CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf

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CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf_第1页
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CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf_第2页
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CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf_第3页
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CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf_第4页
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CIE 102-1993 Recommended File Format for Electronic Transfer of Luminaire Photometric Data (1st Edition) (E)《灯具光度数据电汇用建议文件格式 (第1版)(E)》.pdf_第5页
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2、3 UDC: 628.931 Descnptor: Artificial lighting calculations 628.981 Evaluation of lighting systems 681.3 Data processing COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE LO 73 m OOLL 0004733 283 m Publ. CIE 102 This Technical Report has been prepared by

3、CIE Technical Committee 4-16 of Division 4 Lighting and Signalling for Transport and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light a

4、nd lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Ce r

5、apport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 4-16 de la Division 4 Eclairage et signalisation pour les transports et a t approuv par le Bureau dAdministration de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de Iexpne

6、nce dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non obligatoire. Pour connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendu

7、s de la CIE ou le CIE NEWS. Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 4-16 der Division 4 Beleuchtung und Signale fr den Verkehr ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens u

8、nd Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Vetwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsbekhte oder das CIE NEWS sollten i

9、m Hinblick auf mgliche sptere Anderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganism

10、e ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Ers

11、tellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. 0 CIE 1993 II COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services - CIE LO2 93 9006145 0004734 LLT Publ. CIE 102 - 1993 FOREWORD The f

12、ollowing members of TC4-16 “The transfer of photometric data for exterior lighting“ took part in the preparation of this report. The committee comes under CIE Division 4, Lighting and Transport with an invited member from Division 3. The report has been approved by CIE Divisions 3, 4 and 5. The memb

13、ers of this cornmittee were: Members A. AUGDAL P. BLASER W. EGGER (Div. 3) W. KEBSCHULL M.E. KECK, Chairman J. KOSTER J. LECOCQ B. ODEMARK G. ROSSI R. SIMONS K. SORENSON Noway Switzerland Austria Germany U.S.A. Netherlands France Sweden Italy England Denmark COPYRIGHT International Commission on Ill

14、uminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE LO2 93 900bL45 0004735 O56 Publ. CIE 102 - 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY RESUME ZUSAMMENFASSUNG I. Introduction 1 .I Limits of scope 2. CiE recommended file format 2.1 Detailed description of data 2.2 Auxiliary file w

15、ith photometric data 3. Conventions for programmers Appendix A: Listing and explanation of example files III IV v V VI 1 i 2 4 10 li 16 IV COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE LO2 93 9006145 0004736 T2 = Publ. CIE 102 - 1993 SUMMARY RECOMMEND

16、ED FILE FORMAT FOR ELECTRONIC TRANSFER OF LUMINAIRE PHOTOMETRIC DATA In order to calculate the light striking a surface or leaving that surface from one or a group of man made and installed luminaires, it is necessary to know the light intensity distribution at all spherical angles from each luminai

17、re that contributes light to that surface. The advent of personal micro-computers has made it possible for each technical person to perform his own calculations using a suitable application program. It is common practice to record the light intensity at a large number of spherical angles from a spec

18、ific luminaire (photometric data set) onto magnetic media, such as a computer disk. While the standardization of the size, shape and other technical features between disks and computers has been done by others, it is necessary for the computer program reading data from the disk to know the sequence

19、of data being transmitted about the luminaire, light source, and angles at which the data has been recorded. This is termed the “file format“. While many countries, and companies within countries, have already adopted a specific file format it is necessary to have an international file format so tha

20、t the photometric data set specific to a particular country can be translated (by computer program) into the international file format; or that a photometric data set received in the international file format, can be translated (by computer program) into the specific file format used in a particular

21、 country or a specific application program developed by an individual or company. The CIE Recommended File Format is not intended to be used for manual calculations to determine the specific light intensity at a specific angle, but rather to be easily read, without error, into a computer program, ei

22、ther for translation into another format, or for calculation of the results of a lighting installation. RESUME FORMAT DE FICHIER RECOMMANDE POUR LES TRANSFERTS ELECTRONIQUES DES DONNEES PHOTOMETRIQUES DES LUMINAIRES Pour calculer la quantit de lumire qui atteint une surface ou qui en mane depuis un

23、luminaire ou un groupe de luminaires, il est ncessaire de connaitre la distribution des intensits lumineuses pour tous les angles en coordonnes sphriques de chacun des luminaires qui contribuent A lclairage de cette surface. La progression des micro- ordinateurs a rendu accessible tout technicien la

24、 possibilit de faire ses propres tudes laide dun programme dapplication convenable. Enregistrer les valeurs dintensit lumineuse dun luminaire (donnes photomtriques), pour un grand nombre dangles en coordonnes sphriques sur un support magntique tel quun disque dordinateur est devenu pratique courante

25、. Maintenant que la standardisation de la taille, de la forme et dautres caractristiques techniques des disques et des ordinateurs ont t oprs, il apparat ncessaire que le programme de calcul lisant les donnes partir dun disque connahe la squence des donnes transmises concernant le luminaire, les lam

26、pes et les angles pour lesquels les donnes ont t enregistres. Cest ce quon appelle le “format de fichier“. Alors que de nombreux pays et de compagnies dans ces pays ont dj adopt un format de fichier spcifique, il parait ncessaire davoir un format de fichier international en sorte que les donnes phot

27、omtriques propres un pays particulier puissent tre traduites (par programme dordinateur) dans le format de fichier international: ou bien quun ensemble de donnes photomtriques reu dans le format international puisse tre traduit (par programme dordinateur) dans le format spcifique dun pays donne ou u

