CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf

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CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf_第1页
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CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf_第2页
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CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf_第3页
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CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf_第4页
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CIE 61-1984 Tunnel Entrance Lighting A Survey of Fundamentals for Determining the Luminance in the Threshold Zone (E)《隧道入口照明 临界区光亮度的测定基础的调查(E)》.pdf_第5页
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2、AU CENTRAL DE LA CIE 52, BOULEVARD MALESHERBES 75008 PARIS - FRANCE COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE b3 BY 9006345 0002521 915 This report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 4.6 Road Lighting. It has been approved by the majorit

3、y of the Technical Committee and is recommended for study and application. This report is not an Officially Agreed CIE Recommendation approved by the National Committees of the Member Countries of the CIE. It should be noted that any recommendations in this report are advisory and not mandatory. The

4、 latest CIE Proceedings or CIE-JOURNAL should be consulted regarding the current status of this report and possible subsequent amendments. Ce rapport a t prpar par le Comit Technique 4.6 Eclairage des voies publiques. I1 a t approuv par la majorit du Comit Technique et il est recommand pour tude et

5、application. Ce rapport nest pas une Recommandation officielle de la CIE, approuve par les Comits Nationaux des Pays Membres de la CIE. I1 doit tre not que toute recommandation y figurant est donne a titre de conseil et non dobligption. En ce qui concerne la situation prsente de ce Rapport et dventu

6、elles modifications, il faut consulter le plus rcent Compte Rendu de Session ou JOURNAL de la CIE. Dieser Bericht wurde vom Technischen Komitee 4.6 Strassenbeleuchtung ausgearbeitet. Er wurde durch die Mehrheit des Technischen Komitees gebilligt und wird zum Studium und zur Anwendung empfohlen. Dies

7、er Bericht ist keine offiziell anerkannte CIE-empfehlung, der die Nationalen Komitees der Mitgliedslnder der CIE zugestimmt haben Es sei darauf hingewiesen, dass jede Empfehlung in diesem Bericht als Anleitung dient und nicht verbindlich ist. Was den gegenwrtigen Status dieses Berichtes und mgliche

8、Nachfolge-Ausgaben angeht, ziehe man die neuesten CIE-Tagugsberichte oder das CIE -JOURNALZU Rate. 0 CIE 1984 - II - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesFORWORD During its meeting in September, 1975, CIE Technical Committee TC-4.6, Road lighting

9、, accepted a request to add a study of fundamentals of tunnel lighting to its working pr ogr amme . A subcommittee was appointed to draft a Technical Report which would serve as a background paper for international recommendations for tunnel lighting. The subcommittee submitted its draft of the Tech

10、nical Report to Technical Committee 4.6, which reviewed and edited the document. , Members of Technical Committee TC-4.6 during the preparation of this report: A.J. Fisher H. Prochazka F. Cartee1 K. Smotchevski A. Ketvirtis - F. Behal K. Srensen P. Hautala J.V. Gaudel M. Eckert W. Kebschull A.M. Mar

11、sden R.W. Holmes P. Gergely M. Sand M. Bonomo K. Narisada D.A. Schreuder H.H. Bjrset A. Pereira Marques A. Peczynska G. Ionita M. Dempster R.S. Yates R. San Martin K.O. Hedman W. Riemenschneider R.N. Schwab M.A. Ostrovsky O.G. Korjagin D. Murugaski E. Sirola Australia, Chairman Aus tria Belgium Bulg

12、ar ia Canada Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France German Democratic Rep. (1980-1 Germany, Federal Republic Great Britain (-1981 Great Britain (1981-1 Hungary Israel Italy Japan The Netherlands Norway, Coordinator Par tugal Poland Romania South Africa (-1979) South Africa (1980-1 Spa in Sweden Switz

13、erland USA U.S.S.R. (-1979) U.S.S.R. (1981-1 Yugoslavia (-1979 1 Yugoslavia ( 1979-1 - III - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE bL 84 9006345 0002523 798 Members of the Subcommittee SC-3 Tunnel during the preparation of this report: A.J. F

14、isher J.M. Dijon C. Marville W. Adrian A. Ketvirtis J. Perrier M. Eckert R.W. Holmes G. Barsanti M. .Bonorno K. Narisada D. van den Bijllaardt W.J.M. van Bommel D.A. Schreduer T.H. Tan H.H. Bjdrset M. Dempster W . Riemenschneider J. Wachtel R.N. Schwab E. Sirola Australia Belgium (-19811 Belgium (19

15、81-1 Canada Canada France German Democratic Rep. ( 1981- ) Great Britain (1982-1 Italy Italy Japan, Chairman The Netherlands (1975-1981) The Net herlands, Secretary (1981-1 The Netherlands The Netherlands Norway South Africa (1975-1983) Switzerland U.S.A. (-1982) U.S.A. (1982-1 Yugoslavia (1981-1 -

