CIE 78-1988 Brightness Luminance Relations Classified Bibliography (E)《明亮度光亮度关系 分类书目(E)》.pdf

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2、chnical Report has been prepared by CIE Technical Committee 1-05 of Division 1 Vision and Colour and has been approved by the Council of the Commission Internationale de 1 Eclairage for study and application. The document reports on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light

3、 and lighting described, and is intended to be used by the CIE member- ship and other interested parties. It should be noted, however, that the status of this document is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings or Journal should be consul ted regarding possible subsequent amendments.

4、Ce rapport technique a t prpar par le Coinit Technique CIE 1-05 de la Division 1 Vision et Couleur et a $te approuv par le Conseil de la Commission Internationale de 1 Eclairage, Le document traite des connaissances courantes et de 1 exprience dans le domaine spcifique indique de la lumire et de lcl

5、airage, et il est tabli pour lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. I1 faut cependant noter que ce document est indicatif et non ob1 igatoire. Pour connai tre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus ou- le Journal de la CIE. pour tude et application. Die

6、ser Technische Bericht ist vom CIE-Technischen Komitee 1-05 der Division 1 Sehen und Farbe ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de 1 Eclairage gebilligt worden. Das Dokument berichtet ber den derzeitigen Stand von Wissen und Erfahrung in dem behandelten Gebiet von Licht und Beleuc

7、htung; es ist zur Verwendung durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sol 1 te jedoch beachtet werden, da13 das Dokument eine Empfehlung und keine Vorschrift ist. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte oder das neueste CIE-Journal sollten .im Hinblick auf mgliche sptere nderungen z

8、u Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE- Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de produit nimplique pas une prferenc

9、e de la CIE. Malgr le soin apport la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait tre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpu

10、nkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da3 diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1988 CIE 78 88 E 9006345 O003576 LT FOREWORD The Classified Bibliography on Brightness-Luminance Relations has been compiled by Jacques AJ. Roufs and Rosalind M. Smith and discussed by Technical Committee 1-0

11、5 Bri8;hmess-Luminance Relation. The Committee comes under CIE Division 1 Vision and Coiour. CONTENTS VU Bibliography on brightness, brightness contrast and lightness in aiphabetid order VI11 Methodoiog Brightness (Contrast) measurement IX Brightness (Contrxit)-Lunhance relations for Static stimuli

12、X Brightness (Conuast)-Luminance relations for Dynamic stimuli XI Lighmess-Tone relations XII Brightness (Contrast) and Spacial aspects XII Brightness (Contrast) of a Point source XV Brightness (Conuast) and state of Adaptation; ater images XV Bqhtness (Conuast) Modcis XVI Various 1 79 95 100 122 1

13、27 152 153 157 163 CIE 78 88 bL45 0003577 856 m IV Introduction o This work is a result of a renewed activity of the CIE in the field of bright- ness as defined as the psychological attribute. The subject was taken on in TC 1.4 (Vision) and passed on to the newly installed technical com- mittee Brig

14、htness luminance relations (chair 3 .A.J. Roufs) of Division 1 in the new organizational structure of the CIE. , o The committee started its duties with the compilation of a classified bib- liography the result of which may be found in the following pages. Scope e After pilot work based on a few hun

15、dred titles, a classification system was created and agreed on in the 1983 plenary meeting in Amsterdam. Since then the bibliography gradually grew into its present size (1986). o We do not claim completeness. Especially the pre-1960 publications were difficult to trace. It was rather remarkable to

16、find so many sources and original articles disagreeing. Although we have checked many entries against copies of the original articles, we did not succeed in checking them all. o The bibliography consists of two parts: - 1. an alphabetical part listing all first authors for quick reference; - 2. a cl

17、assified part. Each article was designated one or more classes. Sometimes the contents of an article would not be immediately apparent from its title. In the class called Methodolgy brightness (contrast) measurement several papers have been included which are concerned with general methodological as

18、pects, not necessariiy in direct connection with brightness measurement. o In completing we noticed that certain classes became rather large. If in a later phase subdivisions would be desirable, separation of brightness and brightness contrast would be an obvious partition. Since the bibliography is

19、 computer-stored, special classifications like a cross-reference author in- dex etc. are feasible if desired. The authors would be grateful when any references which may have been missed are pointed out to them. Coding Apart from the normal bibliographical data, a few code-strings are incorporated.

