CIE 89-1991 Technical Collection 1990 (E)《技术集合1990(E)》.pdf

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1、ISBN 3 900 734 267 CO M M ISSION INTERNATIONALE DE LCLAIRAGE INTERNATIONAL COM M ISS ION ON I LLU M I NATI ON I NTER NAT1 O NALE BELEU C HTU NGSKO M M 1 SS I O N TECHNICAL COLLECTION 1990 Contents: 89/1 Results of a CIE Detector Response Intercomparison 89/2 Photobiological Effects of Sunlamps 89/3

2、On the Deterioration of Exhibited Museum Objects by Optical Radiation 89/4 Guide for the Measurement of Underground Mine Lighting Abstracts of CIE Publications issued in 1990 Publication: CIE 89 - 1991 The Technical Reports in this publication have been prepared by various CIE Technical Committees a

3、nd have been approved by the Council of the Commission Internationale de IEclairage for study and application. The reports draw on current knowledge and experience within the specific field of light and lighting described, and are intended to be used by the CIE membership and other interested partie

4、s. It should be noted, however, that the status of the reports is advisory and not mandatory. The latest CIE proceedings, CIE NEWS, future issues in the “CIE Collection“ Series or publication listings should be consulted regarding possible subsequent amendments. Les rapports techniques ont t prpars

5、par diffrents Comits Techniques de la CIE et ont t approuvs par le Conseil de la Commission Internationale de IEclairage, pour tude et application. Les rapports traitent des connaissances courantes et de lexprience dans le domaine spcifique indiqu de la lumire et de lclairage, et ils ont t tablis po

6、ur lusage des membres de la CIE et autres groupements intresss. II faut cependant noter que les rapports sont indicatifs et non obligatoires. Four connaitre dventuels amendements, consulter les plus rcents comptes rendus, CIE NEWS, ditions futures de la srie “CIE Collection“ ou liste des publication

7、s de la CIE. Die Technischen Berichte wurden von verschiedenen Technischen Komitees der CIE ausgearbeitet und vom Rat der Commission Internationale de IEclairage gebilligt. Die Berichte behandeln den derzeitigen Stand des Wissens und Erfahrungen im Gebiet Licht und Beleuchtung; sie sind zur Verwendu

8、ng durch CIE-Mitglieder und durch andere Interessierte bestimmt. Es sollte jedoch beachtet werden, da die Berichte Empfehlungen und keine Vorschriften sind. Die neuesten CIE-Tagungsberichte, das CIE NEWS, zuknftige Ausgaben in der Serie “CIE Collection“ oder die Publikationsliste sollten im Hinblick

9、 auf mgliche sptere nderungen zu Rate gezogen werden. Any mention of organisations or products does not imply endorsement by the CIE. Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of any lists, up to the time of going to press, these may not be comprehensive. Toute mention dorganisme ou de pro

10、duit nimplique pas une prfrence de la CIE. Malgr le soin apporte a la compilation de tous les documents jusqu la mise sous presse, ce travail ne saurait etre exhaustif. Die Erwhnung von Organisationen oder Erzeugnissen bedeutet keine Billigung durch die CIE. Obgleich groe Sorgfalt bei der Erstellung

11、 von Verzeichnissen bis zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung angewendet wurde, ist es mglich, da diese nicht vollstndig sind. O CIE 1991 II CIE 89 91 6 9006345 0004355 459 CONTENTS Results of a CIE Detector Response Intercomparison Photobiological Effects of Sunlamps On the Deterioration of Exhibited Museu

12、m Objects by Optical Radiation Guide for the Measurement of Underground Mine Lighting Abstracts of CIE Technical Reports published in 1990 Page 1 9 25 37 46 III - CIE 89 91 = 9006345 000415b 395 CIE Technical Collection 1990/1 Results of a CIE Detector Response Intercomparison This Technical Report

13、was prepared by CIE TC 246: Absolute Spectral Responsivity of Detectors The following is a listing of the members of CIETechnical CommitteeTC 2-06 on Absolute Spectral Responsivity of Detectors. An asterisk (*) identifies those members who made the detector measurements for this intercomparison. * A