28、tilis dans un programme dapplication dvelopp par un particulier ou une compagnie. Le format de fichier recommand par la CIE nest pas destin aux calculs manuels pour dterminer lintensit lumineuse spcifique correspondant un angle donn. If est plutt destin etre lu facilement, sans erreur, lintrieur dun

29、 programme dordinateur soit pour traduction dans un autre format, soit pour calculer les rsultats dune installation dclairage. V COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesZUSAMMENFASSUNG EMPFOHLENER DATEI-AUFBAU FUR DIE ELEKTRONISCHE BERTRAGUNG VON PH

30、OTOMETRISCHEN LEUCHTENDATEN Um den Lichtstrom zu berechnen, der auf eine Oberflche auftritt oder von ihr reflektiert wird und der von einer oder mehreren Leuchten einer Anlage herrhrt, ist es erforderlich, die rumliche Lichtstrkeverteilung ber den Ausstrahlungswinkeln fr jede Leuchte zu kennen, die

31、Lichter auf diese Oberflche einstrahlt. Der Einsatz von Personal-Computern ermglicht es jedem Techniker, eigene Berechnungen mit einem geeigneten Anwendungsprogramm durchzufhren. Es ist gngige Praxis, die Lichtstrken einer Leuchte fr eine Vielzahl von Ausstrahlungswinkeln (photometrischer Daten-Satz

32、) magnetisch zu speichern, z.B. auf einer Diskette. Da die Standardisierung der Gre, der Form und anderer technischer Eigenschaften von Diskette und Computer von Dritten durchgefhrt wurde, ist es erforderlich, da das Programm bei der Datenbemahme von der Diskette die Folge der Daten betreffend Leuch

33、te, Lampe und Ausstrahlungwinkel, unter denen die Lichtstrke erfat sind, erkennt. Dies wird “Datei-Aufbau“ genannt. Obwohl viele Lnder und Firmen in diesen Lndern sich bereits auf einen bestimmten Datei- Aufbau festgelegt haben, ist ein internationaler Datei-Aufbau erforderlich, so da der photometri

34、sche Datensatz, den ein bestimmtes Land venrvendet, in diesen internationalen Datei-Aufbau bersetzt werden kann (durch ein Computerprogramm) oder da ein photometrischer Datensatz aus dem internationalen Datei-Aufbau (durch ein Computerprogramm) in den Datei-Aufbau eines bestimmten Landes oder eines

35、speziellen Anwendungsprogramms bersetzt werden kann, das ein einzelner oder eine Firma entwickelt hat. Der von der CIE empfohlene Datei-Aufbau ist nicht fr manuelle Berechnungen gedacht, um eine bestimmte Lichtstrke unter einem vorgegebenen Ausctrahlungswinkel zu ermitteln, sondem fr das einfache, f

36、ehlerfreie Einlesen der Daten in ein Computerprogramm, entweder zur bersetzung in einen anderen Datei-Aufbau oder fr Berechnungen einer Beleuchtungsanlage. VI COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE LO2 93 I 9006345 0004738 865 Publ. CfE 102 - 1

37、993 I. Introduction A photometric laboratory may elect to use any format for the storage of photometric data relative to a particular luminaire that is best suited for their equipment and operating procedures. An application computer program may be designed to calculate any performance data such as

38、illuminance, luminance, hemispherical illuminance, or glare; and may elect to utilize any desired format for photometric data storage within that program that is most suitable to the calculations being performed. The interface that permits data to be transferred from the storage format of the photom

39、etric laboratory to the format of the application program can and should be defined by an international body, such as the CIE, so that photometric data taken by any laboratory in any country can be used in any appropriate application program developed by any user in any country. There may be an inte

40、rmediate stage of standardization within a single country or group of countries, in fact this exists at the time this document was generated, but there still remains a need for an international format to permit the standardized data of one country to be transferred into the international format and

41、then either used or transferred into the standardized data of another country. In either case cited above the producer of the photometric data needs to know only 2 photometric formats, his own and the CIE format. Likewise the user of the photometric data needs to know only two formats, the CIE forma

42、t and his own. There is no need for a producer to provide photometric data in a variety of formats suitable for use in a variety of application programs or suitable for use in a variety of countries. It should be understood that photometric data in the format described in this document is not intend

43、ed to be printed on paper and distributed for use in manual calculation procedures. It is intended that the transfer from one storage media, to another will be handled by computers and the transfer will occur in a few seconds or less. Computer programs can and should be written to convert photometri

44、c data from the CIE format into a form that can be printed, distributed and used for manual calculations. The language and printed format will then be in accordance with the language and needs of the individual country performing the conversion. i. i Limits of scope This document presents a recommen

45、ded photometric data file format for data transfer between computers and between a computer and some form of magnetic or optical storage media. The primary purpose envisioned is for the individual user to maintain an easily accessible file of photometric data for his use with lighting application co

46、mputer programs. In order to produce accurate lighting calculations the individual user of the application program must utilize the correct photometric data for the individual luminaires and must understand the relationship between the angular planes and cones and the geometry of the building or are

47、a where the luminaires are to be installed. Particular emphasis has been placed on the technique to be used in determining, for a luminaire with an asymmetric distribution, the method of identifying the location of the zero degree half plane and the zero degree cone. Both the person using the applic

48、ation program and the person installing the luminaire must be aware of the necessity of correctly handling this process. Other hardware or software issues such as magnetic storage medium formats, data transmission techniques, loss of data in transmission, operating systems, or programming languages

49、for conversion programs are beyond the scope of this document. Any one of these issues may need to be considered in the course of transferring photometric files from one producer or user to another. t COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 202 93 900b145 0004739 7TL Publ. CIE 102 - 1993 2. CIE recommended file format The file


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