20、The number preceding the first author is the order of intake. The strings of CIE 38 88 I 9006345 0003578 792 V capitals refer to the class(es) defined below. The lowercase letterstring refers to the status of the documentation. Only the characters u and u are relevant to the reader. u means that the

21、 title is verified by means of a reprint of the original article. The character u means verified but not necessarily on the basis of the original. In that case other sources like Abstract Journals etc. have been consulted. The Classification of the Brightness Literature (Agreed on Amsterdam 1983.) 1

22、. Methodology Brightness (Contrast) measurement MBC - brightness and contrast scaling - brightness and contrast matching - indirect brightness and contrast determination 2. Brightness (Contrast)-Luminance relations for Static stimuli -_. _ BCLS - for relatively simple configurations - for complex sc

23、enes (luminance reproduction curve) 3. Brightness (Contrast)-Luminance relations for Dynamic stimuli BCLD - for time dependent stimuli - followed in the time domain 4. Lightness-Tone relations l/r - for relatively simple stimuli - for complex scenes (ambient lighting, wavelength, surround luminance)

24、 5. Brightness (Contrast) and Spatial aspects BCS - contour effects - surround - area - retinal location - sharpness/frequency - luminance gradient CIE 78 88 9006345 0003579 629 m VI 6. Brightness (Contrast) of a Point source BCP - effects of intensity - background luminance 7. Brightness (Contrast)

25、 and state of Adaptation; after images BCA - background luminance - preadaptation - duration 8. Brightness (Contrast) Models BCM - scaling models - effect of spatial parameters - dynamic models 9. brious BLV - binocular brightness, interocular effects - colour, Helmholz Kohlrausch, Troxlers effect -

26、 special apparatus Acknowledgments Ms J.L.P.M. Koelman, ILL librarian, for tracing and obtaining many articles from all over the world. Mr G. W.A. Niesen for designing the computer program. Ms I.M.A. de Meyere for adapting the software. CIE 78 88 7006345 0003580 340 VI I Bibliography on brightness b

27、rightness contrast and lightness in alphabetical order 16 June 1987 CIE 78 88 W 7006345 0003583 287 54 5 1 2 041 3 4 571 86 5 105 589 6 Alphabetical 1 Abel, L. A. (1976) An application of Wiener analysis to human visual psychophysical response. Dissertation Abstracts International, 37, pp 1784-1785.

28、 MBC kv Abel, L. A., 6 Quick Jr., R. F. (19784 Wiener analysis of grating contrast judgements. Vision Research, 18, pp 1031-1039 BCS kva Abney, W. de, h Pestinger, E. R. (1886) Colour photometry. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 177A, pp 423. BLV kv Abritat, M.M. (1936) Sur le rendu photographique des lumino

29、sites. Editions de la Revue doptique Theorique et Instrumentale, MBC BCLS LT kva Adams, Q. E., c Cobb, P. W. (1922) The effect on foveal vision of bright (and dark) surroundings. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 5, pp 39-45. BCS kva Aiba, T. S., 6r Stevens, S. S. (1964) Relation of brightness to

30、duration and luminance under light- and dark adaptation. Vision Research, 4, pp 391-401. BCLD BCA kva Aikin, L. C. (1974) A comparison of reaction time and magnitude estimation methods for scaling brightness and loudness. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34, pp 4683-4684. MBC kv Ainsworth, G.,

31、Crouch, C. L., Dates, H. B., et al. (1944) Brightness and brightness ratios. illuminating. engineering. 39, pp 713-723 BCA kvag Allan, L. G., Kristoffexson, A. B., 6 Wiens, E. W. (1971) Duration discrimination of brief light flashes. Perception and Psychophysics, 9, pp 327-334, no. 3b. BCLD kva . Al

32、lard, M. E. (1876) LIntensite et la partee des phares. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 166p. BCLD kvag Apern, M. (1953) Metacontrast. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 43, pp 648-657. BCLD BCS kv Alpern, M. (1963) Simultaneous brightness contrast for flashes of light of different durations. in

33、vest. Ophthol., 2, pp 47-54. BCLD kva pp 3-27. CIE 78 88 I 7006345 0003582 113 Alphabetical 2 7 Apern, M., linearity of neural interaction in vision. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 63, pp 500-501. BCS BCM kva Brightness generation in the human visual system. Colour-brightness: a contribu

34、tion of cortical colour channels to brightness sensation. Vision Research, 17, pp 1211-1216. BLV kva 30 Bauer, H. D., meeting. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, suppl., pp 249. BCLD BCS kva The measurement and prediction of judgement and choice. San Francisco, CA: Holden-Day, 1968, 370

35、p. (pb 24) MBC kva Electrophysiological and psychophysical responses to modulation of contrast of a grating pattern. Perception, 1, pp 341-349. BCLD kva 59 Bleck, F. C.# Publ. CIE, 50, 1980, Paris, pp MBC BCLS BCS kva Cross-modality matching of brightness to loudness by 5-year-olds. Perception and P