14、rmatis, Philip Christy, James * Duda, Richard * Futornick, Ken * Hughes 111, Carroll * Palmer, James Parr, Albert Schrode, Ted Scott, Kurt * Thomas, Douglas Zalewski, Edward * Sporea, Dan * Mishima, Yasuo * Ohno, Yoshihiro * Suyama, Keiji U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A

15、. U.S.A. +) U.S.A. +) Romania Japan Japan Japan * Chommeloux, Beatrice France * Jean, B. France Mercier, Brigitte France * Czibula, Gyorgy Germany Krochmann, Jrgen Germany. Goodman, Maurice Ireland * OMongain, Eon I reiand Bloembergen, Pieter The Netherlands * de Vreede, Jan The Netherlands Corrons,

16、 Antonio Spain Crommelynck, Dominique Belgium Moore, John United Kingdom Zatkovic, Juraji Czechoslovakia Hengstberger, F. South Africa Tong-Bao, Li China Abstract A total of fifteen laboratories participated in the CIE detector response intercomparison which was designed to assess the level of agree

17、ment among participating laboratories in the absolute measurement (with respect to SI) of photodetector response in the visible spectral region. Most articipants were either commercial laboratories or university laboratories with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) serving as t

18、he host laboratory. Each laboratory determined the absolute response of each of two silicon photodiode radiometers which were designed for the intercomparison by NIST. Approximately two-thirds of the laboratories reported response values which agreed with the NIST values to within f 1 .O % at the tw

19、o wavelengths of 488 and 633 nm. +) Editors on behalf of TC 2-06 Copies of the full report are available at the CIE Central Bureau, Vienna and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20899, U.S.A. CIE Publication 89/1 1 CIE 89 93 9006145 0004357 221 Resum Quinz

20、e laboratoires situs tant aux Etats-Unis que dans d?autres pays du monde entier ont pris part, dans le cadre de la CIE, une comparaison de mesures de sensibilit de dtecteurs qui avait pour but de dterminer le niveau d?accord existant entre les laboratoires participants, pour la mesure de la sensibil

21、it absolue (par rapport au SI) des photodtecteurs dans le domaine visible. La plupart des participants taient des laboratoires industriels ou des laboratoires universitaires. Le National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) jouait le rle de laboratoire pilote. Chaque laboratoire a dtermin la

22、 sensibilit absolue de deux radiomtres quips de photodiodes au silicium, et spcialement raliss pour cette comparaison par le NIST. Les rsultats fournis par environ les 2/3 des laboratoires sont en accord avec ceux du NET dans la limite d?incertitude de 1 % pour les longueurs d?onde de 488 et 633 nm.

23、 Zusammenfassung Insgesamt fnfzehn Laboratorien haben an CIE-Vergleichsmessungen von optischen Strahlungsempfngern teilgenommen. Der Vergleich bezweckte, die bereinstimmung unter den teilnehmenden Laboratorien in der Absolutmessung (relativ zu SI-Einheiten) der Empfindlichkeit von Halbleiter-Empfnge

24、rn im sichtbaren Spektralgebiet zu bestimmen. Die Mehnahl der Teilnehmer waren Industrie- oder Universittslaboratorien. Das US. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) war das Zentrallaboratorium. Jedes Labor bestimmte die absolute Empfindlichkeit von je zwei speziell fr diesen Verglei

25、ch entwickelten NIST-Radiometern mit Silizium-Photodioden. Etwa zwei Drittel der von den einzelnen Laboratorien gemessenen Empfindlichkeiten lagen innerhalb +r 1 % der NIST-Werte bei 488 und 633 nm. 1. Introduction This report provides the final results of a detector response intercomparison under t

26、he aegis of CIE Technical Committee TC 2-06 on Absolute Spectral Responsivity of Detectors. The primary purpose of the intercomparison was to assess the level of agreement among participating laboratories in the absolute measurement (with respect to SI) of photodetector response (AN) in thevisible s

27、pectral region. The method chosen to accomplish this is to havethese laboratories measure the absolute response of selected radiometers at two specific wavelengths near each end of the visible spectrum. The wavelengths selected are those of the helium-neon laser (632.8 nm) and the argon ion laser (4

28、88.0 nm). The intercomparison was implemented on the basis of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) serving as the host laboratory and providing (a) the radiometers to be used in the intercomparison, (b) instructions to participating laboratories in the use of the radiometers in