16、IV - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesSUMMARY The purpose of this report from the CIE Technical Committee TC 4.6 is to provide information on the lighting requirements for drivers approaching the entrance of atunnel in daytime. The report is

17、restricted to the first stretch of tunnels, called the threshold zone. The report firstly reviews the fundamental experiments on which the 1973 CIE Recommendations for Tunnel Lighting (as far as the threshold zone is concerned) are based. New investigations are described with which the original fund

18、amental experiments may be applied more realistically. Results of driving experiments in a real tunnel under various lighting conditions are summarized. To complete the description of methods based on visibility two recently published methods that dispense with the original fundamental experiments a

19、re reported. Finally mention is made of an approach not directly based on visibility but on traffic flow. The report does not give a straightforward answer to all problems related to the. lighting of threshold zones of tunnels;, it gives the state of the art and as such it will form an important bac

20、kground for future tunnel lighting recommendations. RESUME Le but de ce rapport du Comit Technique TC 4.6 de la CIE est de fournir des renseignements sur les besoins en clairage des conducteurs approchant , de jour, lentre dun tunnel. Le rapport est limit la premire zone des tunnels, appele zone de

21、seuil. Le. rapport revient tout dabord sur 1 exprience fondamentales ayant servi de base aux recommandations CIE 1973 pour lclairage des tunnels (dans lb mesure o la zone de seuil est concerne). De nouvel 1 es invest i gat ions , avec 1 esquel 1 es 1 es expriences fondamentales originales peuvent tr

22、e appliques de faon plus raliste, sont dcrites. Des rsultats dexpriences de conduite dans un tunnel rel sous des conditions photomtriques varies sont rsums. Pour complter la description des mthodes bases sur la visibilit, deux mthodes publies rcemment et nutilisant pas les expriences fondamentales o

23、riginales sont rapportes. Enfin, il est fait mention dune approche non directement base sur la visibilit mais sur le trafic. Le rapport napporte pas une rponse directe 2 tous les problmes concernant lclairage des zones de seuil des tunnels, il donne ltat de lart et ainsi il constituera une base impo

24、rtant pour les futures recommandations sur 1 clairage des tunnels. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Dieser Bericht wurde im technischen Komitee CIE TC 4.6 ausgearbeitet. Er informiert ber die Beleuchtungsanforderungen eines Kraftfahrers, der sich am Tage einer Tunneleinfahrt nhert. Der Bericht beschrnkt sich auf den

25、 ersten Teil des Tunnels, die sogenannte Einsichtstrecke. Dieser Bericht berprft erstmalig die grundlegenden Untersuchungen, auf denen die CIE-Empfehlungen fr Tunnelbeleuchtung (1973) basieren (im Bereich der Einsichtstrecke). Es werden neue Untersuchungen beschrieben, mit denen die frheren Basisunt

26、ersuchungen realistischer angewendet werden knnen. Die Ergebnisse von Fahrversuchen in bestehenden Tunneln unter verschiedenen Beleuchtungsbedingungen sind zusarnmengef a9t. Um die Beschreibung der Methoden zu vervollstndigen, die auf der Sichtbarkeit basieren, sind 2 krzlich verffentlichte Verfahre

27、n aufgenommen worden, die die frheren Original- arbeiten ers et zen knnt en. Schlielich wird ein ansatz erwhnt, der nicht direkt von der Sichtbarkeit, sondern vom VerkehrsfluR ausgeht. Der Bericht enthlt keine einfachen Antworten auf alle Probleme, die bei der Beleuchtung der Einsichtstrecken von Tu

28、nneln auftreten, er schildert vielmehr den derzeitigen technischen Stand und bildet einen wichtigen Hintergrund fr die zuknftigen Empfehlungen zur Tunnel beleuchtung. COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE hL 84 900b145 0002525 560 = TABLE OF C

29、ONTENTS S COPE INTRODUCTION Chap ter 1 RELIABILITY OF THE FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS . . . . . . 1.1. Experiments and the results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. Possible influence of the size and the pre- sentation time of the simulated tunnel mouth 1.3. Conclusions Chapter 2 APPROPRIATENESS OF T

30、HEVISUAL TASK OF THE DRIVER REPRESENTED IN THE FUNDAMENTAL EXPERIMENTS 2.1. The size of the object . a) Influence of the size of the object on the luminance to be recommended . b) Influence of the size of the object on the necessary length of the threshold zone . . . . . c) Perceptibility of large o

31、bjects against the walls in the tunnel 2.2. Duration of the object presentation . . . . . . 2.3. The luminance contrast of the object . a) Influence of the luminance contrast (Cl of the object on the luminance in the threshold zone (L2) b) Influence of the ratio between road surface luminance (L2) a

32、nd the vertical illuminance (Ev): (L2/Ev) of the lighting system and the reflection factor of the object . . . . . . . . . . . . ceived . 2.4. Probability of perception 2.5 . Conclusions on the representation of the visual task of the driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c) The choice of luminance

