CIE 117-1995 Technical Report Discomfort Glare in Interior Lighting《技术报告 室内照明的不适眩光》.pdf

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1、DISCOMFORT GLARE IN INTERIORLIGHTINGCIE 117-1995UDC: 628.931 Descriptor: Electrical lighting design628.95 Luminaires628.972 Interior Lighting628.977 Lighting of working environment628.987 Evaluation of lighting installationsISBN 978 3 900734 70 1THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ILLUMINATIONThe Intern

2、ational Commission on Illumination (CIE) is an organisation devoted to international co-operation and exchange of informationamong its member countries on all matters relating to the art and science of lighting. Its membership consists of the National Committeesin 39 countries and one geographical a

3、rea and of 11 individual members.The objectives of the CIE are :1. To provide an international forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light andlighting and for the interchange of information in these fields between countries.2. To develop

4、 basic standards and procedures of metrology in the fields of light and lighting.3. To provide guidance in the application of principles and procedures in the development of international and national standards in thefields of light and lighting.4. To prepare and publish standards, reports and other

5、 publications concerned with all matters relating to the science, technology andart in the fields of light and lighting.5. To maintain liaison and technical interaction with other international organisations concerned with matters related to the science,technology, standardisation and art in the fie

6、lds of light and lighting.The work of the CIE is carried on by seven Divisions each with about 20 Technical Committees. This work covers subjects ranging fromfundamental matters to all types of lighting applications. The standards and technical reports developed by these international Divisionsof th

7、e CIE are accepted throughout the world.A plenary session is held every four years at which the work of the Divisions and Technical Committees is reviewed, reported and plansare made for the future. The CIE is recognised as the authority on all aspects of light and lighting. As such it occupies an i

8、mportantposition among international organisations.LA COMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGELa Commission Internationale de lclairage (CIE) est une organisation qui se donne pour but la coopration internationale et lchangedinformations entre les Pays membres sur toutes les questions relatives lart

9、et la science de lclairage. Elle est compose deComits Nationaux reprsentant 39 pays plus un territoire gographique, et de 11 membres individuels.Les objectifs de la CIE sont :1. De constituer un centre dtude international pour toute matire relevant de la science, de la technologie et de lart de la l

10、umire etde lclairage et pour lchange entre pays dinformations dans ces domaines.2. Dlaborer des normes et des mthodes de base pour la mtrologie dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage.3. De donner des directives pour lapplication des principes et des mthodes dlaboration de normes internationa

11、les et nationalesdans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage.4. De prparer et publier des normes, rapports et autres textes, concernant toutes matires relatives la science, la technologie et lartdans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage.5. De maintenir une liaison et une collaboration techni

12、que avec les autres organisations internationales concernes par des sujetsrelatifs la science, la technologie, la normalisation et lart dans les domaines de la lumire et de lclairage.Les travaux de la CIE sont effectus par 7 Divisions, ayant chacune environ 20 Comits Techniques. Les sujets dtudes st

13、endent desquestions fondamentales, tous les types dapplications de lclairage. Les normes et les rapports techniques labors par ces DivisionsInternationales de la CIE sont reconnus dans le monde entier.Tous les quatre ans, une Session plnire passe en revue le travail des Divisions et des Comits Techn

14、iques, en fait rapport et tablit lesprojets de travaux pour lavenir. La CIE est reconnue comme la plus haute autorit en ce qui concerne tous les aspects de la lumire etde lclairage. Elle occupe comme telle une position importante parmi les organisations internationales.DIE INTERNATIONALE BELEUCHTUNG

15、SKOMMISSIONDie Internationale Beleuchtungskommission (CIE) ist eine Organisation, die sich der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und dem Austauschvon Informationen zwischen ihren Mitgliedslndern bezglich der Kunst und Wissenschaft der Lichttechnik widmet. Die Mitgliedschaftbesteht aus den Nationalen Ko

16、mitees in 39 Lndern und einem geographischen Gebiet und aus 11 persnlichen Mitgliedern.Die Ziele der CIE sind :1. Ein internationaler Mittelpunkt fr Diskussionen aller Fragen auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaft, Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnikund fr den Informationsaustausch auf diesen Gebieten zwisc