29、absolute response measurements, and (c) data analysis and a report of the results of the intercomparison. The intercomparison was conducted in two stages: (1) intercomparison of U.S. laboratories and (2) intercomparison of laboratories outside of the United States. All participating laboratories exc

30、ept two are either commercial laboratories or university laboratories. The Electrotechnical Laboratory in Ibaraki, Japan and the Van Swinden Laboratory, The Netherlands, are national standards laboratories. The intercomparison was planned on the basis that NIST would measure the absolute response of

31、 all radiometers before shipment to the participating laboratories and then again after the radiometers were returned. The NIST absolute response value for each radiometer would be the average of the NIST measurements. 2 CIE Publication 89/1 2. The Radiometers The radiometers used in this intercompa

32、rison were designed for ruggedness and ease of use and included commercially available silicon photodiodes. Each radiometer consists of a silicon photodiode and amplifier circuit mounted in a cylindrical aluminum housing and an external power Since it was expected that the majority of the laboratori

33、es would make their measurements using lasers, the photodiodes were not protected by a window. However, to protect each photodiode during non-use, the diodes were maintained in sealed compartments. Two types of detectors were used: EG 7 0, al .-i .-i O u x CI -4 m k al s 3H 22 dP rr rr O ia Pl+ r a

34、k O 52 n 3 r( nl V d cz cai Vr, al c,* 04 k.Y *a Vk ala WH An I I I I I I a k O4 um 3 V ka uc ua al4 dh wk a ale m 5. 00 .ck CIiO GE riri uu VI4 ala 5m 4 - do rD O a 3 O z 4 Om 00 .4 u 40 4 c vi!% 4 a c4 m al VI O X X 7 *i wa .c Hal *u UC -0 Ac4 -7 ci ? .;p -al -5 io 74 =Jg O Uc, JO UG wpi n a4 GI02

35、 3 u- rda zri c alk k0 OW E -4 44 alrd su A- al alh u0 CE alk Llal 3s ri x CIE Publication 89/ 4 CIE 89 93 9006345 0004160 8Lb W de O I- O 9 N I VI N 3: E in O E E * k ai m id 4 al z al x O In de N O O ri 3 Ok NO Ici WE Ea oa 3a na O: dP I- O O I- N I O N dede VIVI O O O O Idp 8 8 dede r r r o r r Q

36、) O *de rio c N rio o I- O N . O0 o o O00 O O O 03 O N % E * e O E N Li al m id il ai al I: 5 m mmm mm m com I- N (VNN N Nri N U I 3 E ri 3 E u7 O O - N m ri k al ln 3 al z ai X k O I- 18 P- el+ O0 cal O5 u0 4-4 40 do mc, O 2s bpi u;E u0 da; vi x= Cc, n4m al wLi .u c,5 E: H- al 44 aal LILI Q-3 GP al

37、a VE O2 vim Li ai m a 4 al o) X ? m P N O O m N r- ri m ai 75 mo c, .4 a5 EO a* EO a.G Tnd x LI O c, m k O a 4 ri a U d CZ KZLL Uri ai c,. 04 kY cia VLi ala -ia WH n k 0) vi a 4 al z ai X O I- IdP I-e O0 O0 P m m c VI al 7a vio cid ida 52 52 I ch O 4. ad Zh a aio4 k om cid ard Lcm om ri- nu Sa 8 58

38、cc, a -E DO CS4 5s i-iv VI o IVI mri O0 r N N ri m al 55 vio Q-4 a5 EO ac z14 $3 c -4 l-4 Li m m n T E u c c c U O Lc x U3 ZW D4P Li al m id c1 ai ai T ? 9 Ido r-Q) 30 O0 m - *o) -5 io e4 3a O Uci 140 Of und c d 4 n a 3 m P ai 4 4 O u h c, 4 vi k ai .A 4 ea 3H k aJ m s ai z al T in P dP N O O O Ok N

39、a IC, WE HO 3a; am ad na x $4 O c, rd Li O n 3 c aiil E2 -4 3- IOU w cd am o an 0 N 7 m o I ade l+N oc O0 Ide 02- -0 O0 O0 IdP 9-3 Nri O0 I dQ m- *. O0 d O o4 o Li0 ai H aloa QI- o w E5 n al .rl k Nm JJ L) OP, WE OiO Di WE O10 4 E5 3!x na m d A4 OiIO O3 a k Li 04 VIO 3 U a- cid id -4 Qtn IO kc, 5m o

