1、BSI Standards PublicationBS ISO 22090-3:2014Ships and marine technology Transmitting headingdevices (THDs)Part 3: GNSS principlesBS ISO 22090-3:2014 BRITISH STANDARDNational forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 22090-3:2014.It supersedes BS ISO 22090-3:2004 which is withdraw
2、n.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee EPL/80, Maritime navigation and radiocommunicationequipment and systems.A list of organizations represented on this committee can beobtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the
3、necessaryprovisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correctapplication. The British Standards Institution 2014. Published by BSI StandardsLimited 2014ISBN 978 0 580 79395 0ICS 47.020.70Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity fromlegal obligations.This British Standard
4、was published under the authority of theStandards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 March 2014.Amendments issued since publicationDate Text affectedBS ISO 22090-3:2014 ISO 2014Ships and marine technology Transmitting heading devices (THDs) Part 3: GNSS principlesNavires et technologie maritime Dis
5、positifs de transmission de donnes de pilotage Partie 3: Principes pour un systme global de navigation par satellitesINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO22090-3Second edition2014-03-01Reference numberISO 22090-3:2014(E)BS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)ii ISO 2014 All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOC
6、UMENT ISO 2014All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission ca
7、n be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11Fax + 41 22 749 09 47E-mail copyrightiso.orgWeb www.iso.orgPublished in SwitzerlandBS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)
8、 ISO 2014 All rights reserved iiiContents PageForeword iv1 Scope . 12 Normative references 13 Terms and definitions . 24 Performance and requirements . 34.1 Functionality . 34.2 Continuous operation . 44.3 Presentation of information 44.4 Heading output alignment 44.5 Compensation for brief GNSS sig
9、nal interruption 44.6 Settling time 44.7 Heading information 44.8 Alert signal 44.9 Interface 45 Accuracy 55.1 General . 55.2 Accuracy of transmission data 55.3 Static error (settle point error) 55.4 Dynamic error 55.5 Follow-up error 56 Type tests . 56.1 General . 56.2 Organization of test conditio
10、ns . 56.3 Settling time test 66.4 Static error test . 66.5 Dynamic test 66.6 Follow-up error test 76.7 Back-up test . 76.8 Environmental test 76.9 Electromagnetic compatibility test . 86.10 Interface test . 86.11 Malfunction test . 87 Marking and identification 8Annex A (informative) Equivalent requ
11、irements in ISO 22090-3 and IMO Resolution MSC.116 (73) 9Bibliography .10BS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is
12、 normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part
13、 in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particula
14、r the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this
15、document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www.is
16、o.org/patents). Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the W
17、TO principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary informationThe committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee SC 6, Navigation and ship operations.This second edition cancels and replaces the first
18、 edition (ISO 22090-3:2004), of which has been technically revised. It also replaces ISO 22090-3:2004/Cor1:2005.ISO 22090 consists of the following parts, under the general title Ships and marine technology Transmitting heading devices (THDs): Part 1: Gyro-compasses Part 2: Geomagnetic principles Pa
19、rt 3: GNSS principlesiv ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 22090-3:2014INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 22090-3:2014(E)Ships and marine technology Transmitting heading devices (THDs) Part 3: GNSS principles1 ScopeThis part of ISO 22090 specifies general requirements, construction, performance, and testing
20、 of transmitting heading device using GNSS principle as required by chapter V, SOLAS 1974 (as amended).A transmitting heading device (THD) is an electric device that provides information about the ships true heading.In addition to the general requirements contained in IMO Resolution A.694(17) to whi
21、ch IEC 60945 is associated and the relevant standard for the sensing part used, the THD equipment shall comply with the following minimum requirements.Where the IMO performance standards that apply to the sensing part do not specify a geographical operating area, the THD shall operatea) at a maximum
22、 rate of turn 20/s andb) from 70 latitude south to 70 latitude north as minimum.The THDs complying with the requirements contained in this part of ISO 22090 can be used for heading information as contained in chapter V of the SOLAS Convention.In addition, such THDs should meet the dynamic requiremen
23、ts contained in the HSC Code, chapter 13 for the carriage of a suitable device providing heading information.NOTE 1 Several technologies can be used to detect and transmit heading information. It is illogical to standardize the detection of the heading separately from the transmission of the heading
24、. Therefore, separate parts of this part of ISO 22090 refer to different technologies. The requirements of this part of ISO 22090 only apply to the principle of the GNSS. Other technologies are covered in other parts of ISO 22090.NOTE 2 All requirements that are extracted from the recommendation of
25、IMO Resolution MSC. 116(73) on performance standards for transmitting heading devices are printed in italics.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the editi
26、on cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 25862, Ships and marine technology Marine magnetic compasses, binnacles and azimuth reading devicesIEC 60945, Marine navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems
27、General requirements Methods of testing and required test resultsIEC 61162-1, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners ISO 2014 All rights reserved 1BS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)IEC 61162-2, Maritime nav
28、igation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Digital interfaces Part 2: Single talker and multiple listeners, high speed transmissionIEC 61924-2, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) Part 2: Modular structure for INS Operational
29、 and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test resultsIEC 62288, Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays General requirements Methods of testing and required test resultsIM
30、O Resolution A.424(XI), Performance standards for gyro-compassesIMO Resolution A.694(17), General requirements for shipborne radio equipment forming part of the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) and for electronic navigational aidsIMO Resolution A.813(19), General requirements for e
31、lectromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for all electrical and electronic ships equipmentIMO Resolution A.821(19), Performance standards for gyro-compasses for high-speed craftIMO Resolution MSC.116(73), Performance standards for marine transmitting heading devices (THDs)IMO Resolution MSC.191(79), Perfo
32、rmance standards for the presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displaysIMO Resolution MSC.252(83), Adoption of the revised performance standards for integrated navigation system (INS)IMO Resolution MSC.302(87), Adoption of performance standards for bridge alert man
33、agement3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1headingships heading to be input to the THD functionNote 1 to entry: It is defined by the direction of the vertical projection of the fore-and-aft line of the ship onto the horizontal plane.