36、sychophysics, 6, pp 337-339. MBC kva Luminance-brightness comparisons of LED alpha-numeric sources at suprathreshold levels. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 68, pp 949-952. BLV kva Luminance brightness comparisons of separated circular stimuli. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 7

37、1, pp 139-144. BCS kva The nature of tonal brightness. Proc. of the Nat. Acad. of Sciences, 22, pp 514-521. LT kva 585 Bouman, M. A. (1949) On the quanta explanation of vision. Thesis Utrecht. BCLD BCS kva 776 Bowen, R. W. (1984) Temporal brightness enhancement: studies of individual differences. Pe

38、rception meeting . Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, suppl., pp 207. BCLS LT kva Mesure de sensation lumineuses en fonction des quantites de lumiere. C.R. Acad. Sc. (Paris), 103, pp 406-429. MBC kv Effect of perceived size upon perceived brightness. Perception and Motor Skills, 51, pp

39、1331-1334. BCS kva 603 Brigner, W. L., 3rd ed. New York, etc.: Academic Press, 1972. (je 4a) MBC kva Dember, W. N., & Arand, D. (1975) Metacontrast with internal contours in target and mask. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 6, pp 418. BCLD kv Deremigi, J., C MacMillan, F. A. (1975) On-line measu

40、rement and control of color, opacity and brightness. Appita, 29, no. 1, pp 41-45. BLV kv Diamond, A. L. (1953) Foveal simultaneous brightness contrast as a function of inducing- and testfield luminance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 45, pp 304-314. BCS kv Diamond, A. L. (1955) Foveal simultane

41、ous contrast as a function of inducing-field area. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 50, pp 144-152. BCS kv Diamond, A. L. (1962) Brightness of a field as a function of its area. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 52 (6), pp 700-706. BCLS BCS kva Diamond, A. L., & McAdie, P. J. (1977) Visu

42、al brightness inhibition and steady-state EP amplitude. Psychophysiology, 14, pp 115. BLV kv - Didner, R., 6 Sperling, G. (1980) Perceptual delay: a consequence of metacontrast and apparent motion. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance. 6, pp. 235-243. BCLD kvag Donchi

43、n, E., & Lindsley, D. B. (1965) Retroactive brightness enhancement with brief paired flashes of light. Vision Research, 5, pp 59-70. BCLD kva 154 582 171 557 155 156 157 621 791 158 CIE 78 88 I 9006345 0003bOO Tbi m Alphabetical 22 Dooley, R. P., h Greenfield, M. I. (1977) Measurements of edge-induc

44、ed visual contrast and a spatial-frequency interaction of the Cornsweet illusion. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 67, pp 761-765. BCS BCM kva Douglas, C. A., & Booker, R. L. (1977) Visual range: Concepts, instrumental determination and aviation applications. NBS Monograph 159, US Dept. of

45、 Commerce Nat. Bur. of Stand. BCLD kva Dovidio, M. R. (1978) The effects of simultaneous and successive contrast on the brightness of brief test flashes. Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, pp 4502-4503. BCLD BCS kv Doyle, Th. J. (1975) The asymmetrical cerebral hemispheric processing of simul

46、taneous brightness contrast at contour borders. Dissertation Abstracts International, 35, pp 6126. BCS kv Dresler, A. (1953) The non-additivity of heterochromatic brightness. Trans. Illum. Engng. Soc., 18, pp 141. BLV kv Drum, B. (1976) The relation of apparent brightness to contrast threshold on a

47、photopic background: dependence on retinal position and target size. Vision Research, 16, pp 1401-1406. BCS kva Drum, B. (1980) Relation of brightness to threshold for light-adapted and dark-adapted rods and cones: effects of retinal eccentricity and target size. Perception, 9, pp 633-650. BCA kva D

48、rum, B. (1981) Brightness interactions between rods and cones. Perception and Psychophysics, 29, 505-510. BLV kva Drum, B. (1984) Flicker and suprathreshold spatial summation: evidence for a two-channel model of achromatic brightness. Perception & psychophysics. 36, pp. 245-250. BCLD BCS kvag Duke-E

49、lder, C. (1968) The physiology of the eye and vision. Henry Kimpton, London, 734 pp, System of Ophthalmology, vol. IV. MBC kva CIE 78 88 I OObL45 0003bOL T5 Alphabetical 23 159 Dumais, S. T., & Bradley, D. R. (1976) The effects of illumination level and retinal size on the apparent strength of subjective contours. Perception and Psychophysics, 19 (4), pp 339-345. BCS kva Recherches au sujet de linterpretation du phenomene de Purkinje par des differences dans les courbes de sensation des recepteurs chromatiques. LAnn


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