17、hen den einzelnen Lndern zu sein.2. Grundnormen und Verfahren der Metechnik auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu entwickeln.3. Richtlinien fr die Anwendung von Prinzipien und Vorgngen in der Entwicklung internationaler und nationaler Normen auf demGebiet der Lichttechnik zu erstellen.4. Normen, Berich

18、te und andere Publikationen zu erstellen und zu verffentlichen, die alle Fragen auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaft,Technik und Kunst der Lichttechnik betreffen.5. Liaison und technische Zusammenarbeit mit anderen internationalen Organisationen zu unterhalten, die mit Fragen derWissenschaft, Technik, No

19、rmung und Kunst auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik zu tun haben.Die Arbeit der CIE wird in 7 Divisionen, jede mit etwa 20 Technischen Komitees, geleistet. Diese Arbeit betrifft Gebiete mitgrundlegendem Inhalt bis zu allen Arten der Lichtanwendung. Die Normen und Technischen Berichte, die von diesen int

20、ernationalzusammengesetzten Divisionen ausgearbeitet werden, sind von der ganzen Welt anerkannt.Tagungen werden alle vier Jahre abgehalten, in der die Arbeiten der Divisionen berprft und berichtet und neue Plne fr die Zukunftausgearbeitet werden. Die CIE wird als hchste Autoritt fr alle Aspekte des

21、Lichtes und der Beleuchtung angesehen. Auf diese Weiseunterhlt sie eine bedeutende Stellung unter den internationalen Organisationen.Published by theCOMMISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LECLAIRAGECIE Central BureauKegelgasse 27, A-1030 Vienna, AUSTRIATel: +43(01)714 31 87 0, Fax: +43(01)714 31 87 18e-mail:

22、 http:/ CIE 1994DISCOMFORT GLARE IN INTERIORLIGHTINGCIE 117-1995UDC: 628.931 Descriptor: Electrical lighting design628.95 Luminaires628.972 Interior Lighting628.977 Lighting of working environment628.987 Evaluation of lighting installationsISBN 978 3 900734 70 1CIE 11

23、7-1995IIThis Technical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 3-13 of Division 3 InteriorEnvironment and Lighting Design and has been approved by the Board of Adminstration of theCommission Internationale de lEclairage for study and application. The document reports on currentknowledge

24、and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and is intended to beused by the CIE membership and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the statusof this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or CIE NEWS should beconsulte

25、d regarding possible subsequent amendments.Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Comit Technique CIE 3-13 de la Division 3 Environmentintrieur et tude de lclairage et a t approuv par le Bureau de la Commission Internationale delEclairage pour tude et application. Le document traite des connaissances

26、 courantes et delexprience dans le domaine spcifique dcrit de la lumire et de lclairage; il est destin tre utilispar les membres de la CIE et tous les intresss. Il faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatifet non obligatoire. Les derniers comptes rendus de la CIE ou du CIE NEWS devront tre c

27、onsultspour connatre dventuels amendements.Dieser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE Technischen Komitee 3-13 der Division 3 Innenraum undBeleuchtungsentwurf ausgearbeitet und vom Vorstand der Commission Internationale de lEclairagegebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand des W

28、issens und Erfahrung indem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuchtung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder unddurch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da das Dokument eineEmpfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das CIE NEWS so

29、lltenim Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden.Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every carehas been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not becomprehensive.Toute mention dorganis

30、me ou de produit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soinapport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait treexhaustif.Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE.Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstel

31、lung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegungangewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. CIE 1995CIE 117-1995IIIForewordThe past decade has seen many changes affecting lighting design. These changes include theintroduction of new types of lamps and luminaires, radica

32、l changes in work practices and an increasingcommunity awareness of the need for energy conservation and the wise management of resources.These changes have resulted in the need to revise the CIEs recommendations on discomfort glareprediction due, particularly, to changes in technology and workplace

33、 design and use.Two significant technological changes affecting discomfort glare have been:New lamps. The now commonly used 26mm diameter tubular fluorescent lamp has a lampluminance of approximately 11 kcd m-2. The 55 W compact fluorescent lamps luminance isaround 35 kcd m-2. Both have significantl

34、y higher luminances than the lamps that they havereplaced 38mm tubular fluorescent lamps with luminances of about 7 kcd m-2. The newlamps and others that are used in interiors might be considered as “retrofit” replacements butthe higher lamp luminances may require luminaire optical redesign to meet