34、 When measured relative to the true north, magnetic north, or compass north, it is respectively defined as true heading, magnetic heading, or compass heading, and is usually expressed in degrees as a three-figure group, starting from north, in a clockwise direction around the compass card.3.2sensing
35、 partsensing function of detecting any heading information, or information of directional source (i.e. GNSS antenna) connected to the transmitting part3.3transmitting partdevice which receives heading information, or information of directional source, from the sensing part and converts this to the r
36、equired accurate signal3.4true headinghorizontal angle between the vertical plane passing through the true meridian and the vertical plane passing through the crafts fore and aft datum line, measured from true north (000) clockwise through 3602 ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 2209
37、0-3:2014(E)3.5static errorerror caused by any reason and which stays unchanged in value during the operation of the system, measured under static conditionsNote 1 to entry: Static error is formed from the statistical mean (i.e. RMS) of the individual course deviations.3.6dynamic errorerror caused by
38、 dynamic influences acting on the system, such as vibration, roll, pitch, yawing or acceleration in one axisNote 1 to entry: This error can have an amplitude and usually a frequency related to the environmental influences and the parameters of the system itself.3.7follow-up errorerror caused by the
39、delay between the existence of a value to be sensed and the availability of the corresponding signal or data stream at the output of the systemEXAMPLE The difference between the real heading of turning vessel and the available information at the output of the system.Note 1 to entry: A follow-up erro
40、r disappears when the system is static.3.8settling timetime required from power-on to reach the state that the THD can output heading information with an accuracy specified in 6.33.9settle point errordifference between the settled point heading and the true heading3.10Scorsby tabletest machine which
41、 enables a platform to oscillate independently about three axes. Note 1 to entry: It is used to simulate the motion of a ship.3.11GNSS principlesGlobal Navigation Satellite System principlesprinciples of the THDs in order to determine the ships own heading by measuring an RF carrier phase in the GNS
42、S signals4 Performance and requirements4.1 FunctionalityThe THD is an electronic device which receives a heading sensor signal and generates a suitable output signal for other devices.Any sensor part may be included in the device.Any correcting devices or parameters shall be protected against inadve
43、rtent operation.Manually settable values used for electronic correction shall be indicated by adequate means. ISO 2014 All rights reserved 3BS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)4.2 Continuous operationThe THD shall be capable of continuous operation under conditions of vibration, humidity, and chan
44、ge of temperature as specified in Presentation of informationAll displays with the exception of the sensor, and all outputs of heading shall indicate true heading.4.4 Heading output alignmentThe THD shall have a means to align the sensing direction to the ships fore and aft line.4.5 Compensa
45、tion for brief GNSS signal interruptionA brief interruption of GNSS signal for the duration of 60 s shall be compensated so as to maintain the heading accuracy, as defined in 5.3 and 5.4, for 60 s and for continuous operation.4.6 Settling timeSettling time shall be less than 10 min in a static condi
46、tion with a fully usable satellite almanac.4.7 Heading informationThe THD shall provide true heading information to the other navigational equipment.4.8 Alert signalAn alert shall be provided on the following conditions: malfunction of the THD or failure of power supply; continuous GNSS signal inter
47、ruption over 60 s at least.An alert output shall be provided for any alert conditions.The alert shall conform to the presentation and handling requirements of Bridge Alert Management IMO Res. MSC.302(87). A suitable interface shall be provided for alert communications with an Integrated Navigation S
48、ystem IMO Res. MSC.252(83) and IEC 61924-2.The following sentences shall be provided for the alert communications interface:Sentences transmitted by the THD: ALR, HBT: see IEC 61162-1; ALC, ALF, ARC: see IEC 61924-2.Sentences received by the THD: ACK, HBT: see IEC 61162-1; ACN: see IEC 61924-2.4.9 I
49、nterface4.9.1 The THD shall provide interface facilities which meet the relevant International Standards IEC 61162-1 and/or IEC 61162-2 as amended.4 ISO 2014 All rights reservedBS ISO 22090-3:2014ISO 22090-3:2014(E)4.9.2 The THD equipment shall provide an appropriate data source and at least one output of heading information, which is able to comply with the IEC 61162-2. The IEC 61162-2 heading output shall be updated at a rate of once per 20 ms. The THS sentence detailed in IEC 61162-1 shall be pr