33、 contrast to be per- Chap ter 3 THE LUMINANCE IN THE ACCESS ZONE AND THE EQUIV- ALENT LUMINANCE OF THE STANDARD FIELD . 3.1. Luminance in the access zone (Lo) and the adaptation luminance (La) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Adaptation Luminance (La) and the Equivalent Luminance of the Standa

34、rd Field (LI11 luminance (Laf 1 and the adaptation luminance (La) .*. *. equivalent luminance of the standard field fL1) 3.3. Obtaining values of LI1 for a complex lumi- nance field -.-. 3.4. Representation of the equivalent luminance of the standard field (LI11 by a simple average luminance (Lo) .*

35、. a) Difference between the foveal adaptation b) Foveal adaptation luminance (Laf) and the 1 10 11 11 21 23 25 27 27 29 31 34 35 37 37 39 39 39 41 46 - VI - COPYRIGHT International Commission on IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling Services CIE b3 84 9006345 0002526 4T7 a) Comparisons of L1

36、with Lo measured by the simplified method b) Simplified deriving method of the luminance in the threshold zone (L2) based on the luminance in the access zone (Lo) . . c) Weighted average of the luminance in the access zone d) Conclusions 3.5. Influence of the relatively dark tunnel on the equivalent

37、 luminance of the standard field proaching a tunnel appropriately represented 3 a) Are the visual conditions of a driver ap- b) Laboratory investigations c) Effects of the equivalent veiling luminance d) Conclusions . . . . . . . . Chap ter 4 DRIVING EXPERIMENTS AND DETECTION DISTANCE . . . . . . Ch

38、ap ter 5 VARIATION OF THE LUMINANCE IN THE ACCESS ZONE (LO) DUE TO TIME, WEATHER AND SEASONAL CHANGES . . . . . . . 5.1. Variations of daylight levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Determination of the luminance in the access zone (Lo) to be applied Chap ter 6 AN APPROACH BASED ON TRAFFIC FLOW .

39、Chap ter 7 RECENTLY PUBLISHED METHODS FOR DERIVING THE LUMINANCE IN THE THRESHOLD ZONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES APPENDIX Symbols for the luminance and time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 47 48 48 50 50 51 51 55 56 57 57 60 62 63 66 71 - VI1 - COPYRIGHT International Commission on Ill

40、uminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE 61 84 9006145 0002527 333 W SCOPE This report is concerned only with the matters directly related to the fundamentals of the luminance to be provided in the threshold zone, the first part of the entrance zone, of traffic tunnels. It does not cove

41、r other important matters concerning tunnel lighting, such as fundamentals of the lighting of other parts of tunnels, including the transition zone (the second part of the entrance zone), design procedures, calculation methods, lighting equipment, lighting control, maintenance which would be dealt w

42、ith in recommendations and other specifications. Taking into account the fact that the requirements for the lighting in the threshold zone vary according to many factors, not only visual conditions of drivers, but also weather conditions, road and traffic conditions, driving customs, construction an

43、d performance of cars, etc., this report does not intend to examine and/or analyse the matters with an accuracy beyond engineering necessity, even though it is of importance from a physiological and/or theoretical view point. The report will form a background to future Recommendations for Tunnel Lig

44、hting. A number of specific terms and symbols has been introduced and used in the report and their definition will be found in the Appendix attached to the report. Other terminology is usually in accordance with the International Lighting Vocabulary (CIE 1970 1 . COPYRIGHT International Commission o

45、n IlluminationLicensed by Information Handling ServicesCIE bL 84 9006/1)5 0002528 27T INTRODUCTION In order to enable a driver approaching the entrance of a tunnel in daytime to perceive visual information in the relatively dark tunnel at a sufficient distance ahead to continue safe driving, an appr

46、opriate luminance has to be provided in the threshold zone of the tunnel. The threshold zone is defined as the first stretch of the tunnel and it is that length of bright background which enables objects in the tunnel to be perceived by an approaching driver, at a distance equal to approximately the

47、 safe stopping distance from the tunnel facade. The safe stopping distance has a strong dependence on the speed of traffic (CIE 1980). The 1973 CIE Recornendations for Tunnel Lighting are, as far as the lighting level required in the threshold zone is concerned, based mainly on model tunnel experime

48、nts carried out in the early sixties by Schreuder. These experiments, based on the detection probability of small objects, were done with a uniform luminance surrounding the tunnel entrance, In the present report the validity of these experiments is reconfirmed (Chapter 1). For practical tunnel- lig

49、hting design purposes, however, it is necessary to compare the actual non-uniform luminance distribution of tunnel surrounds with the uniform luminance as used in the model experiments. From practical experience it has become clear that the 1973 Recommendations do not give a satisfactory answer to the question of how to do this comparison. As a result too much weight is often given to the luminance of the road surface in front of a tunnel and sometimes leads to needlessly hig


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