35、comfort criteria.New luminaire designs. The replacement of prismatic lens panels with ”batwing” reflectors hasproduced luminaires with disymmetrical intensity distributions where the C0(crosswise)distribution is significantly different from the C90(lengthwise) distribution. This can allow greaterspa

36、cings to be used in the C0direction, resulting in the need for fewer luminaires and energyand capital savings. However, intensity values at high angles in the C45can be higher than ineither the C0or C90planes.Two major workplace changes affecting discomfort glare have been:Office design. Large open

37、areas with random arrangements of furniture are now common. Inthe 1940s and 1950s office furniture was arranged in a regular layout with the workers facing inthe same direction: either in the C0or C90directions. This meant that the ”worst case”discomfort situations were locations either in the middl

38、e of the end or side walls. In present dayoffices the furniture arrangement may be irregular with many and varied viewing directions.Screen based tasks and workstations. The introduction of screen based tasks has led toergonomic change in the workplace. The change with regard to discomfort glare is

39、that theoperators line of sight is much closer to the horizontal than for reading, writing or typing tasks.This means that more of the ceiling and more luminaires will be within the peripheral field of view more luminaires will be in the personal ”glare zone”.This technical report presents a unified

40、 glare rating formula developed from existing glare indexsystems. It also provides, in appendices, guidance on the production of the tables and curves neededto apply the system manually. Advice is given to designers on the use of the data.The following members of CIE Division 3, Interior Environment

41、 and Lighting Design TC 3-13,Discomfort Glare in Interior Lighting, took part in the preparation of this technical report:Bedocs, L. Great BritainEinhorn, H.D. South AfricaFischer, D. GermanyHansen, E. H. NorwayKanaya, S. JapanLfberg, H.A. SwedenPoulton, K. Australia (Chairman)Slater, A.I. Great Bri

42、tainSrensen, K. DenmarkThe final report was edited by WG Julian, Vice-President (Publications).CIE 117-1995IVTable of ContentsForeword .IIITable of contents .IVSummaryV1. Introduction and scope of the report 12. Discomfort Glare . 13. Derivation of the formula14. The Unified Glare Rating (UGR) formu

43、la 24.1 The formula 24.2 The background luminance. 34.3 The luminaire luminance. 34.4 The solid angle at the observers eye . 34.5 The position index 45. Features of the UGR formula. 66. Limitations of the URG formula 67. Derived methods . 67.1 The derived tabular method 67.2 The derived UGR curve me

44、thod . 7Appendix A The Unified Glare Rating Tables . 8A1 Introduction 8A2 Setting the standard and reference parameters for the tables. 10A2.1 Luminaire properties 10A2.2 Luminaire layout. 11A2.3 The properties of the room. 12A2.4 Observer location and view 13A3 Calculating the UGR tables. 14A3.1 Pr

45、eliminary comments 14A3.2 Intermediate table for the standard arrangement 15A3.3 The main part of the UGR tables 16A3.4 The supplementary table of UGR values 17A4 Use of UGR tables . 18A4.1 Introduction 18A4.2 Using the comprehensive UGR tables 18A4.3 Using the reduced UGR tables. 19Appendix B The U

46、GR Curves 21B1 The UGR curves. 21B2 Derivation of the UGR curves . 22B3 Use of the UGR curves. 22Appendix C Luminaire data. 24C1 Introduction 24C2 The luminous intensity distribution table . 25C3 The luminaire size and shape data . 25Appendix D Examples 28D1 The lighting scheme . 28D2 Calculation of

47、 the average illuminance 30D3 Calculation of the UGR values 30D4 Comparing the calculated values 34REFERENCES . 35CIE 117-1995VDISCOMFORT GLARE IN INTERIOR LIGHTINGSummaryThe task of the CIE Technical Committee TC 3-13 was to produce a practical discomfort glareevaluation system.The Unified Glare Ra

48、ting (UGR) formula described in this technical report, combines features of theEinhorn and the Hopkinson formulae and incorporates the Guth position index. It may be regarded asbeing composed of the best parts of the major formulae in terms of practicability and of familiarity withthe results of gla

49、re prediction. The formula recognises the effects on the glare index of observerposition and direction of view.The report also describes, in the appendices, a tabular method, which uses reference values andstandard conditions, allowing the production of simple tables, similar to those for utilisation factors, foruse in luminaire data sheets.A rough estimate of discomfort glare is given by the luminance limiting cur


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