40、vix k- vn wn o 4 cm O3 d 4. c,. ac k0 OP am V c18 d k- xa mal r+m CIE Publication 89/1 5 CIE 89 91 9006345 0004Lb3 752 Since the absolute response values reported by each of the participating laboratories were compared to the response values determined at NIST, it was essential for NIST to measure t

41、he response of each set of radiometers before it was shipped to the participating laboratory and then measured again after the radiometers were returned. The before and after measurements by NIST were made to determine if any significant changes occured in the radiometers during shipment. 4. Data An

42、alysis Since three of the four radiometers with the EG 360 NONE NONE 180 SS IMPLIED (280- 315) 100 NONE (200- SO TYPE II (24h) (200- 280) 4 250 NONE (24h) so TYPE I 100 ITHER (48h) 100 TO 200 PROGRS INCREA 20kJ (24h) (130SS) 200 40 TO TO 300 80 SS TABLE 3e COUNTRY IRRADIANCE I LIMITS OR BODY -2 ERYT

43、 w.1 ENERG 2 I I CIE (1989) NONE (Recommend- ation) NONE NONE SIMIL CIE USA (CANADA) (1986) (Law) NONE 200 TOT. U1 0-3 UV1 0.02 uvc AUSTRALIA (1983) (Standards) NONE ACGIH NIOSH 0.05 UV6 0.002 uvc SWEDEN (1982) revising (1989) (Law) 200 UVA (315- 400: t NONE NONE (280- NONE 0.05 UV6 o. 002 uvc 200 U

44、VA ACGIH NIOSH NORWAY (1983) (Law) Revs.(1990) qE MPLIED GANGE FRG (1987) (Guide- lines) NONE THE (1986) NETHERLANDS (Recommend- ations) 1000 TOTAL RAD. FRANCE (proposed) (1990) 1000 TOTAL RAD. ADV C A NONE 1 NONE 1 ICE FOR UTION UK (1982) (guidance) NONE MAXIMUM DOSE PER SESSION TO BE DETERMINED BY

45、 CONSTRUCTOR CIE Publication 89/2 - 17 CIE 87 91 H 7006345 0004172 538 OR BODY REG EMER- GENCiI 9 TIME FOR MAX DOSE 16 + + + + + + 17 18 + + + + + NO + + + + + NO USA (CANADA) (1986 + AUSTRALIA (1983) + SWEDEN (1982) revising (1989) NORWAY (1983) revising (1990) (Law) NO NO IEFIN. IN DIN 3TAND ? THE


47、0 5% TIME FOR MAX DOSE 200-320 0.1% + 320-400 1% RE4 NO 30mn OR MAX DOSE TIME FOR MAX DOSE 30mn ? 0.1% 315-400 REQ NO 1 REQ NO NO 200-315 0.1% 1% 315-400 + RE4 FRC (1987) REC + ? + SAFE LIM. RISKS OF EXPOSURE SHOULD BE MENTION NO WORDING REQ. REC + REC + (1982) L TIME FOR MAX DOSE NO. LUD. EXC- 18 C

48、IE Publication 8912 CIE 89 91 O. 9006345 0004L73 474 I Country or Body IEC (1989) USA (Canada) (1986) Australia (1983) Sweden (1982) Norway (1 983) TABLE 3c Special Notes 1 exposure lo0 J/m2, longer than 1 minute. Classification of lamps by types. Remove all cosmetics, do not use sunscreen. Warning

49、if luminance exceeds 1 O0 O00 cd/m2. Medical advice if skin problems develop. Irradiance 200 - 260 nm 0.003*IRR 260 - 320 nm. Label on sources “Danger UV Radiation“. Label on sunlamp “Eye risk, skin disorders, cancer“. Do not shower before use, it removes natural protection. Ratios irradiance to total UV: 100 - 280 nm c 0.01 %; 280 - 300 nm 0.1 %, 300 - 315 nm c1 %. Physical contact with source impossible. No UVto other than users, wear goggles if nearby. New measurements if any el

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