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